Villiers, George

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Title: 2nd Duke of Buckingham

British Library Archives and Manuscripts Catalogue : Person : Description : ark:/81055/vdc_100000000976.0x00005d

Title: 1st Duke of Buckingham

British Library Archives and Manuscripts Catalogue : Person : Description : ark:/81055/vdc_100000000815.0x00032d

Epithet: of Hargrave MS 168

British Library Archives and Manuscripts Catalogue : Person : Description : ark:/81055/vdc_100000000628.0x000051

Epithet: Vicar of Chalgrove

British Library Archives and Manuscripts Catalogue : Person : Description : ark:/81055/vdc_100000000628.0x000053

Epithet: Paymaster of Marines

British Library Archives and Manuscripts Catalogue : Person : Description : ark:/81055/vdc_100000000628.0x0000a3

Epithet: and Duke of Buckingham

Title: Viscount Villiers

British Library Archives and Manuscripts Catalogue : Person : Description : ark:/81055/vdc_100000000628.0x000058

Epithet: of Add MS 15898

Title: Duke of Buckingham

British Library Archives and Manuscripts Catalogue : Person : Description : ark:/81055/vdc_100000000628.0x000056

Archival Resources
Role Title Holding Repository
creatorOf LETTERS PATENT of Charles II appointing George Villiers, 2nd Duke of Buckingham, Captain-General of the King's forces in the south-east counties of England; Breda, 20 May 1650. The present charter was among papers of Sir Edward Nicholas, the Secretar... British Library
referencedIn 1. "JOURNAL of the Voyage of Rease [Ré];" 1 May-7 Nov. 1627, f. 1. Appended area. "Errours committed in ye Voyage To Iland of Rea," ff. 11-15, 16-18. b. Names and characters of "the generall Cabinett Counsell and men now employed and much entrusted, ..., 17th century British Library
referencedIn Parliament: Proceedings in both Houses: 1621-1628/9.George Villiers, 1st Duke of Buckingham: Political poems and epitaphs, etc., on: 1620-1628.George Villiers, 1st Duke of Buckingham: Parliamentary speeches, papers, etc., touching: 1620-1628.includes... British Library
referencedIn Vol. VI (ff. 145). 1675-June 1676.includes:f. 1 George Villiers, 2nd Duke of Buckingham: Correspondence with Lord Danby: 1665-1675.ff. 4, 78 Michael Boyle, Archbishop of Dublin; Chancellor of Ireland: Letters to Lord Danby: 1675, 1676.ff. 4-138b ... British Library
referencedIn REGISTER of Letters from Fra Fulgentio and others to the Duke of Buckingham and other persons, communicating information of public events on the continent; written in the years 1615-1626, and dated from various towns of Italy. Folio. [11,309.] British Library
referencedIn Vol. ii. (ff. 535). 1649-1660.1. " List of persons excluded out of France by the agreement with Cromwell "; 1649. f. 6. 2. Instructions for Sir Henry Hyde, "Consul for Greece and the islands there of "; St. 19 Sept. 11349, f. 9;-for a Royalist agent ..., 1649-1660 British Library
referencedIn 42181. MISCELLANE0US LETTERS AND PAPERS., 1260-1930 British Library
referencedIn Argyll, Archibald Campbell, 9th Earl, 1629-1685. Letters to the Duke of Lauderdale. March 1671 - Sept. 1673. British Library
referencedIn A COLLECTION of papers chiefly relating to the English drama, temp. Hen. VII.-1778; formed by John Payne Collier, who has inserted a brief description of each article:-1. Note of a payment to Alexander Mason, "Marescallo minstrallorum Regis, et alii..., 1493-1685 British Library
referencedIn MISCELLANE0US Letters and Papers, viz.:-A. Letter from Alexander Pope, the poet, to Dr William Cowper, the antiquary, thanking him for his letter and verses, and recommending classical models; Twickenham, 5 Feb. 173½. Copy. Printed in The Correspond..., 13th century-20th century British Library
referencedIn TREATISES and collections of Robert Hegge, viz. 1. "Saint Cuthbert or The Histories of his Churches at Lindisfarne, Cuncacestre and Dunholme," by R. Hegge (printed, in 1663, as "The Legend of St. Cuthbert"), f. 6. 2. Verses on George [Villiers] Duke ..., 17th century British Library
referencedIn HISTORY Of the negotiations of [John Digby] Earl of Bristol for the Spanish match between Prince Charles and the Infanta, 1611-1626; together with an account of the charges afterwards brought against the Earl in respect of the same. Transcripts of t... British Library
referencedIn VOL. I. 1600-1662. R[obert Sydney, lst Viscount] Lisle, [afterwards Earl of Leicester], f. 4. Arthur [Capell, 1st Lord] Capell, f. 50. [Thomas Brudenell, 1st Lord] Brudenell [afterwards Earl of Cardigan], ff. 58, 72, 363. Christopher [Hatton, 1st Lor..., 1600-1662 British Library
referencedIn (II. ff. 417). July, 1724-Dec. 1725.includes:f. 1 William Gresson: Rex. v. Gresson: 1724. ff.5-9,14-16* Marie Claire Duchamp de Marcilly, Marquise de Villette: Case in In Chancery: 1724. ff. 10, 30, 94-229 Tiverton, Devon: References to the Solicit... British Library
referencedIn COLLECTION Of miscellancous political and other poems, as follows:-1. "Advice to a Painter, upon the Defeat of the Rebells in the West and the execution of the late Duke of Monmouth," beg. "Since by just flames the guilty Peice is lost." See Poems o... British Library
referencedIn ASTON PAPERS. Vol. IV. (ff. 253). Correspondence of Sir Walter Aston (continued); 1624-1625. The writers are:-William Trumbull; Brussels, 13 Jan. 1623[4]-6 Jan. 1624[5]. ff. 14, 39, 41, 62, 67, 69, 82, 91, 104, 122, 133, 139, 147, 157, 164, 174, 183...., 1624-1625 British Library
referencedIn MISCELLANEOUS historical pieces, of the first half of the XVIIth cent., viz.: 1. "Parte of the liffe of Kinge James of ffamous memorye, with diuers matters of consequence which hapned in his Raigne." Printed in the Somers Tracts (1809), Vol. II., p. ..., 17th century British Library
referencedIn Vol. V., 1677-1695:-1. Sir T. Higgons to Secretary Henry Coventry, on his negotiations; Venice, 15, 22 Jan., 19 Febr., 5, 12 March, 167,; 9 April, 1677. Hologr. ff. 1, 3, 22, 24, 26, 28. 2. Proceedings in the House of Lords on the re-assembling of P..., 1677-1695 British Library
referencedIn SPEECHES IN PARLIAMENT: with miscellaneous verses; circa 1626. The collection was apparently owned or compiled by Knightley Chetwode of Chetwode, co. Bucks, student of Lincoln's Inn after 4 Feb. 1622/3 and eponymous uncle of the future Dean of Glouce..., 1618-1662 British Library
creatorOf Miscellaneous Letters, etc.; 1615-1673. Partly French and Italian. Presented by Richard H. Byne of San Antonio, Texas, in December 1995. Paper: ff. ii+5. Quarto. Binding of full blue morocco, unsigned but probably by Riviere, with gilt doublures and ..., 1615-1673 British Library
creatorOf TRUMBULL PAPERS. Vol. CXLVI (ff. 163). Papers concerning English relations with France (ff. 1-30), Spain (ff. 31-107) and the Spanish Netherlands (ff. 108-163); 1557-1631, n.d. Included are papers relating to the Spanish match, circa 1623-1625, for w..., 1557-1631 British Library
referencedIn Art. Illuminations and Drawings ENGLISH: Grotesques in red and blue: 15th cent.includes:f. 1 Francis Bacon, Viscount St Albans: Letter to the Lord Chancellor, touching the history of Britain: [1609].f. 3 George Villiers, 1st Duke of Buckingham: L... British Library
referencedIn Vol. v. (ff. 199). 1624, 1625. Many of the letters to Carlisle in this volume are addressed also to Henry Rich, Earl of Holland, who was associated with him in his embassy to France.The writers are:-Philip Burlamachi; London, 17 May, 1624. Fr. f. 7...., 1622-1625 British Library
referencedIn REGISTER of Letters, Orders of Council, and other papers, relating to the Lord Lieutenancy of the Counties of Kent, Buckingham, and Middlesex, under Lord Wotton, the Duke of Lenox, and the Duke of Buckingham, 1605-1620. Folio. [Bibl. Eg. 860.], 1605-1620 British Library
creatorOf CLIFFORD PAPERS. Vol. I (ff. 193). Papers relating to the Secret Treaty of Dover; 1669-1672, but including a few 19th-and 20th-cent. notes, etc. Partly copies and printed. Partly French. By this Treaty, concluded at Dover 22 May/1 June 1670, Charles..., 1669-1672 British Library
referencedIn Sloane 1775Chartaceus, in Quarto, ff. 254, sec. XVII.1. Catalogus morborum, cum remediis eorumdem. f. 1-22.2. 'The manner of the Duke of Buckingham's Election for the Chancellour of the University of Cambridge, with certaine observations on the same.... British Library
referencedIn MISCELLANE0US official papers and letters, many of them being demands or orders for payment for public services, as carrying council letters, victualling ships for Ireland, etc.; 1446, 1561-1718. Among them are:-1. Acquittance from Henry Redford, Kn..., 1446-1718 British Library
creatorOf PAPERS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS, PARLIAMENT, etc.; 1525-1624, n.d.. Partly Latin. Partly copies.1. ff. 1-85b. Original (unless otherwise described) correspondence of English ambassadors in France and Rome, etc.; 1530-1533, n.d. Not in LP Hen. VIII..., 1525-1625 British Library
referencedIn Vol. II. (ff. 289). (1) John Thurloe, Secretary of State, to Henry Cromwell, Major-General of the Forces in Ireland, on the Protector's refusal to take the title of King; 12 May 1657. From a letter 'in ye possession of the ... Earl of Shelburn'. Cop... British Library
referencedIn WEST PAPERS. Vol. I. (ff. 289). Miscellaneous letters, mostly original, of interest historically or otherwise; 1532-1734. The names of all the writers are given in the index. Among them are:-1. John Fox, the Martyrologist, to Sir [William] Cecil, Se..., 1532-1734 British Library
referencedIn COPIES of Navy and miscellaneous warrants, etc., including several relating to Ireland; 1628-1641. Among them are:-1. Instructions to Sir Edward Cecil, Lielit.-General of the expedition against Spain; Holbury, 26 Aug. 1625. f. 17. 2. Instructions to..., 1628-1641 British Library
referencedIn Lieutenant Gedeon Bonnivert, son of Paschall and Judith Bonnivert of Sedan in Champagne: Commonplace books: 1673-1683.: Engl. Lat. and Fr.includes:f. 53 Joan, Pope: Notices of: late 17th cent.: Lat. and Fr.f. 59 b Abraham Cowley, poet: Epitaph in... British Library
referencedIn Frank Whitson Fetter Papers, 1902-1992 David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library
referencedIn A LARGE collection of Papers by Sir Julius Caesar, alias Adelmare, concerning chiefly the private affairs of his family and himself, and comprising numerous Original Letters and Documents from 1549 to 1616; among which are Letters from John and Willi..., 1549-1616 British Library
referencedIn Owners of Manuscripts: Guide, Family of.includes:ff. 2-67 George Ruggle, Fellow of Clare Hall, Cambridge: Ignoramus: comoedia: 1615.ff. 67 b-91 James I of England: Vox populi, or " Newes from Spayne": [1620].ff. 67 b-91 Philip III of Spain: Vox... British Library
referencedIn " A BOOKE of the coppies of letters, speeches, and papers"; Nov. 1622-Aug. 1625. In a nearly contemporary hand. 1. Letter from James I. to the Elector Palatine, 10 Nov. 1622, respecting the negotiations for his restoration to the Palatinate; with the... British Library
referencedIn OFFICIAL and political papers:-1. Extracts, with notes, from Acts relating to monastic lands and the Court of Augmentations; 26-37 Hen. VIII. f. 1.2. ',The Queenes ... oration in the Parliament howse, Marcii, 1576." f. 3. 3. The justices of Dorset t..., 16th century-17th century British Library
referencedIn 'THE EARLE OF BRISTOLL HIS ANSWER to certaine Articles exhibited against him in Parliament by the Duke of Buckingham. . .', being an account of complaints brought against John Digby, 1st Earl of Bristol, relative to his conduct of the marriage negoti..., 17th century British Library
referencedIn Trade: Papers relating to Irish trade: 1604-1632.Henry Cary, 1st Viscount Falkland: Correspondence and papers chiefly relating to his Lord Deputyship of Ireland: 1604-1632.Ireland: Correspondence and papers of Lord Falkland, Lord Deputy: 1604-1632.i... British Library
referencedIn THURLOE PAPERS. Vol. I (ff. 274). (1) Thomas Wharton, Baron Wharton, 1696, and (1715) Marquess, to William III, on the state of the country; 25 Dec. 1689. Copy. For another copy see Add. MS. 4107, f. 78. ff. 2-10. (2) Anthony Ashley Cooper, Earl of S... British Library
referencedIn COLLECTION Of political and other papers, chiefly contemporary transcripts, with a few originals and modern copies, the majority relating to the events of the 17th cent. Included are:-1. Petition to Richard II. from Margaret, dau. and heir of the la... British Library
referencedIn Vol. i. (ff. 401). 1588-1649. 1. " Queene Elizabeth's whole army at sea agaynst the Spanish forces in anno 1588 ": list of the ships, with number of men and names of captains. f. 1. 2. Instructions for Sir John Norris and Sir Francis Drake commanding..., 1588-1647 British Library
referencedIn JESSOP PAPERS. Vol. I (ff. 185). Miscellaneous official and private correspondence and papers of Robert Devereux, 3rd Earl of Essex; 1614 -1646, n.d.Robert Devereux, 3rd Earl of Essex: Correspondence and papers of and rel. to: 17th cent.includes:ff...., 1614-1646 British Library
referencedIn ORIGINAL letters by English and foreign writers, and miscellaneous papers; 1517-1757, viz.:-1. Drafts of letters from Queen Elizabeth to Christian IV., King of Denmark; Greenwich, 27 Apr. a. r. 32 [1590], Richmond, 20 Mar. 1598[9]. Lat. :ff. 1, 4;-J..., 1517-1757 British Library
referencedIn VOL. II. [William Graham, 7th Earl of] Monteth [Menteith]; 18 Apr. 1604. Fr., f. 2; Francis Goodwin; 23 June, 1604, f. 7; [John Graham, 3rd Earl of] Montrose; 5 Aug. 1604, f. 9; J[ames Elphinston, 1st Lord] Balmerino, 10 Oct. 1606, f. 11; [Sir Henry ..., 16th century-17th century British Library
referencedIn CASSIOBURY PAPERS. Vol. V. Miscellaneous State-papers and letters, etc., viz.:-1. Valuation of Peterborough Abbey: "Valor tocius nuper monasterii ibidem de anno r.r. Henrici viijui xxxjmo" [1539]. Amount 2003l. 13s. l.5/8d. gross, 1746l. 15s. 3 3/8d..., 1539-1688 British Library
referencedIn SUPPLEMENTARY HEATH AND VERNEY PAPERS: miscellaneous papers of Sir Robert Heath, Chief Justice (d.1649) and his family, concerning Parliament; 1626-1679. Supplementary to Eg. 2978-3008, acquired in 1917. The items, which were forwarded to the British..., 1626-1679 British Library
referencedIn HEATH AND VERNEY PAPERS. Vol. I (ff. 321). Miscellaneous State papers, etc., 1603-1659. The principal contents are as follows :-1. Weekly statistics of burials in London from the plague and otherwise, 24 Dec. 1602-22 Dec. 1603, and 6 Jail.-22 Dec. 16..., 1602-1659 British Library
referencedIn Vol. V, ff. 310, XVIII cent.Tanneguy Le Veneur, Comte de Tillières; French Ambassador to England: Negotiations respecting the marriage between Charles I and Henrietta Maria: 1624-1625.: Fr.: Copies.Antoine Coeffier Ruzé, Marquis d'Effiat; French Amba..., 18th century British Library
referencedIn Vol. I (ff. 215). (1) Verses, etc., almost entirely by Birch, or addressed to him, some of them apparently written as exercises. They are:— (a) 'Jam tibi perfectum jactare, Britannia, carmen': a version (100 lines) of the Rev. John Nixon's poem on Si... British Library
referencedIn TRANSCRIPTS of historical letters, political tracts, and other papers, viz 1. Qu. Anne Boleyn to Henry Vlll.; " From my dolefull Pryson in the Tower," 6 May, [1536]. " Founde amonge Cromwell's Papers." Printed in Cabala, London, 1691, p. 1. f. 1. 2. ... British Library
referencedIn ASTON PAPERS. Vol. I. (ff. 257). Correspondence of Sir Walter Aston; 1619-1620. The writers are:-Sir Robert Naunton, Secretary of State; Sir George Calvert, Secretary of State; 20 Jan., 20 Mar. 1619[20]. ff. 122,134. 4 Aug., 20 Nov. 1620. ff. 173, 2..., 1619-1620 British Library
referencedIn Vol. I, ff. 231, XVII-XVIII centtincludes:ff. 1-7 Peter Shaw, physician and author: Proposal to print F. Bacon's philosophical works: 1731.: Printed.ff. 19-24 Charles Leslie, nonjuror: 'A letter from Mr Lesly to a Member of Parliament in London':..., 17th century-18th century British Library
referencedIn Sloane 1778Paper, in 4to, ff. 21, XVII Century; Bound together with Nos. 99 and 2282.Schemes of Nativities. ff. 1-21.Astrology: Schemes of nativities: 1533, 1564.includes:f. 2 Jackson: Horoscope of his son: 1652.f. 3 Caleb Samby: Horoscope: 1652/... British Library
referencedIn MISCELLANEOUS Original letters, etc.; 1561-1801. 1. Elizabeth [daughter of Henry II., of France, and wife of Philip II., of Spain], to her brother, Charles IX., announcing the imprisonment of Don Carlos; 21 Jan. [1568]. Fr. f. 1. 2. Philip, Landgrave..., 1561-1801 British Library
creatorOf DIPLOMATIC CORRESPONDENCE AND PAPERS relating to the Thirty Years' War and the Valtelline question, and chiefly concerning the missions of Sir Isaac Wake at Turin and Venice, and Sir Dudley Carleton, Baron Carleton of Imbercourt (1626) and Viscount D..., 1619-1632 British Library
referencedIn A Volume, in folio, on paper: containing the following Treatises.1. Remembrances for Order and Decency to be kept in the Upper House of Parliament. pag. 1. 2. A Treatise concerning Archbishops, Bishops, Deans, Chapters, Parsons, &c. written Anno nono... British Library
referencedIn HODGKIN PAPERS. Vol. XI (ff.200). The contents relate to: (A) Religion, chiefly in connexion with Roman Catholics and dissenters; (B) Life in London prisons for debt; (C) Literature, viz.: A. 1. Bond in £200 to the Crown by Richard Black of Iden, co...., 16th century-18th century British Library
referencedIn AUTOGRAPH DIARY of Walter Yonge, of Colyton, co. Devon (M.P. for Honiton in the Long Parliament), from 1627 to April, 1642, being a sequel to the volume (now Add. MS. 28,032) edited by G. Roberts (Camden Society, 1848). A further continuation, Sept. ..., 1627-1642 British Library
referencedIn Vol. II, 1618-1625; XVIII cent.includes:ff. 423-424b George Villiers, 1st Duke of Buckingham: Notes on the death of: 18th cent.f. 425 Justinian Pagitt, Recorder of the King's Bench: Letter to J. Harrington: 1634.: Two copies.f. 425 James Harrin..., 18th century British Library
referencedIn MISCELLANEOUS papers, consisting chiefly of bonds, depositions, accounts, and public documents, relating to Dover and the Cinque Ports; 1566-1784. Among them are:-1. Certificate of a payment made by the Mayor and Commonalty of Dover for a share in a..., 1566-1784 British Library
creatorOf TRUMBULL PAPERS. Vol. CLXVI (ff. 158). Tracts and papers relating to domestic affairs, etc.; 1550-1633, n.d. Partly copies, early 17th cent. Partly Latin. Included are papers relating to Robert Devereux, 2nd Earl of Essex (ff. 6-23; and see also belo..., 1550-1633 British Library
referencedIn includes:ff. 1-7 George Villiers, 2nd Duke of Buckingham: Speech in the House of Lords: 1677.ff. 1-7 Charles II of England: Speech in the House of Lords by the Duke of Buckingham: 1676/7.ff. 7, 21 b, 28-30, 36-38 Poetry ENGLISH: Moral and polit... British Library
referencedIn Commission from Charles "Prince of Great Brittaine", letter of credence from Charles I, letter of George Whitefield, "Thexpences of the dyettes provided for the Queenes maties most honorable Counsell at her Graces Starre-chamber during, this Hillary ... British Library
referencedIn CORRESPONDENCE and papers of George Villiers, 2nd Duke of Buckingham; chiefly relating to his imprisonment in the Tower; 1661-1677, viz.:-1. The Duke to a lady's confidante or servant; n.d. The signature torn off. Holograph. With seals. f. 1. 2. Bill..., 1661-1677 British Library
referencedIn Vol. V (ff. 131).1661-1674.includes:f. 1 John Lewys: Letter to Sir J. Reresby: 1661.f. 1 Sir John Reresby, 2nd Baronet: Letter to, from J. Lewys: 1661.f. 3 William Hayes: Letter to 1st Duke of Leeds: 1663.f. 5 General George Monck, 1st Duke o..., 1661-1674 British Library
referencedIn Appointment of George Villiers, 2nd Duke of Buckingham, as Commander-in-Chief of English Royalist forces in Scotland; Stirling, 16 May 1651. With signature and signet of Charles II.George Villiers, 2nd Duke of Buckingham: Appointment to command the R... British Library
referencedIn COPIES of political tracts, reports of trials, precedents, versw, etc., chiefly of the first half of the xviith century. The principal are:-1. Song, "How happie is hee borne or taught," by S' H[enry] W[otton], f. 11 b. 2. "The names and ages of the ..., 17th century British Library
referencedIn Sloane 1455Paper, in 4to., ff. 85, XVII Century.1. 'Sir John Finch's speech to the Kinge at his commynge to Canterbury on Tuesday 31 May 1625.' ff. 1-3.2. 'My speech to the King and Queen at their coming to Canterburie on Monday 13 Junii 1625.' ff. 4... British Library
referencedIn ESSEX PAPERS. Vol. I. (ff. 493). Jan.-Dec. 1672. 1. Warrants to send troops from the " army of Ireland " into England, under command of Richard, Lord Le Power; Whitehall, 1, 3 Aug. 1672. ff. 96, 102. 2. Letters from the Bishops of Derry and Down and ... British Library
referencedIn ASTON PAPERS. Vol. II. (ff. 342). Correspondence of Sir Walter Aston (continued); 1621. The writers are:-William Trumbull; 6 Jan.-14 Dec. 1621. fr. 1-301 passim. John Digby, Baron Digby; 12 Jan.-23 Dec. 1621. ff. 3, 50,73, 104,144, 191, 194, 225, 2..., 1621 British Library
referencedIn LEEDS PAPERS. Vol. XXV (ff. 101). Miscellaneous petitions; 1665-1694, n.d. Addressed to the following:-(1) The King; 1665-1694, n.d. Included at f. 1 b is a draft, in the 1st Duke of Leeds' hand, of a petition from the Grand Juries of the Yorkshire ..., 1665-1694 British Library
referencedIn ARTHUR LANGFORD: miscellany of prose and verse owned, and probably copied, by him; 1 May 1629-circa 1630. The manuscript is described and three poems from it printed by Peter Beal in Yearbook of English Studies, X (1980), pp. 190-203. First lines of ..., 1612-1635 British Library
referencedIn MISCELLANEOUS State-Papers, chiefly transcripts, relating to England, Scotland and other countries; 1581-1644. 1. [Esme Stuart, Duke of Lenox,] to [James VI. of Scotland], expressing his devotion, and referring to the " flaterie and disimulation" of ..., 1581-1644 British Library
referencedIn WYATT PAPERS. Vol. I. A collection of documents by and relating to members of the Wyatt family, [1496?]-early 18th cent., compiled by Richard Wyatt (d. 1753); 1727. Partly copies. Partly Latin. Chiefly by and concerning Sir Henry Wyatt (d. 1537), Sir..., 1495-1799 British Library
referencedIn Sloane 1709Paper, in folio, ff. 303, XVII and XVIII Centuries; bound with the preceding number.1. 'Arithmetique lecture, by Sir Hennage Fynche.' ff. 1-12.2. 'Grammer lecture, by Sir Francis Beamount.' ff. 13-22.3. 'A Short view of K. Henry the third ... British Library
referencedIn REGISTER of the Council of Wales and the Marches, circ. 1586-1634, with a few entries (f. 52) as late as 1644, containing copies of the Instructions given from time to time to the Council, their orders for proceedings in the Court of the Marches, app..., 1554-1833 British Library
referencedIn PARALLEL between Robert Devereux, Earl of Essex, and George Villiers, Duke of Buckingham, by Sir Henry Wotton, 1641. Printed in Reliquiae Wottonianae, 1672. Paper; ff. 20. xviith cent. Small Folio.Sir Henry Wotton, Ambassador to Venice, and (1623) Pr... British Library
referencedIn Vol. xi. (ff. 465). Oct. 1802-Feb.1803.includes:ff. 1, 13, 380, 464 Francois Jarry, Commandant of the Royal Military College: Letters to the 2nd Earl of Chichester: 1802-1804.: Fr. f. 3 Francois Jarry, Commandant of the Royal Military College: Consi... British Library
referencedIn RALPH STARKEY TRANSCRIPTSTranscripts of State Papers and political tracts made chiefly by Ralph Starkey (d. 1628), relating with few exceptions to the royal marriages of England; 1474-1624. Viz.:-(1) Covenant for a proposed marriage of Cicely, dau. ..., 1474-1624 British Library
referencedIn Poetry ENGLISH: Collections of miscellaneous pieces: 17th cent.includes:ff. 3, 4, 48, 49, 51, 56, 61 John Wilmot, 2nd Earl of Rochester: Poetical pieces: 17th cent.ff. 10-13 Matthew Prior, poet and diplomatist: Poetical satire on modern translato... British Library
referencedIn TRANSCRIPTS Of political papers, letters, treatises and poems, chiefly relating to the times of James I. and Charles l., with a few original papers. Several of the documents relate to Francis Fane, 1st Earl of Westmoreland, in his connection with co...., 17th century British Library
referencedIn Sloane 1856Paper, in 4to., ff. 73, XVII Century; bound with Nos. 326 & 3906.1. 'A discourse of Mr. Oliver St. John's affirming that thes kind of benevolence demanded is against law, reason and religion,' addressed to 'the Right Worsh. Mr. Mayor of Ma... British Library
referencedIn BLENHEIM PAPERS. Vol. DLXXXIII (ff. 93). Political, literary and family papers; [1601?]-1659, n.d. The position of some of these papers in the list in H.M.C. 8th Report, pt. 1, pp. 2-12, suggests that they may be associated with Add. MSS. 61681 and 6..., 1601-1659 British Library
referencedIn Detailed account referred to in Thomas Fotherley's account in Add. 71601 A above, of expenses incurred by William Alcock and Philip Burlamachi in settling accounts between the Crown and the Duchess of Buckingham; 1635. Acquired with the preceding ite..., 1635 British Library
referencedIn Vol. iii. (ff. 209). 1621. The writers are:-T. Erckenbrecht; Heidelberg, Frankenthal, 26 Jan., 26 Feb. 1621. Fr. ff. 7, 17. Sir H[orace] Vere; Frankenthal, 29 Jan. -24 Apr. 1621, ff. 9, 13, 27, 35. Jacob Godemann, " Secretarius Re..ius et capitaneus..., 1620-1622 British Library
referencedIn Vol. II., 6 Jan. 1626/7-21 Dec. 1627. Mutilated at the beginning and end.George Villiers, 1st Duke of Buckingham: Register of warrants, letters, etc., as Lord High Admiral etc.: 1624-1627.Sir Edward Nicholas, Secretary of State: Register of warrants,... British Library
referencedIn HODGKIN PAPERS. Vol. X (ff. 256). Documents illustrative of social history, etc.; 1573-1843. 1. Deposition, signed by Rycherd Page, Heughe He[y]ward, Davy Myller, and (by a mark) John Blonte, of St. Clement's parish [St. Clement Danes, London], respe..., 1573-1843 British Library
referencedIn HARDWICKE PAPERS. Vol. CCCCXCIII. Transcripts of State letters, etc., with a few notes by the 2nd Earl of Hardwicke; 1551-1627. One transcript (f. 104) is in the hand of Dr. Thomas Birch. Included are:-1. Roger Ascham to (a) Edward Raven, Fellow of..., 1551-1627 British Library
referencedIn Sir William Penn, admiral: Tracts found among the papers of, relating to the Navy of England: 1638-1665.includes:ff. 48-74 Admiralty Office: The Office of the Admiraltie of England: 18th cent.f. 83 James II of England: Naval orders by, as Lord Hi... British Library
referencedIn THURLOE PAPERS. Vol. V (ff. 280. Vil:-(1) The Dutch Commissioners for the treaty with Sweden, to the States General; Copenhagen, 16/26 Apr. 1660. Dutch and English translation. Copies. Op. cit . vii, p. 898. ff. 1-4. (2) Charles Longland, Agent at Le... British Library
referencedIn TRANSCRIPTS Of State Papers, 1618-1679, with other pieces:-1. " Brief observations in Chancery Practice." f 3. 2. Proclamation of James I. on the subject of Sunday recreation; Greenwich, 24 May, ao 16 [1618]. f. 4. 3. " The grounds of unity in Relig... British Library
referencedIn TRANSCRIPTS Of various documents, made by Dr. Zachary Grey, of Trinity Hall, Cambridge, Vicar of St. Peter's and St. Giles' in Cambridge, and Rector of Houghton Conquest, co. Bedford (ob. 1766). At the beginning are inserted four original documents, ... British Library
referencedIn " A NOTE found about Felton when he killed the Duke of Buckingham; 23 Aug. 1628." A contemporary copy. With engravings. Paper; ff. 6. Small Quarto. Bequeathed by Francis Helvetius Hobler, Esq. British Library
referencedIn COPY of correspondence between James I. of England, Ferdinand II., Emperor, and Frederick, Elector Palatine, relative to affairs of the Palatinate, 1621-1623, f. 1 [printed in the "Cabala"]; Copies of letters of Philip IV. of Spain, the Duke of Oliva..., 17th century British Library
referencedIn CATALOGUE of the collections of pictures and models of George Villiers, Duke of Buckingham. Paper; XVIIth cent. Folio. [Add. 17,915.], 17th century British Library
referencedIn Vol. i. (ff. 164). 1570-1640. 1. Edward Dering, Puritan divine, to Archbishop Parker; 5 Sept. 1570. Latin. Followed by an English translation. f. 1. 2. Jo-Astyll to his "good bedfellowe" Anthony Dering, on the death of the latter's wife Mary [dau. o... British Library
referencedIn HISTORICAL LETTERS AND PAPERS (ENGLISH AND FOREIGN) OF THE 16TH AND 17TH CENTURIES: a collection of copies closely resembling those in Bodleian Library, Oxford, MS. Tanner 82 (see Cat. Cod. MSS. Bibl. Bodl., Pt. iv, Codices T. Tanneri, ed. A. Hackman..., 17th century British Library
referencedIn VOL. Vll.-Miscellaneous, political, and other Papers, viz. :-Copy, in Lord Clarendon's handwriting, of the Articles against [George Villiers] Duke of Buckingham, by [Thomas Butler] Earl of Ossory, [circ. 1675,] f 1 ;-" Conditions aux quelles le Roy [..., 1678-1708 British Library
referencedIn Sloane 1199Paper, in folio, ff. 104, XVII century.Notes by Dr Benfield on Amos, cap. V. vv. 4-22.Interspersed are:-1. Part of a sermon on J. Vaulx funeral, f. 14.2. Medical excerpts, f. 16. b.3. The state of the kingdom at this present (about1628) re... British Library
referencedIn ESSEX PAPERS. Vol. V. (ff. 365). Jan.-Mar. 1674. 1. Letters from Sir Joseph Williamson; Cologne, 1/11 Jan.-6 Apr./27 Mar 1674. ff. 1, 11, 53, 94, 128, 147, 185, 205, 246, 279, 287, 298, 306, 339. 2. " Articles of treasonable and other crimes of high ... British Library
referencedIn TRANSCPRIPTS of papers from the Pepys Collection at Cambridge, viz.:-1. "A Journal of the Proceedings of ye D. of Monmouth in his Invading England; with the Progress and Issew of ye Rebellion attending it. Kept by Mr. Edward Dummer then serving in th..., 18th century British Library
referencedIn ESSEX PAPERS. Vol. II. (ff. 410). Jan.-Apr. 1673. 1. Royal Warrant allowing the election of Roman Catholics on corporations in Ireland; Whitehall, 14 Jan. 1672/3. f. 46. 2. Letter from William, 6th Lord Willoughby of Parham, Governor of Barbados, rel... British Library
referencedIn WODEHOUSE PAPERS. Vol. XXI. Reports of Proceedings in Parliament, with copies of a few royal letters, etc., relating almost entirely to the impeachment of [Georoe Villiers,] Duke of Buckingham, the case of [John Digby,] Earl of Bristol, and the levy ..., 17th century-18th century British Library
referencedIn Speculum ecclesiæ: Speculum humanæ salvationis,: 14th-15th cent.: Imperf. at both ends.Saint Bernard,; Abbot of Clairvaux: Speculum humanæ salvationis: 14th-15th cent.Art. Illuminations and Drawings FLEMISH: Speculum humanæ salvationis: 14th British Library
referencedIn ORIGINAL LETTERS addressed to Thomas, Ferdinando, and Thomas, lst, 2nd, and 3rd Lords Fairfax, principally by members of their families; with a few military papers of Thomas, 3rd Lord, the Parliamentary General; 1625-1688. The writers are as follows:..., 17th century British Library
referencedIn MS Mus. 243. ELLEN COLEMAN: songs for voice and piano; 1936-57, n.d.ff. 64.1. f. 1. ‘The Waterlily’ (words, Robert Nichols); 1936.2. ff. 2-3. ‘Dawn’ (words, George Villiers); 1942.3. ff. 4-5. ‘The Wakeful Nightingale’ (words, Roy Campbell); 1944.4. f..., 1936-1957 British Library
referencedIn MISCELLANEOUS English and foreign letters, chiefly original; 1588-1742: 1. L[udovic] Stuart d'Aubignj [canon of Notre Dame, and almoner to Queen Henrietta Maria]; n.d. [circ. 1663]. Fr. f. 5. 2. John Boreel [Dutch Ambassador]; London, 3/13 Sept. 1668..., 1588-1742 British Library
referencedIn MOTETS, madrigals, fancies, etc., annotated throughout by Thomas Tomkins, with some of his own compositions. The composers named are :--Kyrton, ff. 6, 7 b. John Redford, ff. 6 b, 11, 17, 22 b, 36, 37, 40 b, 42 b. Richard Wynslate, f. 20. -Avere [A..., 16th century-17th century British Library
referencedIn C. Bargain and sale by George Villiers, 2nd Duke of Buckingham, of the rent of lands in cos. Rutl. and York for 99 years to Alexander Dunbar and Samuel Maydwell; [1673-1674]. Imperfect.George Villiers, 2nd Duke of Buckingham: Sale of rent to A. Dunba..., 1673-1674 British Library
referencedIn PROCEEDINGS against John Digby, Earl of Bristol, for his conduct of the negotiations at Madrid for a marriage between Charles, Prince of Wales, and the Infanta of Spain, consisting of copies of articles, speeches, letters, etc. ; 1624-1628. The conte... British Library
referencedIn INVENTORY of "hangings of arras, tapistry, and other hangings, plate, jewells, aggats, pictures, statues, household stuff, goods, chattells, rings, and other things," assigned to George Villiers 2nd Duke of Buckingham, by an indenture between Viscoun..., 18th century British Library
referencedIn Sloane 1710Paper, in folio, ff. 359, XVII Century; bound with Nos.1691 & 1731 A.1. Notae quaedam Historicae pro annis 1176, 1189, 1181. f. 1.2. 'Threneticon Trojae', versibus elegiacis. f. 2.Incip. 'Pergama flere volo, fato Danais data Solo capta dol... British Library
referencedIn TRANSCRIPTS Of State Papers, 1618-1679, with other pieces:-1. " Brief observations in Chancery Practice." f 3. 2. Proclamation of James I. on the subject of Sunday recreation; Greenwich, 24 May, ao 16 [1618]. f. 4. 3. " The grounds of unity in Relig... British Library
referencedIn SUPPLEMENTARY AUCKLAND PAPERS. Vol. III (ff. 147). General correspondence; 1697-1899.wife of William Frederick, Duke of Gloucester, Mary: Letter to Lady Buckinghamshire: bef. 1834.includes:f. 1 Exchequer: Exchequer bill: 1697.: Printed. f. 1 Sir Robe..., 1697-1899 British Library
referencedIn Miscellaneous treatises of Francis Bacon, Viscount St. Albans, Lord Chancellor, in various hands; 17th-18th centt. Artt. 1-11 are printed in The Works of Francis Bacon, 14 vols., 1857-1874, edited by James Spedding and others. (1) The use of the Law;..., 17th century-18th century British Library
referencedIn Copies of Parliamentary papers and political tracts:-1. "Articles propounded by the clement," respecting the defence of the realm; 15 Mar. 1623[4], f. 2. 2. "A coppie of the Arche Bishopes letter of Canterberye [George Abbott] to the Bishope of Norw..., 17th century British Library
referencedIn CORRESPONDENCE and papers relating to the affairs of Dover and the Cinque-Ports, chiefly during the wardenship of Edward Lord Zouche, and also under George Villiers, Duke of Buckingham, and Theoplilus Howard, Earl of Suffolk; 1615-1636. The correspon..., 1615-1636 British Library
referencedIn ARMS, in trick, as follows: (a) Welsh. f. 8;-(b) Shropshire (chiefly taken from the Visitation of 1623). f. 12;-(c) Hertfordshire (from the Visitations of 1579 and 1634). f. 38 b;-(d) Various English counties. ff. 73,103 b, 114 b;-(e) Bedfordshire. f... British Library
referencedIn LETTERS and Papers, mostly Original, relating chiefly to the County of Norfolk, and, generally, to public events, between 1557 and 1732; viz.-Copy of the Signet to William, Lord Paget,of Beaudesert (Keeper of the Privy Seal), for a privy seal for the..., 1557-1732 British Library
referencedIn MISCELLANEOUS LETTERS TRANSCRIBED CHIEFLY BY THOMAS BIRCH; 17th-18th centt. The names of the writers are to be found in the Index of the present Catalogue. Included are originals and copies of letters from (a) Elizabeth Carter, poetess, to Edward Cav..., 17th century-18th century British Library
referencedIn HEATH AND VERNEY PAPERS. Vol. V (ff. 292). Miscellaneous theological and literary works, 17th Cent. Ineluded are :-1. " A Coller of SS. composed of severall gemms, and made up into ye forme of a chayne for a Judge," and " A Coller of SS. consistinge ..., 1553-1685 British Library
creatorOf EVELYN PAPERS. Vol. DV. Treatise on religion and moral philosophy, beg. `The whole art of living may be briefly comprehended under this general Precept; never to sacrifice a greater pleasure to a less ...'. Copy in a single hand, 17th-18th cent., wi... British Library
referencedIn Vol. I (ff. i + 214). (a) Papers relating to the "European Magazine," with details respecting the Handel Commemoration, 1784-1787. ff. 59 b-100; (b) Facsimile of Milton's assignment of "Paradise Lost" to S. Symons, 1667. The original is Add. MS. 1886... British Library
referencedIn Sloane 1519Paper, in folio, ff. 243, XVII century. A collection of letters illustrative of English History, addressed for the most part to Thomas third Lord Fairfax.Index of contents. ff. 1-11.1. Letter of Philip II, King of Spain, to Queen Elizabeth... British Library
referencedIn VOL. 1. (ff. 513). 1560-1649. John [Jewell, Bishop of] Salisbury; London, etc., 23 Feb.-7 Oct. 1560, 19 Mar. 1562 [3], ff. 1-6. Sir J[ohn] Evelyn, of co. Wilts; 26 Sept. 1621, f. 10. Matthew Nicholas, brother of Sir Edward, Dean successively of Brist..., 1560-1649 British Library
referencedIn MISCELLANEOUS historical papers and original letters, 1452-1874, viz.:-A. 1. Extracts from the Flores Historiarum (Rolls Series ed., ii. pp. 190-221) relating to Hubert de Burgh. In a hand of the end of the l5th cent. f. 1. 2. Copy of proclamation ..., 1452-1874 British Library
referencedIn Vol. I., Dec. 1624-10 Jan. 1626/7. The title, marginal notes and some transcripts of letters are in the hand of Sir E. Nicholas. Contains also tables of conduct money for seamen to Chatham from ports named (ff. 5, 6), a table of the mileage for "The ... British Library
referencedIn WEST PAPERS. Vol. I. (ff. 289). Miscellaneous letters, mostly original, of interest historically or otherwise; 1532-1734. The names of all the writers are given in the index. Among them are:-1. John Fox, the Martyrologist, to Sir [William] Cecil, Se..., 1532-1734 British Library
referencedIn George Villiers, 2nd Duke of Buckingham: Speech in the House of Lords: 1677.Parliament: Speech of the Duke of Buckingham in the Lords: 1676/7. British Library
referencedIn includes:ff. 1-7 George Villiers, 2nd Duke of Buckingham: Speech in the House of Lords: 1677.ff. 1-7 Charles II of England: Speech in the House of Lords by the Duke of Buckingham: 1676/7.ff. 7, 21 b, 28-30, 36-38 Poetry ENGLISH: Moral and polit... British Library
referencedIn POLITICAL and other papers, collected by the Rev. George Harbin; tempp. Hen. VIII.-Geo. II. The contents are:-1. Extracts from Cotton MS., Vitellius B. xiv., and Nicholas Harpsfield's treatise in MS. cccxi. of New College, Oxford, relating to the di..., 17th century-18th century British Library
referencedIn MISCELLANEOUS historical and other papers, being contemporary or recent copies, some of them in the handwriting of Thomas Martin, of Palgrave, and others having notes or endorsements by him or Sir John Fenn. The most important are :-1. Extract from ..., 17th century-18th century British Library
referencedIn Vol. I. (ff. 233). 1262-1704. 1. Grants of the Honour, Castle, and Rape of Hastings, co. Sussex, to Peter de Savoy, uncle of Henry III.; 4 June, 1262;-to John, son of John, Duke of Brittany, 20 Nov. 1268;-and to John of Gaunt, as Earl of Richmond; 3 ..., 1262-1704 British Library
referencedIn SPEECHES and other collections relating to Parliament; tempp. Hen. III.-Geo. III. 1. Extracts and notes from Rolls of Parliament, etc., tempp. Hen. III. -Chas. l.; partly (f 13) in the hand of Henry Hyde, 2nd Earl of Clarendon. ff. 1-14. 2. (a) " The... British Library
referencedIn Sloane 1479Paper,12mo., ff. 56, XVII Century.1. 'Sales, facetiae, etc., collectiones promiscuae. Lat. et Angl. ff. 3-13.2. 'Carmina ex Academia Cantabrig. de Serenis. Principis aditu ex Hispaniis exoptatissimo gratulatione desumpta, Octob. 1623.' ff.... British Library
referencedIn Miscellaneous Letters, etc.; 1615-1673. Partly French and Italian. Presented by Richard H. Byne of San Antonio, Texas, in December 1995. Paper: ff. ii+5. Quarto. Binding of full blue morocco, unsigned but probably by Riviere, with gilt doublures and ..., 1615-1673 British Library
referencedIn " OBSERVATIONS and overtures for a Sea fight uppon our owne coasts, and what kynd of order and disciplyne is fittest to bee used in martialling and directing our Navies . . . the first of March, 1618." With a dedicatory letter to George Villiers, Mar... British Library
referencedIn COPIES of political pamphlets, pieces in verse, prophecies, etc., chiefly relating to events of the reign of James I., and particularly to the proposed marriage between Charles, Prince of Wales, and the Infanta of Spain, about 1620-1625, and at subse..., 17th century British Library
referencedIn COLLECTION of political and other papers made by Sir Julius Cæsar, Chancellor of the Exchequer, Master of the Rolls, etc., consisting of transcripts of state-papers, and various political and legal notes, together with a few private letters; 1524-163..., 17th century British Library
referencedIn NICHOLAS PAPERS (Series II). Vol. IV. (ff. 62). Similar copies of letter, warrants, etc., of George Villiers, Duke of Buckingham, as Lord Warden of the Cinque Ports; 9 Dec. 1624-19 Dec. 1627. Only a few notes and copies are in the hand of Sir E. Nich... British Library
referencedIn George Villiers, 2nd Duke of Buckingham: Settlement with Sir E. Seymour: 1673. British Library
referencedIn ORIGINAL, correspondence, chiefly between Thomas Osborne, Earl of Danby, lst Duke of Leeds, and officers of state and other officialpersons in England; 1661-1700. Among the writers are:-[Henry Ferne, D.D., Dean of Ely, afterwards Bishop of Chester], ..., 1661-1700 British Library
referencedIn EDMONDES PAPERS. Vol. Xl. (ff. 296). 25 March, 1616-28 Jan. 1632 [3]. During Edmondes's absence at the Loudun Conference, which resulted in a treaty signed 5 May, 1616, his secretary, Woodford, reported the state of affairs at the French Court. In Se... British Library
referencedIn REGISTER of the Council of Wales and the Marches, circ. 1586-1634, with a few entries (f. 52) as late as 1644, containing copies of the Instructions given from time to time to the Council, their orders for proceedings in the Court of the Marches, app..., 1554-1833 British Library
referencedIn Financial papers relating to Katherine (Manners), Duchess of Buckingham; 1627-1635, n.d. Comprising her warrant for payment of £200 for provisions for the Ile de Ré expedition, 1627, an account of Thomas Fotherley, steward, of receipts and expenses o..., 1627-1635 British Library
referencedIn Vol. XIV. RECOLLECTIONS, continued, chiefly miscellaneous, but with the following special headings, among others:-"The Royal Family," f. 21 ;-"Lord Holland's foreign reminiscences," f. 77;-Smith's Life of Nollekens," f. 94;-"Sir T. Lawrence," f. 134..., 1853 British Library
referencedIn LEGAL PAPERS, extracts from public records, copies of wills, etc., relating to Shenley, Snelshall Priory, Whaddon, and neighbouring places in co. Buckingham, arranged alphabetically; 1272-l802. Followed (f. 199) by correspondence of the families of ..., 16th century-19th century British Library
referencedIn Vol. CCCLXXXVI (ff. 163). (1) Correspondence of Sunderland and Sir William Godolphin with Henry Bennet, 1st Earl of Arlington, and other papers relating to their embassy to Madrid; 1671-1673. Partly French, Latin and Spanish. Partly cipher and copies..., 1671-1688 British Library
referencedIn MISCELLANEOUS historical and other letters and papers, including correspondence, etc. of Sir William Clarke [ob. 1666], secretary to Gen. George Monck, and his son, George Clarke, Judge Advocate, Secretary at War, etc. [ob. l737]; 1556-1753 1. Warran..., 1556-1753 British Library
referencedIn " THE humble answere and plea of George [Villiers], Duke of Buckingham, to the declaracion and impeachment made against him before your Lordshipps by the Commons Howse of Parliament "; presented to the House of Lords, 8 June, 1626. Draft, with altera... British Library
referencedIn includes:f. 2 Charles I of England: Sonnet sur la mort de: 17th cent.f. 2 Gustavus II Adolphus of Sweden: Sonnet sur la mort de: 17th cent.f. 3 Charles Emmanuel II; Duke of Savoy: Sonnet à, par F. Boniel: 17th cent.f. 3 Charles Emmanuel II; D... British Library
referencedIn Vol. i. (ff. 266). 1602-Aug. 1619. The writers are:-[William Herbert, 3rd Earl of] Pembroke, Lord Chamberlain; 16 Sept. [1616],20, 30 May [1619]. The second letter mentions the death of Richard Burbage, the actor. ff. 7, 81, 102. Sir Thomas Edmondes..., 1602-1619 British Library
referencedIn Sloane 2251Paper, in folio, ff. 125; XVII Century.1. 'Proposalls to be made to Dr. Cox' — in behalf of the College of Physicians; relative to an exchange of land near the college for the purpose of building.' f. 1.2. Brief summaries of the characters... British Library
referencedIn MISCELLANEOUS original letters and drafts; 1588-1831, viz: 1. Noel de Caron [Heer van Schoonewal, Ambassador to England, from the State of Flanders in 1585, and from the United Provinces in 1590] to "Monsieur Hugens [Christian Huygens], Secretaire du..., 1588-1831 British Library
referencedIn HARDWICKE PAPERS. Vol. CCCCXC. The principal contents are:-1. Contract of marriage between Mary, Queen of Scots, and James Hepburn, Earl of Bothwell; 14 May, l567. Copy. f. 17. 2. Account of the reception by the Emperor Charles V. at Bologna of Sir ..., 1559-1775 British Library
referencedIn GWYN MEMORIALMemorial of the military services of Capt. John Gwyn of the Royal troop of Horse Guards, from 1642 to the Restoration; circ. 1660. With six prefatory dedication-letters, viz. to (a) Charles II. ff. 2-3b;-(b) James, Duke of York. f. 4;-(c..., approximately 1660 British Library
referencedIn Vol. xiii. Do.includes:f. 37 Sir George Savile, 4th Baronet; afterwards Marquis of Halifax: Commission to treat with France: 1672.: Lat.: Copy. f. 37 George Villiers, 2nd Duke of Buckingham: Commission to treat with France: 1672.: Lat.: Copy. f. 37..., 1583-1743 British Library
referencedIn EDMONDES PAPERS. Vol. X. (ff. 389). 16 July, 1614-24 Mar. 1615 [6]. The volume opens with the instructions of James I. to Edmondes on his return to France. The latter continues to give full details of the dissensions in the French Court, which lasted... British Library
referencedIn MEMORIALS of the civil war in England, by Thomas, 3rd Lord Fairfax, Parliamentary General, 1642-1644, viz.:-1. "Short Memorialls of some things to be cleared during my Command in the Army," f. 2. 2. "A Short Memoriall of the Northern Actions during y... British Library
referencedIn ESSEX PAPERS. Vol. III. (ff. 339). May-Aug. 1673. 1. Minutes of Orders in Council for sending English farthings to Ireland; Whitehall, 4 July, 13 Aug. 1673. ff. 168, 295 2. Surrenders of his several commissions by James, Duke of York, 15 June, 1673; ... British Library
referencedIn Vol. I (ff. 276). Viz:-(1) Appointment by Edward IV of John Russell, Bishop of Rochester, and Anthony Wydville, Earl Rivers, to be Governors of Edward, Prince of Wales; 28 Sept. 1473. Copy. ff. 1-5b. (2) Sir Richard Morison to the Council; Spires, 7... British Library
referencedIn Sloane 1792Paper, in 12mo, ff. 143, XVII Century.1. 'Sir H. Wotton, on the Lady Elizabeth when she was first crowned Queen of Bohemia.' f. 2.Begin: — 'Ye glorious trifles of the East.'Printed in the Parnassus Biceps, London, 1656, p. 34; and given in... British Library
creatorOf TRUMBULL PAPERS. Vol. CLIV. Four speeches, etc., relating to the demand of both Houses of Parliament for war with Spain; 1624. Abstracts. These comprise the addresses of Prince Charles (f. 1) to the Committee of both Houses, 11 March 1624, and of Geo..., 1624 British Library
referencedIn ENGLISH poems, by [John] Lord Digby, -Reynolds, John Donne, Dean of St. Pauls, F[rancis] B[eaumont], [Sir] H[enry] W[otton], Sir H[enry] G[oodyear], Henry Skipwith, G. Lucy, T[homas] P[estell], [Sir] J[ohn] B[eaumont], Hen[ry] Kinge [Bishop of Chich..., 17th century British Library
referencedIn MINISTERS' ACCOMPTS and muster-rolls for Buckinghamshire; 1593-1649. Among other matters are:-1. Accompts of William Andrewes, collector of fifteenths and tenths granted by Parliament [22 Mar.] 35 Eliz. [1593], for the hundreds of Newport, Buckingha... British Library
referencedIn SPEECHES in Parliament, etc.; 1558-1695. 1. "Queen Elizabeths speech (a) to her secretary [Sir W. Cecil] and other her Lords," 20 Nov. 1558. In a hand of the 18th cent. f. 1; -(b) to the two Houses, 12 Nov. 1586. f. 2. 2. "Answeres to the first part ... British Library
referencedIn includes:ff. 1-8 b Barker, Puritan Minister at Pytchley, county Northamptonshire: Speech at his execution for adultery and murder: 1637.f. 9 Philip IV of Spain: Proposals of James I. and Gregory XV. on the Spanish match: [1623].f. 9 Gregory XV;... British Library
referencedIn COLLECTION of political, satirical and other poems of the reign of Cliarles II., chiefly relating to the years 1679-1681. The whole MS. is in one hand down to art. 39, which is an addition dated 1687. With lists of contents at ff. 2, 165. 1. " The Ci..., approximately 1679-approximately 1687 British Library
referencedIn HARDWICKE PAPERS. Vol. CCCCLXXXIV. Miscellaneous State letters, etc. Vol. III. 1615-1625. The main part of this volume covers the years 1620-1625, the principal events referred to being: (a) the special embassy of Sir Edward Conway and Sir Richard We..., 1615-1625 British Library
referencedIn George Villiers, 1st Duke of Buckingham: General release to: 1622.Symon Killigrewe, of London: General release by him and his wife to Lord Buckingham: 1622. British Library
referencedIn "THE SPANISH Labarynth, or A true Relation of that Narrative made by the Duke of Buckingham his Grace to both the Howses of Parliament assembled at Whithall the xxiiijth of February 1623. As allso of all the Supplements and Additions made thereunto e..., 17th century British Library
referencedIn MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS, viz.:-(1) Accompts, affidavits, court orders, etc., relating to the action brought in the Court of Chancery against Richard Mason, former employee of Jane (d. 1618), widow of Henry Berkeley, 7th Lord Berkeley, by her grandson a..., 1616-1685 British Library
referencedIn MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS, chiefly political or relating to cases at law; 1576-1749. Among them are the following: 1. "Accusation against [George Villiers] the Duke of Buckingham, in a letter to the King about the audience of Embassadors," f. 2. 2. Person..., 1576-1749 British Library
referencedIn BLATHWAYT CORRESPONDENCE. Vol. X. (ff. 111). Newsletters from Brussels written by Jean Donnelly (see f. 3) to William Blathwayt, as secretary of Sir William Temple, Bart., Ambassador at the Hague; 22 May 1669, N.S.-4 Nov. 1671, N.S. In French.Newslet..., 1669-1671 British Library
referencedIn ARITHMETICAL and other problems with their solutions, interspersed with notes of events in 1744-1748, verses, drawings, historical portraits, etc. Amoung the contents are:-1. Memoranda relating. to the history of Great Yarmouth; 1577-1635, f. 4. 2...., 18th century British Library
referencedIn ASTON PAPERS. Vol. III. (ff. 304). Correspondence of Sir Walter Aston (continued); 1622, 1623. The writers are:-Simon Digby; Vienna, 7 Jan. 1621-8 Oct. 1622. ff. 3, 19, 23, 66. William Trumbull; Brussels, Al Jan. 1621[2]. f 5. Conde de Gondomar; 31 ..., 1622-1623 British Library
referencedIn Journal of the proceedings of the conference at Nimeguen and the preliminaries, by John Ellis; Nov. 1674-1 Sept. 1677. At f. 121 is added a draft description, partly in Ellis's writing,, of the arrivall of the English ambassadors, the Duke of Bucking..., 1674-1677 British Library
referencedIn Sloane 1779Chartaceus, in Quarto, ff. 212, sec. XVII.1. Historicae narrationis Caspani Sibelii de curriculo vitae suae, continuatio. ff. 1-53.Vide No. 1718, A et B.Incipit sub anno 1655, calendis Februarii, et desinit sub anno 1656, mense Septembris.... British Library
referencedIn Vol. i. 1583-1679.includes:f. 2 London, Parishes. St. Mary Aldermary: Agreement of the Dean of Westminster with Trinity College, Cambridge, for election to scholarships: 1608.: Copy. ff. 4, 6 Constantin Huygens, Heer van Zuylichem, Dutch Statesman: ..., 1583-1679 British Library
referencedIn Vol. I. (ff. 233). 1262-1704. 1. Grants of the Honour, Castle, and Rape of Hastings, co. Sussex, to Peter de Savoy, uncle of Henry III.; 4 June, 1262;-to John, son of John, Duke of Brittany, 20 Nov. 1268;-and to John of Gaunt, as Earl of Richmond; 3 ..., 1262-1704 British Library
referencedIn TRANSCRIPTS Of State papers and political tracts; circ. 1565-1629. The contents are :-1. A conference between William Axton, minister of Morton-Corbet, co. Salop, and [Thomas Bentham] Bishop of Lichfield, Thomas Bickley, Chancellor of Lichfield, and... British Library
referencedIn MISCELLANEOUS papers,chiefly political; 1559-1705. Included are:-1. [Pietro Paolo] Vergerio [the younger, Italian reformer] to Queen Elizabeth; Heidelberg, 29 Oct. 1559. Ital. Copy. f. 1. 2. Answer of Queen Elizabeth in council to the Spanish ambass..., 1559-1705 British Library
referencedIn Vol. i. 1583-1679.includes:f. 2 London, Parishes. St. Mary Aldermary: Agreement of the Dean of Westminster with Trinity College, Cambridge, for election to scholarships: 1608.: Copy. ff. 4, 6 Constantin Huygens, Heer van Zuylichem, Dutch Statesman: ..., 1583-1679 British Library
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Sherborne Castle, Dorset
Chester, Cheshire
Sherborne, Dorset
Virginia, Colony of, North America
Skreen, Meath
Wales, United Kingdom
Cambridge, Cambridgeshire
Glastonbury, Somerset
Stowe, Buckinghamshire
Cambridge, Cambridgeshire
Netherlands, Europe
Wales, United Kingdom
Venice, Republic of, Europe
Netherlands, Europe
Somerset, England
Netherlands, Europe
Cumberland, England
Dunholme, Lincolnshire
Wales, United Kingdom
Ludlow, Shropshire
Ireland, Europe
Isle of Man, England
Dieppe, Seine-Inférieure
Hornsey, Middlesex
Yorkshire, England
Chideock House, Dorset
Algiers, Africa
Scotland, United Kingdom
Deventer, Overijssel
Stanton Prior, Somerset
Italy, Europe
Tunbridge Wells, counties Kent and Sussex
Kinsale, Cork
Tiverton, Devon
Ayrshire, Scotland
King's Lynn, Norfolk
Tangier, Morocco
Germany, Europe
Ireland, Europe
Dunkirk, France
Croydon, Surrey
Netherlands, Europe
Dumbarton Castle, Dumbarton
Dublin, Ireland
London, England
Northumberland, England
Scotland, Kingdom of, United Kingdom
Leicestershire, England
Edinburgh, Scotland
Netherlands, Europe
London, England
Kent, England
Canterbury, Kent
Dunblane, Perthshire
West Indies, America
Franckenthal, Bavaria
Huntingdonshire, England
Breitenfeld, Saxony
Poole, Dorset
Antigua, the Carribean
North America, America
Lanarkshire, Scotland
Theobald's Park, Hertfordshire
Yarmouth, Norfolk
Philippsburg, on the Rhine, Germany
London, England
Scotland, Kingdom of, United Kingdom
Geneva, Switzerland
Dean, Forest of, Gloucestershire
Dover, Kent
Northampton, Northamptonshire
Windsor, Berkshire
Impington, Cambridgeshire
Devonshire, England
Hamburg, Germany
Hastings, Sussex
Harefield, Middlesex
Algiers, Africa
Port Royal, Jamaica
Tattenhoe, Buckinghamshire
Londonderry, Ireland
Netherlands, Europe
Ireland, Europe
London, England
London, England
Denbighshire, Wales
Dantzic, Germany
Jersey, Channel Islands
Ireland, Europe
Netherlands, Europe
Sandgate Castle, Kent
London, England
Hastings, Sussex
Terheiden, North Brabant
Tobago, the Carribean
West Riding of Yorkshire, England
Barbados, the Carribean
Chester, Cheshire
London, England
Sunbury, Middlesex
Cambridge, Cambridgeshire
Ré, Brittany
Portugal, Europe
Westmorland, England
Galway, Ireland
Marston-Moor, Yorkshire
Ostend, Belgium
Edmonton, Middlesex
Veere, Zeeland
Buckinghamshire, England
Carlisle, Cumberland
Ireland, Europe
Hainault, Province of, France
Netherlands, Europe
Willesden, Middlesex
North Crawley, Buckinghamshire
Norwich, Norfolk
Pembroke, Pembrokeshire
Wales, United Kingdom
Chester, Cheshire
Pluckley, Kent
Peru, South America
Wayland Hundred, Norfolk
Alstoe, Hundred of, Rutland
St Albans, Hertfordshire
Ireland, Europe
Hampstead, Middlesex
Hertfordshire, England
Netherlands, Europe
Dort, Holland
Dorset, England
Ireland, Europe
Oxford, Oxfordshire
Scotland, Kingdom of, United Kingdom
Cambridge, Cambridgeshire
Guiana, South America
Cathay, China
Dulwich, Surrey
Sandown Castle, Kent
Gretna Green, Dumfriesshire
Watford, Hertfordshire
Chester-le-Street, Durham
Ulster, Province of, Northern Ireland
Chenies, Buckinghamshire
Scarborough, North Riding of Yorkshire
Frankfurt-am-Main, Germany
Edinburgh, Scotland
Netherlands, Europe
London, England
Munster, Province of, Germany
Virginia, U.S.A.
Edinburgh, Scotland
Tattersett, Norfolk
Frankenthal, Bavaria
Denton, Huntingdonshire
Netherlands, Europe
St. Venant, Pas-de-Calais
Northamptonshire, England
Cambridge, Cambridgeshire
Otford, Kent
Bremen, Germany
Peterborough, Cambridgeshire
London, England
County Durham, England
Ludford, Herefordshire and Salop
Naples and Sicily, Kingdom of, Italy
Uxbridge, Middlesex
Brasted, Kent
Shetland Islands, Scotland
Barbados, the Carribean
Leix, Leinster
Switzerland, Europe
Bermuda Islands, North Atlantic Ocean
Studley, Oxfordshire
Virginia, U.S.A.
Wexford, Wexford
Vienna, Austria
Scotland, Kingdom of, United Kingdom
Hague, the Netherlands
Andover, Hampshire
Netherlands, Europe
Rhé, Brittany
Ireland, Europe
Paris, France
Netherlands, Europe
London, England
Gloucestershire, England
Sussex, England
Kelvedon, Essex
Middelburg, Zeeland
Merton, Oxfordshire
Great Yarmouth, Norfolk
Italy, Europe
Yorkshire, England
Dublin, Ireland
London, England
Switzerland, Europe
Shipton, Buckinghamshire
London, England
Ireland, Europe
Scotland, Kingdom of, United Kingdom
Soissons, France
La Rochelle, France
Hertfordshire, England
Netherlands, Europe
Mersey Island, Essex
Ratisbon, Bavaria
Penzance, Cornwall
Banstead, Surrey
Brussels, Belgium
Waterford, county of, Ireland
Madrid, Spain
Cologne, Germany
Rhé, Brittany
Ireland, Europe
Walcheren, Zealand
Cambridge, Cambridgeshire
Waltham Forest, Essex
Ré, Brittany
Switzerland, Europe
Flanders, Belgium
Oxford, Oxfordshire
Belturbet, Cavan
Hertfordshire, England
Scotland, Kingdom of, United Kingdom
Rye, Sussex
Hillingdon, Middlesex
Sunbury, Middlesex
Constantinople, Byzantine empire
Friern Barnet, Middlesex
Surrey, England
Soham, Cambridgeshire
London, England
Dieppe, Seine-Inférieure
Wynnstay, Denbighshire
Middelburg, Zeeland
Andover, Hampshire
Heidelberg, Germany
Faversham, Kent
Groningen, the Netherlands
Greenwich, Kent
Coddington, Cheshire
Chirk Castle, Denbighshire
Buckinghamshire, England
Hastings, Sussex
Ré, Brittany
Troy, Asia Minor
Brasted, Kent
Leeuwarden, the Netherlands
Tobago, the Carribean
Netherlands, Europe
Wales, United Kingdom
Northampton, Northamptonshire
Boulogne, France
Calstock, Cornwall
Littleton, Middlesex
Calais, France
Gibraltar, Spain
London, England
Gueldres, State of, the Netherlands
Ireland, Europe
Hatfield Chase, Yorkshire
Cranford, Middlesex
Canary Islands, Spain
Renfrewshire, Scotland
Spain, Europe
Lydd, Kent
Bristol, Gloucestershire
Ireland, Europe
St Albans, Hertfordshire
Lowestoft, Suffolk
Ireland, Europe
Ireland, Europe
Mantua, Italy
Eltham Park, Kent
Yorkshire, England
Rhé, Brittany
Barbados, the Carribean
York, Yorkshire
Ireland, Europe
Genoa, Italy
Netherlands, Europe
Hereford, Herefordshire
Netherlands, Europe
America, North America
Burgundy, Duchy of, France
Yorkshire, England
London, England
Barbados, the Carribean
Wesel, on the Rhine
Netherlands, Europe
Bestwood Park, Nottinghamshire
Sherborne, Dorset
Down, county of, Ireland
Rampisham, Dorset
Tunbridge, Kent
Strassburg, Germany
Norwood, Middlesex
Ireland, Europe
Athlone, Westmeath
Hoogstraten, the Netherlands
Guernsey, Channel Islands
Yorkshire, England
Cowley, Middlesex
Wimbish, Essex
Terbanck, Louvain
Italy, Europe
Kent, England
Orkney Islands, Scotland
Netherlands, Europe
London, England
Netherlands, Europe
Netherlands, Europe
River Thames, England
Stoke Newington, Middlesex
Lincolnshire, England
Shropshire, England
Whaddon, Buckinghamshire
Appleby, Westmorland
Dundalk, Louth
Baden-Durlach, Germany
Boulogne, France
Ireland, Europe
Wales, United Kingdom
Ludford, Herefordshire and Salop
Little Horwood, Buckinghamshire
Ireland, Europe
Venice, Italy
Tetuan, Morocco
Besthorpe, Norfolk
Lisbon, Portugal
Netherlands, Europe
Teddington, Middlesex
Netherlands, Europe
Lancashire, England
Cambridge, Cambridgeshire
Southfleet, Kent
Meere Hundred, Wiltshire
Bedfordshire, England
Grandborough, Buckinghamshire
Harwick, Essex
Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland
Suffolk, England
Somerset, England
Cévennes, France
Ixning, Suffolk
Terbanck, Louvain
West Riding of Yorkshire, England
Harmondsworth, Middlesex
Netherlands, Europe
Lichfield, Staffordshire
London, England
Whichwood Forest, Oxfordshire
Danzig, Germany
Bletchley, Buckinghamshire
Oxford, Oxfordshire
Maryland, Province of, N. America
Ireland, Europe
Shenley, Buckinghamshire
Middlesex, England
Hampton Court, Middlesex
Hull, East Riding of Yorkshire
Wales, United Kingdom
Antigua, the Carribean
Rutland, England
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Xanten, Prussia
Lewes, Sussex
Derbyshire, England
Acton, Middlesex
Fairford, Gloucestershire
London, England
County Durham, England
Portsmouth, Hampshire
Virginia, U.S.A.
Netherlands Southern Provinces, the Netherlands
Cambridge, Cambridgeshire
York, Yorkshire
Scotland, United Kingdom
Alderney, Channel Islands
Woodstock Park, Oxfordshire
Collyweston, Northamptonshire
Tetuan, Morocco
Valtelline, Italy
London, England
Scilly Islands, England
Netherlands, Europe
Valtelline, Italy
Dublin, Ireland
Wellow, Nottinghamshire
Berkshire, England
Scotland, Kingdom of, United Kingdom
London, England
Netherlands, Europe
Norfolk, England
Hanwell, Middlesex
Venice, Italy
Denton, Huntingdonshire
Canterbury, Kent
Rye, Sussex
Surinam, South America
St Christopher, West Indies
Ireland, Europe
Scalby, Yorkshire (?)
Leeds, West Riding of Yorkshire
Mardike, France
Cadiz, Spain
Kent, England
Devonshire, England
Venice, Italy
Newmarket, Suffolk
Middlesex, England
Cottesmore, Rutland
Rutland, England
Kent, England
Cobham, Surrey
Nantwich, Cheshire
Isle of Man, England
Ré, France
Béarn, France
London, England
Ratisbon, Bavaria
Lidlington, Bedfordshire
Ludlow, Shropshire
Summer Islands, Lake Michigan
East, Hundred of, Rutland
Buckinghamshire, England
Ireland, Europe
London, England
Devonshire, England
Prague, Bohemia
Scilly Islands, England
Windsor, Berkshire
Bagatragh, Dublin
Asti, Italy
Genoa, Italy
Madrid, Spain
Geneva, Switzerland
Cheshire, England
Romney, Kent
Hayes, Middlesex
Dublin, Ireland
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Gretna Green, Dumfriesshire
Groningen, the Netherlands
Scotland, Kingdom of, United Kingdom
Netherlands, Europe
Isle of Axholme, Lincolnshire
Luxemburg, Europe
Switzerland, Europe
Suffolk, England
Dover, Kent
Ayrshire, Scotland
Raby Castle, Durham
Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland
Culmore Fort, Londonderry
London, England
Valtelline, Italy
Andover, Hampshire
New Forest, Hampshire
Dublin, Ireland
Kent, England
Ratisbon, Bavaria
Walcheren, Zealand
London, England
Middlesex, England
India, Asia
River Thames, England
Norfolk, England
Seville, Andalusia
Madrid, Spain
Barking, Essex
Wales, United Kingdom
Andelot, France
Netherlands, Europe
Witney, Oxfordshire
Rhé, Brittany
Norfolk, England
Netherlands, Europe
Harlington, Middlesex
Ireland, Europe
Charlemont, Armagh
Scotland, Kingdom of, United Kingdom
Bury St. Edmunds, Suffolk
Llanbister, Radnorshire
Ireland, Europe
Frome Selwood Forest, Somerset
London, England
Scotland, Kingdom of, United Kingdom
Waltham Forest, Essex
Southampton, Hampshire
Cardiff, Glamorganshire
London, England
Norfolk, England
Kensington, Middlesex
Estaples, France
Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland
Shropshire, England
Yorkshire, England
Ipswich, Suffolk
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Ickenham, Middlesex
Switzerland, Europe
Blenheim, Bavaria
Nuremberg, Bavaria
Bourges, France
Northall, Middlesex
Netherlands, Europe
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Lindisfarne, Durham
Buckinghamshire, England
Portsmouth, Hampshire
Netherlands, Europe
Netherlands, Europe
Tewkesbury, Gloucestershire
Dublin, Ireland
Africa, Africa
Colchester, Essex
Waterford, county of, Ireland
Philippsburg, on the Rhine, Germany
Switzerland, Europe
Netherlands, Europe
Leinster, Province of, Ireland
Ireland, Europe
Ireland, Europe
Exeter, Devon
Isle of Sheppey, Kent
Fenwick Tower, Northumberland
Constantinople, Byzantine empire
Scotland, Kingdom of, United Kingdom
London, England
Scotland, Kingdom of, United Kingdom
Bristol, Gloucestershire
London, England
Bermuda Islands, North Atlantic Ocean
Yorkshire, England
Athlone, Roscommon
Northamptonshire, England
Laleham, Middlesex
Canterbury, Province of, Kent
Sherwood Forest, Nottinghamshire
Ireland, Europe
London, England
Saxilby, Lincolnshire
Tartary, Asia
Dublin, Ireland
London, England
Dardanelles, Greece
Hamilton, Lanarkshire
Hampton Meysey, Gloucestershire
Ireland, Europe
Oxfordshire, England
Havering atte Bower, Essex
Netherlands, Europe
Cropredy Bridge, Oxfordshire
Ireland, Europe
Holyrood House, Scotland
Northall, Middlesex
Devenish, Fermanagh
Tempsford, Berkshire
London, England
Breda, the Netherlands
Ré, France
Venice, Italy
Bristol, Gloucestershire
Germany, Europe
Faversham, Kent
Helston, Cornwall
Kent, England
Greenland, Denmark
Bremen, Germany
Carisbrooke, Isle of Wight
Margate, Kent
Venice, Italy
Ireland, Europe
Ayrshire, Scotland
Nijmegen, Gelderland
Switzerland, Europe


Active 1549

Active 1620



Ark ID: w6fg3s0b

SNAC ID: 75123164