Shiels, Archie W. (Archibald Williamson), 1878-1974

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Archie W. (Archibald Williamson) Shiels was born May 26, 1878, in Edinburgh, Scotland, son to Thomas and Mary Hannah Shiels. He came to the United States in 1893, originally working as a purser on a steamship. Between 1893 and 1916, Shiels became closely involved with early railroad construction in Alaska. As chief of staff to railroad contractor Michael James (M.J.) Heney, Shiels supervised the construction of a railroad line between Skagway, Alaska and White Horse in Canada’s Yukon Territory. He later became involved in the construction of the Copper River and North Western Railroad, which traveled nearly 200 miles from Cordova in Southeastern Alaska to the interior of the state. Shiels joined the Pacific American Fisheries in 1916, and served as President of the company from 1930-1946. He retired from business in 1950.

Shiels had an avid interest in Russian America and Alaska. He collected a vast amount of informational material, from which he researched and wrote many historical manuscripts, books, and speeches.

Shiels died in Bellingham in September of 1974. He was ninety-six years old.

Sources: Bellingham Herald, “Deaths and Funerals: Archie Shiels,” 1974 September 6. Center for Pacific Northwest Studies, original biographical note, circa 1957 (available in-house at the Center for Pacific Northwest Studies). Koert, Dorothy and Galen Biery. Looking Back – The Collectors Edition: Memories of Whatcom County/Bellingham . Bellingham, WA: Grandpa’s Attic (2003).

From the guide to the Archie W. Shiels papers, 1790-1965, 1850-1950, (Western Washington University Heritage Resources)

Archival Resources
Role Title Holding Repository
creatorOf Kashevaroff, A. P. (Andrew P.), 1863-1940. Andrew P. Kashevaroff papers, ca. 1923-1935. Alaska State Library
creatorOf Shiels, Archie W. (Archibald Williamson), 1878-1974. Early voyages of the Pacific : a few notes on the days of iron men and wooden ships / [Archie W. Shiels]. Anchorage Museum Atwood Resource Center, ANCHORAGE MUSEUM OF HIST & ART LI
creatorOf Archie W. Shiels papers, 1790-1965, 1850-1950 Western Washington University Heritage Resources
Role Title Holding Repository
Place Name Admin Code Country
Pacific Coast (North America)
Northwest, Pacific
Alaska Annexation to the United States
Bering Sea controversy
Fishing and Canning
Fur trade
Fur trade
Pacific American Fisheries
Statehood (American politics)


Birth 1878

Death 1974



Ark ID: w6vb2qxk

SNAC ID: 74328509