This slide collection was put together by Professor John Harvard Biles, born in 1854 , of the Department of Naval Architecture at the University of Glasgow. Sir J H Biles & Co Limited was founded in 1883 and is one of the oldest marine consultancies in the United Kingdom. The consultive Group was established by Sir Edward Reed, and adopted its present name, when Sir John Harvard Biles, Professor of Naval Architecture at the University of Glasgow , succeeded Sir Edward in 1906. Sir John became one of the most distinguished Professors of Naval Architecture at Glasgow University, occupying the chair for some 30 years from 1891. During his professional career, Professor Biles was requested to serve on many Government Committees, notably superintending the experiments with HMS Wolfe which demonstrated full-scale strength tests on destroyers and serving on Admiral "Jackie" Fisher's Committee of Designs which culminated in the new generation battleships piloted in so successfully by HMS Dreadnought . Professor Biles died in 1933 .
From the guide to the Collection of slides of ships collected by John Harvard Biles, 1854-1933, Professor of Naval Architecture, University of Glasgow, Scotland, c early 20th century, (Glasgow University Archives Service)