The NS Gemeinschaft Kraft durch Freude, the National Socialist Organisation Strength through Joy, came under the aegis of the Deutsche Arbeitsfront, the national German labour organization. All members of the DAF were also members of the KdF, and as basically any worker was a part of the DAF, so too were they in the Kraft durch Freude. The KdF was essentially designed for the purpose of providing organised leisure for the German work force. The DAF calculated that the work year contained 8,760 hours of which only 2,100 were spent working, 2,920 hours spent sleeping, leaving 3,740 hours of free time. Thus the driving concept behind the KdF was organised 'relaxation for the collection of strength for more work.'
The KdF strived to achieve this goal of organised leisure by providing activities such as trips, cruises, concerts, and cultural activities for German workers. These events were specifically directed towards the working class, and it was through the KdF that the NSDAP hoped to bring to the 'common man' the pleasures once reserved only for the rich.
From the guide to the 'Kraft durch Freude' festival: various papers (microfilm), 1937, (Wiener Library)