Byland Abbey (North Riding, Yorkshire : active 1101-1897)

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referencedIn GRANT by John, son of Richard de Bathelay [Batley, W.R., co. York] in Denby; 1269. Cf. Add. Ch. 7426 which bears a consecutive pressmark: C. T. Clay, Yorkshire Deeds, vi, no. 184. Seal.Denby, West Riding of Yorkshire: Grants to Byland Abbey in: 13th ... British Library
referencedIn GRANT by Ymenea, daughter of Ralph de Turp, to Byland Abbey, of land in'Dala', i.e. Daletown in Hawnby, in exchange for land in Marton in Cleveland; late 12th cent. Seal. Pressmark. Printed by Farrer, ibid., PP. 450-451, from the transcript in Bodlei... British Library
referencedIn CONFIRMATION by Nicholas de Stutevilla to the monks of Bellelande [ Byland Abbey, co. York] of a grant from Robert Fossard fil. Ad. Fossard of Martherby manor with its appurtenances in Felicekirke [Marderby in Feliskirk, N.R. co. York]; and of compos... British Library
referencedIn FORGED COPY (14th-15th cent.) of a notification by Roger de Mowbray of his grant to Byland Abbey of 'Beghlandia super moram', i.e. Old Byland, including the village and church; [circ. 1143]. Forged equestrian seal. Printed from a transcript, made fro... British Library
referencedIn ORIGINAL LETTERS, mostly addressed to members of the Clifford family, viz.:-Henry Clifford, 10th Baron Clifford (d. 1523); Henry, l lth Baron Clifford and 1st Earl of Cumberland 1525 (d. 1542); Henry, 2nd Earl of Cumberland (d. 1570); and George, 3rd..., 1503-1585 British Library
referencedIn AGREEMENT between the Monks of Byland and the Canons of Newburgh, respecting wood and land between Oxadala and Gilling [in the Gilling district, N. R. York.]. Witnessed by Roger, Archbishop of York [1154-1181], the chapters of Rievaulx, Fountains, Mo..., 1154-1181 British Library
referencedIn Byland Abbey; N.R., Yorkshire: Deeds rel. to: 1226-8 Edw.I.: Abstracts (15th cent.).Bagby, North Riding of Yorkshire: Deeds rel. to: 1226-8 Edw.I.: Abstracts (15th cent.). British Library
referencedIn GRANT from Robert Fossard to the monks of Bellalanda [Byland] of three acres of land in Sutton [under Whitestone Cliffe, N.R. co. York], which Geoffrey fil. Columbe lately held from him on lease. Witn.: Oliver de Busci, Henry de Silton, Robert de Auf... British Library
referencedIn Byland Abbey; N.R., Yorkshire: Exchange of lands: 1207. British Library
referencedIn GRANT and confirmation by John de [Lacy], Earl of Lincoln, in Denby, etc. A 15th cent. 'forgery' of Add. Ch. 7465 (A.D. 1232-1240), see C. T. Clay, op. cit., vi, no. 192. Seal.John de Lacy, Earl of Lincoln; Constable of Chester: Grant by, in Denby, e... British Library
referencedIn NOTIFICATION by Ralph Cuningburg to the Archbishop of York of his grant to Byland Abbey of land, moor, and waste adjacent to its site in Byland, with bounds; [1177-1187]. Equestrian seal. Pressmark.Press-marks: Press-marks of charters of Byland Abbey... British Library
referencedIn COMPOSITION between Byland Abbey and the church of Hawnby, rel. to the tithe of Murton in Hawnby; [circ. 1701-1189]. Seals (pointed oval), as witnesses, of Jeremiah, Archdeacon of Cleveland, and another (unidentified). Printed from Egerton MS. 2823, ... British Library
referencedIn TRANSCRIPTS of charters relating to the abbey of Byland, co. York. [Some of the original charters are in the British Museum, Add. Ch. 7409-7482] Paper; XVIIIth cent. Folio. [Add. 18,388.], 18th century British Library
referencedIn Rowe COLLECTIONS, Vol. XI (For Vols. I-X see Add. MSS. 39912-39921.) Tracings of encaustic tiles, collected at various dates in the 19th century, and with a title-page dated 1881, by the Rev. George Rowe (d. 1882), Principal of the Training College,..., 19th century British Library
creatorOf "VERBVM ABBREVIATVM" of Petrus the Cantor of Notre Dame at Paris (1 184, ob. 11 97), with a metrical life of Thomas Becket, Archbishop of Canterbury. 1. "Liber magistri Petri Cantoris Parisiensis: quod (sic) dicitur Verbum Abbreuiatum": the theologic... British Library
referencedIn INSPEXIMUS by John fil. et her. Joh. de Mowbray, lord of the Isle of Haxyholme [Axholm, co. Linc.] and of the Honours of Gouherr [Gower, co. Glam.] and Brember [Bramber, co. Suss.], of grants made by his ancestors Domina Gandreo [Gundreda] de Mowbray... British Library
referencedIn CONFIRMATION by Sir William Malebys al. Malebiche, Lord of Scawton, of all grants made by his ancestors to Byland Abbey, etc., in various places; 1335. Armorial seal. A contemporary protective silk piece, with armorial decoration, is now preserved se... British Library
referencedIn Byland Abbey; N.R., Yorkshire: Grants to, of lands: 1142-1186, 1392, 1396. British Library
referencedIn DEED Of John, Prior, and the Chapter "de Novoburgo" [Newburgh, N.R. co. York] reciting the exchanges of lands made formerly between Byland Abbey and Newburgh Priory, viz. their tithes of Wyldona and Cambe [Wildon and Cam in Coxwold, N.R. co. York] in... British Library
creatorOf Membranaceus, in folio minori, ff. sec. xiii. ineuntis, quondam abbatiæ S. Mariæ de Bella Landa. 1. Hymni de Christo, etc. ff. 1. 124. 2. Petri Comestoris Historiæ Scholasticæ pars prima et ultima. fol. 3. 3. Ejusdem Prologus epistolaris ad Gulielmum... British Library
referencedIn Byland Abbey; N.R., Yorkshire: Release of common of pasture to: 1330. British Library
creatorOf VERBAL CONCORDANCE TO THE SCRIPTURES; compiled in England, probably mid 13th cent. English. This manuscript apparently represents an early stage in the compilation of a concordance. Biblical contexts are frequently omitted or added later, and entries... British Library
referencedIn SETTLEMENT of suit between the Prior and Convent de Novoburgo [Newburgh, N.R. co. York], holding to their own uses the church of Cukewald [Coxwold, N.R. co. York], and the Abbot and Convent de Bellalanda [Byland, N.R. co. York] concerning the mortuar... British Library
referencedIn LEASE for twelve years from Adam, Abbot, and the Convent of Byland to Nicholas "de ponte, prepositus" of five acres and a half of land called Blaland in the land of Catton []. Witn.: . . . de Brunneby [Burnby, E.R.], William Tardcurtays, A... British Library
referencedIn SETTLEMENT Of suit between Byland Abbey [N.R. co. York] and Dom. Thomas Coluyll, "miles, Dom. de Kukewald" [Coxwold, N.R. co. York], concerning certain lands, pastures and the meadow of Esebrygg, with roads adjacent leading towards Wyldon [Wildon, ne... British Library
referencedIn PAPAL ORDER to the Abbots of Rievaulx and Byland [N.R. co. York] to protect the privileges of the master of the Sempringham order, exempting his person from excommunication, suspension, or interdict without a special papal mandate. Dat. at Lyons, iii... British Library
referencedIn GRANT from William de Tamtona to the monks of Bellalanda [Byland Abbey, co. York] of the fishery of Stainesby in Clivelandia [Stainsby in Stainton, in Cleveland, N.R. co. York], which he purchased from William de Stainesby, with eight acres of land, ... British Library
referencedIn Vol. I (ff. xvi + 112).includes:f. 1 Dover: Drawings of the castle, etc.: 1851, n.d.f. 3 Sompting, Sussex: Drawing of the church: 19th cent.f. 4 Earl's Barton, Northamptonshire: Drawings of the church: 1822, n.d.f. 5 Barnack, Northamptonshire... British Library
referencedIn CHARTULARY of the Cistercian abbey of Byland (Bellalanda) in the N. Riding of co. York. In Latin. Arranged under places alphabetically. The latest document is dated 1393 and Richard II. is described (f. 92 b) as " rex ultimus." The volume, described ..., 1393 British Library
referencedIn GRANT by William Fitz William, Lord of Emley, in Emley, Bentley and Denby, ostensibly 13th cent. but in fact a 'forgery', not earlier than 14th cent. For similar forgeries cf. Add. Ch. 7478 (same charter, without counterseal); 7471, 7473 (same counte... British Library
referencedIn PAPAL BULL addressed to the Abbots of Rievaux and Byland [N.R. co. York], interpreting an indulgence by Gregory IX. to the Sempringham order, "ne ultra duas pluresve dietas a domo sua per litteras apostolicas trahi possint in causam," as in favour no... British Library
referencedIn Byland Abbey; N.R., Yorkshire: Obligation to pay a perpetual vicar in York Minster: 1262. British Library
referencedIn TWENTY-FIVE charters relating to Rupe or Roche, Talebenny, and Pile or Polle, co. Pembroke; Wilfreton and Bodenham, co. Hereford; Byland Abbey and Walderself, co. York; Wetlintone, co. Suffolk; Lynn Regis, co. Norfolk; Witchurch, co. Dorset; Sorestan... British Library
referencedIn CONFIRMATION by William de Karletona to the Abbot and Convent of Bellalanda [Byland] of a grant to them from William fil. Radulfi Frankelayn, of Karletona, of two bovates of land in the territory of Karletuna [Carlton-Minioth in Thirsk, N.R. co. York... British Library
referencedIn VERIFICATION by John, Prior, and the Chapter "de Novoburgo" [Newburgh, N.R. co. York] of a transcript of the confirmation made in 1239 by Henry, Abbot, and the Convent of Bellalanda [Byland, N.R. co. York] of eight charters relating to "locum nostrum... British Library
referencedIn BUCKLER DRAWINGS. Vol. XLVIII. (ff. 66). Plans and drawings of English churches, etc., including St. Alban's. ff. 4, 5;-Oxford (designs for restoring St. Mary's church, etc.). ft. 6-13, 19-23, 47, 48;-Chapel on Wakefield Bridge. fF. 14-18;-Kirkstall ..., 19th century British Library
referencedIn Byland Abbey; N.R., Yorkshire: Grants to, of lands: 1142-1186, 1392, 1396. British Library
referencedIn 1. Portrait in oils of J. C. Buckler, by William Riviere, painted at Oxford, May, 1872. 11 3/4in x 8 3/4 in. 2. Portrait in water-colours of C. A. Bucklerr, by Thomas Hollis (d. 1843). 9 1/4 x 7 3/8 in. 3. Engraved Portrait of John Buckler, F.S.A., f..., 1808-1884 British Library
referencedIn QUIT-CLAIM by Michael de Breertwysil to Byland Abbey of a rent from land in Denby, in Upper Whitley, W.R., co. York, mid 13th cent. With seal. See C. T. Clay, Yorkshire Deeds, v, p. 29 (Yorks. Arch. Soc., Record Ser., lxix, 1926). Presented by Viscou... British Library
referencedIn SEVENTY-FOUR charters relating to Byland Abbey, co, York., XIIth and XIIIth cents. [Add Ch. 7,409-7,482.] British Library
referencedIn Byland Abbey; N.R., Yorkshire: Grants to, of lands: 1142-1186, 1392, 1396. British Library
referencedIn (XXXVIII. ff. 199). Cos. Wore. f. 3;-York (A-C). f. 74.includes:f. 3 Broadway, Worcestershire: View of church: 19th cent. ff. 3-73 County of Worcester: Views, etc.: 1807-1833. ff. 4-31 Droitwich, Worcestershire: Views: 1833. ff. 7-12 Dodderhill, W..., 1787-1897 British Library
creatorOf MISCELLANEOUS volume containing : 1. Hexham Saints and their miracles, by Ethelred (Ailredus), Abbot of Rievaulx, headed "Incipiunt miracula sanctorum patrum qui in sancta Hagustaldensi ecclesia requiescunt, dictata a uenerabili Hethelredo abbate." B..., 12th century British Library
referencedIn GRANT by Hugh de Nevile to Byland Abbey of his lands in Derby, co. York. Seal of grantor. Late 14th cent. copy or forgery of a 13th cent. deed, of which the original is now Add. Ch. 7421.Hugh de Nevile: Grant to Byland Abbey in Denby, co. York,: 13th... British Library
Role Title Holding Repository
Relation Name
Place Name Admin Code Country
Old Byland, North Riding of Yorkshire
Bolton Castle, Yorkshire
Kilvington, Yorkshire
Whitby, North Riding of Yorkshire
York, Yorkshire
Castle Rising, Norfolk
Bridlington, East Riding of Yorkshire
Scawton, North Riding of Yorkshire
Christchurch, Hampshire
Caistor, Lincolnshire
Stewkley, Buckinghamshire
West Witton, Yorkshire
Catterick, Yorkshire
Ely, Cambridgeshire
Worksop, Nottinghamshire
Cate, Shropshire
Denby, West Riding of Yorkshire
Bakewell, Derbyshire
Cheltenham, Gloucestershire
Canterbury, Kent
Kilpeck, Herefordshire
Bedale, North Riding of Yorkshire
Stainsby, North Riding of Yorkshire
Hexham, Northumberland
Bagby, North Riding of Yorkshire
Hood, North Riding of Yorkshire
Whitaker, Byland
Wimborne Minster, Dorset
Sompting, Sussex
Salisbury, Wiltshire
Calbourne, Isle of Wight
Marton in Cleveland, North Riding of Yorkshire
Burton Agnes, Yorkshire
Wetlintone, Suffolk
Catton, Yorkshire
Shipston - on - Stour, Worcestershire
Kelso, Roxburghshire
Dalmeny, Edinburgh
Coxwold, North Riding of Yorkshire
Westwood Park, Ombersley
Ewenny, Glamorganshire
Raby Castle, Durham
Durham, England
Balk, North Riding of Yorkshire
Carlton-Minioth, Yorkshire
Glasgow, Scotland
Gilling, North Riding of Yorkshire
Cam, Coxwold
Norwich, Norfolk
Emley al. Elmley, West Riding of Yorkshire
Bowland Forest, Yorkshire
York, Yorkshire
Selby, West Riding of Yorkshire
Hawnby, North Riding of Yorkshire
Bredon, Worcestershire
York, Yorkshire
Great Leighs, Essex
Droitwich, Worcestershire
Chepstow, Monmouthshire
Denby, West Riding of Yorkshire
Dover, Kent
Ledbury, Herefordshire
Marsworth, Buckinghamshire
Bagby, North Riding of Yorkshire
Lanercost, Cumberland
King's Lynn, Norfolk
Drayton Beauchamp, Buckinghamshire
Hawnby, North Riding of Yorkshire
West Malling, Kent
Roch, Pembrokeshire
St Margaret at Cliffe, Kent
Malham Tarn, West Riding of Yorkshire
Canons Ashby, Northamptonshire
Potterne, Wiltshire
Bodenham, Herefordshire
Porchester, Hampshire
Citeaux, France
East Cowton, Yorkshire
Salisbury, Wiltshire
Tynemouth, Northumberland
Over Silton, North Riding of Yorkshire
Boroughbridge, Yorkshire
Hampton Lovett, Worcestershire
East Hendred, Berkshire
Cobham, Kent
Darlington, Durham
Gloucestershire, England
Tutbury, Staffordshire
Brimpton, Somerset
Thirsk, North Riding of Yorkshire
Browsholme Hall, Yorkshire
Bishop's Cleeve, Gloucestershire
Upper Whitley, West Riding of Yorkshire
Ottery St. Mary, Devon
Pitstone, Buckinghamshire
Madresfield, Worcestershire
Hagley, Worcestershire
Worcester, Worcestershire
Rievaulx, North Riding of Yorkshire
Cambridge, Cambridgeshire
Barfreston, Kent
Bromsgrove, Worcestershire
Chetwode, Buckinghamshire
Eckington, Worcestershire
Hedon, Yorkshire
Castle Acre, Norfolk
Wixford, Warwickshire
Ramsgill, Yorkshire
Pile, Pembrokeshire
Enville, Staffordshire
Bilewas, Shropshire
Coxwold, North Riding of Yorkshire
London, England
Great Kimble, Buckinghamshire
Higham Ferrers, Northamptonshire
Worcestershire, England
St Albans, Hertfordshire
Hartlepool, Durham
Brimham Crags, Yorkshire
Weston, Lincolnshire
Little Braxtead, Essex
Fladbury, Worcestershire
Wilfreton, Herefordshire
Yorkshire, England
Gisburn Park, Yorkshire
Middlesmoor, Yorkshire
Sutton-under-Whitstone-Cliffe, Yorkshire
Bentham, West Riding of Yorkshire
Middleham, Yorkshire
Castleford, Yorkshire
Glastonbury, Somerset
West Walton, Norfolk
Bolton-by-Bowland, Yorkshire
Ufton, Berkshire
Romsey, Hampshire
Ripon, West Riding of Yorkshire
Old Malton, Yorkshire
Talbenny, Pembrokeshire
Kirkby Malzeard, Yorkshire
Burton Constable, Yorkshire
Haccombe, Devon
Evesham, Worcestershire
Exeter, Devon
York, Yorkshire
Aysgarth, Yorkshire
Lynn Regis, Norfolk
Broadway, Worcestershire
Beaulieu, Hampshire
St Germans, Cornwall
Priestcliff, Derbyshire
Edinburgh, Scotland
Wakefield, West Riding of Yorkshire
Hythe, Kent
Marton in Cleveland, North Riding of Yorkshire
Beningbrough, North Riding of Yorkshire
Little Shelford, Cambridgeshire
New Shoreham, alias Shoreham-by-Sea
Burneston, Yorkshire
Dunstable, Bedfordshire
Skelton, East Riding of Yorkshire
Coverham, Yorkshire
Aldbury, Hertfordshire
Abbey Dore, Herefordshire
Windsor, Berkshire
Abbey Dore, Herefordshire
Middlesbrough, North Riding of Yorkshire
Southam, Gloucestershire
Old Byland, North Riding of Yorkshire
Malmesbury, Wiltshire
Eltham, Kent
Felmersham, Bedfordshire
Brough Hall, Yorkshire
Bath, Somerset
Tring, Hertfordshire
Marderby, North Riding of Yorkshire
Hood, North Riding of Yorkshire
Winchester, Hampshire
Stanton Lacy, Shropshire
Bashall Hall, Yorkshire
Strensham, Worcestershire
Stone, Kent
Haddon Hall, Derbyshire
Great Malvern, Worcestershire
Tewkesbury, Gloucestershire
Coldingham, Berwickshire
Beaulieu, Hampshire
Savigny, France
Hindlip House, Worcestershire
Montgomeryshire, Wales
Nidderdale, West Riding of Yorkshire
Little Kimble, Buckinghamshire
Whitchurch, Dorset
Gateshead, Durham
Ashbourne, Derbyshire
Thirsk, North Riding of Yorkshire
Beverley, East Riding of Yorkshire
Earl's Barton, Northamptonshire
Walderself, Yorkshire
Tintern, Wexford
Sutton-under-Whitstone-Cliffe, Yorkshire
Barnack, Northamptonshire
Patrick Brompton, Yorkshire
York, Yorkshire
Buildwas, Shropshire
Hawnby, North Riding of Yorkshire
Burton Agnes, Yorkshire
Carisbrooke, Isle of Wight
Beaper House, Aysgarth
Crambe, North Riding of Yorkshire
Dodderhill, Worcestershire
Battle, Sussex
Hadsor, Worcestershire
Denby, West Riding of Yorkshire
Walle, Shropshire
Carlton Hall, Yorkshire
Aston Clinton, Buckinghamshire
Denby, West Riding of Yorkshire
Wells, Somerset
Colchester, Essex
Haughmond, Shropshire
Hexham, Northumberland
Oxford, Oxfordshire
Nun Monkton, West Riding of Yorkshire
Sutton-under-Whitstone-Cliffe, Yorkshire
Wildon, Coxwold
Southwell, Nottinghamshire
Hanbury, Worcestershire
Muchelney, Somerset
Whitwell, Yorkshire
Wildon, Coxwold
Cleveland, North Riding of Yorkshire
Minster in Thanet, Kent
Stamford, Lincolnshire
Thornaby-on-Tees, North Riding of Yorkshire
Sorestane, Wiltshire
Amiens, France
Kirkham, East Riding of Yorkshire
Evesham, Worcestershire
Melbury-Bubb, Dorset
Thornaby, Yorkshire

Corporate Body

Active 1101

Active 1897

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Ark ID: w6814qwh

SNAC ID: 73664742