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(VII. ff. 360). Sept. 1807-1808.includes:ff. 1, 72, 220, 253 Reverend Charles Andrews: Letters to the 3rd Lord Hardwicke: 1794-1808. ff. 3, 324 Thomas Russell, of Dover: Letters to the 3rd Lord Hardwicke: 1793-1815. ff. 5, 76, 145, 186, 201, 310 Al..., 1807-1808
British Library |
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Vol IV. (ff. 506), 1784-1788.includes:f. 2 W-Fitzherbert: Letter to Jeremy Bentham: 1784. f. 22 Jean de Lephast: Letter to S. Bentham: 1784.: Copy. f. 50 Sergius Pleschejeff: Letter to Joseph II. of Germany: 1784.: Copy. f. 51 Sergius Pleschejeff..., 1784-1788
British Library |
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Vol. XCIV (ff. 360). July-Oct. 1914.Albert I of Belgium: Papers rel. to the War Refugees Committee: 1914-1919.includes:ff. 1-3 Percy H. Taylor, Mayor of Pietermaritzburg: Correspondence with Lord Gladstone: 1914-1917.ff. 4, 7 Robert Thomas Corynd...
British Library |
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Vol VII. (ff. 693), 1799 -1802.Panopticon: Correspondence and papers relating to Jeremy Bentham's panopticon: 1789-1812.includes:ff. 2, 4, 8, 10 Major-General Sir Reginald Pole-Carew, KCB: Letters to Jeremy Bentham: 1783-1799. ff. 6, 12, 15, 221, 22..., 1799-1802
British Library |
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(II. ff. 372). 1794-Mar. 1797.includes:f. 1 I-H-Cox: Letter to the 3rd Lord Hardwicke: 1794. ff. 2, 11, 41, 56, 68 Bontems Félix, of Vevay: Letters to the 3rd Lord Hardwicke: 1794.: Fr. ff. 8, 48, 80, 264 Major Sir Charles Green: Letters to the 3..., 1794-1797
British Library |
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Vol V. (ff. 629), 1789-1794.Prisons: Letters and papers relating to J. Bentham's panopticon: 1789-1812.Panopticon: Correspondence and papers relating to Jeremy Bentham's panopticon: 1789-1812.includes:ff. 1, 5, 41, 53, 66, 115, 133,180, 210, 268, 272..., 1789-1794
British Library |
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Vol. XI (ff. 102). 1780-1803.includes:f. 7 Lynn, King's: 'A few Short Observations', by C. P. Yorke, rel. to drainage proposals at: 1794.: Draft.f. 15 Amabel Hume-Campbell, Countess De Greu of Wrest: Letters to, and memorandum rel. to, C. P. York..., 1780-1803
British Library |
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Vol. XVII (ff. 67). 1818-1827.includes:f. 6 George Hassell, of Cholesbury,; formerly General Agent for Volunteer Corps: Letter to C. P. Yorke: 1818.f. 10 Joseph Whidbey, FRS; Superintendent of Works at Plymouth Sound Breakwater: Letters to C. P. ..., 1818-1827
British Library |
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(XXVII. 9. 286). 1 June-11 Sept. 1783.includes:f. 1 David Louis Constant de Rebecque, Lieutenant -General, Baron de Constant de Rebecque: Letters to Sir R. M. Keith: 1783-1784. ff. 3, 9, 29, 44, 56, 81, 102, 118, 131, 141, 152, 172, 177, 192, 221, 2...
British Library |
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(XVI. ff. 321). Oct. 1782-July, 1783.includes:ff. 1, 9, 18, 45, 54, 71, 126, 127, 134, 145, 148-150, 167, 168, 172, 237, 253, 274, 281, 285, 294, 296, 311 George Aust, Under Secretary: Letters to the 2nd Lord Hardwicke: 1778-1789. ff. 2, 220, 222, 2...
British Library |
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(XIX. ff. 316). Sept. 1784-June, 1785.includes:f. 1 Thomas Tyers: Letters to the 2nd ord Hardwicke: 1781-1784. ff. 2, 10-14, 19, 23, 28, 34, 48, 53, 60, 65, 73, 78, 82, 87, 90, 92, 93, 108, 111, 121, 131, 168,202, 218, 259, 267, 269, 299, 305, 308, ...
British Library |
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(XIII. ft. 449). 1821-1859.includes:ff. 1, 57, 139, 141 George John West, 5th Earl Delawarr: Letters to the 3rd Lord Hardwicke: 1819-1827. ff. 3, 69 Major-General Sir Reginald Pole-Carew, KCB: Letters to the 3rd Lord Hardwicke: 1788-1824. ff. 5, 64..., 1821-1859
British Library |
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Vol. XII (ff. 197). 1898-1939.includes:ff. 1-59 Navy; England: Seamanship certificates, etc., of A. B. Cunningham: 1898-1928: Partly printed.f. 60 Blanche Pauling, of Rondebosch: Letter to A. B. Cunningham: 1898.f. 62 Major-General Sir Reginald..., 1898-1939
British Library |
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Vol III. (ff. 471), 1780-1783.includes:f. 6 George Wilson: Letter to S. Bentham: 1780. f. 14 I-Poli: Letter to Jeremy Bentham: 1780. ff. 18, 125, 129, 131, 140, 142, 242, 262, 265, 270, 273 Russian Language: Letters written in Russian among the Be..., 1780-1783
British Library |
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(VI. ff. 357). Oct. 1806-Aug. 1807.includes:ff. 3, 30 Sir Charles William Flint, Deputy Keeper of the Privy Seal, Ireland: Correspondence with the 3rd Lord Hardwicke: 1805-1816. f. 4 Gilbert Elliot-Murray-Kynynmound, 1st Earl of Minto: Letter to the...
British Library |
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(I. ff. 389). 1778-1793.includes:ff. 1, 3 Letitia Beauchamp Proctor, widow of Sir W B Proctor: Letters to the 3rd Lord Hardwicke: 1778-1796. f. 9 Reverend Is-Avarne: Letter to Lady Hardwicke: 1779. ff. 13, 20, 34, 39, 41, 97, 184, 218 Reverend Tho..., 1778-1793
British Library |
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PAGET PAPERS (3RD SERIES). Vol. IX (ff. 217). General corre-spondence; 1880-1919. Includes a substantial body of letters and notes (ff. 92-161b) relating to Sir Arthur's role in the 'Curragh incident' of Mar. 1914.includes:f. 1 Major-General Charle..., 1880-1919
British Library |
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Vol. VI. (ff. 711), 1795-1798.Panopticon: Correspondence and papers relating to Jeremy Bentham's panopticon: 1789-1812.includes:f. 3 John Lloyd: Letter to S. Bentham: 1795. f. 6 François d' Ivernois, French Economist and Writer: Letters to Jeremy Be..., 1795-1798
British Library |
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(V. ff. 343). Oct. 1803-Sept. 1806.includes:ff. 1, f. 296 Robert Herbert Butler, 3rd Earl of Lanesborough: Letters to the 3rd Lord Hardwicke: 1803-1804. f. 4 Ridge, Hertfordshire: Letters concerning the presentation to: 1799-1803. f. 6 Geoffrey Sne...
British Library |
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Vol. XII (ff. 190). 1804-Mar. 1807.includes:ff. 1, 3 Sir Home Riggs Popham, Admiral: Letters to C. P. Yorke: 1803-1810. f.4 Francisco Antonio Gabriel Miranda, Venezuelan general: Letter to N. Vansittart: 1804.: Fr.: Copy. ff. 6, 61 William Windham, M...
British Library |
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(XXI. ff. 343). Jan. 1787-Jan. 1790.includes:f. 1 Henry Pelham: Letter to the 2nd Lord Hardwicke: 1787. ff. 3, 146, 239, 301 Colonel Thomas Pownall, MP; Governor of Massachusetts and S Carolina: Letters to the 2nd Lord Hardwicke: 1778-1789. ff. 5-1...
British Library |
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(XX. ff. 317). July, 1785-Dec. 1786.George Aust, Under Secretary: Letters to the 2nd Lord Hardwicke: 1778-1789.includes:ff. 3, 13, 31, 61, 70, 212, 247,249, 253 Samuel Wilde, Clerk in the Exchequer: Letters to the 2nd Lord Hardwicke, as his secretary...
British Library |
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(IV. ff 329). 1800-Sept. 1803.includes:f. 1 Colonel Sir Charles Wale, KCB (1815): Letters to the 3rd Lord Hardwicke.: 1793-1819. f. 2 Francis Hodgkinson, LLD, Trinity College, Oxford: Letter to the 3rd Lord Hardwicke: 1800. ff. 5, 69 Sir John Dalry..., 1800-1803
British Library |
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Vol. XIX (ff. 280). 1899-1900.includes:ff. 1-244 Canada: Correspondence, etc., Sir E. T. H. Hutton as Militia G. O. C.,: 1898-1900.ff. 1-3, 27 Lieutenant-Colonel Frederick Minden Cole, 2nd Regt, Canadian Artillery: Correspondence with E. T. H. Hu..., 1899-1900
British Library |