Alberoni, Giulio, Archbishop of Malaga, Spanish Minister of State, Cardinal 1717

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Epithet: Archbishop of Malaga, Spanish Minister of State, Cardinal 1717

British Library Archives and Manuscripts Catalogue : Person : Description : ark:/81055/vdc_100000000352.0x0002cb

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referencedIn Vol. XXII. (ff. 350) 4/15 July-26 Sept. / 7 Oct. 1718.John Craggs, junior; Secretary of State., etc: Correspondence with C. Whitworth and Earl Cadogan: 1718.William Cadogan, 1st Baron and (1718) Earl Cadogan: Correspondence with J. Craggs: 1718.Baron..., 1718 British Library
referencedIn HANOVER PAPERS. Vol. IX. (ff. 316). 1/12 Jan. 1717 -31 Dec./ 11 Jan. 1717/8. The writers are:-[Julio] Alberoni, Cardinal [Prime Minister of Spain], to [the English Ambassadors in Spain, William] Stanhope and [George] Bubb; Madrid, 12 Nov. N.S. Fr. t... British Library
referencedIn Vol II. 1. Two copies of a report of . . . . [Grand Vicar of the diocese of Soissons] to Mary of Modena, on his conduct in respect to the oath of fidelity required of Roman Catholics in England; Rome, 28 Jan. 1717. Fr. f. 1. 2. "Copie de la lettre de..., 1716-1719 British Library
referencedIn COPIES of Letters and Tracts, manuscript and printed, relating to the Cardinal Giulio Alberoni, first minister of Spain; and principally to his arrest at Genoa, and trial in the Consistory Court at Rome, 1717 -1722. Quarto. [14,861], 18th century British Library
referencedIn Vol. IV. 22 Oct. 1714-16 Apr. 1718.Sir Paul Methuen, KB, Ambassador to Spain and Portugal, afterwards Secretary of State: Letters to G. Bubb: 1716, 1717.Joseph de Grimaldo Gutierrez, Marques de Grimaldo; Secretary and Councillor of State: Letters to... British Library
referencedIn Vol. XXIII. (ff. 329). 30 Sept./11 Oct. 1718-2/13 Jan. 1719.John Dalrymple, 2nd Earl of Stair: Correspondence with C. Whitworth, etc.: 1717-1719.: Copies.James Stanhope, General, afterwards Viscount and Earl Stanhope, Secretary of State, etc: Corresp..., 1718-1719 British Library
referencedIn Vol. I. 22 Oct. 1714-16 Apr. 1718.includes:f. 11 Sir Paul Methuen, KB, Ambassador to Spain and Portugal, afterwards Secretary of State: Instructions to, and credentials: 1702, 1715.: Engl. and Lat.: Drafts.ff. 11, 152, 169, 189, 218, 260, 295 Jo... British Library
referencedIn Vol. XXV. (ff. 352). 23 Mar. (N.S )-10 May (N.S.), 1719.Netherlands, United Provinces: Negotiations for sending troops to England: 1719.William Cadogan, 1st Baron and (1718) Earl Cadogan: Correspondence with C. Whitworth: 1717-1721.James Stanhope, Ge..., 1719 British Library
referencedIn "VITA e Costumi di Don Giulio Alberoni": a violent attack on the character of Alberoni, on the occasion of his being promoted to the Cardinalate in April, 1717. Italian. Paper; ff. 27. Small Folio.Giulio Alberoni, Archbishop of Malaga; Spanish Minist... British Library
referencedIn Vol. VI. 22 Oct. 1714-16 Apr. 1718.includes:ff. 5, 176 George Forbes, Lord Forbes, 3rd Earl of Granard (1734); Ambassador to Russia: Letters to G. Bubb: 1716, 1717.ff. 11, 40, 60 John Chetwynd, 2nd Viscount Chetwynd; diplomatist: Letters to G. B... British Library
referencedIn Vol. XXIV. (ff. 406). 6/17 Jan.-21 Mar. (N.S.), 1719.James Stanhope, General, afterwards Viscount and Earl Stanhope, Secretary of State, etc: Correspondence with C. Whitworth: 1714-1721.Baron Johann Kaspar von Bothmer,; Prime Minister of Hanover: Cor..., 1719 British Library
referencedIn Vol. III. 22 Oct. 1714-16 Apr. 1718.includes:f. 3 Cadiz, Spain: Papers relating to the commerce of: 1716, 1717.f. 8 Samuel Shepheard, Deputy-Governor of the South Sea Company: Petition to George I.: 1716.ff. 8, 48, 52, 85, 110, 214 James Stanh... British Library
referencedIn HANOVER PAPERS. Vol. X. (ff. 331). Jan. 1718-2.13 Nov. 1719. The writers are:-Card. Julio Alberoni to the Marquis de Monteleone, Spanish Ambassador at London; Madrid, 26 Sept., 10 Oct. 1718. Printed. ff. 143,159. F-0-d'Artis; Genoa, 14 March, N.S.... British Library
referencedIn Vol. II. 22 Oct. 1714-16 Apr. 1718.includes:ff. 1, 77, 79, 118, 155, 159, 251, 290 John Dalrymple, 2nd Earl of Stair: Letters to G. Bubb: 1715-1717.ff. 7, 11, 57-65, 83, 93, 148, 241 Francesco Giudice del), Cardinal: Letters to G. Bubb: 1715-171... British Library
referencedIn Vol. II (ff. i + 255). This contains nothing, apart from the assignments, of special interest.includes:f. 8 John Andrews: Assignment of his History of the Revolutions of Denmark: 1773. f. 10 Arnoux Deslandes): Assignment of his Art of teaching Frenc..., 1707-1820 British Library
referencedIn TOM. XVIII.-" Regolamento tenuto dal Rettore e Collegiali dell' Collegio di S. Clemente di Spagna, in Bologna, in occasione del passaogio delle truppe Tedesche; 16 Feb. 1709," f. 7;-" Editto del Generale Imperiale [Alessandro Conte di] Boneval, che o..., 1709-1718 British Library
referencedIn LETTER-BOOK Of James Butler, 2nd Duke of Ormonde, containing copies of his letters to the Pretender, Cardinal Alberoni, the Duke of Mar, and others, written from Paris, Madrid, Valladolid, Coruña, Lugo, etc., and relating to a projected invasion of S... British Library
referencedIn COLLECTION of pasquinades and satires current at the elections of the Popes, together with two Lives of Cardinals Mazzarino and Alberoni; 1653-1721. Italian. Copy. Included in the MS. are: poems relating to the death of Clement XI and the following C... British Library
referencedIn VOL. III. 1. "Memoire pour circonstancier les evenements remarquables qui sont arrivez au sujet de l'evazion de son Altesse Royalle la Princesse Clementine Sobieski, party d'Inspruk le 28e Avril à deux heures apres minuit. Escrit a Bologna le 9e May,..., 1719-1727 British Library
referencedIn VOL. II. 1. Papers relating to proceedings of the clergy in reference to the Papal constitution Unigenitus; 1715. Fr., Ital. and Lat. f. 1. 2. "Memoire sur l'édition des Conciles imprimée au Louvre en 1715, par les soins du Père Hardouin, Jésuite," f..., 1715-1728 British Library
referencedIn LETTERS of James Edward, son of King James II., and known as "the Pretender," and "the Chevalier of St. George," with enclosures; 25 Jan. 1706-23 Jan. 1728. French. Holograph or signed; with a few copies. They occur in the following order, viz.: 1. "... British Library
referencedIn TOM. I.-" Notizia delle Vite stampate che si sono vedute sopra del Cardinale Alberoni," f. 10;-" Vita del Card. Giulio Alberoni, che, suddito del Duca di Parma, nacque il di 31 Maggio, 1664, nella Parochiale di S. Nazarro e Celso, nel territorio di F..., 1664-1721 British Library
referencedIn PAPERS relating to proceedings principally in the Inquisition of Gran Canaria [Canary Islands] against foreigners, viz. John Sanders, an Englishman, charged with profaning a sacred image; Feb. 1565, f. 2; Bartholomew Cowel, merchant, of Barnstaple; D..., 1565-1718 British Library
referencedIn LETTERS of G[iulio], Card. Alberoni [Prime Minister of the King of Spain] to Card. Gualterio; Madrid, etc., 30 July, 1717-1 March, 1721. Ital. and French. Holograph, or signed. The following papers are included 1. Copy of letter of Card. Alberoni to... British Library
referencedIn TOM. II.-Duplicate copies (a few of which are printed) of the greater part of the preceding papers, but not arranged in order of date. [16,482.]Giulio Alberoni, Archbishop of Malaga; Spanish Minister of State; Cardinal 1717: Papers relating to him., 1664-1721 British Library
referencedIn Vol. V. 22 Oct. 1714-16 Apr. 1718.includes:ff. 10, 20, 37, 109, 196, 204, 242 Colonel Stanhope Cotton, Lieutenant -Gov. of Gibraltar: Letters to G. Bubb: 1716, 1717.ff. 12, 75 James Stanhope, General, afterwards Viscount and Earl Stanhope, Secre... British Library
creatorOf MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS relating to the Duchies of Parma and Piacenza during the Papacy of Clement XII, and to the promotion of Vincenzo Bichi to the Cardinalate at the instance of the Portuguese court; 1717-1732. Italian. Partly printed. The MS. includ... British Library
referencedIn MISCELLANEOUS letters, chiefly autograph; viz., 16th century-19th century British Library
referencedIn A COLLECTION of papers relating to the history of Portugal; 1483-1484, 1641-1661. Port.1. "Da grandeza do estado de Braganza," f. 8. 2. "Papers relating to the trial and condemnation of Fernando, Duke of Braganza, and Diogo, Duke of Viseo, for conspi..., 17th century British Library
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Cadiz, Spain
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Barcelona, Catalonia
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Braganza, Portugal
Tunis, Tunisia
Morpeth, Northumberland
Ypres, Belgium
Canary Islands, Spain
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Alicante, Spain
Kew, Surrey
Piacenza, Italy
Syracuse, Sicily
Vyborg Province, Russia
Hesse-Rheinfels, Province of, Germany
Muenster, Germany
Sicily, Italy
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Messina, Sicily
Cadiz, Spain
Cadiz, Spain
Tenerife, New Granada
Portugal, Europe
Belgrade, Serbia
Embrun, France
Netherlands, Europe


Active 1501

Active 1820



Ark ID: w6gj9c7s

SNAC ID: 6849832