The Junius Collection 1763-1841


The Junius Collection 1763-1841

53 items



SNAC Resource ID: 6282995

Related Entities

There are 3 Entities related to this resource.

Junius (person)

Epithet: of Add MS 20791 British Library Archives and Manuscripts Catalogue : Person : Description : ark:/81055/vdc_100000001197.0x000058 Junius was the pseudonymous author of a series of political letters which were published in the Public Advertiser between January 1769 and January 1772. Other political letters, contributed to the public press under other pseudonyms, have also been traced to the same hand. The identity of Junius has never been definitely prove...

Parkes, Joseph, 1796-1865 (person)

Epithet: of Add MS 38985 British Library Archives and Manuscripts Catalogue : Person : Description : ark:/81055/vdc_100000001193.0x0002a2 Epithet: radical politician British Library Archives and Manuscripts Catalogue : Person : Description : ark:/81055/vdc_100000001193.0x0002a6 Joseph Parkes, British politician and solicitor. Parkes played a critical role in the political reform movements and electoral changes of the mid-ninethee...

Francis Sir Philip 1765-1777 (person)