Works Progress Administration (WPA) Statewide Archaeological Project

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The Works Progress Administration, Statewide Archaeological Project was initiated in the spring of 1938 by Emil W. Haury, Department of Anthropology and the Arizona State Museum, University of Arizona. In May, 1938, the Arizona Board of Regents appointed a State Committee on Anthropology to draw up a proposal for the project and to recommend supervisory personnel for it. The committee was composed of Emil W. Haury, University of Arizona, Tucson, Chairman; Harold S. Colton, Museum of Northern Arizona, Flagstaff; Harold S. Gladwin, Gila Pueblo, Globe; Byron Cummings, Arizona State Museum, Tucson; and Odd S. Halseth, Pueblo Grande, Phoenix. The committee submitted a project proposal to the WPA in June, 1938 . After various bureaucratic delays and a request to rewrite the entire proposal, the WPA approved the original proposal in September, 1938 . It was assigned Project no. 1102. Project activities began in October, 1938, and ended in October, 1940 .

The Statewide Archaeological Project, as approved by the WPA, was divided into 5 subprojects with Roy Lassetter, Tucson, appointed Project Superintendent (this title varied as did all the titles on this project). Lassetter remained Project Superintendent until July 8, 1940, when he resigned to go into the Army. Irene Vickrey was then appointed Acting Project Superintendent, a position she held until the project was closed.

The subprojects were:

Subproject A, co-sponsored by the Museum of Northern Arizona and the Arizona State Teachers' College, Flagstaff, with Harold S. Colton as the sponsors' director. No mention is made of the State Teachers' College sponsorship except in the project proposal. John C. McGregor was the Archaeologist and Milton Wetherill was the Assistant Archaeologist on this subproject. Katharine Bartlett was also actively involved. The proposed activities of Subproject A were to prepare archaeological and ethnological material for publication; restore prehistoric pottery and prepare artifacts for exhibit; upgrade the MNA museum catalog; and excavate Winona Village and Ridge Ruin. Occasional mention is made of a Subproject A-1 located at Tuzigoot with Milton Wetherill as WPA project supervisor. However, Wetherill seems to have ended up working in Flagstaff instead.

Subproject B, sponsored by the City of Phoenix through Pueblo Grande with Odd S. Halseth as the sponsor's director. WPA project supervisors or foremen were Albert H. Schroeder from October, 1938, to ca. September, 1939, and Paul Ezell from ca. September, 1939, to December, 1939 . It is unclear who, if anyone, replaced Ezell when he left. Subproject B's proposed activities were to upgrade Pueblo Grande Museum storage; conduct an Indian art project; and survey and trench prehistoric sites in the Salt River Valley.

Subproject C, sponsored by the Arizona State Museum, University of Arizona, with Emil W. Haury as the sponsor's director. WPA project supervisor was Roy Lassetter from October, 1938 to July, 1940 . It is unclear who replaced him; possibly George A. Burns, Senior Typist, was put in charge. Proposed activities of Subproject C were to prepare museum materials and manuscripts for publication; make a bibliographic survey of the library; and the preparation of skeletal material.

Subprojects D and E, co-sponsored by Gila Pueblo and the City of Globe, with Harold S. Gladwin as the sponsors' director. Irene Vickrey was the WPA supervisor. Subprojects D and E were written up separately in the project proposal but were treated as one project, called Subproject D, in the ensuing material. Proposed activities of Subproject D were the excavation and repair of significant ruins and the preparation of materials collected therefrom. The proposed activity of Subproject E was to excavate a prehistoric ruin near the Inspiration Mine. Besh-ba-gowah, Inspiration I and Inspiration II were excavated and a museum in Globe was maintained under Subprojects D and E.

There is mention of another Subproject E - this one at the Smoki Museum in Prescott. There is no evidence in this collection that this project ever came to pass.

Funds for the Statewide Archaeological Project were expended by September 27, 1940, and the project was officially closed October 4, 1940 .

From the guide to the Works Progress Administration (WPA) Statewide Archaeological Project, 1938-1940, (Arizona State Museum)

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creatorOf Works Progress Administration (WPA) Statewide Archaeological Project, 1938-1940 Arizona State Museum
Role Title Holding Repository
Relation Name
associatedWith A.B. Pinkley person
associatedWith Agnes Hunt Parke person
associatedWith Albert H. Schroeder person
associatedWith Anderson, Oney, Jr. person
associatedWith Arnold W. Withers person
associatedWith Bartlett, Katharine person
associatedWith Binkley, Joe person
associatedWith Bixby, Hugh C. person
associatedWith Boyle, Carmen F. person
associatedWith Brady, Estelle L. person
associatedWith Burdon, Jan person
associatedWith Burns, George A. person
associatedWith Burns, George E. person
associatedWith Carruth, Earl J. person
associatedWith Castillo, Timateo person
associatedWith Cecil D. Emmons person
associatedWith Celi, Manny person
associatedWith Chambers, Elizabeth Y. person
associatedWith Chapman, Andrew F. person
associatedWith Clark, Samuel person
associatedWith Connelly, Florence person
associatedWith Crowe, Ira S. person
associatedWith Cummings, Byron person
associatedWith Dawson, Willis B. person
associatedWith Dorsh, John person
associatedWith Duffen, William person
associatedWith Edwards, Fulton person
associatedWith Edward T. Hall person
associatedWith Elizabeth Boies Hagberg person
associatedWith Emil W. Haury person
associatedWith Estes, Lloyd M. person
associatedWith Ezell, Paul person
associatedWith Foote, Chester H. person
associatedWith French, Bernard I. person
associatedWith Fuentes, L. H. person
associatedWith Godbout, Francis A. person
associatedWith Goddu, Dana W. person
associatedWith Goodner, Jopha person
associatedWith Green, Albert T. person
associatedWith Greger, Phil person
associatedWith Griggs, John W. person
associatedWith Griner, Lorena person
associatedWith Hallquist, Fred E. person
associatedWith Harold S. Colton person
associatedWith Harold S. Gladwin person
associatedWith Herman, George C. person
associatedWith Hill, Gertrude person
associatedWith Hitt, Beatrice M. person
associatedWith Hodges, Clarence E. person
associatedWith Howarth, Thomas person
associatedWith Irene S. Vickrey person
associatedWith James, Edgar A. person
associatedWith John C. McGregor person
associatedWith Jones, Charles E. person
associatedWith Joyce, Jack J. person
associatedWith Kelly, Audie person
associatedWith Krueger, Margaret person
associatedWith LaHaie, Wilfred person
associatedWith Lassetter, Roy person
associatedWith Lassetter, Roy, Jr. person
associatedWith Lawrence, Nathan person
associatedWith Leazotte, Bert person
associatedWith Ledesma, Joe R. person
associatedWith Lucas, Woodrow W. person
associatedWith MacGleazen, Jerylle person
associatedWith Malone, Robert H. person
associatedWith Massey, Van R. person
associatedWith Maxwell, Joseph M. person
associatedWith McClure, Robert W. person
associatedWith McCullough, John R. person
associatedWith McIntyre, Arnold H. person
associatedWith McQuirt, Jean person
associatedWith Messner, Harvey C. person
associatedWith Moore, Thomas N. person
associatedWith Muse, Samuel L. person
associatedWith Musgrave, Floyd D. person
associatedWith Myers, Carl A. person
associatedWith Neal, Homer F. person
associatedWith Neston, Victor E. person
associatedWith Odd S. Halseth person
associatedWith Olson, Otoo person
associatedWith Patrick, Frank V. person
associatedWith Perkins, Lucille person
associatedWith Perry, Virginia person
associatedWith Peterson, Alfred person
associatedWith Picco, Thomas M. person
associatedWith Pinkley, Nancy person
associatedWith Rayburn, Ivy S. person
associatedWith Richardson, Henry J. person
associatedWith Riley, William B. person
associatedWith Rolston, John J. person
associatedWith Ross, Vincent person
associatedWith Schoen, Edward D. person
associatedWith Schroeder, Albert H. person
associatedWith Sims, Carl person
associatedWith Spafford, William H. person
associatedWith Speese, Agnes person
associatedWith Stayton, William H. person
associatedWith Stephens, Curtis person
associatedWith Strange, Charles R. person
associatedWith Sullivan, Grover person
associatedWith Tewksbury, Vincent person
associatedWith Turner, Nina S. person
associatedWith Tyson, Elizabeth person
associatedWith Upshaw, Berrien K. person
associatedWith Van Brunt, Lafayette person
associatedWith Vickrey, Irene person
associatedWith Vincent, Ferel R. person
associatedWith Wessels, Myrtilla A. person
associatedWith Wetherill, Milton person
associatedWith Whitehead, Emmon T. person
associatedWith Williams, Albert person
associatedWith Womacks, Thomas W. person
associatedWith Wray, Heather S. person
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Ark ID: w6z73sch

SNAC ID: 76434483