BenDor, Jan.

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Jan BenDor (1946-) is known primarily for her work in the area of women's rights. She hold a Master of Social Work degree from the University of Michigan, and is ABD in the University of Michigan's doctoral program in psychology. She currently works as a social worker, and teaches as an adjunct at Eastern Michigan University.

As founder of the Women's Crisis Center in Ann Arbor, she was responsible for starting the rape crisis center movement in Michigan. She was also instrumental in lobbying for the passage of the Criminal Sexual Conduct Law reform of 1974. Additionally, she helped to initiate some of the nation's first training programs about domestic violence for police, prosecutors, and hospital staff. Other accomplishments include organizing a boycott against Domino's Pizza for its anti-woman policies, and working within the mental health community to end sexism, provide better support for survivors of abuse and sexual assault, and educate young men and offenders about women's issues. She has also been a member of the Board of Trustees of Safe House, an Ann Arbor shelter for battered women (1988-2004).

She has also been active in local government and the Eastern Michigan University United Auto Workers-Technical Office Professionals (UAW-TOP) union, serving for over a decade as a Trustee, Planning Commissioner, and Deputy Township Clerk for Pittsfield Township and as Vice President of UAW-TOP Local 1976. In her capacity as a local government official she has supported efforts to preserve green space, to establish long term plans for the maintenance of public services, to implement measures to help prevent predatory loans, and to reform elections laws and promote voter registration.

Currently, BenDor lives in Ypsilanti, Michigan with her husband, and is the mother of two adult sons. She continues to work in the field of human services, and remains active in her support of women's issues and local government.

From the guide to the Jan BenDor papers, 1974-2005, 1988-1992, (Bentley Historical Library, University of Michigan)

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Ark ID: w6z1827v

SNAC ID: 76494229