Ashburnham, Bertram, Earl of Ashburnham

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Title: Earl of Ashburnham

British Library Archives and Manuscripts Catalogue : Person : Description : ark:/81055/vdc_100000001187.0x00006e

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creatorOf "DEMONSTRANCE pour enseignier ceulz qui ne sceuent le fait des monnoyes selon ce que len est accoustume es monnoyes ": a handbook of information as to the coinage in Flanders, circ. 1476 (see below, art. 6). The principal contents are 1. " Comment le... British Library
creatorOf LAWS of the Franks and other Germanic peoples, and Capitularia of the early Carolingian emperors. Latin. This early 10th cent. MS. seems to have been divided about the 16th cent., probably when in the possession of the brothers Pierre and Francois Pi..., 10th century British Library
referencedIn BUCKLER BEQUEST. Vol. I. " Bucleriana: notices of the family of Buckler." An interleaved copy of the printed work by C. A. Buckler (1886), with additional matter, drawings, etc. ; followed (f. 70) by " A Description of the Ancient Church of St. Mary,..., 19th century British Library
creatorOf CHYRURGIA Albucasim: the surgical treatise in three parts by Khalaf ibn Abbas Abu al Kasim, called Al Zahrawi, translated by Gerard of Creinona (d. 1187). In thee Arabic it forms the thirtieth and last section of the author's medical manual called Al... British Library
creatorOf 1. PERCEVAL le Gallois, or the Conte du Graal, a poem left unfinished by Chrestien de Troyes, and continued by various writers; in about 32000 octosyllabic lines. French. f. 4. Begins with the usual prologue " Qui petit seimme petit queut," etc., in ..., 13th century British Library
creatorOf " EXTRAIT d'un memoire touchant le gouvernement des Provinces Unies des Pays-Bas, fait par Mr de Bonrepaus à son retour de l'Ambassade de Hollande en 1699 ": an account of the parties in the Netherlands and their probable attitude in case of the deat... British Library
creatorOf PRYMER, apparently of Salisbury use, with Calendar and Psalter, in English. The Psalter, and in the main the psalms and lessons of the hours, agree with the later of the two Wycliffite versions (ed. Forshall and Madden, 1850), 'but there are notable ..., 15th century British Library
creatorOf TWO FRENCH Poems, viz.:-1. " Cy sensieut le testament maistre Jehan de Meuun the poem by Jean de Meung, printed at the end of several editions of the Roman de la Rose (ed. Méon, tome iv. p. 1). Contains 2060 lines (f. 25, containing 32 on one side o..., 15th century British Library
creatorOf MISSAL of Franciscan use. The contents are as follows (artt. 1 and 2 being additions in a late 14th-early 15th cont. hand) :-1. Calendar (Jan. and Feb. wanting). f. 1. Many saints associated with the Low Countries (Gertrude, Servacius, Boniface, Hub... British Library
creatorOf ORDINANCE of Charles the Bold, Duke of Burgundy, for the discipline and equipment of his military levies (gens de guerre de son ordonnance). Dated " en l'abbaye de Saint Maximi[n] lez la cite de Treues le -iour de -lan de grace mil quatrecens soixa..., approximately 1473 British Library
creatorOf " EXCERPTS from the Registers of the Diocese of Lincoln relating to the Archdeaconry of Oxford "; taken from Dr. Matthew Hutton's transcripts in Harley MSS. 6950-6954. " H. E. 1837." With an index of places. Paper; ff. 162. Small quarto.County of Oxf..., 1837 British Library
creatorOf COMMENTARY of St. Jerome on the prophet Isaiah, libb. xiv.-xviii. (v. Migne, Pair. Lat. xxiv. col. 477). BO-. " Incipit liber. Dominus respicet (sic) terram." Vellum; ff. 143. Written in France in minuscules of the character (intermediate between the... British Library
creatorOf " LIBER Ethimologiarum sancti Ysidori Yspalensis episcopi the Etyniologiae of St. Isidore, Bishop of Seville 599-636. Preceded by the letter (" Tue satictitatis," cp. xiii., Migne, Pair. Lat. lxxxiii. col. 914) to Braulio, Bishop of Sara-ossa. Anothe..., 1300-1445 British Library
creatorOf THE CHANSON of Godfrey of Bouillon, or (as it is more usually called, from its opening branch) Le Chevalier au Cygne. French. In about 55,000 lines of rhyming alexandrines. Without any formal division, but containing the following branches, according... British Library
creatorOf PETRI Comestoris Historia Scholastica. Begins with the usual " prologus epistolaris " to William, Archbishop of Sens (v. Migne, Patrol. Lat. cxcviii. col. 1053). The text agrees in the main with that of Migne, but the concluding part of the Gospel-hi..., 13th century British Library
creatorOf " FORI APAGONUM " and " Observantiae " : charters and laws of Aragon, etc. The references below are to the Saragossa edition, Fori et Observantiae, 1542. 1. " Incipiunt fori Aragonie ": the compilation by Vitalis de Canellas, Bishop of Huesea, promul..., 14th century British Library
Role Title Holding Repository
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Flanders, Belgium
Netherlands, Europe
Adderbury, Oxfordshire
Jerusalem, Israel
Oxfordshire, England
Melbury-Bubb, Dorset
Antioch, Greece


Active 0901

Active 1837

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Ark ID: w6w47k0z

SNAC ID: 7064971