Pierpont Morgan Library. Spear collection.

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Role Title Holding Repository
creatorOf Ruvigny and Raineval, Henri de Massue de Ruvigny, 1648-1720. Letters signed (3) : Bellpuiga and Lisbon, to General Earle, (?)1707 Aug. 11, 1708 May 7 and 1709 Nov. Pierpont Morgan Library.
creatorOf Gravina, Frederico Carlos, 1756-1806. Autograph letter signed : [n.p.], to a General, [n.d.]. Pierpont Morgan Library.
creatorOf Charles II, King of Spain, 1661-1700. Document signed : Madrid, 1687 Jan. 10. Pierpont Morgan Library.
creatorOf Luiz, Infante of Portugal, 1506-1555. Letter signed : Tomar, to the Duque d'Arcos, 1526 Sept. 9. Pierpont Morgan Library.
creatorOf Ferdinand I, King of Naples, 1423-1494. Letter signed : Castello Novo, Naples, to his ambassador, Bishop Pemensi, 1474 Sept. 24. Pierpont Morgan Library.
creatorOf Pedro II, King of Portugal, 1648-1706. Document on vellum signed as Prince Regent : Lisbon, 1676 Mar. 28. Pierpont Morgan Library.
creatorOf Marradas, Balesar. Collection of drafts of letters and dispatches (some decoded from cipher) attributed to Marradas : Vienna, 1618-1619. Pierpont Morgan Library.
creatorOf Menezes, Aleixo de, Archbishop of Braga, 1559-1617. Document in his name : Braga, 1612 Sept. 12. Pierpont Morgan Library.
creatorOf John III, King of Portugal, 1502-1557. Letter signed : Lisbon, to Cardinal Teotino, 1542 Aug. 6. Pierpont Morgan Library.
creatorOf Carlos III, King of Spain, 1716-1788. Document signed with royal sign manual : El Pardo, 1767 Mar. 4. Pierpont Morgan Library.
creatorOf Duarte, Francisco. Document signed : Antwerp, 1544 Dec. 31. Pierpont Morgan Library.
creatorOf John VI, King of Portugal, 1767-1826. Letters (2) signed "Principe" (as Regent) : Palace de Queluz, to Cardinals Eschine and Pacca, 1804 Jan. 15. Pierpont Morgan Library.
creatorOf Francisco de Asís María Fernando, King, consort of Isabel II, Queenof Spain, 1822-1902. Autograph letters signed (2), Secretarial letter (1) and autograph manuscript : Paris and [n.p.], to various recipients, 1841 Apr. 1-1870 Feb. 25. Pierpont Morgan Library.
creatorOf Maria II, Queen of Portugal, 1819-1853. Autograph letter signed : Lisbon, to her aunt, 1843 Nov. 21. Pierpont Morgan Library.
creatorOf Spinola, Ambrogio, Marchese di, 1569-1630. Letter signed : Brussels, 1624 Apr. 11. Pierpont Morgan Library.
creatorOf Maria II, Queen of Portugal, 1819-1853. Letter signed : [Lisbon], to Cardinal Amati, 1843 Mar. 2. Pierpont Morgan Library.
creatorOf Emanuel, Prince of Portugal, 1697-1766. Autograph letter in French signed : Bayonne, to an unidentified recipient, 1728 Feb. 29. Pierpont Morgan Library.
creatorOf Joséphine, Empress consort of Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1763-1814. Autograph letter signed : [n.p.], to [Paul, vicomte de] Barras, [n.d.]. Pierpont Morgan Library.
creatorOf Philip V, King of Spain, 1683-1746. Document signed : San Lorenzo, 1734 Nov. 15. Pierpont Morgan Library.
creatorOf Gonzaga, Vespasiano, Duque de Sabbioneta, 1531-1591. Document signed : "Sabioneta, in our Ducal Palace", 1582 May 21. Pierpont Morgan Library.
creatorOf Maria Anna of Austria, Queen of Spain, 1635-1696. Letter signed : Madrid, to "Messire Gundaquer, Comte de Diatristain", 1672 May 12. Pierpont Morgan Library.
creatorOf Fernando II, King, consort of Maria II, Queen of Portugal, 1816-1885. Letter signed : Lisbon, to Cardinal Amati, 1852 Feb. 2. Pierpont Morgan Library.
creatorOf Philip V, King of Spain, 1683-1746. Letter signed : Lintz, to the Conde de Harrach, 1732 Aug. 28. Pierpont Morgan Library.
creatorOf José Manuel, King of Portugal, 1715-1777. Document signed : Lisbon, as Grand Master of the Order of Aviz, 1773 Jan. 20. Pierpont Morgan Library.
creatorOf Gravina, Frederico Carlos, 1756-1806. Letter signed : Brest, to Councillor of State, Caffarelli, the Maritime Prefect, 1801 Nov. 26. Pierpont Morgan Library.
creatorOf Maria I, Queen of Portugal, 1734-1816. Document signed : Lisbon, 1786 Oct. 9. Pierpont Morgan Library.
creatorOf Maximilian II, Holy Roman Emperor, 1527-1576. Letter signed : Vienna, to Baron Adan de Dietristan, his ambassador in Spain, 1568 July 12. Pierpont Morgan Library.
creatorOf Fernando VII, King of Spain, 1784-1833. Document signed : Madrid, 1820 Oct. 9. Pierpont Morgan Library.
creatorOf Isabel Clara Eugenia, Infanta of Spain, 1566-1633. Letter signed : Brussels, relative to a memorial of Baron d'Eselebecque, Governor of ravelines, presented to the Treasurer General of the King's finances, 1631 Feb. 4. Pierpont Morgan Library.
creatorOf Mello, Jose de. Letter signed : Royal Convent of Palmella, 1780 Oct. 30. Pierpont Morgan Library.
creatorOf Cadaval, Nuno Alvares Pereira de Mello, 1638-1727. Autograph note signed : [n.p.], 1677. Pierpont Morgan Library.
creatorOf Léganes, Don Guzman, Marqués de, fl. 1696. Letter signed : Milan, to the Magistracy of Milan, 1696 Apr. 10. Pierpont Morgan Library.
creatorOf Margarita of Parma, Regent of The Netherlands, 1522-1586. Letter signed : Brussels, to Francois Vereysen, councillor of the King and to Remy Viese, advocate-fiscal of His Majesty's grand council of Malines, 1563 Oct. 31. Pierpont Morgan Library.
creatorOf Lacépede, Bernard, comte de. Letters signed (3) : [n.p.], to Colonel Boutrouë, M. Delphin and Captain Raoul, 1805 Jan. 17, 1809 Aug. 14 and 1809 Jan. 5. Pierpont Morgan Library.
creatorOf Gonzaga, Vespasiano, Duque de Sabbioneta, 1531-1591. Document signed : Sabbioneta, 1585 Jan. 24. Pierpont Morgan Library.
creatorOf Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor, 1500-1558. Document in the name of Carlos and Queen Juana (la Loca) [his mother] and signed by Carlos : Burgos, 1524 Mar. 28. Pierpont Morgan Library.
creatorOf Olivarez, Don Jose, fl. 1679. Letter signed : Milan, to Cardinal Don Vincente Escalona y Calatuyd, of the Magistracy of Milan, 1679 Jan. 4. Pierpont Morgan Library.
creatorOf Ferdinand I, Holy Roman Emperor, 1503-1564. Letter signed : Strigonium, in the Feast of the Blessed Valentine the Martyr, to the Orators and Commissaries, designated to the Diet of Sempronium, 1528 [Feb. 14.]. Pierpont Morgan Library.
creatorOf Mariana, de Neoburgo, Queen, consort of Charles II, King of Spain, 1667-1740. Autograph letter : Madrid, to an unidentified "Cousin", 1700 Aug. 14. Pierpont Morgan Library.
creatorOf Farnese, Ottavio, Duke of Parma and Piacenza, 1520-1586. Letter signed : Piacenza, to Monsieur di Collegno, first Major-Domo to his Highness at Vercelli, 1560 Dec. 27. Pierpont Morgan Library.
creatorOf John VI, King of Portugal, 1767-1826. Letter signed "Principe" (as Regent) : Lisbon, 1802 May 14. Pierpont Morgan Library.
creatorOf Valle, Luiz Botelha, da Silva. Passport [printed form filled out in manuscript], signed by Valle : Lisbon, 1787 Sept. 22. Pierpont Morgan Library.
creatorOf John V, King of Portugal, 1689-1750. Letter signed : Lisbon, to Cardinal Albani, 1720 Feb. 12. Pierpont Morgan Library.
creatorOf Isabel Clara Eugenia, Infanta of Spain, 1566-1633. Letter signed : Brussels, to "Mon Cousin", [1621] Apr. 15. Pierpont Morgan Library.
creatorOf Maria Theresa. Autograph letters signed (12) some with initials : Trieste, Baden, etc., to the Chevalier d'Aznares, a supporter of Carlist causes, 1861-1863. Pierpont Morgan Library.
creatorOf Philip III, King of Spain, 1578-1621. Document signed (as Philip II, King of Portugal) : Lisbon, 1604 July 5. Pierpont Morgan Library.
creatorOf Pedro II, King of Portugal, 1648-1706. Document signed as Grand Master of the Order of Santiago : Lisbon, 1694 Mar. 29. Pierpont Morgan Library.
creatorOf Gravina, Frederico Carlos, 1756-1806. Autograph letter signed : "on board the Principe de Asturias," 1805 Sept. 28. Pierpont Morgan Library.
creatorOf Sousa, Manoel Caetano de, 1658-1734. Autograph letters signed (4) : Lisbon, to Conde de Ericeira, the historian, 1707. Pierpont Morgan Library.
creatorOf John VI, King of Portugal, 1767-1826. Letter signed "Principe" (as Regent) : The Palace Lisbon, to Prince Borghese, 1792 Mar. 5. Pierpont Morgan Library.
creatorOf Charles VI, Holy Roman Emperor, 1685-1740. Letter signed as Carlos III of Spain : Barcelona, to the Provost and Canons of the Collegiate Church of the City of Manresa, 1708 Jan. 10. Pierpont Morgan Library.
creatorOf John VI, King of Portugal, 1767-1826. Letter signed : Lisbon, 1824 Oct. 8. Pierpont Morgan Library.
creatorOf Maria I, Queen of Portugal, 1734-1816. Letter signed for the Queen by Jose de Seabrada Sylva : Palacio de Gueluz, 1795 July 16. Pierpont Morgan Library.
creatorOf John VI, King of Portugal, 1767-1826. Letter signed "Principe" (as Regent) : Palace of Queluz, to Cardinal Pacca, 1803 Feb. 10. Pierpont Morgan Library.
creatorOf Luiz, Infante of Portugal, 1506-1555. Letter signed : Almeiria, to the Duque d'Arcos, 1525 Nov. 11. Pierpont Morgan Library.
creatorOf Chastenay-Lanty, Henri Louis, Comte de, 1771-1834. Autograph letters and letters signed with documents signed (73) : Spain, 1823. Pierpont Morgan Library.
creatorOf Braganca, Miguel Maria Evaristo de (Dom Miguel), 1802-1866. Document issued in the name of the King, as administrator of the royal estate of Braganca : [Braganza], [1832] May and June. Pierpont Morgan Library.
creatorOf Margaret, of Austria, Duchess of Parma, 1522-1586. Letter signed : Brussels, to Count Mansfelt, 1561 Aug. 11. Pierpont Morgan Library.
creatorOf Farnese, Alessandro, Duke of Parma, 1545-1592. Letter signed : Camp before "Nyenoue" , 1582 Nov. 7. Pierpont Morgan Library.
creatorOf Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821. Document signed : [n.p.], 1809 June 24. Pierpont Morgan Library.
creatorOf Thiebault, Paul Charles Francois Adrien Henri Dieudonne, Baron, 1769-1846. Manuscript report signed : Salamanca, 1811 May 15. Pierpont Morgan Library.
creatorOf Osuna, Jose Maria Joaquin, Duque de, 1685-1733. Diplomatic correspondence : [n.p.], 1721-1722. Pierpont Morgan Library.
creatorOf Charles II, King of Spain, 1661-1700. Letter signed : Madrid, to the Magistracy of Milan, 1689 Mar. 28. Pierpont Morgan Library.
creatorOf Cellamare, Antonio del Giudice, principe di. Autograph letters signed : various places, to the Marqués de Monteleón, 1716 Apr. 14 and Oct. 8. Pierpont Morgan Library.
creatorOf Mello, Jose de. Document signed : Royal Convent of Palmella, 1780 Oct. 30. Pierpont Morgan Library.
creatorOf John VI, King of Portugal, 1767-1826. Letter signed and subscribed as John as Prince Regent : Mafia, to the Prince of Paz (Manuel de Godoy), 1807 Mar. 2. Pierpont Morgan Library.
creatorOf Margarita, of Austria, Regent of The Netherlands, 1480-1530. Letter signed : Brussels, to "Mon cousin le Duc de Norfolk. Admiral d'Angleterre" (Thomas Howard, ninth Duke of Norfolk), 1524 Sept. 11. Pierpont Morgan Library.
creatorOf Maria II, Queen of Portugal, 1819-1853. Autograph letter signed : Lisbon, to the Princess Clementine d'Orleans, daughter of King Louis Philippe, 1840 Nov. 16. Pierpont Morgan Library.
creatorOf Floridablanca, Jose Monino y Redondo, Conte del, 1728-1808. Letter signed : San Ildefonso, to Don Marcos de Argaiz, 1783 Oct. 8. Pierpont Morgan Library.
creatorOf Isabella Maria, 1801-1876. Autograph letters signed (2) : Paris, to a gentleman, probably her tutor, who has corrected the Portuguese language, 1838 Apr. 8 and 1839 Nov. 21. Pierpont Morgan Library.
creatorOf Barbosa, Agostinho, Bishop of Ugento, 1590-1649. Autograph letter signed : Madrid, to Dr. Alessandro Rafaelli, in Rome, 1642 June 1. Pierpont Morgan Library.
creatorOf Philip III, King of Spain, 1578-1621. Letter signed : Segovia, to Don Francisco de Benavides, General of the Army in Flanders, 1609 Aug. 22. Pierpont Morgan Library.
creatorOf Adrian VI, Pope, 1459-1523. Letter signed : Valladolid, to the Duque d'Arcos, 1520 July 5. Pierpont Morgan Library.
creatorOf Isabel Clara Eugenia, Infanta of Spain, 1566-1633. Letter signed : Brussels, to Maestro de Campo, Juan Bravo de Lagunas, in Antwerp, 1629 Aug. 3. Pierpont Morgan Library.
creatorOf John VI, King of Portugal, 1767-1826. Letter signed "Principe" (as Regent) : Palace of Queluz, to Cardinal Eschine, 1806 May 16. Pierpont Morgan Library.
creatorOf Ferdinand I, King of Portugal, 1345-1383. Document signed : Quimos, 6 November Era 1402 [A.D. 1369]. Pierpont Morgan Library.
creatorOf Fuentes, Pedro Enriquez de Azevedo, Count of, 1560-1610. Letter signed : Milan, to the Magistracy of Milan, 1607 Mar. 20. Pierpont Morgan Library.
creatorOf Mansfeld, Peter Ernst, Fürst von, 1517-1604. Letter signed : Brussels, to Sieur de Prouene, Governor of the town of Malines, 1592 Feb. 9. Pierpont Morgan Library.
creatorOf Quiroga, Antonio, 1784-1841. Autograph letters signed (5) : Paris, Madrid, etc., to various recipients, 1828-1834 and [n.d.]. Pierpont Morgan Library.
creatorOf Ana de Jesus Maria, Infanta of Spain. Autograph letter signed : [n.p.], to Manuel Innocencio dos Santos, 1842 Apr. 28. Pierpont Morgan Library.
creatorOf Isabella, of Portugal, 1503-1539. Document signed : Madrid, to Captain Nicolas de Artieta, Corregidor of Cadiz, Cadiz, 1530 July 20. Pierpont Morgan Library.
creatorOf Spinola, Ambrogio, Marchese di, 1569-1630. Letter signed : Brussels, to the Comte de Busquey, 1619 May 3. Pierpont Morgan Library.
creatorOf Cobos, Francisco, de Los, d. 1547. Letter signed : Ouveda , to the Queen of Portugal, 1547 Mar. 4. Pierpont Morgan Library.
creatorOf John V, King of Portugal, 1689-1750. Letter signed : Lisbon, 1715 June 7. Pierpont Morgan Library.
creatorOf Eleonore, princess of Portugal. Autograph letter signed : the Hague, to Monsieur de Zulecom, (in the army), 1674 July 14. Pierpont Morgan Library.
creatorOf Maximilian II Emanuel, Elector of Bavaria, 1662-1726. Letter signed : Neustadt, to Catherine de Medicis, 1560 Jan. 8. Pierpont Morgan Library.
creatorOf Grimaldo, José Guttierez de Solorzano, marqués de, 1664-1733. Autograph letters signed (2) : The Pardo, to the Marquis de Monteleon, 1716 July 8. Pierpont Morgan Library.
creatorOf Spinola, Ambrogio, Marchese di, 1569-1630. Letter signed : Brussels, to Jacques de Celandre, 1619 Feb. 23. Pierpont Morgan Library.
creatorOf Torrijos, Jose Maria de, 1791-1831. Autograph letters signed (3) : Alencon, written while in exile in France, to his friend, Monsieur Tabard, at Lyons, 1824 Jan. Pierpont Morgan Library.
creatorOf John III, King of Portugal, 1502-1557. Letter signed : Evora, to the Duque d'Arcos, 1524 Sept. 16. Pierpont Morgan Library.
creatorOf John V, King of Portugal, 1689-1750. Document signed by Dona Marianna, queen of John V : Lisbon, 1750 May 9. Pierpont Morgan Library.
creatorOf José Manuel, King of Portugal, 1715-1777. Document signed : Belem, 1753 Sept. 12. Pierpont Morgan Library.
creatorOf Napoleon III, Emperor of the French, 1808-1873. Letter signed : [n.p.], to "Mon Cousin", 1854 Jan. 30. Pierpont Morgan Library.
creatorOf Maria I, Queen of Portugal, 1734-1816. Document signed : Lisbon, 1778 June 12. Pierpont Morgan Library.
creatorOf Philip III, King of Spain, 1578-1621. Letter signed : Valladolid, to the Viceroy of Navarre, Don Juan de Cardona, 1605 Apr. 13. Pierpont Morgan Library.
creatorOf Azara y Perera, José Nicolas de, Marques de Nibbiano, 1730-1804. Autograph letters signed (6) and one copy of an autograph letter signed : Rome and Paris, to various recipients, 1781-1803. Pierpont Morgan Library.
creatorOf Braganca, Gaspar da, Archbishop of Braga. Letter signed : Braga, 1770 May 18. Pierpont Morgan Library.
creatorOf Maria II, Queen of Portugal, 1819-1853. Autograph letter signed : Lisbon, to the Princess Clementine d'Orleans, 1839 Oct. 13. Pierpont Morgan Library.
creatorOf Fernando II, King, consort of Maria II, Queen of Portugal, 1816-1885. Autograph letter signed : Cintra, to King Louis-Philippe of France, 1838 Aug. 6. Pierpont Morgan Library.
creatorOf Villena, Manoel de. Letter signed : Malta, to Carlos Requesens, 1726 Feb. 28. Pierpont Morgan Library.
creatorOf Bonaparte, François-Charles-Joseph, Herzog von Reichstadt, 1811-1832. Autograph manuscript : [n.p., n.d.]. Pierpont Morgan Library.
creatorOf Cunha, Nino da, Cardinal. Document signed : Lisbon, 1738 Aug. 11. Pierpont Morgan Library.
creatorOf José Manuel, King of Portugal, 1715-1777. Document signed : Lisbon, 1767 May 30. Pierpont Morgan Library.
creatorOf Juana, countess of Hanau-Münzenberg, d. 1673. Letter in German signed : Hanau, to Johann Grassen, her husband's agent, 1655 Feb. 22. Pierpont Morgan Library.
creatorOf Isabella, of Portugal, 1503-1539. Document signed : Madrid, to Captain Nicolas de Artieta, Corregidor of Spain, Spain, 1530 Apr. 9. Pierpont Morgan Library.
creatorOf Luiz, King of Portugal, 1838-1889. Letter signed : Lisbon, to Marino Miguel Franzini, Secretary of State, 1861 May 17. Pierpont Morgan Library.
creatorOf Spinola, Filippo, Marchese di. Letter signed : Brussels, to an unidentified recipient, 1668 Nov. 8. Pierpont Morgan Library.
creatorOf LaFayette, Marie Andrienne (de Noailles), Marquise de, 1759-1807. Autograph letter signed : Prolintz in Moravia, to Chevalier D'Archnoltz, 1795 Oct. 14. Pierpont Morgan Library.
Role Title Holding Repository
Relation Name
associatedWith Adrian VI, Pope, 1459-1523. person
associatedWith Ana de Jesus Maria, Infanta of Spain. person
associatedWith Azara y Perera, José Nicolas de, Marques de Nibbiano, 1730-1804. person
associatedWith Barbosa, Agostinho, Bishop of Ugento, 1590-1649. person
associatedWith Bonaparte, François-Charles-Joseph, Herzog von Reichstadt, 1811-1832. person
associatedWith Braganca, Gaspar da, Archbishop of Braga. person
associatedWith Braganca, Miguel Maria Evaristo de (Dom Miguel), 1802-1866. person
associatedWith Cadaval, Nuno Alvares Pereira de Mello, 1638-1727. person
associatedWith Carlos III, King of Spain, 1716-1788. person
associatedWith Cellamare, Antonio del Giudice, principe di. person
associatedWith Charles II, King of Spain, 1661-1700. person
associatedWith Charles II, King of Spain, 1661-1700. person
associatedWith Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor, 1500-1558. person
associatedWith Charles VI, Holy Roman Emperor, 1685-1740. person
associatedWith Chastenay-Lanty, Henri Louis, Comte de, 1771-1834. person
associatedWith Cobos, Francisco, de Los, d. 1547. person
associatedWith Cunha, Nino da, Cardinal. person
associatedWith Duarte, Francisco. person
associatedWith Eleonore, princess of Portugal. person
associatedWith Emanuel, Prince of Portugal, 1697-1766. person
associatedWith Farnese, Alessandro, Duke of Parma, 1545-1592. person
associatedWith Farnese, Ottavio, Duke of Parma and Piacenza, 1520-1586. person
associatedWith Ferdinand I, Holy Roman Emperor, 1503-1564. person
associatedWith Ferdinand I, King of Naples, 1423-1494. person
associatedWith Ferdinand I, King of Portugal, 1345-1383. person
associatedWith Fernando II, King, consort of Maria II, Queen of Portugal, 1816-1885. person
associatedWith Fernando II, King, consort of Maria II, Queen of Portugal, 1816-1885. person
associatedWith Fernando VII, King of Spain, 1784-1833. person
associatedWith Floridablanca, Jose Monino y Redondo, Conte del, 1728-1808. person
associatedWith Francisco de Asís María Fernando, King, consort of Isabel II, Queenof Spain, 1822-1902. person
associatedWith Fuentes, Pedro Enriquez de Azevedo, Count of, 1560-1610. person
associatedWith Gonzaga, Vespasiano, Duque de Sabbioneta, 1531-1591. person
associatedWith Gonzaga, Vespasiano, Duque de Sabbioneta, 1531-1591. person
associatedWith Gravina, Frederico Carlos, 1756-1806. person
associatedWith Gravina, Frederico Carlos, 1756-1806. person
associatedWith Gravina, Frederico Carlos, 1756-1806. person
associatedWith Grimaldo, José Guttierez de Solorzano, marqués de, 1664-1733. person
associatedWith Isabel Clara Eugenia, Infanta of Spain, 1566-1633. person
associatedWith Isabel Clara Eugenia, Infanta of Spain, 1566-1633. person
associatedWith Isabel Clara Eugenia, Infanta of Spain, 1566-1633. person
associatedWith Isabella Maria, 1801-1876. person
associatedWith Isabella, of Portugal, 1503-1539. person
associatedWith Isabella, of Portugal, 1503-1539. person
associatedWith John III, King of Portugal, 1502-1557. person
associatedWith John III, King of Portugal, 1502-1557. person
associatedWith John VI, King of Portugal, 1767-1826. person
associatedWith John VI, King of Portugal, 1767-1826. person
associatedWith John VI, King of Portugal, 1767-1826. person
associatedWith John VI, King of Portugal, 1767-1826. person
associatedWith John VI, King of Portugal, 1767-1826. person
associatedWith John VI, King of Portugal, 1767-1826. person
associatedWith John VI, King of Portugal, 1767-1826. person
associatedWith John V, King of Portugal, 1689-1750. person
associatedWith John V, King of Portugal, 1689-1750. person
associatedWith John V, King of Portugal, 1689-1750. person
associatedWith José Manuel, King of Portugal, 1715-1777. person
associatedWith José Manuel, King of Portugal, 1715-1777. person
associatedWith José Manuel, King of Portugal, 1715-1777. person
associatedWith Joséphine, Empress consort of Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1763-1814. person
associatedWith Juana, countess of Hanau-Münzenberg, d. 1673. person
associatedWith Lacépede, Bernard, comte de. person
associatedWith LaFayette, Marie Andrienne (de Noailles), Marquise de, 1759-1807. person
associatedWith Léganes, Don Guzman, Marqués de, fl. 1696. person
associatedWith Luiz, Infante of Portugal, 1506-1555. person
associatedWith Luiz, Infante of Portugal, 1506-1555. person
associatedWith Luiz, King of Portugal, 1838-1889. person
associatedWith Mansfeld, Peter Ernst, Fürst von, 1517-1604. person
associatedWith Margaret, of Austria, Duchess of Parma, 1522-1586. person
associatedWith Margarita, of Austria, Regent of The Netherlands, 1480-1530. person
associatedWith Margarita of Parma, Regent of The Netherlands, 1522-1586. person
associatedWith Maria Anna of Austria, Queen of Spain, 1635-1696. person
associatedWith Maria II, Queen of Portugal, 1819-1853. person
associatedWith Maria II, Queen of Portugal, 1819-1853. person
associatedWith Maria II, Queen of Portugal, 1819-1853. person
associatedWith Maria II, Queen of Portugal, 1819-1853. person
associatedWith Maria I, Queen of Portugal, 1734-1816. person
associatedWith Maria I, Queen of Portugal, 1734-1816. person
associatedWith Maria I, Queen of Portugal, 1734-1816. person
associatedWith Mariana, de Neoburgo, Queen, consort of Charles II, King of Spain, 1667-1740. person
associatedWith Maria Theresa. person
associatedWith Marradas, Balesar. person
associatedWith Maximilian II Emanuel, Elector of Bavaria, 1662-1726. person
associatedWith Maximilian II, Holy Roman Emperor, 1527-1576. person
associatedWith Mello, Jose de. person
associatedWith Mello, Jose de. person
associatedWith Menezes, Aleixo de, Archbishop of Braga, 1559-1617. person
associatedWith Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821. person
associatedWith Napoleon III, Emperor of the French, 1808-1873. person
associatedWith Olivarez, Don Jose, fl. 1679. person
associatedWith Osuna, Jose Maria Joaquin, Duque de, 1685-1733. person
associatedWith Pedro II, King of Portugal, 1648-1706. person
associatedWith Pedro II, King of Portugal, 1648-1706. person
associatedWith Philip III, King of Spain, 1578-1621. person
associatedWith Philip III, King of Spain, 1578-1621. person
associatedWith Philip III, King of Spain, 1578-1621. person
associatedWith Philip V, King of Spain, 1683-1746. person
associatedWith Philip V, King of Spain, 1683-1746. person
associatedWith Quiroga, Antonio, 1784-1841. person
associatedWith Ruvigny and Raineval, Henri de Massue de Ruvigny, 1648-1720. person
associatedWith Sousa, Manoel Caetano de, 1658-1734. person
associatedWith Spinola, Ambrogio, Marchese di, 1569-1630. person
associatedWith Spinola, Ambrogio, Marchese di, 1569-1630. person
associatedWith Spinola, Ambrogio, Marchese di, 1569-1630. person
associatedWith Spinola, Filippo, Marchese di. person
associatedWith Thiebault, Paul Charles Francois Adrien Henri Dieudonne, Baron, 1769-1846. person
associatedWith Torrijos, Jose Maria de, 1791-1831. person
associatedWith Valle, Luiz Botelha, da Silva. person
associatedWith Villena, Manoel de. person
Place Name Admin Code Country

Corporate Body

Active 1861

Active 1863

Active 1838

Active 1839

Active 1707

Active 1709

Active 1805

Active 1809

Active 1781

Active 1803

Active 1828

Active 1834

Active 1618

Active 1619

Active 1721

Active 1722

Active 1841

Active 1870

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