creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. The song for St. Cecelia's Day ; Serenata on Queen Ann's Birth Day : manuscript, [1739] / by Mr. Dryden ; set to music by Mr. Handell.
Princeton University Library |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. Te Deum laudamus Dettinghen : manuscript, [after 1743]
Houghton Library |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. Two transcriptions from Handel's Admetus / [arr. by] Mark Wessel.
Northwestern University |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. Zadok : not complete / Handel.
University of Sheffield |
referencedIn |
Goldschmidt, Otto, 1829-1907. Autograph letters signed (29) mostly to Goldschmidt, dated : London [and other places], 1874-1907 [and n.d.], 1874-1907.
Pierpont Morgan Library. |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. [Scipione.
Harvard University, Loeb Music Library |
referencedIn |
Hall, James S. An alphabetical index of songs, cantatas, sacred music, and important recitatives set by Mr. Handel in French, German, Latin, Italian, and Spanish / James S. Hall, Walmer, 1953.
Princeton University Library |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. Theodora oratorio [microform].
New York Public Library System, NYPL |
creatorOf |
ROYAL MUSIC COLLECTION. G.F. Handel: Rinaldo; [HWV 7] circa 1712. Copy. (Händel-Gesellschaft LVIII). Full score. The 1711 version, with numerous autograph pencil alterations for the 1731 version. For autograph see R.M.20.c.3.ff. 134. 8.5 x 11 in.Giac..., approximately 1712
British Library |
referencedIn |
Hudson, Frederick. Frederick Hudson collection, 1967-1986.
Princeton University Library |
creatorOf |
Philadelphia Orchestra. Transcription of WFLN radio broadcast [sound recording], 1976 December 2.
University of Pennsylvania Libraries, Van Pelt Library |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. Forte e lieto : Song of Tamerlan : an opera / Handell.
University of Cambridge, Cambridge University Library |
referencedIn |
1. " MOTTETTO a canto solo con violini e oboe," and " Nisi Dominus [Ps. cxxvii.] a 5, con violini," by G. F. Handel. Latin. Composed apparently for the Colonna Family for performance at Rome on the festival of the Madonna del Carmine. ff. 1, 80. 2. "..., 18th century
British Library |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. Alcina.
Harvard University, Loeb Music Library |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. Fugue in F♯ minor / by G.F. Handel ; transcribed for strings by Bernard Morgan.
Free Library of Philadelphia, Parkway Central Library |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. Sinfonie [microform].
New York Public Library System, NYPL |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. Messiah [microform], an oratorio.
New York Public Library System, NYPL |
creatorOf |
CHURCH HOUSE MANUSCRIPTS. Vol. V. Twenty metrical psalms, for three voices, by William Croft and others; 18th cent. Copies and extracts, aft. 1797 (watermark passim). Words from Old or New Versions, as indicated in the headings. Also includes:-(a) S..., 18th century
British Library |
referencedIn |
Richard Lert papers, 1900-1981
USC Libraries Special Collections |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. Quartetti a violino primo, violino secondo, viola e basso [microform] / del Hendel.
Duke University Libraries, Duke University Library; Perkins Library |
creatorOf |
ROYAL MUSIC COLLECTION. G.F. Handel: Psalms (Latin) I; 1702?. Autograph. (Händel-Gesellschaft XXXVIII). ‘Laudate pueri Dominum’ (Psalm 112) in F (HWV 236) (H-G. XXXVIII, No. I). See also Donald Burrows and Martha J. Ronish, A Catalogue of Handel’s Mu..., 1702
British Library |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. Coro "Alcina" / Handel. These are the realms in sunlight glowing.
University of Sheffield |
referencedIn |
Lieberson, Goddard, 1911-1977. Homage to Handel : suite for strings / Goddard Lieberson.
Free Library of Philadelphia, Parkway Central Library |
referencedIn |
Paul Jacobs collection of noncommercial recordings [sound recording], 1967-1983
The New York Public Library. Rodgers and Hammerstein Archives of Recorded Sound. |
creatorOf |
ROYAL MUSIC COLLECTION. G.F. Handel: Amadigi; [HWV 11] circa 1715. Copy. (Händel-Gesellschaft LXII). Full score, omitting the recitatives. The following names of the performers are given: Nicolini (Amadigi), Anastasia Robinson (Oriana); Piloti (Melis..., approximately 1715
British Library |
creatorOf |
ROYAL MUSIC COLLECTION. G.F. Handel: Miscellaneous collections and selections vol. VII; circa 1733. Copy. Full scores. Aylesford Collection. ff. i + 104. 9 x 11.25 in.1. ff. 2-38v. Selections from Orlando (H-G. LXXXII).(a) ff. 2-3. ‘Gieroglifici eter..., approximately 1733
British Library |
referencedIn |
CORRESPONDENCE AND PAPERS OF WILLIAM BARCLAY SQUIRE (b. 1855, d. 1927) relating to his Catalogue of the King's Music Library, i (The Handel Manuscripts), 1927; 1922-1926, n.d. These manuscripts were deposited on permanent loan in the British Museum i..., 1922-1926
British Library |
creatorOf |
Philadelphia Orchestra. Transcription of WFLN radio broadcast [sound recording], 1971 December 19.
University of Pennsylvania Libraries, Van Pelt Library |
referencedIn |
GRANVILLE COLLECTION. Vol. XXXIII (ff. ii + 114). Fifty Italian Cantatas, the words of the last,." Handel, non può mia musa cantare " (f. 113 b), being written by Cardinal Benedetto Pamfili, in praise of the composer, and set to music by the latter, ...
British Library |
creatorOf |
MS Mus. 152. CHARLES DIBDIN AND OTHERS: album of songs and keyboard music; circa 1800. Partly autogr., partly copies, partly printed. ff. 1-11 are in the same hand. The printed items have been trimmed and pasted into the volume, and no publication de..., approximately 1800
British Library |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. Sonata for string bass in C maj. / Handel ; transcribed and edited from E maj. vln. sonata #6 by G. Xuclá.
The Juilliard School, Lila Acheson Wallace Library |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. Alexander Balus : an oratorio : manuscript, [ca. 1748].
Princeton University Library |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. The great elopment : a ballet / by Sir Thomas Beecham, the music derived from various works of George Frederick Handel.
University of Sheffield |
creatorOf |
MICHAEL FESTING AND MAURICE GREENE: Music manuscript; circa 1733-1736. Partly autograph of both composers. ff. 1-10 are in Greene’s hand, ff. 16v-30 and 31v-35 in Festing’s hand, both in ink, with many of the remaining blank staves filled in pencil b..., approximately 1733-1736
British Library |
creatorOf |
Brunnenmüller, Elias, d. 1762. Klavierkompositionen [microform]
UC Berkeley Libraries |
referencedIn |
George Baillie Collection of Music Manuscripts, 1700-1830
Edinburgh University Library |
creatorOf |
ROYAL MUSIC COLLECTION. G.F. Handel: Scipione (dramma per musica by Paolo Antonio Rolli) (HWV 20); 1726. Autograph. (Händel-Gesellschaft LXXI). f. i, bound at end, is a note in the hand of F. Nicolai. ff. 11v and 31v are ruled with staves but otherwi..., 1726
British Library |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. O sing unto the Lord [microform].
New York Public Library System, NYPL |
referencedIn |
COLLECTION of harpsichord and organ pieces, etc., which belonged in 1773 to Samuel Wesley, a few of them being probably his own juvenile compositions. The names of the composers appear in the index. Paper; ff. 48. Presented by the same., 1773
British Library |
creatorOf |
ROYAL MUSIC COLLECTION. G.F. Handel: Flavio (drama per musica after a libretto by Matteo Noris) (HWV 16); 1723. Autograph. (Handel-Gesellschaft LXVII; Hallische Handel-Ausgabe II/13, 1993). ff. 33v, 36v, 47v, 88v and 91v are ruled with staves but o..., 1723
British Library |
creatorOf |
Philadelphia Orchestra. Transcription of WFLN radio broadcast [sound recording], 1974 December 22 and 23.
University of Pennsylvania Libraries, Van Pelt Library |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. Anthem per Mr. Handell [manuscript], ca. 1785.
Folger Shakespeare Library |
creatorOf |
ROYAL MUSIC COLLECTION. G.F. Handel: Anthems IV. Anthem for Queen Caroline’s Funeral (The Ways of Zion, HWV 264); 1737. Autograph. (Händel-Gesellschaft XI). Italian words are added throughout, sometimes in pencil, with altered notes to fit the Italia..., 1737
British Library |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. But thou didst not leave / Handel.
University of Cambridge, Cambridge University Library |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. Bending to the throne of glory : from the oratorio Susanna / George Frederick Handel ; arranged for voice and piano by Samuel Endicott.
University of Pennsylvania Libraries, Van Pelt Library |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. Serenata Acis und Galatea von Haendel. Mozarts Originalhandschrift der von ihm instrumentieren.
HCL Technical Services, Harvard College Library |
creatorOf |
ROYAL MUSIC COLLECTION. G.F. Handel: Il pastor fido; [HWV 8] circa 1712. Copy. (Händel-Gesellschaft LIX). Full score. The 1712 version, with numerous pencil notes in Handel’s handwriting. For autograph see R.M.20.b.12.ff. 80. 10.75 x 8.5 in.Giacomo R..., approximately 1712
British Library |
referencedIn |
Cowper, William, 1731-1800. Autograph letter signed : to an unidentified recipient, 1784 June 21.
Pierpont Morgan Library. |
creatorOf |
ROYAL MUSIC COLLECTION. G.F. Handel: Samson (oratorio by Newburgh Hamilton after texts by John Milton) (HWV 57); 1741, 1742. Autograph. (Händel-Gesellschaft X). See also the Preface to H-G. According to Barclay Squire the MS. is foliated throughout i..., 1741-1742
British Library |
creatorOf |
ROYAL MUSIC COLLECTION. G.F. Handel: Miscellaneous collections and selections vol. II; circa 1729. Copy. Aylesford Collection. Harpsichord arrangements, unless otherwise described.ff. ii + 34. 9 x 11.5 in.1. ff. 1-3v. Overture to Ottone, ‘as performe..., approximately 1729
British Library |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. Si caro : Admetus / [George Frideric Handel].
University of North Carolina at Greensboro, University Libraries, UNCG University Libraries |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. Alexanders-Fest, oder, Die Gewalt der Musik : zu Ehren der heil. Cäcilia / von Dryden, und in Musik gesetzt von Georg Friedrich Händel ; anno 1736 zu London in Conventgarden zum erstenmahle aufgeführet', 1766-1770?
Princeton University Library |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. [Rodrigo [microform].
New York Public Library System, NYPL |
referencedIn |
Rose family. Music books, 1831.
Colonial Williamsburg Foundation. John D. Rockefeller, Jr. Library |
referencedIn |
Jaëll, Alfred, 1832-1882. Autograph letter signed, dated : Hanover, 6 March [i.e. April] 1859, to an unidentified recipient, 1859 Apr. 6.
Pierpont Morgan Library. |
creatorOf |
ROYAL MUSIC COLLECTION. G.F. Handel: Atalanta (dramma per musica after a libretto by Belisario Valeriani) (HWV 36) ; 1736. Autograph. (Händel-Gesellschaft LXXXVII). f. 68v is ruled with staves but otherwise blank. For copies see R.M.18.c.5. (ff. 2-14..., 1736
British Library |
referencedIn |
Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, Felix, 1809-1847. Autograph letters signed (20), dated : London, Vienna (and Kloster Lilienfeld), Milan, Lucerne, Paris, [Berlin], Düsseldorf, Leipzig, and Frankfurt, 1829-1846, to Eduard Devrient, 1829-1846.
Pierpont Morgan Library. |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. Handel's Jephtha : Overture / with additional accompaniments by Arthur Sullivan.
Free Library of Philadelphia, Parkway Central Library |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. Messias / Georg Friedrich Händel.
Brotherton Library, University of Leeds |
creatorOf |
Erba, Dionigi, fl. 1692-1729. Magnificat [microform] / del Rd. Sigr. Erba ; [copied by Rophino Lacy].
California State University Fullerton |
creatorOf |
ROYAL MUSIC COLLECTION. G.F. Handel: Il Trionfo del Tempo [HWV 46b?]; circa 1740. Copy. (Händel-Gesellschaft XXIV). Full score of the 1737 version. For autograph see R.M.20.f.10; for other copies see R.M.18.c.8 and R.M.19.e.5.ff. 110. 9 x 11.25 in.Ge..., approximately 1740
British Library |
creatorOf |
ROYAL MUSIC COLLECTION. G.F. Handel: Anthems II and Te Deum (HWV 248, 255, 281); [1716-1720] (Burrows suggests ca. 1717-1718). Autograph. (Händel-Gesellschaft XXXIV, XXXV, XXXVII). ff. 19v, 23v and 115v are ruled with staves but otherwise blank. See ..., 1716-1720
British Library |
creatorOf |
Sullivan, Arthur, Sir, 1842-1900. "Jephtha / an oratorio composed in 1751 / by / Handel / with additional accompaniments written 1870 / by / Sullivan" : copyist's manuscript, 1869 Feb. 5.
Pierpont Morgan Library. |
referencedIn |
MISCELLANEOUS MUSIC, viz.: (a) Chants by John Alcock, Robert Wainwright, Henry Purcell, Dr. -Hayes, Rev. -Clayton. ff. 1-2 b; -(b) Anthem by Hen. Purcell. f. 3;-(c) "Tantum Ergo," with bass by V. Novello. f. 14;-(d) "Credo" by Pietro Guglielmi. f. ..., 18th century-19th century
British Library |
referencedIn |
CANTATAS, and a few duets and terzets, with occasional instrumental accompaniment, chiefly by Giovanni Domenico Pacini, Alessandro Melani, Alessandro Scarlatti, Giovanni [Maria?] Buononcini, Alessandro Stradella, Gregorio Cola, Emmanuele, Baron d'Ast...
British Library |
creatorOf |
ROYAL MUSIC COLLECTION. G.F. Handel: Duets; 18th century. Copy. (Händel-Gesellschaft XXXII). For other copies see R.M.18.b.11 and R.M.18.b.14.ff. i + 20 9.25 x 11.5 in.1. ff. 1-11v. ‘A mirarvi io son’ [HWV 178, autograph Cambridge Fitzwilliam museum]..., 18th century
British Library |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. Operatic overtures and arias : manuscript, [17--?].
Princeton University Library |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. Four pages of the overture, beginning at bar 14 of the Allegro [microform].
New York Public Library System, NYPL |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. Minuet [in G minor [microform].
New York Public Library System, NYPL |
creatorOf |
ROYAL MUSIC COLLECTION. G.F. Handel: Il Pastor Fido (opera seria by Giacomo Rossi after the ‘tragicommedia pastorale’ by Battista Guarini) (HWV 8); 1712. Autograph. (Händel-Gesellschaft LIX). The MS. contains fragments only. Between ff. 5 and 6 and a..., 1712
British Library |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. Theodora an oratorio [microform] Set to musick by George Frederick Handel in the year 1750.
New York Public Library System, NYPL |
creatorOf |
ROYAL MUSIC COLLECTION. G.F. Handel: Ode for Queen Anne’s Birthday (on a text by Ambrose Philips) (Eternal source of light divine, HWV 74); 1713. Autograph. (Händel-Gesellschaft XLVIa; Hallische Händel-Ausgabe I/6, 1962). For copies see R.M.19.e.1., ..., 1713
British Library |
referencedIn |
Hall, James S.,. Belshazzar : an oratorio : manuscript, [ca. 1744].
Princeton University Library |
referencedIn |
SONGS and choruses for "the Messiah," by Geo. Fred. Handel, and anthems by Dr. Maurice Greene. Paper; XVIIIth cent. Oblong Quarto. [Add. 17,855.]George Frideric Handel, composer: Songs and choruses for the "Messiah".Music: Songs, etc., for the "Messi..., 18th century
British Library |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. Minuet ; Hornpipe ; Gavotte / [music by Handel, arranged by Sir Thomas Beecham].
University of Sheffield |
referencedIn |
Eg. 3009. MISCELLANEOUS letters and papers, viz., 1530-1875
British Library |
referencedIn |
Vol.II (ff. 213). 1. " D'Alembert 's Principles of Musical Composition," i.e. a free English translation (watermark 1798) of portions of Élémens de musique by Jean le Rond d'Alembert. f.12. " Anthems to be sung .... in the Cathedrall .... in Dublin 1..., 1685-1886
British Library |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. [Qual ti riveggio, oh Dio, HWV 150].
Pierpont Morgan Library. |
referencedIn |
Mason, Lowell, 1792-1872. Lowell Mason letter, 1819-1821.
Georgia Historical Society |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. Recitativ u. Arie aus Amadis / G.F. Händel.
University of Pennsylvania Libraries, Van Pelt Library |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric 1685-1759. Coro I dell' opera intitolata Il Mesia Música mauscrita musica di Giorgio Federico Händel ; secondo l'edizione di Londra, traduzione dall' inglese.
Biblioteca Nacional de España, Biblioteca Nacional - Madrid |
referencedIn |
1. EXTRACTS and adaptations from Handel, in score. f. 1. 2. Three anthems, in parts, by -Sheeles [or Schceles?]. f. 7. 3. Anthems and canticles, in score, by William Savage. f. 62. Paper; ff. 99. xviiith, xixth centt. Oblong Folio.includes:f. 1 Geor..., 18th century-19th century
British Library |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. [Cantatas [microform].
Duke University Libraries, Duke University Library; Perkins Library |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. Fragment from the Wedding anthem for Princess Anne [microform].
New York Public Library System, NYPL |
creatorOf |
ROYAL MUSIC COLLECTION. G.F. Handel: Arminio (dramma per musica after a libretto by Antonio Salvi) (HWV 36); 1736. Autograph. (Händel-Gesellschaft LXXXIX). ff. 39r, 80v, 81r are ruled with staves but otherwise blank. For a copy see R.M.19.a.1. (ff. 1..., 1736
British Library |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. Mottetto [microform].
New York Public Library System, NYPL |
referencedIn |
Pauer, E. (Ernst). Autograph letter signed, dated : Jugenheim, 9 April 1872, to H[einrich?] Henkel, 1872 Apr. 9.
Pierpont Morgan Library. |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. Adagio ; Gavotte ; Pastorale / Handel - Beecham, arr. by Betty Humby.
University of Sheffield |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. Due cori dall' opera intitolata Il Messia [Música notada] di Giorgio Federico Händel ; traduzione dall' inglese secondo l'edizione di Londra.
Biblioteca Nacional de España, Biblioteca Nacional - Madrid |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. Menuet.
University of Sheffield |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. Bella Asteria : Aria out of Tamerlan / Handell.
University of Cambridge, Cambridge University Library |
creatorOf |
ROYAL MUSIC COLLECTION. G.F. Handel: Giulio Cesare; [HWV 17] 1725. 2 copies. (Händel-Gesellschaft LXVIII). Full scores. For autograph see R.M.20.b.3; for another copy see R.M.19.f.3.2 vols., 1725
British Library |
creatorOf |
British Library. [Madrigals, cantatas and duets [microform]
University of Pennsylvania Libraries, Van Pelt Library |
creatorOf |
ROYAL MUSIC COLLECTION. G.F. Handel: Theodora (oratorio by Thomas Morell after a text by Robert Boyle) (HWV 68); 1749. Autograph. (Händel-Gesellschaft VIII). ff. 41v, 48v, 56v and 113v are ruled with staves but otherwise blank. For a copy see R.M.18...., 1749
British Library |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. Mio bel tesoro, soprano aria, from Alcina, manuscript
Harvard Musical Association |
creatorOf |
Aria ‘Mio caro bene’ [from ‘Rodelinda’]. Copy; n.d.ff. 14 300 x 240mm.Nicola Francesco Haym, composer, poet and theatre manager: Pierre Corneille, French dramatist: Antonio Salvi, librettist: Robert Franz, composer: George Frideric Handel, composer: ...
British Library |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. S'gombra : Siroe / [George Frideric Handel].
University of North Carolina at Greensboro, University Libraries, UNCG University Libraries |
referencedIn |
COLLECTION of engraved portraits of musicians, etc., viz. 1. Christopher Hitzenauer., "Brunoviensis" [? of Braunau, in Bohemia]; he flourished at Lauingen in Bavaria, 1585. 3½ in. x 2.5/8 in. f. 1. 2. Johann Andreas Herbst, "Francofurti Musics Direct..., 18th century-19th century
British Library |
referencedIn |
Neighbour, O. W. (Oliver Wray), 1923-. Typewritten letter signed, dated : London, 27 April 1978, to James J. Fuld, 1978 Apr. 27.
Pierpont Morgan Library. |
creatorOf |
ROYAL MUSIC COLLECTION. G.F. Handel: L’Allegro, il Penseroso ed il Moderato; [HWV 55] 18th century. Copy. (Händel-Gesellschaft VI). Five solo voice parts for S.S.A.T. and B., in a portfolio. For the autograph see R.M.20.d.5; for other copies see R.M...., 18th century
British Library |
creatorOf |
Conkey, Albert B. Prelude & fugue, A minor / G.F. Handel ; arr. A.B. Conkey.
Free Library of Philadelphia, Parkway Central Library |
referencedIn |
Lang, Paul Henry, 1901-1991. Autograph letter signed, dated : New York, 21 March 1967, to Joseph Chouinard, 1967 Mar. 21.
Pierpont Morgan Library. |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. Messiah [videorecording] / by George Frideric Handel.
Toccoa Falls College, Seby Jones Library |
creatorOf |
Smith, Tyrone. [Tyrone Smith, bass-baritone] [sound recording] : [Tuesday, April 13, 1971, 8:00 p.m., 101, Music Building / assisted by Carol Carson, piano].
University of Central Oklahoma, Chambers Library |
referencedIn |
Moldenhauer, Hans. Moldenhauer archives at the Library of Congress, circa 1000-circa 1990.
Library of Congress |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. [Concerto in A major for piano and orchestra / founded on thems by G.F. Handel, arranged by Sir Thomas Beecham].
University of Sheffield |
creatorOf |
ROYAL MUSIC COLLECTION. G.F. Handel: Deborah (oratorio by Samuel Humphreys) (HWV 51); 1733. Partly autograph. (Händel-Gesellschaft XXIX). The part of Sisera (from f. 25v onwards) is written throughout for Alto. f. i is a note in the hand of F. Nicola..., 1733
British Library |
creatorOf |
ANGLICAN SERVICE MUSIC: 'Sacred Music Collected by H. T. Ellicombe', including most notably two works by Robert Lucas Pearsall, a Burial Service in E minor (1829-1830) and an autograph communion hymn 'Therefore with Angels' (1845); 1809-1845. Except ..., 1809-1845
British Library |
referencedIn |
Volbach, Fritz, 1861-1940. Autograph letter signed, dated : Mainz, 10 October 1903, to an unidentified recipient, 1903 Oct. 10.
Pierpont Morgan Library. |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. Water music / Handel ; orchestrated by Leopold Stokowski.
University of Pennsylvania Libraries, Van Pelt Library |
creatorOf |
Voorhees, Donald. Encores from the Bell Telephone Hour [sound recording].
University of Pennsylvania Library |
creatorOf |
Arne, Thomas Augustine, 1710-1778. Love in a village / set by Mr. Arne, et al. ; orchestrated by Mr. Hartke.
Free Library of Philadelphia, Parkway Central Library |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. Introduction... / [music by Handel, arranged by Sir Thomas Beecham].
University of Sheffield |
referencedIn |
Letter book; 1850-58.ff. 179. 225 x 184mm.includes:ff. 2, 10, 34, 54, 56, 60v, 75r, 75v, 77, 95, 96, 97 Sir Michael Costa, composer: George Hogarth, music critic and composer; Secretary, Philharmonic Society: Letters to Sir Michael Costa from Georg..., 1850-1858
British Library |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. [The Central State University Choir presents George Frideric Handel's Messiah] [sound recording].
University of Central Oklahoma, Chambers Library |
referencedIn |
HARPSICHORD SOLOS, etc., by J[ohn] C[hristopher] Smith, Handel, Francesco Geminiani, and Dr. Thomas Augustine Arne, transcribed by Dr. Charles Burney, at Chester, in 1744. Paper; ff. i + 35. Folio. Belonged (19th cent.) to S. N. Barber of Denmark Hil..., 1744
British Library |
creatorOf |
ROYAL MUSIC COLLECTION. Nüske (J.A.). The Nüske-Aniad; 19th century. ‘A collection of vocal melodies, consisting of celebrated airs by the leading foreign and English musicians; the works of each supplying one song: adapted to the guitar, with, relat..., 19th century
British Library |
creatorOf |
Hellstern, Mark. [Central State University Music Department presents Mark Hellstern ... ] [sound recording].
University of Central Oklahoma, Chambers Library |
referencedIn |
Rudolf Kolisch papers, 1886-1978.
Houghton Library |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. Recitative und Lied aus Susanne / von Haendel ; [arr. von Leopold Damrosch].
New York Public Library System, NYPL |
referencedIn |
Prompt books and related materials from productions at the Harvard University Loeb Drama Center
Harvard Theater Collection, Houghton Library, Harvard College Library, Harvard University |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. Joy to the world / J.F. Handel ; arr. Robert Russell Bennett.
University of Pennsylvania Libraries, Van Pelt Library |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. Overture to the opera Siroe : (1728) / G.F. Handel ; arranged by Adam Carse.
University of Cambridge, Cambridge University Library |
creatorOf |
ROYAL MUSIC COLLECTION. G.F. Handel: Songs (German Arias) (on text by Barthold Heinrich Brockes, from "Irdisches Vergnügen in Gott" (Hamburg, 1724)) (HWV 202-210); circa 1729. Autograph. Not in H-G. f. 17v is ruled with staves but otherwise blank. Fi..., approximately 1729
British Library |
creatorOf |
ROYAL MUSIC COLLECTION. G.F. Handel: Utrecht Te Deum (HWV 278) and Jubilate (HWV 279); 1712-1713. Autograph. (Händel-Gesellschaft XXXI; Hallische Händel-Ausgabe III/3, 1999). The MSS. of both works are foliated in pencil by Handel [?dubious]. ff. 42v..., 1712-1713
British Library |
referencedIn |
Mackay-Smith, Alexander,. Ephemera froom the collection of Alexander MacKay Smith [manuscript] 1753-1935.
University of Virginia. Library |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. Trombone parts : Israel in Egypt : manuscript, [ca. 1760].
Princeton University Library |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. When Phœbus the tops of the hills : duo / Handel.
University of Cambridge, Cambridge University Library |
referencedIn |
Randolph, David. David Randolph papers, 1943-2010.
New York Public Library System, NYPL |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. Opera Admetus.
HCL Technical Services, Harvard College Library |
creatorOf |
ROYAL MUSIC COLLECTION. G.F. Handel: Ariodante; [HWV 33] circa 1740. Copy. (Händel-Gesellschaft LXXXV). Full score. A letter from Lord Redesdale, dated 14 August, 1854, is inserted, stating that this volume and Alcina (R.M.19.a.12) were formerly in h..., 1735-1854
British Library |
referencedIn |
Hall, James S.,. Lessons for the harpsichord, [1755].
Princeton University Library |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. Orlando : opera in 3 acts : manuscript, [ca. 1935] / by Handel.
Princeton University Library |
creatorOf |
‘MISS ALICE MAUD HER MUSICK BOOK’: arias and keyboard music; 1732-4. English, written in ink on paper ruled with six staves, in one principal hand, with additions in other hands on ff. 6, 13v and 14 and some small additions of ornaments in pencil on ..., 1732-1734
British Library |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. Atalanta.
Harvard University, Loeb Music Library |
creatorOf |
King, Martin. [The Department of Music, Central State University, presents Martin King, alto saxophone in recital] [sound recording] : [November 25, 1974, Recital Hall, 7:00 p.m. / Peggy Spence and Ruth Cherry, accompanying].
University of Central Oklahoma, Chambers Library |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. Ahi perchè, giusto ciel [microform].
New York Public Library System, NYPL |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. La resurrezione / by George Frideric Handel.
Indiana University |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. [What's sweeter than the new blown rose, from Joseph and his brethren].
Pierpont Morgan Library. |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. Let's imitate her notes above [microform].
New York Public Library System, NYPL |
creatorOf |
Anderson, Marian, 1897-1993. Marian Anderson rehearsal of song program [sound recording].
University of Pennsylvania Library |
creatorOf |
ROYAL MUSIC COLLECTION. G.F. Handel: Miscellaneous collections and selections vol. XXVI; 18th century. Copy. Full scores. ‘Additional Songs, &c. 2’ (Lettering on binding). The volume contains numerous notes in the handwriting of Dr. Chrysander.ff. 16..., 18th century
British Library |
creatorOf |
ROYAL MUSIC COLLECTION. G.F. Handel: Belshazzar (oratorio by Charles Jennens) (HWV 61); 1744. Autograph. (Händel-Gesellschaft XIX). Between ff. 22 and 23, 134 and 135, 159 and 160 are folios ruled with staves but otherwise blank, respectively foliate..., 1744
British Library |
creatorOf |
AYRTON PAPERS. Vol. XXI (ff. 66). Printed articles, etc., by William Ayrton; 1815-1858. Included are (ff. 1-34) copies of Gallery of Portraits, x (1833), li (1836), containing Ayrton's articles on Handel and Mozart; (ff. 36-53) proofs, etc., of obitu..., 1815-1858
British Library |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. Agrippina. Musica del Sig.r Giorgio Hendel.
HCL Technical Services, Harvard College Library |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. Mi palpita il cor : cantate italiane / George Frederick Handel ; arranged from the figured bass by Samuel Endicott.
University of Pennsylvania Libraries, Van Pelt Library |
creatorOf |
Holywell Music Room. Collection of songs arranged for use by the Oxford Music Room chorus and orchestra [manuscript], ca. 1796.
Folger Shakespeare Library |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. 2 [i.e. Zwei] concertos à 4. [microform].
University of Iowa Libraries |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. Sketches and autographs of various instrumental works. [microform].
Princeton University Library |
creatorOf |
Becker, Valerie. Students of Betty Allen [sound recording].
University of North Carolina School of the Arts, Semans Library |
referencedIn |
ANTHEMS, hymns, etc., in score, by the following composers:-John Smith, Joseph Stephenson, Jeremiah Clark, John Knapp, John Church, James Hawkins, Robert Barber, John Bishop, Maurice Greene, Aaron (?) Williams, Handel (" Zadok the Priest "), James G..., 18th century
British Library |
creatorOf |
Zohn, Andrew Eliot, 1970-. Performance hour [sound recording].
University of North Carolina School of the Arts, Semans Library |
referencedIn |
Hiller, Ferdinand, 1811-1885. Autograph letter signed, dated : Cologne, 4 October 1869, to [Salvatore] Marchesi [de] Castrone in Vienna, 1869 Oct. 4.
Pierpont Morgan Library. |
referencedIn |
Let's go to the opera radio broadcast collection [sound recording]
The New York Public Library. Rodgers and Hammerstein Archives of Recorded Sound. |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. The oratorio of Hercules / sett to music by G.F. Handel.
University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign |
creatorOf |
MS Mus. 428. Alan Bush Collection. Vol. ciii. Arrangements for chamber ensembles and piano solo; [circa 1940 – 1981, n.d. Scores, in ink, unless stated otherwise.ff. 127. 367 x 270mm.ff. 1-13. J. S. Bach: Concerto in D minor for two violins and..., 1935-1981
British Library |
creatorOf |
ROYAL MUSIC COLLECTION. G.F. Handel: Miscellaneous collections and selections vol. XXVII; 18th century. Copy. Full scores. Various handwritings. ff. 74. 8.75 x 11.25 in.1. ff. 1-17v. Agrippina (H-G. LVII). Act I, wanting the Overture and all after sc..., 18th century
British Library |
creatorOf |
ROYAL MUSIC COLLECTION. G.F. Handel: The Passion of Christ (Brokes Passion) (on a text by Barthold Heinrich Brockes) (HWV 48); circa 1720. Copy. (Händel-Gesellschaft XV; Hallische Händel-Ausgabe I/7, 1965). Full score. A German MS. of the Brockes Pas..., approximately 1720
British Library |
creatorOf |
ROYAL MUSIC COLLECTION. G.F. Handel: Muzio Scevola, Act III (dramma per musica by Paolo Antonio Rolli (HWV 13); 1721. Autograph. (Händel-Gesellschaft LXIV). The MS. is damaged by damp throughout. f. 22v is ruled with staves but otherwise blank. For o..., 1721
British Library |
creatorOf |
ROYAL MUSIC COLLECTION. G.F. Handel: Berenice (dramma per musica after a libretto by Antonio Salvi) (HWV 38); 1736-1737. Autograph. (Händel-Gesellschaft XC). f. i is a blank leaf at the end of the volume; ff. 41v-42 and 49v are ruled with staves but ..., 1736-1737
British Library |
referencedIn |
Earl Gearhard Vought papers, circa 1960-1976
L. Tom Perry Special Collections |
creatorOf |
R.M.19.f.6. ROYAL MUSIC COLLECTION. G.F. Handel: Instrumental Music V; circa 1750. Copy. (Händel-Gesellschaft XXVII). Sonate a tre, Op. 5. Score and parts. [HWV 369-402]. Autograh lost.4 vols., approximately 1750
British Library |
creatorOf |
ROYAL MUSIC COLLECTION. G.F. Handel: Teseo (‘dramma tragico’ by Niccolò Francesco Haym, after a text by Philippe Quinault) (HWV 9); 1712. Autograph. (Händel-Gesellschaft LX). Fragments of Acts IV and V. ff. 5v and 12v are ruled with staves but otherw..., 1712
British Library |
creatorOf |
ROYAL MUSIC COLLECTION. G.F. Handel: Joseph and his Brethren (oratorio by James Miller) (HWV 59); 1743. Autograph. (Händel-Gesellschaft XLII). The Preface to H-G. XLII and the version A printed in the volume contain full information as to the content..., 1743
British Library |
creatorOf |
ROYAL MUSIC COLLECTION. G.F. Handel: Instrumental music. I.; 18th century. Copy. (Händel-Gesellschaft XXI). Six Concerti Grossi, Op. III [HWV 312-317]. Full score. Autographs lost but see R.M.20.g.13 for individual movements of nos 2 and 6.ff. 55. 14..., 18th century
British Library |
referencedIn |
MISCELLANEOUS vocal music, viz. :-1. "When charming Chloe " :madrigal for five voices, in score, by Samuel Webbe. Autograph. f. 1.2. " Daughter sweet of voice and air ": glee for five voices, by Samuel Webbe. Autograph. f 7. 3. The same words, entitl..., 18th century-19th century
British Library |
creatorOf |
Denham, Ellen. The first annual Christmas concert [sound recording].
University of North Carolina School of the Arts, Semans Library |
creatorOf |
ROYAL MUSIC COLLECTION. G.F. Handel: Miserere; 18th century. Copy. 27 vocal and instrumental parts, in a portfolio. Full score. An adaptation of the Chandos Anthem "Have mercy upon me" (HG XXXIV). For another copy see R.M.19.e.3.ff. 251. 9 x 11.5 in;..., 18th century
British Library |
creatorOf |
Philadelphia Orchestra. Transcription of WFLN radio broadcast [sound recording], 1968 January 22.
University of Pennsylvania Libraries, Van Pelt Library |
creatorOf |
Philadelphia Orchestra. Transcription of WFLN radio broadcast [sound recording], 1963 December 22.
University of Pennsylvania Libraries, Van Pelt Library |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. Samson [microform], an oratorio.
New York Public Library System, NYPL |
creatorOf |
Jackson, Anna, 1986-. Performance hour [sound recording].
University of North Carolina School of the Arts, Semans Library |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. O sing unto the Lord [microform].
New York Public Library System, NYPL |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. Dolce pur d'amor l'affano : cantate italiane / George Frederick Handel ; arranged from the figured bass by Samuel Endicott.
University of Pennsylvania Libraries, Van Pelt Library |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. [Rinaldo: an opera] [microform].
New York Public Library System, NYPL |
creatorOf |
Vinci, Leonardo, d. 1730. Ernelinda [microform] : pasticcio] / Georg Friedrich Händel.
University of Pennsylvania Libraries, Van Pelt Library |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. Sonate en re : pour 2 violons et piano avec violoncelle ad 'libitum / Haendel 1685-1759 ; transcription for flute, cello and harp by Carlos Salzedo.
Curtis Institute of Music, John de Lancie Library |
creatorOf |
Aria ‘Lascia amor’ [from ‘Rinaldo’]. Copy; n.d.ff. 8 244 x 300mm.Torquato Tasso, poet: Giacomo Rossi, librettist: George Frideric Handel, composer: 'Lascia amor', aria from Rinaldo by George Frideric Handel, to a libretto by Giacomo Rossi, after Torq...
British Library |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. Messias.
HCL Technical Services, Harvard College Library |
referencedIn |
Hiller, Ferdinand, 1811-1885. Autograph letters signed (2), dated : Como, Tavernola, 5 August 1840, and Florence, 3 May 1841, to Fr[iedrich] Kistner in Leipzig, 1840 Aug. 5.
Pierpont Morgan Library. |
referencedIn |
Jan Peerce collection of sound recordings, 1932-1983
The New York Public Library. Rodgers and Hammerstein Archives of Recorded Sound. |
referencedIn |
Chrysander, Friedrich, 1826-1901. Miscellaneous manuscripts, 1869-1870.
University of Pennsylvania Libraries, Van Pelt Library |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. Il trionfo del tempo [microform] / Georg Friedrich Händel.
University of Pennsylvania Libraries, Van Pelt Library |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. "Concertino / Nisi Dominus à 5 con VV. / Del Sigr. G.F. Hendel" : copyist's manuscript, 1707 June 13.
Pierpont Morgan Library. |
referencedIn |
1. Six Canons, by Xaver Schnyder von Wartensee. f. 1. 2. " Drey Fugen von J. S. Bach, G. F. Händel, und W. A. Mozart; für das Pianoforte zu vier Händen eingerichtet von Julius André." There are, in fact, four fugues; but one of the two by J. S. Bach ..., 19th century
British Library |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. Chosen songs from Handel's oratorios [selec]ted for the cetra & harpsichord / by Sigr. Marella.
New York Public Library System, NYPL |
referencedIn |
1. " LA VIOLA," eantata for alto with violins and a bass in score, by Antonio Caldara. Autograph (?). f. 1. 2. " In carcere penoso," for soprano and bass, with a bass, in score, by Agostino Tinazzoli. Copied by Abbé Santini. f. 6. 3. " D'alle tenebre..., 18th century-19th century
British Library |
creatorOf |
Siccardi, H. (Honorio), 1897-1963. Seis variaciones sobre un tema de Hændel : orquesta / H. Siccardi.
Free Library of Philadelphia, Parkway Central Library |
creatorOf |
ROYAL MUSIC COLLECTION. G.F. Handel: Miscellaneous collections and selections vol. X; circa 1730. Copy. Selections from Operas, in full score. Aylesford Collection. ff. i + 204. 9 x 11.25 in.1. ff. 3-10v. Ottone (H-G. LXVI). For autograph see R.M.20...., approximately 1730
British Library |
creatorOf |
ROYAL MUSIC COLLECTION. G.F. Handel: Orlando (dramma per musica after a libretto by Carlo Sigismondo Capece) (HWV 31); 1732. Autograph. (Händel-Gesellschaft LXXXII; Hallische Händel-Ausgabe II/28, 1969). See also the Preface to H-G. LXXXII. f. 89v is..., 1732
British Library |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. Arianna [manuscript score from London 1734, Hamburg MA/1005] [microform].
Princeton University Library |
creatorOf |
ROYAL MUSIC COLLECTION. G.F. Handel: La Resurrezione; [HWV 47] 18th century. Copy. (Händel-Gesellschaft XXXIX). Full score, copied from an earlier MS. ‘Composto a Roma La Festa di Pasqua, dal Marchese Ruspoli, 11 Di Aprile 1708 Per il Sgr G: F: Hande..., 18th century
British Library |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. Motetto a canto solo con v. v. e oboe [microform] : per la Madonna ... del Carmine : [Nisi Dominus.
California Digital Library |
referencedIn |
1. CANTATAS by Benedetto Marcello, including (ff. 40-53) some by George Frederic Handel and (f. 54) by Fortunato Chelleri. ff. 1-62. 2. Church music by English composers, viz. John Shephard (f. 62 b); Baruch Bullman (f. 65 b) ; Thomas Causton (f. 70 ..., 18th century
British Library |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. Chor aus Judas Maccabäus / von Handel.
Harvard University, Loeb Music Library |
referencedIn |
Carmel Bach Festival Tape Collection, 1962-1982
Archive of Recorded Sound |
creatorOf |
Dawson, Alice. Performance hour [sound recording].
University of North Carolina School of the Arts, Semans Library |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. Rodelinda : an opera / by George Frideric Handel ; libretto by Nicola Francesco Haym ; general editor: Nicholas Temperley.
University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. Prelude.
University of Sheffield |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. Sonata con due flauti traversi [microform] Del Sr. Hend[el.
New York Public Library System, NYPL |
creatorOf |
ROYAL MUSIC COLLECTION. G.F. Handel: The Triumph of Time and Truth [HWV 46b]; circa 1770. Copy. (Händel-Gesellschaft XX). Smith Collection, Vol. 24.. For autograph see R.M.20.f.10 [?]; for other copies see R.M.19.f.1 and R.M.19.e.5.ff. 116. 4.5 x 10...., approximately 1770
British Library |
referencedIn |
ORGAN-PART of a collection of anthems, services, chants, hymns, etc., begun in 1724 by John Bennet, including compositions by Aldrich, Batten, Thomas Bennet, Blow, Child, [Jeremiah] Clark, Crofts, Ferrant [i.e. Farrant], [Robert ?] Fuller, T-G-, [Or..., 18th century
British Library |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. Fragments of Il trionfo del tempo e della verità [microform].
New York Public Library System, NYPL |
creatorOf |
CANTATAS AND ARIAS: a collection of twenty Italian cantatas for solo voice and continuo and five Italian arias for solo voice, strings and continuo; 1723. Copied in four different hands: hand A, nos. 1-6; B, nos. 7-19, 27; C, nos. 20-24, 28; D, nos. ..., 1723
British Library |
referencedIn |
Haendel : engraving, c1844.
Stanford University. Department of Special Collections and University Archives |
referencedIn |
MEYERSTEIN BEQUEST. Vol. VI (ff. ii+ 13 1). 'Amadigi di Gaula. Opepa (sic), Da Rappresentarsi nel' Regio Teatro di Hay=Market', by George Frideric Handel; circ. 1715. Copy,, written on paper of type B in J. Larsen, Handel's Messiah, 1957, p. 279. In ..., approximately 1715
British Library |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. Orlando ; Aetius ; Cato ; Arbace ; Venceslaus ; Ariadne ; Alcina ; Ariodante / G.F.H.
Library of Congress |
creatorOf |
ROYAL MUSIC COLLECTION. G.F. Handel: Amadigi [HWV 11]; circa 1760. Copy. (Händel-Gesellschaft LXII). ‘Be kind bewitching creature’. Sing for voice and Continuo, adapted from ‘Ch’io lasci mai d’amare’ (from Act II, sc. 8, H-G., p. 69), transposed. ). ..., approximately 1760
British Library |
creatorOf |
ROYAL MUSIC COLLECTION. G.F. Handel: Miscellaneous collections and selections vol. III; circa 1710 -circa 1725. Autograph. (Händel-Gesellschaft L, XXXIV). On f. i is a list of contents. See also Donald Burrows and Martha J. Ronish, A Catalogue of Ha..., approximately 1710-approximately 1725
British Library |
referencedIn |
COMPOSITIONS by George Frederic Handel, in full score. Autograph.1. " Lungi dal mio bel Nume "; a cantata, dated Rome, 3 Mar. 1708; with a copy appended. f. 2. 2. Songs and choruses from the opera " Aleestis," [miscalled " Alcides by Dr. S. Arnold]. ..., 18th century
British Library |
creatorOf |
Owens, Tim. Tim Owens, baritone [videorecording] : in senior recital.
Toccoa Falls College, Seby Jones Library |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. Athalia [microform], an oratorio.
New York Public Library System, NYPL |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. The leavy honours of the field [microform].
New York Public Library System, NYPL |
creatorOf |
ROYAL MUSIC COLLECTION. G.F. Handel: Ode for St. Cecilia’s Day [HWV 79] and The Choice of Hercules [HWV69]; 1767. Copy. (Händel-Gesellschaft XXIII, XVIII). Full scores. The Overture of the Ode is omitted. Written by R.S.; Smith Collection Vol.5. For ..., 1767
British Library |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. [Album leaf in the hand of William Hayman Cummings], 1871 May 12.
Pierpont Morgan Library. |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. Ouvertüre zur Oper Agrippina / G.F. Händel.
Free Library of Philadelphia, Parkway Central Library |
creatorOf |
ROYAL MUSIC COLLECTION. G.F. Handel: Floridante (dramma per musica after a libretto by Francesco Silvani) (HWV 14); [1721, 1733]. Autograph. (Händel-Gesellschaft LXV). The MS. differs considerably from the version in H-G. The part of Rossane was orig..., 1721-1733
British Library |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. Adagio... / [G.F. Handel, arranged and edited by Sir Thomas Beecham].
University of Sheffield |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric 1685-1759. Coro IV dell'opera intitolata Il Messia Música mauscrita musica di Giorgio Federico Händel ; secondo l'edizione di Londra, traduzione dall'inglese.
Biblioteca Nacional de España, Biblioteca Nacional - Madrid |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. Chi di voi fu più infedele : Aria di Rodelinda / del Handell.
University of Cambridge, Cambridge University Library |
creatorOf |
ROYAL MUSIC COLLECTION. G.F. Handel: Instrumental music III; circa 1749. Autograph. (Händel-Gesellschaft XLVII). Between ff. 15 and 16, 24 and 25 are single folios ruled with staves but otherwise blank, not foliated; ff. 1v, 10v, 24v, and 29v are rul..., approximately 1749
British Library |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. Introduction... / [music by Handel, arranged by Sir Thomas Beecham].
University of Sheffield |
referencedIn |
AUTOGRAPH letters of the following:-1. Marguerite de Valois, Queen of Navarre, to Henry III. of France; [1586]. Fr. f. 1. 2.Elizabeth, Queen of England, to the Duc de Nevers; Nonsuch, 27 Aug. 1595. Fr. Signed; with seal. f. 3. 3. Jacques Benigne Bos..., 1586-1821
British Library |
referencedIn |
Hanover royal music archive, 1651-1951, 1770-1870
Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library |
creatorOf |
Griffith, Sherri. [Central State University Music Department presents Sherri Griffith, soprano, Gary Sims, pianist] [sound recording] : [October 25, 1976, 8:00 p.m.].
University of Central Oklahoma, Chambers Library |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. Aria, Menuetto und Allegro : transcr. aus Stücke für Clavicembalo / von G.F. Händel ; [J. Scholz].
University of North Carolina at Greensboro, University Libraries, UNCG University Libraries |
referencedIn |
Lert, Richard, 1885-1980. Richard Lert papers, 1900-1981.
University of Southern California, USC Libraries |
referencedIn |
ROYAL MUSIC COLLECTION. 19th century. Presented by Mrs. R. Carter and Miss Marshall. ff. 1-45 are in English, in the handwriting of Julian Marshall, but probably translated or adapted from Victor Schoelcher; ff. 47-370 are in French, probably copied ..., 19th century
British Library |
creatorOf |
ROYAL MUSIC COLLECTION. G.F. Handel: Siroe (‘dramma per musica’ by Niccolò Francesco Haym after a text by Pietro Metastasio) (HWV 24); 1728. Autograph. (Händel-Gesellschaft LXXV). ff. 62v, 66v and 75v are ruled with staves but otherwise blank. For ot..., 1728
British Library |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. Alcina [microform] : [conductor's score]
Yale University Library |
referencedIn |
Tamerlano. Tamerlano.
HCL Technical Services, Harvard College Library |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. Ariodante. [microform].
Princeton University Library |
creatorOf |
ROYAL MUSIC COLLECTION. G.F. Handel: Hercules; [HWV 60] 18th century. Copy. (Händel-Gesellschaft IV). Full score. Smith Collection, Vol. 14. For autograph see R.M.20.e.8; for another copy see R.M.19.a.9.ff. 150. 14.5 x 10.25 in.Sophocles: Publius Ovi..., 18th century
British Library |
creatorOf |
ROYAL MUSIC COLLECTION. G.F. Handel: The Passion of Christ (Brokes Passion) (on a text by Barthold Heinrich Brockes) (HWV 48); 18th century. Copy. (Händel-Gesellschaft XV; Hallische Händel-Ausgabe I/7, 1965). Full score. Written in England in a Germa..., 18th century
British Library |
referencedIn |
Benedict, Julius, 1804-1885. Autograph letters signed (7), dated : [London], to Richard Peyton, 1870 Feb. 7-Nov. 10.
Pierpont Morgan Library. |
creatorOf |
ROYAL MUSIC COLLECTION. G.F. Handel: Alexander’s Feast (libretto by Newburgh Hamilton after a text by John Dryden) (HWV 75); 1736. Autograph. (Händel-Gesellschaft XII; Hallische Händel-Ausgabe I/1, 1957). Between ff. 47 and 48 is a leaf, ruled with s..., 1736
British Library |
creatorOf |
Finney, Theodore M. (Theodore Mitchell), 1902-1978. Theodore M. Finney Music Manuscript Collection, ca. 1700-1850.
Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. Passepied [microform].
New York Public Library System, NYPL |
referencedIn |
Frederick R. Koch collection, 1640-1983
Yale University Library |
referencedIn |
"ADMETO": Opera in 3 Acts, in score, by George Frederick Handel [1726], in the hand of his amanuensis, John Christopher Smith. Paper; ff. i. + 94. Mid. xviii. cent. Oblong folio. Richly tooled red morocco binding, with the device, within a Garter, of...
British Library |
creatorOf |
ROYAL MUSIC COLLECTION. G.F. Handel: Miscellaneous collections and selections vol. VI; circa 1735. Copy. Full scores, unless otherwise stated. Aylesford Collection. ff. ii + 73. 9 x 11.25 in.1. ff. 1-4v. Overture to Orlando (H-G. LXXXII), for Harpsic..., approximately 1735
British Library |
creatorOf |
Photographs of a letter from George Frideric Handel to Charles Jennens, dated Dublin, 29 December 1741.
British Library |
referencedIn |
Music Books, 1831.
Colonial Williamsburg Foundation. John D. Rockefeller, Jr. Library |
creatorOf |
Solomon. Printed vocal score (Novello edition) used in the performance by Sir Thomas Beecham in 1951.Sir Thomas Beecham, 2nd Baronet; conductor: George Frideric Handel, composer: Solomon, vocal score by George Frideric Handel, used by Sir Thomas Beec..., 1951
British Library |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. Admeto Opera dell Sig:r Handell.
HCL Technical Services, Harvard College Library |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. Tutto può donna / [George Frideric Handel].
University of North Carolina at Greensboro, University Libraries, UNCG University Libraries |
creatorOf |
Zwecker, Yossi. Yulyus Ḳesar be-Mitsrayim.
HCL Technical Services, Harvard College Library |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. Concerto per l'organo ed altri stromenti [microform].
New York Public Library System, NYPL |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. Se mai turbo [microform].
New York Public Library System, NYPL |
referencedIn |
Marshall, Julian. Autograph letters signed (2), dated : London, 24 December 1875 and 5 November 1886, to Mr. [Joseph] Bennett, 1875 Dec. 24 and 1886 Nov. 5.
Pierpont Morgan Library. |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. Six allelujah-amens [microform], together with an untitled piece without words; all for solo soprano voice and continuo.
New York Public Library System, NYPL |
creatorOf |
ROYAL MUSIC COLLECTION. G.F. Handel: Miscellaneous collections and selections vol. VIII; circa 1740 – circa 1750. Autograph. On f. ii is a list of contents; f. 36v is ruled with staves but otherwise blank. ff. 1-13 are copies in Handel’s hand of move..., approximately 1740-approximately 1750
British Library |
creatorOf |
ROYAL MUSIC COLLECTION. G.F. Handel: Instrumental music II; 1738-1751. Autograph. (Händel-Gesellschaft XXVIII, XLVII). See also Donald Burrows and Martha J. Ronish, A Catalogue of Handel’s Musical Autographs (Oxford: Clarendon, 1994), pp. 192-195.ff...., 1738-1751
British Library |
creatorOf |
ROYAL MUSIC COLLECTION. G.F. Handel: Susanna; [HWV 66] circa 1770. Copy. (Händel-Gesellschaft I). Full score. Smith Collection, Vol. 20. For autograph see R.M.20.f.8.ff. 111. 18.5 x 11.5 in.George Frideric Handel, composer: Music manuscripts: 18-19th..., approximately 1770
British Library |
creatorOf |
Guelph Spring Festival Archives. The Messsiah / music by George Friedrich Handel - vocal score.
University of Guelph. McLaughlin Library |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. Musette.
University of Sheffield |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. Jigg in G [flat] [microform], 1st shorter, then much enlarged.
New York Public Library System, NYPL |
referencedIn |
ROYAL MUSIC COLLECTION. 19th century. Autograph of Victor Schoelcher. Alphabetical Index of Italian and French songs, etc., by G.F. Handel [by V. Schoelcher].ff. 30. 6.5 x 8.25 in.Victor Schoelcher, French politician and writer on music: George Fride..., 19th century
British Library |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. Rodelinda [microform] : [conductor's score]
Yale University Library |
creatorOf |
Ray, Marsha Farmer. [Central State University Department of Music, Dr. Jack Sisson, chairman, presents Marsha Farmer Ray, soprano, Cindy Wallace, pianist, in recital] [sound recording] : [Thursday, February 3, 1977, 8:00 p.m., Music Building Choir Room].
University of Central Oklahoma, Chambers Library |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. Bass part-book : Handelian operas : manuscript, [between 1750 and 1799].
Princeton University Library |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. Orlando [microform] : [conductor's score]
Yale University Library |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. My Lord Danby his book [microform]
Case Western Reserve University, Case Western RSV University |
referencedIn |
MISCELLANEOUS music, viz.: (a) Anthem by Maurice Greene. f 1;-(b) Part of Handel's "Ode on St. Cecilia's Day." f. 6;-(c) Songs by William Shield, Herbert Rodwell and Vincenzo Righini. ff. 21, 23 b, 25;-(d) Prelude and Fugue by J. S. Bach. f. 27;-(e)...
British Library |
creatorOf |
DOVASTON MUSIC MANUSCRIPTS (SERIES II). Vol. II. Collection of harpsichord pieces, together with a few songs, mostly from published sources; late 18th cent. The contents include works by J. Garth, M. Coyle, V. Nicolai, G. F. Handel, J. Hook, W. Felto...
British Library |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. [Ariodante [microform] : opera in three acts / by George Frideric Handel].
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill |
creatorOf |
Galliard, John Ernest, d. 1747. Manuscript keyboard score with a collection of songs, instrumental pieces and incidental music mostly by British composers, ca. 1790.
Folger Shakespeare Library |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. Accounts from the King's Theatre, Haymarket, for the seasons 1732-1733, circa 1733.
Pennsylvania State University Libraries |
creatorOf |
Engel, Ruth. Performance hour [sound recording].
University of North Carolina School of the Arts, Semans Library |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. Te Deum [for choir, soloists, and orchestra].
Eastman School of Music |
creatorOf |
Philadelphia Orchestra. Transcription of WFLN radio broadcast [sound recording], 1971 December 2, 3, 4, 6.
University of Pennsylvania Libraries, Van Pelt Library |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. Coro B "Alcina" / Handel. These are the realms in sunlight glowing.
University of Sheffield |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. Opening scene... / [ballet arranged by Sir Thomas Beecham].
University of Sheffield |
referencedIn |
" DEBORAH. An Oratorio in score, composed in the year 1733, by G. F. Handel." Transcript by Christopher Smith, the elder. Paper; ff. 126. Large Folio., 18th century
British Library |
creatorOf |
ROYAL MUSIC COLLECTION. G.F. Handel: The Choice of Hercules (a musical interlude on a text by ?Thomas Morell) (HWV 69). Alceste (music for the play by Tobias Smollett) (HWV 45); 1750. Autograph. (Händel-Gesellschaft XVIII, XLVI b; Hallische Händel-Au..., 1750
British Library |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. Ciacone del Sigr. Handel [microform].
New York Public Library System, NYPL |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. Berenice.
Harvard University, Loeb Music Library |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. [Handel duets] [microform].
University of Maryland (College Park, Md.). Libraries |
creatorOf |
Gung'l-Haring., 1868-1906
British Library |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. Rossane and other opera arias : manuscript, [1738-1743].
Princeton University Library |
creatorOf |
ROYAL MUSIC COLLECTION. G.F. Handel: Alessandro (dramma per musica by Paolo Antonio Rolli after a libretto by Ortensio Mauro) (HWV 21); 1726. Autograph. (Händel-Gesellschaft LXXII). The numbering of the scenes differs in the MS. from H-G., which foll..., 1726
British Library |
creatorOf |
Yeh, Huai-deh. The bassoon concerto in A minor, by Handel-Yeh. Transcribed for bassoon & piano, and for bassoon & orchestra by Huai-Deh Yeh.
Eastman School of Music |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. Queen of Sheba : voice & piano.
University of Sheffield |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. Empio, dirò, tu sei : [aus] Giulio Cesare / von G.F. Händel.
University of Pennsylvania Libraries, Van Pelt Library |
creatorOf |
ROYAL MUSIC COLLECTION. G.F. Handel: Ezio (dramma per musica after a libretto by Pietro Metastasio) (HWV 29); [1731-1732]. Autograph. (Händel-Gesellschaft LXXX). Bound at the end is a note by Nicolai (f. i); ff 9v, 22v and 38v are ruled with staves b..., 1731-1732
British Library |
creatorOf |
ROYAL MUSIC COLLECTION. G.F. Handel: Miscellaneous collections and selections vol. XXIV; circa 1735. Copy. Parts for Second and Third Flutes (and some for Violin) of arrangements of airs from Operas, etc., mostly in different keys from the originals...., approximately 1735
British Library |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. Pastor fido : (2nd) / [G.F. Handel] ; [arranged by Adam Carse].
University of Cambridge, Cambridge University Library |
creatorOf |
Cory, Hope. Hope Cory, trombone ... [sound recording] : junior recital, Tuesday, March 28, 2006, 7:30 pm, UCO Jazz Lab.
University of Central Oklahoma, Chambers Library |
creatorOf |
ROYAL MUSIC COLLECTION. G.F. Handel: Ariodante (dramma per musica after a libretto by Antonio Salvi) (HWV 33); 1734. Autograph. (Händel-Gesellschaft LXXXV). The recitative ‘Ah che questo’ and air ‘Il primo ardor’ (Act I, sc. 11; H-G., pp. 48-50) and ..., 1734
British Library |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric 1685-1759. V duetti ed un tercetti [Música notada] di Giorgio Federico Händel.
Biblioteca Nacional de España, Biblioteca Nacional - Madrid |
creatorOf |
NOVELLO COLLECTION. Vol. CIV. Vocal music; 1754. Copies, principally in one hand with entries in additional hands, including that of John Alcock who once owned the volume. Bookplate of the Revd. John Parker pasted inside the front cover. Purchased by..., 1754
British Library |
referencedIn |
MISCELLANEOUS Music, vocal and instrumental, including:-a large number of Scottish, Irish, and other airs, with variations, minuets, etc., apparently for 1 or 2 flutes or clarinets (see f. 5) ; English songs, among which are an occasional ode " Hail ..., 1788
British Library |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric 1685-1759. Nubi compere [Música notada] : coro nell Messia del Sig. Giorgio Federico Handel
Biblioteca Nacional de España, Biblioteca Nacional - Madrid |
creatorOf |
Morell, Thomas, 1703-1784. Nabal [microform].
Pennsylvania State University Libraries |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. [Six fugues [microform].
New York Public Library System, NYPL |
creatorOf |
Neumann, Richard J. [Miscellaneous song collection / collected by Richard Neumann].
Jewish Theological Seminary of America |
referencedIn |
Pelham, Peter, 1721-1805. The Peter Pelham manuscript of 1744 : an early American keyboard tutor.
Colonial Williamsburg Foundation. John D. Rockefeller, Jr. Library |
creatorOf |
CHANDOS MUSIC MANUSCRIPTS. Vol. II. G. F. Handel, 'Chandos' Anthems 'Let God arise' (ff. 2-60v), 'Have mercy upon me O God' (ff. 61-101) and 'O be joyful' (ff. 104-159). Full score. Inventory nos. 10, 11, 12. ff. iii+159. Red leather binding, gilt-to..., 18th century
British Library |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. Ode for Queen Anne's birthday [microform].
New York Public Library System, NYPL |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. Concerto per organo [microform].
New York Public Library System, NYPL |
referencedIn |
ROYAL MUSIC COLLECTION. Julian Marshall: Catalogue of the printed editions of Handel’s works (excluding Händel-Gesellschaft publications); 19th century. In the hand of Julian Marshall. With a few printed leaves inserted, and an appendix of remarks fo..., 19th century
British Library |
creatorOf |
ROYAL MUSIC COLLECTION. G.F. Handel: Te Deums and Jubilate; circa 1770. Copy. Full scores.ff. 125. 15.5 x 11 in.1. ff. 1-55v. Utrecht Te Deum [HWV 278] and Jubilate [HWV 279]. (Händel-Gesellschaft XXXI). For the autograph see R.M.20.g.5; for another ..., approximately 1770
British Library |
creatorOf |
Bach, Wilhelm Friedemann, 1710-1784. III fugen für's Clavier [microform] / von Wilh. Fridemann Bach.
HCL Technical Services, Harvard College Library |
creatorOf |
CARDEW COLLECTION. Vol. xxxviii. George Frideric Handel: ‘Sound an Alarm’, recitative, aria and chorus from ‘Judas Maccabaeus’, arranged for tenor and brass band; n.d. Pencil score. Possibly incomplete. See also Add. 70752, ff. 9, 10v.ff. 6. 267 x 38...
British Library |
creatorOf |
Gräflich Schönborn'sche Musikbibliothek zu Wiesentheid. Litt [microform] : Spartitura del Sig. re Gasbarini.
HCL Technical Services, Harvard College Library |
creatorOf |
ROYAL MUSIC COLLECTION. G.F. Handel: Miscellaneous collections and selections vol. XVII; circa 1740. Copy. Full scores, unless otherwise described. Aylesford Collection. ff. i + 171. 8.25 x 11 in.1. ff. 2-25v. ‘Ah crudel nel pianto mio’. Cantata ‘Com..., approximately 1740
British Library |
creatorOf |
ROYAL MUSIC COLLECTION. G.F. Handel: Cantatas III bis; early 18th century. Autograph. (Händel-Gesellschaft LII a, LII b; Hallische Händel-Ausgabe V/3, V/4, V/5). Cantatas with instrumental accompaniments. Between ff. 37 and 38 is a single leaf, ruled...
British Library |
creatorOf |
ROYAL MUSIC COLLECTION. G.F. Handel: Miscellaneous collections and selections vol. VI; circa 1735 -circa 1750. Autograph. Fragments with English words. f. i was removed during recent conservation work; between ff. 17 and 18, 34 and 35 are single fol..., approximately 1735-approximately 1750
British Library |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. I will magnifie thee o God my King [microform].
New York Public Library System, NYPL |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. So wie die Taube / Händel.
University of Pennsylvania Libraries, Van Pelt Library |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. Sacred raptures cheer my breast [microform].
New York Public Library System, NYPL |
referencedIn |
Locker-Lampson, Warburg, Grimson autograph album, 1552-1890.
Houghton Library |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. Selections from various works by George Frideric Handel, [copied ca. 1740].
Folger Shakespeare Library |
referencedIn |
Music, etc., viz.:-(a) Italian cantata, by Handel; 18th cent. f. 1;-(b) Signature of Haydn; circ. 1791. f. 5;-(c) "Quatuor énigmatique," by Charles Simon Catel; 1811. Autograph. f. 6 b; -(d) Canon by Beethoven; 1825. Autogr. f. 8;-(e) First violin pa..., 18th century-19th century
British Library |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. Suites : ms / Handel.
Harvard University, Loeb Music Library |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. [Air] / [George Frideric Handel].
University of Cambridge, Cambridge University Library |
creatorOf |
ROYAL MUSIC COLLECTION. G.F. Handel: Instrumental music I; 1736-1739. Autograph. (Händel-Gesellschaft XXI, XXX, XLVII; ; Hallische Händel-Ausgabe IV/14, 1961 ). f. 65is ruled with staves but otherwise blank. For copies of the concerti Grossi Op. 6 (H..., 1736-1739
British Library |
referencedIn |
Smith, William Charles. William Charles Smith correspondence, 1935-1971.
Princeton University Library |
referencedIn |
Brahms, Johannes, 1833-1897. Autograph letter signed, dated : [Hamburg], April 1871, to Clara [Schumann], 1871, Apr.
Pierpont Morgan Library. |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. Ode on St Cecilia's Day : supplementary accompaniments to Mozart's additional accompaniments.
University of Sheffield |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. Solomon [microform] : an oratorio.
Brooklyn College |
creatorOf |
ROYAL MUSIC COLLECTION. Miscellaneous vocal and instrumental music, Vol. I.; 19th century. A Victorian collection of 91 airs, waltzes and miscellaneous pieces, copied from various composers, many anonymous. All for voice with piano accompaniment or p..., 19th century
British Library |
creatorOf |
Music, rare editions, 1600-1963.
New York State Historical Documents Inventory |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. Folle sei : Aria di Tamerl[ano] / Handell.
University of Cambridge, Cambridge University Library |
creatorOf |
Farinelli, 1705-1782. [Collectio operum musicorum a diversis auctoribus compositorum, viva voce comitantibus instrumentis decantanda] [microform] : ["arie" et "cantate"].
University of Chicago Library |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. The great elopement : a ballet / by Sir Thomas Beecham, the music derived from various works by George Frederick Handel.
University of Sheffield |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. Venceslaus [microform] : Venceslao pasticcio] / Georg Friedrich Händel ; Hs. laut Fr. Chrysander von Joh. Chr. Schmidt.
University of Pennsylvania Libraries, Van Pelt Library |
creatorOf |
Stock, Frederick, 1872-1942. Frederick Stock compositions and arrangements collection, [ca. 1890]-1940.
Chicago Symphony Orchestra, Rosenthal Archives |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. Ormisda [microform] : pasticcio] / del Sr. Conti ; vielmehr ; Georg Friedrich Händel.
University of Pennsylvania Libraries, Van Pelt Library |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. Opera of Tesius [microform].
California Digital Library |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. Messiah / [re-orchestrated for large orchestra by E.G. (Sir Eugene Goossens)].
University of Sheffield |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. Symphonic suite no. V : the triumph of Truth : based on / Handel ; free arrangement by Zoltan Fekete.
Free Library of Philadelphia, Parkway Central Library |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. Rinaldo [microform]; opera in three acts, by George Frideric Handel. Text by Aaron Hill, translated into Italian by Giacomo Rossi; based on the episode of Rinaldo and Armida in Tasso's Gerusalemme liberata. New English translation by Mary Ellis Peltz.
New York Public Library System, NYPL |
creatorOf |
ROYAL MUSIC COLLECTION. G.F. Handel: Ottone I (dramma per musica after a libretto by Stefano Benedetto Pallavicino) (HWV 15); 1722. Autograph. (Händel-Gesellschaft LXVI). Some missing parts of this MS. and of R.M.20.b.10. are in Fitzwilliams MSS Nos ..., 1722
British Library |
creatorOf |
ROYAL MUSIC COLLECTION. G.F. Handel: Miscellaneous collections and selections vol. IX; circa 1732. Copy. Full scores. Songs in Rinaldo, second version (H-G. LVIII), Giulio Cesare (H-G. LXVIII) and Radamistus (H-G. LXIII). Aylesford Collection.ff. i +..., approximately 1732
British Library |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. Ah spietato / [Händel].
University of Pennsylvania Libraries, Van Pelt Library |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. English songs and tunes : manuscript, [17--]
Houghton Library |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. O kenntest du die Qual einsamer Liebe / Händel.
University of Pennsylvania Libraries, Van Pelt Library |
creatorOf |
ROYAL MUSIC COLLECTION. G.F. Handel: Partenope (dramma per musica after a libretto by Silvio Stampiglia) (HWV 27); 1730. Autograph. (Händel-Gesellschaft LXXVII). Versions A in H-G. are in the MS. ff. 4v, 19v, 24v, 74v, 75v, 79v, 84v-85 and 103v are r..., 1730
British Library |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. Haendel's Oper Rinaldo. Recitativ und Arie.
Library of Congress |
referencedIn |
SONGS and harpsichord solos by composers, chiefly English, of the first half of the 18th century. Those named are William Babell, Corelli,-Gouge, Dr. Maurice Greene, Handel, Martin, and John Randall. The only other composers identified are Dr. Thomas..., 18th century
British Library |
creatorOf |
ROYAL MUSIC COLLECTION. G.F. Handel: Miscellaneous collections and selections vol. IV; circa 1714 -circa 1750. Autograph. (Händel-Gesellschaft various volumes, see below). On f. i is a list of content; between ff. 39-40 are 3 leaves, ruled with stav..., approximately 1714-approximately 1750
British Library |
creatorOf |
ROYAL MUSIC COLLECTION. G.F. Handel: Semele; [HWV 58] 18th century. Copy. (Händel-Gesellschaft VII). Full score. For autograph see R.M.20.f.7; for other copies see R.M.18.e.4 and R.M.19.b.3.ff. 195. 10.5 x 11.25 in.William Congreve, dramatist: Handel..., 18th century
British Library |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. [Semele] [microform].
University of Rochester, Eastman School of Music, Sibley Music Library |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. The ways of Zion do mourn : chorus / Handel.
University of Edinburgh - Main Library, Edinburgh University Library |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. Chaconne [in G minor for harpsichord [microform].
New York Public Library System, NYPL |
referencedIn |
Schäffer, Julius, 1823-1902. Autograph letter signed, dated : Breslau Apr. 11 1882, to an unidentified friend, 1882 Apr. 11.
Pierpont Morgan Library. |
creatorOf |
Stratford Festival Collection. The Marriage of Figaro / music by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart ; libretto by Lorenzo Da Pointe ; based on Beaumarchais' comedy Le Mariage de Figaro ; english translation by Ruth and Thomas Martin ; directed by Jean Gascon, 1965 - house program.
University of Guelph. McLaughlin Library |
creatorOf |
Loehrs, Dustin. Senior recital [sound recording] : University of Central Oklahoma/School of Music, Jazz Lab, Sunday April 29, 2007, 3:00 PM / Dustin Loehrs, trumpet.
University of Central Oklahoma, Chambers Library |
creatorOf |
Eubank, Joan. Cantata Singers with NCSA Chamber Orchestra [sound recording].
University of North Carolina School of the Arts, Semans Library |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. Un lampo : Admetus / [George Frideric Handel].
University of North Carolina at Greensboro, University Libraries, UNCG University Libraries |
referencedIn |
Sir Herbert Mackworth Collection of Opera Scores, 1600-1899
Cardiff University Library Archive |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. Ariodante [handexemplar. manuscript score and cembalo score, 2 vols., Hamburg MA/1006 and MA/1006a] [microform].
Princeton University Library |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. Menuet [in F major [microform].
New York Public Library System, NYPL |
creatorOf |
VOCAL MUSIC; end of 18th cent. A collection of sacred and secular tunes bound after a printed copy of A Select Collection of Psalm and Hymn Tunes…By…Henry Boyd [1793]. Nos. 1-6 are of a sacred character, and, with the exception of the last, unaccompa...
British Library |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. Concerto per l'organo ed altri stromenti [microform].
New York Public Library System, NYPL |
creatorOf |
ROYAL MUSIC COLLECTION. G.F. Handel: Anthems I (HWV 251b, 249b, 256a, 250a); [1716-1720]. Autograph. (Händel-Gesellschaft XXXIV, XXXV). ff. 8v, 24v, 50v and 99v are ruled with staves but otherwise blank. See also Donald Burrows and Martha J. Ronish, ..., 1716-1720
British Library |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. Mai hart is indeitin' of e gut matter [microform].
New York Public Library System, NYPL |
creatorOf |
Berowsky, Aaron. IMP concert [sound recording].
University of North Carolina School of the Arts, Semans Library |
creatorOf |
ROYAL MUSIC COLLECTION. G.F. Handel: Cantatas III. Tra le fiamme (cantata on a text by Benedetto Pamphili) (HWV 170); Early 18th century. Autograph. (Händel-Gesellschaft LII b; Hallische Händel-Ausgabe V/5). Cantata for Soprano, Viola da Gamba and Or...
British Library |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. [The Central State University Choir and Orchestra present George Frideric Handel's Messiah] [sound recording].
University of Central Oklahoma, Chambers Library |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. Joshua : manuscript, [between 1725 and 1750].
Princeton University Library |
referencedIn |
MUSICAL Common-place Book in the hand of John Stafford Smith, organist and composer, containing short musical extracts from works by John Dowland, John Amner, Dr. Campion, Francesco Turini, the compiler, and others, with extracts from works on music ..., 1785-1789
British Library |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. [Ariodante [microform] / by George Frideric Handel].
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill |
creatorOf |
Strong, Roger W. CSU Symphony Orchestra in concert [sound recording] : February 27, 1979, Central State University, Mitchell Hall, 8:00 p.m. / assisted by the University Choir.
University of Central Oklahoma, Chambers Library |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. Ah spietato / Handel.
University of Pennsylvania Libraries, Van Pelt Library |
creatorOf |
ROYAL MUSIC COLLECTION. G.F. Handel: Duets; circa 1745. Copy. (Händel-Gesellschaft XXXII). Twelve Duets. [Autographs at Cambridge, Fitwilliam Museum, unless otherwise stated] For another copy see R.M.18.b.11.ff. 82. 13.75 x 10.75 in.1. ff. 2-5v. ‘Son..., approximately 1745
British Library |
creatorOf |
ROYAL MUSIC COLLECTION. G.F. Handel: Miscellaneous collections and selections vol. XXX; circa 1745. Copy. Aylesford Collection. ff. ii + 38. 9 x 11.25 in. [HWV 60]1. ff. 1-32v. Hercules (H-G. IV). Part of Iole. Voice and Continuo. For autograph see R..., approximately 1745
British Library |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. Dimi cara / [George Frideric Handel].
University of North Carolina at Greensboro, University Libraries, UNCG University Libraries |
referencedIn |
Berlioz, Hector, 1803-1869. Autograph letter signed, dated : Paris, 26 or 27 January [1857], to [Toussaint Bennet], 1857 Jan. 26 or 27.
Pierpont Morgan Library. |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. Autograph letter signed, dated : London Aug. 27 1734, to an unidentified recipient, 1734 Aug. 27.
Pierpont Morgan Library. |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. Collection of 17th and 18th century airs and songs, ca. 1775.
Folger Shakespeare Library |
referencedIn |
Schumann, Robert, 1810-1856. Autograph letter signed, dated : Düsseldorf, 6 February 1854, to Richard Pohl in Dresden, 1854, 6 February.
Pierpont Morgan Library. |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. [Let God arise [microform].
New York Public Library System, NYPL |
creatorOf |
Pollard, Catherine. Cantata Singers and NCSA Orchestra [sound recording].
University of North Carolina School of the Arts, Semans Library |
creatorOf |
ROYAL MUSIC COLLECTION. G.F. Handel: Miscellaneous collections and selections vol. VIII; circa 1738. Copy. Full scores. Aylesford Collection. ff. i + 172. 9 x 11.25 in.1. ff. 2-124v. ‘Oratorio del Tempo e della Verità’. The version performed in 1737...., approximately 1738
British Library |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. George Frideric Handel's Messiah [videorecording].
Toccoa Falls College, Seby Jones Library |
creatorOf |
Burrows, John, fl. 1791-1805. Music book.
Yale University Library |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. Te deum laudamus, canto secondo [microform].
New York Public Library System, NYPL |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. [Orlando [microform] / by George Frideric Handel].
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. Kleine Füge / G.F. Händel ; arr. for 4 basses David Walter.
The Juilliard School, Lila Acheson Wallace Library |
creatorOf |
ROYAL MUSIC COLLECTION. G.F. Handel: Athalia [HWV 52]; 18th century. Copy. (Händel-Gesellschaft V). Full score. Smith Collection, Vol. 3. For autograph see R.M.20.h.1.ff. 128. 15.5 x 11.25 in.Jean Racine, French poet: Samuel Humphreys, author and lib..., 18th century
British Library |
referencedIn |
Virtue, Arthur J. Lecture [manuscript].
Libraries Australia |
creatorOf |
ROYAL MUSIC COLLECTION. G.F. Handel: Belshazzar; [HWV 61] 1767. Copy. (Händel-Gesellschaft XIX). Full score. Written by R.S.; Smith Collection, Vol. 13. For autograph see R.M.20.d.10.ff. 178. 14.25 x 10 in.Robert Smith, of St Paul's Churchyard: Works..., 1767
British Library |
creatorOf |
ROYAL MUSIC COLLECTION. G.F. Handel: Miserere (lettering on binding); 18th century. Copy. Psalm LI (English words. An adaptation of the Chandos Anthem ‘Have mercy upon me (H-G. XXXIV), with alterations and many interpolated numbers. Full score. See a..., 18th century
British Library |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. Agrippina [microform].
University of Iowa Libraries |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. Sono i colpi [microform].
New York Public Library System, NYPL |
referencedIn |
WORKS Of George Frederic Handel. In twenty-four volumes., 18th century-19th century
British Library |
creatorOf |
CURZON COLLECTION. Vol. LVIII (ff. 202). Johann Jacob Froberger, Percy Grainger, Edvard Grieg, George Frideric Handel. Annotations to the following: 1. ff. 9-12. Froberger: Suite, 'Auff die Mayerin', in W. Niemann (ed.), Alte Meister des Klavierspiel...
British Library |
creatorOf |
ROYAL MUSIC COLLECTION. G.F. Handel: Dettingen Te Deum [HWV 283]; 18th century. Copy. (Händel-Gesellschaft XXV). Organ score, with indications of the voice-parts and orchestration. For autograph see R.M.20.h.6; for another copy see R.M.18.f.9.ff. 68...., 18th century
British Library |
creatorOf |
ROYAL MUSIC COLLECTION. G.F. Handel: Psalms (Latin) II; 1707. Autograph. (Händel-Gesellschaft XXXVIII; Hallische Händel-Ausgabe III/1). Between ff. 29 and 30 is a leaf, ruled with staves but otherwise blank; f. 29v is ruled with staves but otherwise ..., 1707
British Library |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. Tamerlano. [microform].
Princeton University Library |
creatorOf |
ROYAL MUSIC COLLECTION. G.F. Handel: Semele (oratorio after a text by William Congreve) (HWV 58); 1743. Autograph. (Händel-Gesellschaft VII). ff. 5, 12, 79v and 117 are ruled with staves but otherwise blank. See also R.M.20.c.2. (ff. 42-43); for copi..., 1743
British Library |
creatorOf |
NOVELLO COLLECTION. Vol. LXXVIII. Secular and sacred vocal and instrumental music; after 1813 (watermark)-1849, n.d. Full, vocal, chorus or instrumental scores. Partly autograph but mostly copies, in the hand of Vincent Novello except where stated. f..., 1813-1849
British Library |
creatorOf |
Copy of a letter from George Frideric Handel to Charles Jennens, his librettist. One of 9 sold as lot 1, Christie's, 4 July 1973. Creation date of original: 2 Oct 1744.
British Library |
creatorOf |
ROYAL MUSIC COLLECTION. G.F. Handel: Alessandro; [HWV 21] 18th century. Copy. (Händel-Gesellschaft LXXII). Full score. For the autograph see R.M.20.a.5.ff. 194. 9 x 11 in.Paolo Antonio Rolli, dramatist: Bartolomeo Ortensio Mauro, librettist: Handel's..., 18th century
British Library |
creatorOf |
ROYAL MUSIC COLLECTION. G.F. Handel: Psalm (Latin); 18th century. Copy. (Händel-Gesellschaft XXXVIII, No IV). Full score. [Autograph lost].ff. 16. 9.25 x 11.75 in.1. ff. 1-16. ‘Nisi Dominus aedificaverit domum’. Psalm 127. [HWV 238]George Frideric Ha..., 18th century
British Library |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. [Poro, re dell'Indie.
HCL Technical Services, Harvard College Library |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. Through the land so lovely blooming [microform], air for soprano.
New York Public Library System, NYPL |
creatorOf |
CARDEW COLLECTION. Vol. xxvi. Vietnam Sonata, for piano solo, composed by Cardew with part of 2nd movement by Dave Smith; 1976.ff. 59. Largest size 361 x 266mm.1. ff. 1-25. Pencil draft, with the section composed by Dave Smith written in blue ink in ..., 1976
British Library |
creatorOf |
ROYAL MUSIC COLLECTION. G.F. Handel: Miscellaneous collections and selections vol. XXIX; 18th century. Copy. Selections from Operas, in full scores, unless otherwise described.ff. 107. 9 x 11.5 in.1. ff. 1-63v. Muzio Scevola, Act III (H-G. LXIV). An ..., 18th century
British Library |
referencedIn |
1. "OTTONE": opera in full score, by George Frederic Handel. f. 2. 2. "Il confine della vita" aria from Act III. of "Muzio Scevola," by George Frederic Handel. f. 43. 3. Fourteen sonatas for two violins, a violoncello, and a harpsichord, in score, by...
British Library |
creatorOf |
ROYAL MUSIC COLLECTION. G.F. Handel: Messiah; [HWV 56] 18th century. Copy. (Händel-Gesellschaft XLV). Full score. Smith Collection, Vol. 10. For autograph see R.M.20.f.2; for other copies see R.M.18.b.10 and R.M.19.d.1.ff. 117. 18.25 x 11.25 in.Georg..., 18th century
British Library |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. Beau Nash....
University of Sheffield |
referencedIn |
MUZIO SCÆVOLA, an Opera, the first Act by Signr. Pipo [or rather, Attilio Ariosti], the second by Giovanni Bononcini, and the third by G. F. Handel. xviiith cent. Oblong Quarto. [16,108.]George Frideric Handel, composer: Muzio Scævola, an Opera the t..., 18th century
British Library |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. Nel Rinaldo / musica di Haendel.
University of Wyoming, William R. Coe Library |
creatorOf |
ROYAL MUSIC COLLECTION. G.F. Handel: Utrecht Jubilate [HWV 279]; 18th century. Copy. (Händel-Gesellschaft XXXI). Organ score, the voice and orchestral parts not fully written out. For autograph see R.M.20.g.5, ff. 43-73; for another copy see R.M.18.f..., 18th century
British Library |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. Alceste [microform] / Georg Friedrich Händel.
University of Pennsylvania Libraries, Van Pelt Library |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. Piangeró la sorte mia : from the opera Giulio Cesare / Handel.
University of Pennsylvania Libraries, Van Pelt Library |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. Second overture in Amadis [microform].
New York Public Library System, NYPL |
creatorOf |
ROYAL MUSIC COLLECTION. G.F. Handel: Lotario (dramma per musica after a libretto by Antonio Salvi) (HWV 26); 1729. Autograph. (Händel-Gesellschaft LXXVII). The part of Lotario is called ‘Ottone’ until scene 12 of Act II. ff. 41v, 42v and 74v are rule..., 1729
British Library |
creatorOf |
CHURCH HOUSE MANUSCRIPTS. Vol. XI. Chants for psalms at morning and evening prayer on thirty successive days; collected aft. 1840(watermark f. 10). Imperfect, by the excision of most of the last leaf (f. 33), which bears the remnants of pencil sketch...
British Library |
referencedIn |
Althouse, C. Irvin. Trade catalogs of entertainment, 1874-1939.
University of California, Santa Barbara, UCSB Library |
creatorOf |
ROYAL MUSIC COLLECTION. G.F. Handel: Arianna; [HWV 32] 18th century. Copy. (Händel-Gesellschaft LXXXIII). Arias only, full score. For autograph see R.M.20.a.6.ff. 83. 9.5 x 12in.George Frideric Handel, composer: Music manuscripts: 18-19th cent: Ital,..., 18th century
British Library |
referencedIn |
COLLECTION of minuets, airs, etc., arranged for the pianoforte or harpsichord, apparently in the hand of I. H., whose initials are on f. 2. The names of the composers given are Lady Powis, Handel, Stanley, Felton, Aylward, Scarlatti, Galuppi, Dr. T. ..., 18th century
British Library |
creatorOf |
ROYAL MUSIC COLLECTION. G.F. Handel: Athalia (oratorio by Samuel Humphreys after Jean Racine) (HWV 52); 1733. Autograph. (Händel-Gesellschaft V). The autograph has the divisions into Acts and Scenes, as in the Libretto (H-G., pp. 3-11), with some add..., 1733
British Library |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. [Fragments and sketches of various vocal and instrumental works [microform].
HCL Technical Services, Harvard College Library |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. Ottone II. [microform].
Princeton University Library |
referencedIn |
1. SONATAS for the harpsichord: overtures, caprices, sarabands, etc., many of the themes being taken from Handel's works; by August Gottlieb Muffat. (Most of them published at Vienna, 1727, as "componimenti musicali.") f. 1. 2. Polonaise, for a bugle..., 18th century-19th century
British Library |
creatorOf |
OAC Review Index. Chats about great musicians : Handel and Bach / H.C. Fricker, OAC Review, v.34, no.1, Sept. 1921, p.33-35.
University of Guelph. McLaughlin Library |
creatorOf |
Brown, Marylin Ball. Student recital [sound recording].
University of North Carolina School of the Arts, Semans Library |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. Hence, vain deluding joys [microform].
New York Public Library System, NYPL |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. Song in Ariodante [microform].
New York Public Library System, NYPL |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. The leave honours of the field [microform].
New York Public Library System, NYPL |
creatorOf |
Anderson, Marian, 1897-1993. Marian Anderson sings works by Bach, Mendelssohn and Handel [sound recording].
University of Pennsylvania Library |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. Esther : an oratorio [microform] / [Georg Friedrich Händel].
Indiana University |
referencedIn |
Fitzwilliam Museum. Coronation anthems. Vol 3 [microform] / [Handel].
University of Virginia. Library |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. Songs in Pastor fido, revis'd [microform] / [George Frideric Handel].
University of Maryland (College Park, Md.). Libraries |
creatorOf |
ROYAL MUSIC COLLECTION. G.F. Handel: Miscellaneous collections and selections vol. IV; circa 1735. Copy. Full scores, unless otherwise stated. Aylesford Collection. Selections from the second version of Pastor Fido, with its Prologue, Terpsicore (H-G..., approximately 1735
British Library |
creatorOf |
Morell, Thomas, 1703-1784. Judas Maccabaeus [microform].
Pennsylvania State University Libraries |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. Hailstone chorus - manuscript music, 1794.
creatorOf |
ROYAL MUSIC COLLECTION. G.F. Handel: Miscellaneous collections and selections vol. II (HWV 49, 22, 6, 20, 21, A14, 73, 27, 27, 28, 12, 19, 18, A5, 25); circa 1708 -circa 1739. Autograph. f. 14v, 16v, 23v, 30v, 34v, 38v and 52v are ruled with staves ..., approximately 1708-approximately 1739
British Library |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. Dettingen Te Deum, Utrecht Te Deum and Utrecht Jubilate : manuscript, [ca. 1807]
Princeton University Library |
creatorOf |
Coelho, Tadeu. 18th century flute sonatas [sound recording].
University of North Carolina School of the Arts, Semans Library |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. Rinaldo [microform] : [conductor's score]
Yale University Library |
creatorOf |
Pokorny, Jan. [The Department of Music, Central State University, presents Jan Pokorny, pianist, Jess Webster, bass-baritone] [sound recording] : [in recital, January 24, 1974, 8:00 p.m.].
University of Central Oklahoma, Chambers Library |
creatorOf |
ROYAL MUSIC COLLECTION. G.F. Handel: Il Trionfo del Tempo (oratorio by Benedetto Pamphili) (HWV 46); 1737. Autograph. (Händel-Gesellschaft XX, XXIV). Fragments of the 1737 version. The Overture (on ff. 69-78) and many notes and corrections in Handel’..., 1737
British Library |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. George Friedrich Handel's Radamisto [sound recording] / music by George Friedrich Handel ; libretto by Nicola Francesco Haym ; edited by Terence Best.
University of North Carolina School of the Arts, Semans Library |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. Cantata: Lucrezia, [by] G.F. Handel. Ed. [by] R. Leppard. Full score.
Eastman School of Music |
creatorOf |
Sisson, Jack. [A night of opera] [sound recording] : [Music Building Choral Room, April 13, 1970, 8:15 p.m. / producer, Jack Sisson ; director, Jess Webster].
University of Central Oklahoma, Chambers Library |
referencedIn |
The Bell Telephone Hour collection of sound recordings [sound recording], 1940-1968
The New York Public Library. Rodgers and Hammerstein Archives of Recorded Sound. |
creatorOf |
ROYAL MUSIC COLLECTION. G.F. Handel: Rinaldo (opera seria by Giacomo Rossi after a scenario by Aaron Hill) (HWV 7); [1711, 1731]. Autograph. (Händel-Gesellschaft LVIII; Hallische Händel-Ausgabe II/4.1 and 4.2, 1993 and 1996). Fragments of the 1711 (A..., 1711-1731
British Library |
referencedIn |
Edelberg/Handel Collection.
McGill University Library |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. Quattro cori con violini e viole [Música notada] : traduziole dell'inglese edizione di Londra dell'opera Il Messia musica di Giorgio Federico Händel.
Biblioteca Nacional de España, Biblioteca Nacional - Madrid |
creatorOf |
Berta, Michel, 1947-. Chamber music with double bass [sound recording].
University of North Carolina School of the Arts, Semans Library |
creatorOf |
Ruiz, Christa. Performance hour [sound recording].
University of North Carolina School of the Arts, Semans Library |
referencedIn |
Chappell, W. (William), 1809-1888. Letter: 1845 Jan. 7, 201 Regent St, London, to David Laing / Wm Chappell.
University of Edinburgh - Main Library, Edinburgh University Library |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. Atto 3o, Scena 7. Leone solo [microform].
New York Public Library System, NYPL |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. Pastor fido.
University of Sheffield |
creatorOf |
Vinci, Leonardo, d. 1730. Pupillette : Elpidia.
University of North Carolina at Greensboro, University Libraries, UNCG University Libraries |
creatorOf |
NOVELLO COLLECTION. Vol. XCVI. Mostly sacred vocal music; after 1803 (watermark)-1843, n.d. Full, vocal or chorus scores, or instrumental parts. Partly autograph. Some copies in the hand of, and with accompaniments arranged by, Vincent Novello. ff. 7..., 1803-1862
British Library |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. Royal Academy of Music MS. 139 [microform] / George Frideric Handel.
Libraries Australia |
creatorOf |
Philadelphia Orchestra. Transcription of WFLN radio broadcast [sound recording], 1965 April 23-24.
University of Pennsylvania Libraries, Van Pelt Library |
creatorOf |
DANCES FOR THE VIOLIN OR FLUTE: with instructions for the flute; 1732-42. Bound after the printed volume The Compleat Tutor to the Violin, the Fifth book (Ino. Young, 1727). Ink, in various different hands. Inscribed ‘Robert Needham 1732’ (f. v). Pur..., 1732-1742
British Library |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. Songs with instrumental accompaniment : manuscript, [17--].
University of Chicago Library |
creatorOf |
ROYAL MUSIC COLLECTION. G.F. Handel: Occasional Oratorio (libretto by Newburgh Hamilton after texts by John Milton and Edmund Spenser) (HWV 62); 1746. Autograph. (Händel-Gesellschaft XLIII). According to Barclay Squire the MS. is foliated throughout ..., 1746
British Library |
referencedIn |
Hall, James S., 1899-. James S. Hall collection of George Frideric Handel, 1714-1968 (bulk 1946-1968).
Princeton University Library |
referencedIn |
Music : Autograph score of G. F. Handel's duct, "Quel fior ch' all' alba ride," 1741, reproduced in facsimile, for the first time, by the Drei Masken Verlag, A.-G., of Munich. 1923. Presented by the publishers.George Frideric Handel, composer: Facsim...
British Library |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. Mio bel sol, dove t'aggiri : from the opera Berenice / George Frederick Handel ; arranged for voice and piano by Samuel Endicott.
University of Pennsylvania Libraries, Van Pelt Library |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. I will magnify Thee [microform].
New York Public Library System, NYPL |
referencedIn |
‘Original letters’: Joachim – Lane (ff. 242); 1815-1912, 1952, n.d.includes:f. 1 Joseph Joachim, violinist: H. Joachim, brother of Joseph Joachim: George Hogarth, music critic and composer; Secretary, Philharmonic Society: Letter to George Hogarth ..., 1815-1952
British Library |
referencedIn |
CANTATAs, by George Frederick Handel, G. A. Ristori, Antonio Lotti, Diogenio Bigaglia, Antonio Caldara, Alessandro Scarlatti, Nicolò Fago, Leonardo Leo, and Francesco Feo. xviiith cent. Oblong Quarto. [14,212.]G-A-Ristori: Cantatas.Antonio Lotti, c..., 18th century
British Library |
referencedIn |
Lloyd, Edward, 1845-1927. Autograph letters signed (5) : [London], to [Joseph] Bennett, 1875 Jan. 1, Feb. 22 1885, Dec. 14 1891 [and n.d.].
Pierpont Morgan Library. |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. Piangeró la sorte mia = Hope, no more this heart sustaining : from the opera Giulio Cesare / Handel.
University of Pennsylvania Libraries, Van Pelt Library |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. Bass part-book : manuscript, [between 1725 and 1775].
Princeton University Library |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. Serenata a 9 [microform].
University of Pennsylvania Libraries, Van Pelt Library |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric 1685-1759. V duetti ed un tercetti [Música notada] di Giorgio Federico Händel.
Biblioteca Nacional de España, Biblioteca Nacional - Madrid |
creatorOf |
George Frideric Handel (1685-1759): Aria ‘E troppo bella troppo amorosa la Pastorella’, part of the cantata ‘Ho fuggito Amore anch’io’ (HWV 118), for voice and basso continuo; n.d. Autograph score. Written in ink on systems of two staves: vocal line ...
British Library |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. In Orlando / Handel.
Harvard University, Loeb Music Library |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. Ombra mai fu / G.F. Handel.
University of Pennsylvania Libraries, Van Pelt Library |
creatorOf |
Mower, Samuel. Musical airs : manuscript, 1826-1842.
Houghton Library |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. Figlia mia non pianger : Aria di Tam[erlano] / Handell.
University of Cambridge, Cambridge University Library |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. Italian operas--fragments [microform].
University of Iowa Libraries |
referencedIn |
Pauline Viardot-Garcia papers, 1836-1905.
Houghton Library |
creatorOf |
GEORGE FRIDERIC HANDEL: chorus 'Gioie e serto dona al merto', from the opera 'Lotario', arranged for chorus and orchestra by Sir Henry Wood as 'Crown Him Ruler' (English words, Douglas Irvine); n.d. Full score. In the hand of Constant Lambert, with W...
British Library |
creatorOf |
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. Sonata pour l'hautbois solo [microform].
New York Public Library System, NYPL |