Shaw, Robert Gould, 1837-1863

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Shaw was born in Boston to abolitionists Francis George and Sarah Blake (Sturgis) Shaw, who were well-known Unitarian philanthropists and intellectuals of Scottish descent. The Shaws had the benefit of a large inheritance left by Shaw's merchant grandfather and namesake Robert Gould Shaw (1775–1853). Shaw had four sisters—Anna, Josephine (Effie), Susanna, and Ellen (Nellie).

When Shaw was five years old, the family moved to a large estate in West Roxbury, adjacent to Brook Farm. During his teens he traveled and studied for some years in Europe. In 1847, the family moved to Staten Island, New York, settling among a community of literati and abolitionists while Shaw attended the Second Division of St. John's College, a preparatory school, at Fordham. These studies were at the behest of his uncle Joseph Coolidge Shaw, who had been ordained as a Roman Catholic priest in 1847. He converted to Catholicism during a trip to Rome, in which he befriended several members of the Oxford Movement, which had begun in the Anglican Church. Robert began his high school-level education at St. John's in 1850, the same year that Joseph Shaw began studying there for entrance into the Jesuits.

In 1851, while Shaw was still at St. John's, his uncle died from tuberculosis. Aged 13, Shaw had a difficult time adjusting to his surroundings and wrote several despondent letters home to his mother. In one of his letters, he claimed to be so homesick that he often cried in front of his classmates. While at St. John's, he studied Latin, Greek, French, and Spanish, and practiced playing the violin, which he had begun as a young boy.

He left St. John's in late 1851 before graduation, as the Shaw family departed for an extended tour of Europe. Shaw entered a boarding school in Neuchâtel, Switzerland where he stayed for two years. Afterward, his father transferred him to a school with a less strict system of discipline in Hanover, Germany, hoping that it would better suit his restless temperament. While in Hanover, Shaw enjoyed the greater degree of personal freedom at his new school, on one occasion writing home to his mother, "It's almost impossible not to drink a good deal, because there is so much good wine here."

While Shaw was studying in Europe, Harriet Beecher Stowe, an abolitionist friend of his parents, published her novel Uncle Tom's Cabin (1852). Shaw read the book multiple times and was moved by its plot and anti-slavery attitude. Around the same time, Shaw wrote that his patriotism had been bolstered after encountering several instances of anti-Americanism among some Europeans. He expressed interest to his parents in attending West Point or joining the Navy. Because Shaw had had a longstanding difficulty with taking orders and obeying authority figures, his parents did not view this ambition seriously.

Shaw returned to the United States in 1856. From 1856 until 1859 he attended Harvard University, joining the Porcellian Club, and the Hasty Pudding Club, but he withdrew before graduating. He had been a member of the class of 1860. Shaw found Harvard no easier to adjust to than any of his previous schools and wrote to his parents about his discontent.

After leaving Harvard in 1859, Shaw returned to Staten Island to work with one of his uncles at the mercantile firm Henry P. Sturgis and Company. He found work life at the company office as disagreeable as some of his other experiences.

With the outbreak of the American Civil War, Shaw volunteered to serve with the 7th New York Militia. On 19 April 1861 Private Shaw marched down Broadway in lower Manhattan as his unit traveled south to man the defence of Washington, D.C. Lincoln's initial call up asked volunteers to make a 90-day commitment, and after three months Shaw's new regiment was dissolved. Following this Shaw joined a newly forming regiment from his home state, the 2nd Massachusetts Infantry.

On 28 May 1861 Shaw was commissioned as a second lieutenant in the regiment's Company H. Over the next year and a half, he fought with his fellow Massachusetts soldiers in the first Battle of Winchester, the Battle of Cedar Mountain and at the bloody battle of Antietam. Shaw served both as a line officer in the field and as a staff officer for General George H Gordon. Twice wounded, by the fall of 1862 he was promoted to the rank of captain.

Since the start of the war, abolitionists such as Massachusetts governor John A. Andrew urged enlistment of African Americans as soldiers to fight the Confederacy. This proposal was broadly opposed. Many men believed that colored troops would lack discipline, be difficult to train, and would break and run in battle. The general attitude in the North was that colored troops would prove to be an embarrassment and hindrance to regular army units.

Andrew traveled to Washington, DC in early January 1863 to meet with Secretary of War Edwin Stanton and repeat his argument for the use of colored troops in the Union army. Stanton was won to his side; on 26 January 1863 Stanton issued an order to Andrew to raise further volunteer regiments to fight for the Union, adding the new recruits "may include persons of African descent, organized into special corps." Andrew immediately set about doing so, and the 54th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry began to be formed.

For the unit's officers, Andrew sought a certain type of white gentleman, "young men of military experience, of firm antislavery principles, ambitious, superior to a vulgar contempt for color, and having faith in the capacity of colored men for military service." Most importantly, he wanted men who understood the stakes, that the success or failure of the endeavor would elevate or depress the manner in which the character of colored persons were viewed throughout the world for many years to come. Andrew wrote to many individuals prominent in the abolitionist movement, including Morris Hallowell of Philadelphia and Francis Shaw of Boston.

To command the unit, Andrew already had Shaw's son in mind. Andrew wrote to Francis Shaw about the need to find a leader who would accept the responsibility of the command "with a full sense of its importance, with an earnest determination for its success." Included in Andrew's letter was a commission for Robert Shaw to take command of the new regiment.

Carrying the commission, Francis Shaw traveled to Virginia to speak with his son. Robert Shaw was hesitant to take the post, as he did not believe that authorities would send the unit to the front lines, and he did not want to leave his fellow soldiers. Finally he agreed to take the command. On 6 February he telegraphed his father with his decision. He was 24 years old. The command came with a colonelcy, the rank commensurate with the position of regimental commander.

Andrew had some difficulty finding enough colored volunteers in Massachusetts to form the regiment. Andrew assured recruits that they would receive the standard pay of 13 dollars a month, and that if they were captured, the government of the United States would insist they be treated as any other soldier. The Boston area provided enough recruits to form the regiment's "C" Company. The remainder of the regiment was formed with black recruits from all across the North. Few were former slaves from the South. Two sons of the prominent African-American abolitionist leader Frederick Douglass volunteered to serve with the 54th.

Captain Shaw arrived in Boston on 15 February 1863 and immediately assumed his position. He was a strict disciplinarian, determined to train the men to high standards. On 25 March 1863 Shaw wrote to his father of his fledgling regiment:

"Everything goes on prosperously. The intelligence of the men is a great surprise to me. They learn all the details of guard duty and camp service infinitely more readily than most of the Irish that I have had under my command. There is not the least doubt that we will leave the State with as good a regiment as any that has marched."

Shaw was promoted to major on 31 March 1863, and two weeks later on 17 April was made full colonel. On 30 April the regiment drew 950 Enfield rifled muskets and swords for non-commissioned officers (NCOs). By 11 May more troops had arrived in Boston than were required to man the regiment. The 55th Massachusetts was begun with the next round of new recruits.

On 28 May Shaw led the men of the 54th through the streets of Boston to the docks, where the regiment boarded a transport steamer and sailed south. The regiment was to be used in a Union campaign against Charleston, South Carolina, a major port. The 54th arrived at Port Royal Island on 4 June, and was placed under the overall command of Major General David Hunter. Initially the regiment was used to provide manual labor at the loading docks, but Colonel Shaw applied for action. Four days later his regiment boarded onto transport and was sent to Hilton Head, South Carolina. From there they moved further south to St. Simons Island, Georgia, which served as their base of operations.

On 11 June 1863, the 54th was sent with the 2nd South Carolina Volunteers (who were also of African-American descent) for a raid against the town of Darien, Georgia. Overall command of the force was with the senior officer, colonel James Montgomery of the 2nd South Carolina. Upon reaching the town, Montgomery set his troops to looting it. Shaw was outraged by this behavior by Union troops.

He ordered his troops to limit their seizures to those items that would be useful for the camp, and committed only one company to the task. After the town had been emptied of all valuables and livestock, Montgomery told Shaw, "I shall burn this town." To Shaw the burning of the town appeared to serve no military purpose, and he knew it would create a great hardship to its residents. In a letter to his family he recalled, "I told him I did not want to take the responsibility of it, and he was only too happy to take all of it on his own shoulders." Montgomery had the town burned to the ground.

After the regiment's return to camp Shaw wrote to X Corps Assistant Adjutant General Lieutenant-Colonel Charles G. Halpine, seeking clarification of what was required of him. He asked if Montgomery was acting under orders from General Hunter, stating in part "I am perfectly willing to burn any place which resists, or gives some reason for such a proceeding; but it seems to me barbarous to turn women and children adrift in that way; and if I am only assisting Colonel Montgomery in a private enterprise of his own, it is very distasteful to me." It is not clear if Shaw ever received an answer from Halpine, but Montgomery was in fact carrying out a policy supported by Hunter.

Colonel Shaw and the 54th Regiment were placed under the command of General Quincy Adams Gillmore and sent to Charleston, South Carolina to take part in the second attempt to defeat the Confederate garrison stationed there. The fort was well armed with an assortment of heavy guns and whose overall strength was underestimated by Union command. At the battle, July 18, 1863, along with two brigades of white troops, the 54th assaulted Confederate batteries at Fort Wagner. As the unit hesitated in the face of overwhelming Confederate fire, Shaw led his men into battle by shouting, "Forward, Fifty-Fourth, forward!" He mounted a parapet and urged his men forward, but was shot through the chest three times and died almost instantly. According to the Color Sergeant of the 54th, he was shot and killed early in the battle while trying to lead the unit forward and fell on the outside of the fort. Some Confederate reports claim his body was hit a total of seven times. The battle had continued to 10 p.m. which ended with heavy Union losses. Among the other fatalities was Gen. George Crockett Strong, mortally wounded; Col. Haldimand S. Putnam shot and killed instantly; Col. John Lyman Chatfield, mortally wounded. Shaw's 54th Regiment suffered the heaviest losses. The Confederates buried Shaw in a mass grave with many of his men, an act they intended as an insult.

Two sons of Fredrick Douglass, Charles Douglass and his eldest son, Lewis Douglass, belonged to the 54th regiment. Lewis was wounded at the Battle of Fort Wagner shortly after Shaw fell, and barely managed to retreat to safety.

Following the battle, commanding Confederate General Johnson Hagood returned the bodies of the other Union officers who had died, but left Shaw's where it was, for burial in a mass grave with the black soldiers. Hagood told a captured Union surgeon that "Had he [Shaw] been in command of white troops ..." he would have returned Shaw's body, as was customary for officers, instead of burying it with the fallen black soldiers.

Although the gesture was intended as an insult by Hagood, Shaw's friends and family believed it was an honor for him to be buried with his soldiers. Efforts had been made to recover Shaw's body (which had been stripped and robbed prior to burial). His father publicly proclaimed that he was proud to know that his son was buried with his troops, befitting his role as a soldier and a crusader for emancipation.

In a letter to the regimental surgeon, Lincoln Stone, Frank Shaw wrote:

”We would not have his body removed from where it lies surrounded by his brave and devoted soldiers. ... We can imagine no holier place than that in which he lies, among his brave and devoted followers, nor wish for him better company. – what a body-guard he has!”

After the war, the Union Army disinterred and reburied all the remains—including, presumably, those of Col. Shaw—at the Beaufort National Cemetery in Beaufort, South Carolina. Their gravestones were marked as "unknown".

Shaw's sword had been stolen from the first gravesite but was recovered in 1865 and returned to his parents. It disappeared after being passed down within the family. In June 2017 it was discovered in a family attic of Mary Minturn Wood and brother Robert Shaw Wood, descendants of Shaw's sister Susanna. They donated it to the Massachusetts Historical Society.

Shaw met Anna Kneeland Haggerty in New York at an opera party given in 1861 by his sister Susanna before the war began. The two became engaged just after Christmas in 1862. Despite misgivings by both sets of parents because of the war, they were married 2 May 1863, less than a month before Shaw's regiment moved out. The ceremony was in New York City. The pair spent a brief honeymoon at the Haggertys' home of Vent Fort, in Lenox, Massachusetts.

Two and half years older than Shaw, "Annie" Shaw was widowed at the age of 28. She spent many years after the war living abroad in Europe, returning in later years when her health failed. The Haggerty property had been sold to George and Sarah Morgan, who built a large mansion there. They also kept the Haggerty home, and allowed Anna to live there when she returned from Europe. She spent the last two years of her life living at her former family house, and died in 1907, never having remarried. She is buried at the cemetery of Church-on-the Hill in Lenox.

Archival Resources
Role Title Holding Repository
referencedIn Autograph File, H Houghton Library
referencedIn Cook, George S. (George Smith), 1819-1902,. 54th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry Regiment photographs, 1863-ca. 1880. Massachusetts Historical Society
referencedIn Sumner, Charles, 1811-1874. List of subscribers for the Robert Gould Shaw monument, [1865]. Massachusetts Historical Society
referencedIn James, William, 1842-1910. Papers, 1803-1941 (bulk: 1862-1910) Houghton Library
referencedIn Van Dresar, Francis. Civil War letter of Francis Van Dresar, 1862 Aug. 23. Navarro College
referencedIn Curtis, Greely Stevenson, 1830-1897. Greely Stevenson Curtis papers, 1861-1863. Emory University. Special Collections and Archives
referencedIn Theatrical scrapbook collection, 1791-1967. Harvard Theater Collection, Houghton Library, Harvard College Library, Harvard University
creatorOf Shaw, Robert Gould, 1837-1863. Letters, 1863. Massachusetts Historical Society
referencedIn Lowell, James Russell, 1819-1891. Papers of James Russell Lowell [manuscript], 1802-1927 (bulk 1838-1891). University of Virginia. Library
referencedIn Jewett, Richard Henry Lee, 1834-. Letters, 1860-1865, to Eliza Nutting Jewett. Boston Athenaeum
referencedIn Emilio, Luis F. (Luis Fenollosa), b. 1844. Records of the Fifty-Fourth Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry Regiment, 1863-1901. Massachusetts Historical Society
referencedIn Saint-Gaudens, Augustus, 1848-1907. [Materials relating to Hope and Glory : centennial celebration of the monument to Robert Gould Shaw and the 54th Massachusetts Regiment]. State Library of Massachusetts
referencedIn Black, James Wallace, 1825-1896,. 54th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry Regiment carte de visite album, ca. 1863-1865. Massachusetts Historical Society
referencedIn U. S. Civil War letters, 1861-1864. Houghton Library
referencedIn Shaw, Francis George, 1809-1882. Letters : concerning Robert Gould Shaw, 1863-1864. Houghton Library
creatorOf Laura Winthrop Johnson papers, 1862-1889. New York State Historical Documents Inventory
referencedIn Gardner Cox papers Archives of American Art
referencedIn Wolcott, Joshua Huntington, 1804-1891. Wolcott family Civil War carte de visite album, ca. 1860-1866. Massachusetts Historical Society
referencedIn Palfrey, Sarah Hammond, 1823-1914. The Shaw Monument poem with photograph of the Shaw Monument [manuscript], 1913 Aug 5. University of Virginia. Library
referencedIn [South Carolina broadside collection 1780-1870]. Duke University Libraries, Duke University Library; Perkins Library
referencedIn John Read papers, 1853-1915. Houghton Library
referencedIn McArthur, William L. Letter, 1863 July 20 (Hilton Head, S.C.), to Dear Father. University of South Carolina, System Library Service, University Libraries
referencedIn Robert Gould Shaw letters to his family and other papers, 1852-1947 (inclusive) 1855-1863 (bulk). Houghton Library
referencedIn Robert Lowell (1816-1891) Collection, 1864-1891 University of Virginia. Library. Special Collections Dept.
referencedIn Andrew, John A. (John Albion), 1818-1867. Letters to Francis G. Shaw, 1863. Massachusetts Historical Society
referencedIn Gittleman, Edwin, 1929-. Research materials, 1980s-1996. Massachusetts Historical Society
referencedIn Portrait file: Guide. Houghton Library
referencedIn Howe, Julia Ward, 1819-1910. Papers of Julia Ward Howe, 1858-1908. University of Virginia. Library
referencedIn Rogers Memorial Collection: Henry Munroe Rogers papers, 1812-1937 (inclusive), 1862-1937 (bulk). Houghton Library
referencedIn Laura Winthrop Johnson papers, 1862-1889 New York Public Library. Manuscripts and Archives Division
referencedIn Theatrical scrapbook collection, 1791-1967. Harvard Theater Collection, Houghton Library, Harvard College Library, Harvard University
referencedIn Richard Brinsley Sheridan additional papers, 1753-1868. Harvard Theater Collection, Houghton Library, Harvard College Library, Harvard University
referencedIn Rogers Memorial Collection: Henry Munroe Rogers papers, 1812-1937 (inclusive), 1862-1937 (bulk). Houghton Library
creatorOf Child, Lydia Maria, 1802-1880. Lydia Maria Child Scrapbook, 1876. Cornell University Library
referencedIn Saxton, Rufus, 1824-1908. Rufus Saxton papers, 1863 Jan 4-1866 Mar. 25. University of South Carolina, System Library Service, University Libraries
referencedIn Shaw family. Letters received, 1859-1940. Boston Athenaeum
referencedIn Compiled Military Service Record of Private Robert G. Shaw, Company F, 7th New York State Militia (30 Days, 1861) National Archives at Washington, D.C
referencedIn Pinckney, Thomas, 1828-1915. My reminiscences of the war and reconstruction : proof sheets, 1905? University of Virginia. Library
referencedIn Amory, Copley, 1890-1964. Papers, 1860-1942. Dartmouth College Library
creatorOf Shaw, Robert Gould, 1837-1863. Letters to his family and other papers, 1852-1947 (inclusive) 1855-1863 (bulk). Houghton Library
referencedIn Forbes, John Murray, 1813-1898. John Murray Forbes letter to George William Curtis, [manuscript], 1891 January 24. University of Virginia. Library
referencedIn Autograph File, S, 1556-1996. Houghton Library
referencedIn Lowell, James Russell, 1819-1891. Papers, 1842-1924, bulk: 1842-1891. Massachusetts Historical Society
referencedIn Papers, 1776-1927 and undated. Harvard Theater Collection, Houghton Library, Harvard College Library, Harvard University
referencedIn Miscellaneous theatrical papers Houghton Library
referencedIn Peabody, Marian Lawrence. 1875-1974. Letters and family papers, 1783-1957 Houghton Library
referencedIn Louis Evan Shipman papers, ca. 1859-1933. Houghton Library
referencedIn Letters sent to Watson G. Haynes on the initiative to change regulations in the United States Navy, 1846-1852. Houghton Library
referencedIn Dana, Charles A. (Charles Anderson), 1819-1897. Papers of Charles A. Dana manuscript], 1844-1895. University of Virginia. Library
referencedIn Lyman, Theodore, 1833-1897. Massachusetts Civil War dead picture album, ca. 1870-1880. Massachusetts Historical Society
referencedIn Shaw, Robert G - Unit: 2nd Infantry, Company: H,K - Enlistment Rank: 2 Lt, Discharge Rank: Capt National Archives at Washington, D.C
referencedIn Miscellaneous theatrical costume designs, ca. 1914-1978. Harvard Theater Collection, Houghton Library, Harvard College Library, Harvard University
referencedIn Henry Lee Higginson papers relating to the gift of Soldiers Field, Harvard University, 1890. Houghton Library
creatorOf Shaw, Robert Gould, 1837-1863. Letter to Francis G. Shaw, 1863 February 24. University of Virginia. Library
referencedIn Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States Commandery of the State of Massachusetts Civil War collection, 1724-1933 (inclusive); 1861-1912 (bulk). Houghton Library
referencedIn Jackson, Jonathan, 1743-1810. Lee Family Papers, 1535-1957. Massachusetts Historical Society
referencedIn Harvard University Archives Photograph Collection: Portraits, ca. 1852-ca. 2004 Harvard University Archives.
creatorOf Robert Gould Shaw letters to his family and other papers, 1852-1947 (inclusive) 1855-1863 (bulk). Houghton Library
referencedIn Shaw, Robert G - Unit: 54th Infantry (Colored), Company: F,S - Enlistment Rank: Major, Discharge Rank: Colonel National Archives at Washington, D.C
referencedIn Houghton Library printed book provenance file, R-Z and unidentified Houghton Library
referencedIn Pinckney, Thomas, 1828-1915. My reminiscences of the war and reconstruction times [manuscript] : proof sheets, 1910. University of Virginia. Library
referencedIn Shaw family correspondence, 1862-1876 New York Public Library. Manuscripts and Archives Division
referencedIn Samuel Taylor Coleridge miscellaneous correspondence, 1794-1833. Houghton Library
Relation Name
associatedWith Almira (Penniman) Barlow person
associatedWith Amory, Copley, 1890-1964. person
associatedWith Andrew, John A. (John Albion), 1818-1867. person
correspondedWith Anna (Shaw) Curtis person
associatedWith Annie (Haggerty) Shaw person
associatedWith Annie (Russell) Agassiz person
associatedWith Barlow family. family
correspondedWith Brooks, Phillips, bp., 1835-1893 person
associatedWith Child, Lydia Maria, 1802-1880. person
associatedWith Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 1772-1834 person
associatedWith Cox, Gardner, 1906-1988. person
associatedWith Curtis, Greely Stevenson, 1830-1897. person
associatedWith Dana, Charles A. (Charles Anderson), 1819-1897. person
correspondedWith Dibdin, Charles, 1745-1814 person
correspondedWith Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 1803-1882 person
associatedWith Emilio, Luis F. (Luis Fenollosa), b. 1844. person
correspondedWith Ethan Allen Hitchcock person
associatedWith Forbes, Allyn B person
associatedWith Forbes, John Murray, 1813-1898. person
correspondedWith Francis Channing Barlow person
correspondedWith George William Curtis person
associatedWith Gittleman, Edwin, 1929- person
associatedWith Hallowell, Richard P. (Richard Price), 1835-1904. person
alumnusOrAlumnaOf Harvard University corporateBody
associatedWith Haynes, Watson G., recipient. person
associatedWith Hicks, Granville, 1901-1931 person
associatedWith Higginson, Henry Lee, 1834-1919 person
associatedWith Houghton Library. person
associatedWith Howe, Julia Ward, 1819-1910. person
associatedWith James, William, 1842-1910 person
associatedWith Jay, Louisa Barlow, 1873- person
associatedWith Jewett, Richard Henry Lee, 1834- person
associatedWith Johnson, Laura Winthrop, 1825-1889. person
correspondedWith Josephine (Shaw) Lowell person
correspondedWith Lathrop, John Howland, 1880-1967 person
correspondedWith Louisa (Barlow) Jay person
associatedWith Lowell, James Russell, 1819-1891. person
associatedWith Mary (Forbes) Russell person
associatedWith McArthur, William L. person
associatedWith Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States. Commandery of the State of Massachusetts, collector. corporateBody
associatedWith Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States. Commandery of the State of Massachusetts, collector. corporateBody
associatedWith Morse, Charles F. (Charles Fessenden), 1839-1926. person
memberOf New York (State). Militia. Regiment, 7th corporateBody
associatedWith Palfrey, Sarah Hammond, 1823-1914. person
associatedWith Peabody, Marian Lawrence, 1875- person
associatedWith Pinckney, Thomas, 1828-1915. person
associatedWith Putnam, Alfred Porter, 1827-1906 person
associatedWith Read, John, 1840-1915 person
correspondedWith Robert Gould Shaw. person
associatedWith Robert Shaw Barlow person
associatedWith Rogers, Henry Munroe, 1839-1937, person
correspondedWith Sarah Blake (Sturgis) Shaw person
associatedWith Saxton, Rufus, 1824-1908. person
associatedWith Shaw family family
associatedWith Shaw family. family
associatedWith Shaw family. family
childOf Shaw, Francis George, 1809-1882. person
associatedWith Sheridan, Richard Brinsley, 1751-1816 person
associatedWith Shipman, Louis Evan, 1869-1933 person
associatedWith Tubman, Harriet, 1822-1913 person
memberOf United States. Army corporateBody
memberOf United States. Army. Corps, II corporateBody
memberOf United States. Army. Corps, X. corporateBody
memberOf United States. Army. Corps, XII corporateBody
memberOf United States. Army. Massachusetts Infantry Regiment, 54th (1863-1865) corporateBody
memberOf United States. Army. Massachusetts Infantry Regiment, 54th Volunteers (1861-1865) corporateBody
associatedWith United States. Army. Massachusetts Infantry Regiment, Second Volunteers (1861-1865) corporateBody
memberOf United States. Army New York Infantry Regiment, 7th (Militia), 1806-1922. corporateBody
memberOf United States. Army of the Potomac corporateBody
memberOf United States. Army of Virginia corporateBody
associatedWith Van Dresar, Francis. person
associatedWith William Emerson person
Place Name Admin Code Country
Virginia VA US
South Carolina SC US
Charleston SC US
New York NY US
District of Columbia DC US
Boston MA US
Antietam, Battle of, Md., 1862
Armed Forces
Cedar Mountain (Culpepper County, Va.), Battle of, 1862
Civil War, 1861-1865
Emancipation Proclamation
Family records
Fort Wagner, Battle of, 1863
Winchester, 1st Battle of, Winchester, Va., 1862 (May 25)


Birth 1837-10-10

Death 1863-07-18






Ark ID: w6998x6m

SNAC ID: 84139034