Morris Finkelstein was president of Temple Emanuel Congregation in Newton, Massachusetts from 1972-1975. Founded in 1935, Temple Emanuel is a Conservative congregation affiliated with the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism (USCJ), and is located at 385 Ward St. in Newton Centre. Currently, the membership of over 1,100 families represents a diverse community of Jews from Newton and surrounding areas. The Congregation offers a broad spectrum of religious, cultural, social and educational activities. During Morris Finkelstein’s tenure he participated in such events as the Annual Sisterhood’s Donor Luncheon, Annual Report Meetings, and Semi-Annual Meetings of the Congregation where he gave speeches that are included in the collection.
1 Historical note based on information from the following: documents in the Morris Finkelstein papers and from Gil Rosen, Librarian of Temple Emanuel at
Temple Emanuel Congregation founded
Morris Finkelstein becomes President of Temple Emanuel Congregation
MF gives speech at the Annual Sisterhood Donor Luncheon
MF gives speech at the Semi-Annual Meeting of the Congregation
MF gives address at the Annual Report Meeting
MF steps down as President of Temple Emanuel Congregation
From the guide to the Morris Finkelstein papers-Temple Emanuel Newton, MA, undated, 1961-1980 (bulk 1965-1975), (American Jewish Historical Society)