Papers of F.A. Tuckman 1934-1985
Related Entities
There are 9 Entities related to this resource.
Tuchmann Friedrich August b 1922 (person)
Conservative Party (Great Britain) Bow Group (corporateBody)
Conservative Association Hampstead (London, England) (corporateBody)
Anglo-Jewish Association. (corporateBody)
The Anglo-Jewish Association was a British organisation originally founded for the protection of Jewish rights in developing countries by diplomatic means. Its objectives and activities were patterned after those of the Alliance Israelite Universelle. It was established in 1871 when its first president was Jacob Waley; five Jewish MPs were vice presidents. By 1900 it had 36 branches, 14 in British colonies. In 1871 it was instrumental in securing the creation of the Rumanian Committ...
Memorial Foundation for Jewish Culture (corporateBody)
The Memorial Foundation for Jewish Culture, the only international body dedicated solely to advancing Jewish cultural activities, was established by Dr. Nahum Goldmann in 1965 with reparation funds from the Government of West Germany. More than 40 organizations are represented in the Foundation. The Foundation awards scholarships and fellowships to scholars, writers, artists, rabbis, educators and communal workers to replace the cultural elite annihilated in Europe. Funds are provided to institu...
European Parliament (corporateBody)
Rothschild family (family)
Tuckman, Frederick (person)
Frederick Tuckman (Friedrich August Tuchmann) was born in Magdeburg in June 1922. Tuckman studied at the Landschulheim Herrlingen, a German Jewish co-educational boarding school, 1934-8, followed by the Jewish School of Commerce in Berlin. From March 1939 to February 1940 he attended the Pitman's College, London. He served in the RAF from 1942 to 1946, firstly as a wireless operator and later running an educational vocational school. He studied for a BSc (Econ.) at the London School of Economics...
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