Alabama. State Military Department (1951- ).
Alabama. State Military Department. Annual Report, 1981-1982.
Alabama Government Manual, 1959-1982.
Code 1975, 31:2:1-133.
Constitution of 1901.
Markley, Anne E. Author Headings for the Official Publications of the State of Alabama. Chicago: American Library Association, 1948.
The State Military Department was established in 1951 by Amendment 89 to the Constitution of 1901, Sections 272, 273, and 276 (Proposed by Acts 1951, No. 527, p. 918; submitted December 11, 1951, proclaimed ratified December 19, 1951, Proclamation Record, Vol. H., p. 204). Its purpose is to administer the affairs of all classes of the state militia, including the Army and Air National Guard, Naval Militia, State Guard, the retired list, and Unorganized Milita. The Adjutant General is appointed by the Governor with the consent of the Senate. He serves on the Governor's staff, acts as State Chief of Staff, and is a member of the Armory Commission. The Department was created by statute and has a constitutional department head.
Legislation in 1819 provided for the organization and disciplining of the militia of the state. The head of the department was authorized as the Adjutant General and was so designated in subsequent statutes (Acts 1819, pp. 17-34). The department has officially been referred to as the Adjutant General's Office from 1819 to 1936 (Markley, p.2).
The predecessor of the National Guard, the Alabama State Troops, was authorized in 1877 (Acts 1876-1877, No. 65, pp. 82-90). Legislation in 1897 renamed it the National Guard (Acts 1897, No. 599, pp. 1308-1324).
The Naval Militia was established in 1919 (Acts 1919, No. 361, pp. 467-481). The Marine Corps was also authorized in 1919, but it was dropped in 1931 (Acts 1931, No. 603, p. 687).
In 1936 the Department of Military and Naval Affairs was authorized to administer the affairs of the militia. The Adjutant General was named the head of the Department, and the militia included the National Guard, the Naval Militia, and the Unorganized Militia. (Acts 1936, No. 143, p. 105)
The State Guard was established in the spring of 1941, immediately after the induction of the National Guard into active federal service. A headquarter and twenty-five companies were organized and mustered into state service as a temporary force to replace the National Guard. (Message of Governor Frank M. Dixon to the Legislature, 1943)
The duties of the Adjutant General include: (1) to supervise activities of the militia and all military property, including U.S. military property; (2) subject to the Governor's approval to assign duty and authority to officers and employees and organize necessary divisions; (3) to prepare rules, orders, and regulations; (4) to visit and inspect militia at least annually; (5) to maintain a roster of all military personnel; (6) to cause military rules and laws to be printed and bound; (7) to submit an annual report to the Governor; and (8) to perform other duties prescribed by the Governor.
Since the National Guard is under both state and federal authority, statutes and certain of the authority granted to state officers is subject to federal approval through the Department of Defense and other federal agencies.
The previous organizations of the State Military Department are briefly listed below. For more detailed information, annual reports or the Alabama Government Manual for the appropriate years should be consulted.
In 1959 personnel included a Deputy Adjutant General, Assistant Adjutant Generals for Army and Air, and an Executive Officer.
By 1967, an Information Office and the Technician Personnel Officer reported directly to the Adjutant General. Divisions included: The Personnel and Administrative Division (Army); The Army Division, composed of the Organization and Training Section, Military Support for Civil Defense Section, and the Officer Candidate School Section; the Air Division, composed of the Air Administrative and Training Branch and the Air Personnel Branch; the State Property and Disbursing Division, consisting of the Budget and Fiscal Section and the Installations Section; the U.S. Property and Fiscal Division, including the U.S. Property and Fiscal Officer, the State Maintenance Officer, the Supply Officer, and the Budget and Fiscal Officer; and the U.S. Army Advisor Group, which under the Third Army, consists of Personnel, Administrative, and Supply Sections and the Officer of the Adjutant, under the Senior Army Advisor.
By 1973, the State Maintenance Branch was placed in the Army Division.
By 1977, the Recruiting and Retention Office was also responsible to the Adjutant. Added divisions included the Technician Personnel Office, organized into the Employee Services Section, the Personnel Management Section, and the Labor-Management Relations Section; the Plans, Operations, and Training Division, composed of the Training Branch, the Plans, Operations, and Military Support Branch, the Officer Candidate School Branch, and the State Maintenance Branch; and the State Aviation Office. The Senior Army Advisor was placed under the jurisdiction of Headquarters, First Army Readiness Region, Atlanta, and the U.S. Property and Fiscal Division was composed of the U.S. Property and Fiscal Officer, the Supply Management Officer, the Purchasing and Contracting Officer, and the Comptroller and Budget Officer. The Army Division was eliminated.
Previous annual reports refer to the Adjutant General's Office and the Military Department.
At present, a Deputy Adjutant General/Chief of Staff assists the Adjutant General, and other principal staff officers report through him to the General. By 1982 the Department was organized into five major divisions and five special staff offices.
Alabama. State Military Department. Personnel and Administrative Division (Army).
Alabama. State Military Department. Annual report, 1981-1982.
Alabama Government Manual, 1982.
The Personnel Section administers personnel procedures and is responsible for legal matters relating to claims administration (federal and state), the Privacy Act, and the Freedom of Information Act. The Administrative Section issues the orders of the Adjutant General pertaining to officer and enlisted personnel of the Army National Guard and to administrative matters, distributes military publications, and performs other administrative duties. The Chief also serves as State Safety Officer and is the officer responsible for implementation of the Occupational Health and Safety Act. The Recruiting and Retention Office recruits and retains personnel for the Army National Guard. The State Safety Manager receives supervision and guidance from the State Health Officer.
Alabama. State Military Department. Plans, Operations, and Training Division.
The Chief of the Division serves as the principal advisor and staff officer to the General in matters relating to plans, operations, training, military intelligence, and emergency communications for the Army National Guard. The Training Branch handles matters relating to organization and reorganization of Army National Guard units. It administers all aspects of training, including inactive duty, annual training, Army service schools, extension course programs, special training activities, the Reserve Enlistment Program, and the Competitive Marksmanship Program.
The Plans, Operations, and Military Support (POMS) Branch was organized in 1964 to assist civil defense efforts in a post nuclear attack environment. Since that time, responsibilities of the Branch have been expended to support civil authorities in almost any emergency requiring military assistance. It develops and maintains plans to cover emergencies in civil defense, natural disasters, civil disturbances, special threat situations, and man-made disasters. The Branch also plans and coordinates federal mobilization and state active duty, and provides available military resources in support of civil authorities. It is responsible for a statewide communications network and the filing and storage of classified documents. The Schools Branch is responsible for training officers and non-commissioned officers.
The Alabama Military Academy, founded in 1957, orginally conducted an officer training school. In about 1977, it began training non-commissioned officers for the Army National Guard. The Academy is considered to be a state institution, although students, cadre personnel, and instructors are paid through federal funds. The Training Administrator and Training Technician are federal employees, and the secretary is a state employee. The Academic Board, which reviews the program and determines policy, is composed of the senior commanders of the Alabama National Guard. As of 1982, the Officer Candidate School was conducted at Fort McClellan and Craig Field. At the Army National Guard Training Site, licensed to the Armory Commission, at Fort McClellan are held the annual two week traning period and week-end drills. Week-end training for south Alabama students was conducted in 1982 at the Craig Field facility, also licensed to the Armory Commission by the State Department of Public Safety.
Alabama. State Military Department. State Property and Disbursing Division.
According to the annual report for fiscal year 1982, the Division is responsible for the day-to-day operation of the Armory Commission, a "corporate arm" of the Department, holding title to all lands and facilities of the Alabama National Guard. It designs, constructs, maintains, and operates all Guard facilities.
The Department, through the Armory Commission, enters into operations and maintenance contracts with the federal government. Included are Army O and M Agreements, the Army Training Site Contract, the Air Service Contract, and the Air Security Contract. Other agreements provide for maintenance of electronic surveillance systems, a joint telephone communications system, and a reproduction facility operation.
Alabama. State Military Department. U.S. Property and Fiscal Division.
The Division provides logistics, comptroller, and transportation services for units of the Air and Army National Guard. It is responsible to the Adjutant General and accountable to the National Guard Bureau and Departments of the Army and Air Force for management of federal funds and equipment allocations from the federal government.
Alabama. State Military Department. Air Division.
Authority: Alabama Government Manual, 1982.
The Division is headed by the Chief, who is also the Air Executive Support Officer. The Air Administration and Training Branch supervises the Administrative and training responsibilities of the Air National Guard. The Air Personnel Branch performs personnel duties, including mainteance of command officer and master airman personnel records. This Division could not be found in the annual report, 1981-1982.
Alabama. State Military Department. State Army Aviation Office.
Authority: State Military Department. Annual Report, 1981-1982.
The State Army Aviation Officer serves as principle advisor to the Adjutant General regarding aviation matters. He is responsible for formulating policy, directions, and administration of the aviation program, including unit maintenance, flight instruction, and aviation support. He serves as first level supervisor to the Army Aivation Flight Facility Commander in Montgomery and Birmingham. He also coordinates aviation resources and training requirements.
Alabama. State Military Department. State Maintenance Office.
The State Maintenance Officer is responsible for maintenance of surface equipment. He is directed from the Adjutant General's office with command/supervisory control of two Combined Support Maintenance Shops and technical supervision of twenty-five Organizational Maintenance Shops, two unit Training Equipment Sites, and a Special Forces Equipment Site. The office provides a base for all organizational and support shops, compiles information, and issues directive concerning policy.
Alabama. State Military Department. Office of the Senior Army Advisor.
Authority: Annual Report, 1981-1982.
Officers and non-commissioned officers of the Active Army are detailed from U.S. Army Readiness and Mobilization Region IV, Fort Gillem, Ga., to duty with the Ala. Army National Guard as Advisors. The Army Advisors advise and assist unit Commanders and Staff. The Senior Army Adviser advises the Adjutant General and his staff, supervises advisor personnel, and acts as a Liaison Officer.
Alabama. State Military Department. Technician Personnel Office.
The Technician Personnel Office constitutes the staff section of the Adjutant General's Office, and it discharges his obligation for management of the technician program. It also provides personnel services to National Guard technicians and administers legal, regulatory, and procedural controls. In 1969 the technicians became federal employees of the Department of the Army and of the Air Force. The program consists of individuals who accomplish the day to day functions of administration, training, logistics, and maintenance within units and activities of the Guard.
The Office is responsible for maintenance of official personnel folders, merit promotion and outside recruitment, personnel service to technicians, the employee-management relations program, labor-management relations, equal employment opportunity, formerly a separate office, and program management.
The Government Manual, 1982, also lists a Public Affairs Office, responsible for community relations, command information, and publication of the Alabama Guardsman newspaper.
From the description of Agency history record. (Unknown). WorldCat record id: 145407784
Role | Title | Holding Repository | |
creatorOf | Alabama. State Military Department (1951- ). Agency history record. | Alabama Department of Archives and History |
Role | Title | Holding Repository |
Relation | Name | |
associatedWith | Alabama. Adjutant General. | corporateBody |
associatedWith | Alabama. Adjutant General's Office (1819-1936). | corporateBody |
associatedWith | Alabama. Dept. of Military and Naval Affairs (1936-1951). | corporateBody |
associatedWith | Alabama. Marine Corps (1919-1931). | corporateBody |
associatedWith | Alabama. Military Academy (1957- ). | corporateBody |
associatedWith | Alabama. National Guard (1897- ). | corporateBody |
associatedWith | Alabama. Naval Militia (1919-1936). | corporateBody |
associatedWith | Alabama. State Guard (1941-1944?). | corporateBody |
associatedWith | Alabama. State Troops (1877-1897). | corporateBody |
Place Name | Admin Code | Country | |
Alabama |
Subject |
Occupation |
Activity |
Military |
Corporate Body
Active 1951