Galilei, Galileo

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referencedIn "LETTERA del Sigr Gallileo Gallilei alla Serma Granduchessa di Toscana"[Christina of Lorraine, widow of Ferdinand I.] to prove that his theory regarding the motion of the earth is not inconsistent with the teaching of the Scriptures; 1616. Paper; xvi..., 1616 British Library
referencedIn BENEDETTO AVERANI: Defence of Galileo Galilei; 1695. Italian. Copy. Benedetto Averani (1645-1707) was an acclaimed Florentine man of letters, professor of Greek and Humanities at the University of Pisa from 1676. He published several rhetorical and p... British Library
referencedIn "DE Mundi Sphæra Tractatus," in thirty-four chapters; with diagrams at the end. It professes to treat "de primo mobili," and "de armillari sphera," but is quite elementary. The theories of Copernicus and Tycho Brahe are referred to, and that of the l..., 17th century British Library
referencedIn Alessandro Orsini, Cardinal: MS. was dedicated to, by G. Galilei: in 1616.Galileo Galilei: Discorso del flusso e reflusso del mare: 1616. British Library
referencedIn ORIGINAL letters of Michel Agniolo Buonarroti, Galileo Galilei, and others; 1529-1638. Ital. 1. Letters to M. A. Buonarroti from Alfonso [d'Este], Duke of Ferrara; Ferrara, Venice, 10 Nov. 1529, 22 Oct. 1530. The first a passport, unsigned, with seal..., 1529-1638 British Library
referencedIn GALILEI AND TORRICELLI: Due insigni autografi di Galileo Galilei [Lettera al Vinta, Segretario di Cosimo II de' Medici, 7 Maggio, 1610] e di Evangelista Torricelli [Proemio al trattato "De Definitionibus Geometricis" (5 pages)] a facsimile dagli orig... British Library
referencedIn VOL. X. Miscellaneous literary collections of Abbate Francesco Cancellieri, viz.: 1. "Vita dell' Ammiraglio [Giorgio] Anson," f. 6. 2. "Pesce Meridionale ove costellazione del Cielo Astronomico di Giordano Bruno," f. 12. 3. "Estratto di uno scritto d..., 18th century-19th century British Library
referencedIn Sloane 1968Paper, in Quarto, ff. 229, XVIII Century; containing Miscellaneous Letters and Papers of Dr. John Gaspar Scheuchzer, M. D., F. R. S., and Sir Hans Sloane.1. Note from Daniel Malthus to [Sir Hans Sloane], desiring him at the Queen's [Anne] ... British Library
referencedIn LISTS of manuscripts and letters, viz.:-1. "Extraict de l'Inventaire des Joyaux et artres Biens, Meubles de feue Madane la Duchesse de Bourgoingne (Marguerite de Flandres, femme de Philippe le Hardi, morte sur la fin de l'année 1404), envoyez en la c..., 19th century British Library
referencedIn MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS, viz.:-(1) 'The Royall Slaue / A Tragicomedy / The Scene Sardes / Acted before the King at Oxford', [30 Aug. 1636], [by William Cartwright]. Of earlier date than the printed edition of 1639, and wanting the Prologue and Epilogue..., 17th century British Library
referencedIn MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTION of letters and papers, of a commercial and diplomatic character, mostly referring to foreign affairs.Included are some original letters, imperfect or unsigned drafts, etc. The names of the writers, etc. are to be found in the..., 16th century-18th century British Library
referencedIn Voyages and Travels: Journal by an Englishman of his travels through Flanders, Lorraine, Switzerland, and Italy: 1610.Switzerland: Travels through, by an Englishman: 1610.Sir Thomas III Lucy, of Charlecote, county Warwickshire: Travels on the Contine... British Library
Role Title Holding Repository
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Place Name Admin Code Country
Troyes, France
Germany, Europe
Switzerland, Europe
Blaye, France
Puymirol, France
Montauban, France
London, England
Chelsea, Middlesex
Hull, East Riding of Yorkshire
Zurich, Switzerland
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Barbados, the Carribean
Hague, the Netherlands
Bermuda Islands, North Atlantic Ocean
Münster, Westphalia
Sweden, Europe
Florence, Italy
Dijon, France
Carpentras, France
Flanders, Belgium
Cornwall, England
Netherlands, Europe
Guinea, Africa
Hatfield, Yorkshire
India, Asia
Bordeaux, France
Italy, Europe
Saxony, Germany
Montagnac, France
Moco Moco, Sumatra


Active 1501

Active 1801

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Ark ID: w6vb8w9v

SNAC ID: 67815661