Records Relating the Industrial Security Program


Records Relating the Industrial Security Program


This series, consisting of records relating to National Labor Relations Board involvement in the Industrial Security Program and union compliance with Sections 9(f), 9(g), and 9(h) of the Labor Management Relations Act of 1947, also known as the Taft-Hartley Act. Sections 9(f) and 9(g), required financial and organizational reports of unions seeking the use of NLRB machinery. Under Section 9 (h), union officers were required to execute affidavits disavowing membership in or affiliation with the Communist Party and belief in forcible overthrow of the government. Execution of such an affidavit was required for union participation in National Labor Relations Board proceedings involving matters of representation and unfair labor practices. This series consists of nine subseries. The first subseries is “Subject Files” from 1947 through 1959. This subseries consists of correspondence with congressional representatives and officials of the Department of Justice and the Department of Labor, memorandums, copies of Board decisions and orders, and other material relating to the NLRB program to monitor union compliance under Sections 9f, 9g, and 9h of the Labor-Management Act of 1947. The second subseries is “Case Files” from 1952 through 1957. This subseries consists of case files on individuals who signed affidavits admitting communist affiliations or who were convicted under the Smith Act or similar legislation. The third subseries is “Officers Files” from 1947 through 1959. This subseries consists of correspondence and memorandums defining various items such as "joint boards," "divisions," and other terms and subjects relating to the jurisdictional limits of the NLRB under section 9h. The fourth subseries is “Companies Files” from 1954 through 1955. This subseries consists of memorandums relating to representation and filing questions raised with regard to two companies. The fifth subseries is “Information Requests Files” from 1953 through 1954. This subseries consists of correspondence with congressional representatives and other government officials and union officials relating to section 9(h) filings. The sixth subseries consists of “Union Files” from 1950 through 1959. This subseries consists of correspondence, memorandums, and other material relating to union compliance with Section 9(h). The seventh subseries consists of “Affidavit Compliance Files” from 1949 through 1950. This subseries consists of memorandums and correspondence illustrating the development of the NLRB program. The eight subseries consists of “Miscellaneous Correspondence Files” from 1954 through 1959. This subseries consists of correspondence with private individuals concerning compliance. The ninth subseries consists of “Regional Files” from 1956 through 1959. This subseries consists of memorandums and teletypes to regional offices transmitting lists of compliant unions and other information.

6 linear feet, 2 linear inches

eng, Latn


SNAC Resource ID: 11642916

National Archives at College Park

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