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ORIGINAL LETTERS of distinguished persons of foreign countries, or papers signed by them, viz.: "Gilbertus de Corigia Comes Bersili [Gilberto di Corregio Conte di Brescella, captain of Condottieri] ; Soave, 2 May, 1455. Ital. With seal, f. 1; Ludovic..., 15th century-18th century
British Library |
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PIETRO ALDOBRANDINI: Relazione of his embassy to France and of the Treaty of Lyons; 1620. Italian. Copy. The relazione was written in 1620 by Cardinal Pietro Aldobrandini, nephew and Camerlengo of Pope Clement VIII. It comprises the Cardinal's accoun...
British Library |
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COLLECTION of miscellaneous tracts, historical accounts, and letters relating to the history of the Roman Church and political affairs in 16th-and 17th-cent. Europe; circa 1554-1695. Italian, Latin, and French. Table of contents (ff. 1-2v). 'D.V.7' ...
British Library |
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COLLECTION of State papers, letters, and miscellaneous documents, many of which relate to the Civil War and the affairs of the Commonwealth; 1564-1760. The letters at the end relate to literature and kindred subjects, and several of them are addresse...
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Relazioni of Rome; vol. ii; 1660-1702.Paper; ff. 509, plus one unfoliated blank after ff. 211, 420, 445. Composite volume: arts. 4, 5, 6, 8 marked respectively with initials 'U', 'U', 'R', 'J' in black ink in upper right corner of first leaves. Moder...
British Library |
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MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTION of letters, papal instructions, and political treatises relating to Spain, Sweden, Savoy, France, Ethiopia, Genoa, and Venice, mainly during the papacies of Gregory XIV (Niccolò Sfondrati, 1590-1591), Clement VIII (Ippolito A...
British Library |
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MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTION of historical papers relating to the Papacy and its relations with Poland, Venice, the Holy Roman Empire and Spain; 1530-1596. Italian and Latin. Copies, 17th cent. The MS. includes: -(a) summary (art. 1, ff. 1-81v) of negot...
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A VOLUME, containing copies of letters, in Spanish, many of which were written by members of the Royal family and nobility of Spain, during the xvith century ; with extracts from printed works, memoranda, etc., in Spanish ; collected, apparently, as ..., 16th century
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RELAZIONI, and other historical materials; 1546-c. 1608. Latin and Italian. Copies, 16th-17th centt. 1. ff. 2-8. 'Instructio per Congregationem . . . ', instructions from Pope Clement VIII (1592-1605) to the German nuncio and congregation on the cont..., 16th century-17th century
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TWENTY original briefs of Popes Gregory XIII., Sixtus V., and Clement VIII., to Albert, Cardinal, Archduke of Austria, Legate in Portugal; 8 July, 1577-11 Mar. 1595. Latin. Interspersed are original letters to the same Archduke from:-1. [Ippolito de...
British Library |
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LETTERS and papers of Giovanni Battista Aleotti, of Argenta, in Italian, viz.: 1. "Dell' Architettura, Libro v.," 22 Nov. 1581. Holograph. f. 2. 2. Copy of papers relating to payments to Aleotti by the Pope, f. 40. 3. G. B. Aleotti to Giudice de' Sau..., 1581-1634
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1. "ALL the Kings short poesis that ar not printed:" poems and sonnets of King James I. of England, corrected by his own hand. They are classed under the heads of "Amatoria," f. 4; "Miscellanea," f. 31; and "Fragmenta," f. 51; and tables of contents,..., 17th century
British Library |
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DIARY of Giovanni Paulo Mucantio; 1598. Latin and Italian. Copy, 17th cent. Diary of ceremonies and events which took place in 1598 during the reign of Clement VIII, recorded by Giovanni Mucantio (1557-1617), Master of Ceremonies at the Papal Court. ...
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STORIA del Conclave nella creazione di Papa Clemente VIII., l'anno 1592. xviith cent. Quarto. [10,712.], 17th century
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Lavinia Alexandri, of diocese Perugia: Dispensation for her marriage to C. Pauli: 1602.Cesare Pauli, of diocese Perugia: Dispensation for his marriage: 1602.Clement VIII; Pope: Marriage-dispensations: 1601, 1602.
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"RELATIO ecclesiæ Cavallicensis, per me Jo. Franciscum Bordinum Episcopum facta, et ad illustrissimam Congregationem D.D. Sacri Concilii [Tridentini] interpretum transmissa, anno D.MDXCVII.;" reports on the ecclesiastical institutions of the diocese ..., 1597
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HISTORICAL PAPERS relating to Rome covering the years 1510-1621; 17th cent. Italian, Latin and Spanish. The MS. contains the biography of Innocent VIII (i.e. Giovanni Battista Cybo); papers relating to the treaty of Liga and the peace between the Emp...
British Library |
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(ff. 92). " Discours de la Légation de Monsieur [Louis de Gonzague] le Due de Nevers, envoyé par le très-chrestien Roy de France et de Navarre, Henry IV., vers le Pape Clement VIII; 1593.Clement VIII; Pope: Account of the embassy of the Duc de Nevers...
British Library |
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MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTION of historical treatises, relazioni and letters relating to Rome, France, Venice, Spain, England, and Savoy; circa 1593-1672. Italian. Copies. Table of contents (f. 1), added later. Old signatures in pencil 'Tom. XCIV' in uppe...
British Library |
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MISCELLANEOUS LETTERS AND PAPERS; 1594-1936, n.d. Paper and (article J) vellum; ff. 59. Folio. A. Letter of introduction from George Bubb Dodington, Baron Melcombe, to Edmond Waller at Montaubon, also commenting on English politics; 3 Feb. 1750. Pres..., 1594-1936
British Library |
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ORDER of Clement VIII. to his Nuncio in Spain to confirm the election of B. Serrano as Abbat of St. Mary of Valdigna; 1596. With the Annulus Piscatoris "on plaque."
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TRANSCRIPTS of numerous Papal Indulgences granted to Paters, Ave Marias, Rosaries, Crowns, Medals, Crosses, etc., by the Popes Adrian VI., Paul III., Pius IV., Pius V., Gregory XIII., Sixtus V., Clement Vlll., and Paul V., from the year 1522 to 1606 ..., 17th century
British Library |
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DIPLOMATIC INSTRUCTIONS AND MEMORIALS RELATING TO COLOGNE AND FRANCE, together with a tract on ambassadorial precedence at the papal court; 1478-1638. Italian, and Latin. Copies, 17th cent. Compilation relating to diplomatic missions of papal nuncios...
British Library |
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MEDICI PAPERS. Vols. CXX, CXXI (ff. i+1-291, 292-525). Lawsuit between the Medici and the Abbey of S. Salvatore a Settimo, relating to land at Vingone in S. Giuliano a Settimo; 1597-1616.Ulivo di Michele Ulivi, banderaio, of Florence: Legal papers, e..., 1597-1616
British Library |
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PAPERS relating to Papal conclaves, chiefly to those from 1590 to 1605, consisting of notes and discourses on the manner of conducting them, copies of letters to the Duke of Sessa and others, etc., in Latin, Spanish, and Italian. Among them are:-1. ..., 1590-1605
British Library |
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ANTHONY BACON PAPERS Collection of letters and papers on state affairs, chiefly originals, from the papers of Anthony Bacon and addressed to him, used by Birch in his Memoirs of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth, 2 vols., 1754, and his Historical View of ..., 1584-1657
British Library |
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ACCOUNTS OF CONCLAVES FROM INNOCENT IX TO GREGORY XV WITH OTHER MATERIAL RELATING TO EVENTS UNDER THE PONTIFICATE OF GREGORY XV; 1591-1623. Italian and Latin. Copies, woodcut portrait. One full-page woodcut portrait of Innocent IX (f. 1v) is prefaced...
British Library |
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ACCOUNTS OF CONCLAVES FROM PIUS IV TO CLEMENT VIII AND OF THE REIGNS OF PIUS IV AND GREGORY XIII; 1559-1592. Italian. Copies. 'CXLVII' on spine. Owned by Frederick North, 5th Earl of Guilford, but lacking his armorial bookplate. '88' in pencil in top...
British Library |
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MISCELLANEOUS TRACTS on European and Italian history; circa 1577-1677. Italian, Latin and Spanish. Partly printed. Relates mostly to the rights of the Church to Italian states such as Ferrara, Modena, Comacchio, the investiture and the rights of the ...
British Library |
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ACCOUNTS OF PAPAL CONCLAVES; 1572-1623. Italian. Copies, early 17th cent. Contents list, f. v. 1. ff. 1-8. Pope Gregory XIII (13 May 1572). Beg. 'Voi havete aggiunto, per il fino à preghi.' Ends 'et reverita et amata la sua bontà.' This does not seem...
British Library |
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Vol. CXXII (ff. ii+332). Papers, 16th-17th centt., including the following:-(1) 'Osservationi sopra la historia di Commines', notes in Italian (16th cent.) on the War of the Public Weal in France, 1464-1465, taken from the first four chapters of the..., 16th century-17th century
British Library |
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RELAZIONI AND OTHER DOCUMENTS RELATING TO ITALIAN AFFAIRS; 16th-17th centt. Italian. Copies. 1. ff. 2-77b. Relazione of Rome and its customs, copied from the diary of Francisco Mucantio; 1 March 1586. Beg. 'Il sommo Pontefice hà per suoi'. Ends 'in q..., 16th century-17th century
British Library |
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(ff. 453). " LETTRES de M. François de Luxembourg, Duc de Pinay, Pair de France, escriptes au Roy et à Monsieur [Nicolas de Neufville, Seigneur] de Villeroy, Secrétaire d'Estat, pendant son ambassade a Rome; avec les responses"; 1597, 1598.Clement VI...
British Library |
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COLLECTION of miscellaneous tracts, historical accounts, relazioni and letters relating mostly to the history of the Church and political and family affairs in 17th-cent. Europe; circa 1557-1710. Italian, Latin, and Spanish. Copies and original draft...
British Library |
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STATUTES of the guild of innkeepers at Rome, as confirmed by Pope Clement VIII.; 22 June, 1595. Lat. and Ital. With confirmations of the statutes by senators, conservators, and other officials of Rome down to the year 1780; with signatures and seals...., 16th century-18th century
British Library |
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MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTION of papers and tracts relating to North Africa, France, Scotland, Mirandola, and Rome; circa 1568-1602. Italian and Latin. Copies. Table of contents (f. 1), added later. Old signature 'Tom. LV' in pencil in upper right corner ...
British Library |
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COPIES of briefs of Pope Clement VIII. to various princes, ecclesiastics, etc., from the registers in the Vatican; 1592-1602. Lat. Sixteen volumes; the majority of which have separate indexes. The letters in the first two volumes are by Antonio Bucc...
British Library |
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MANDATE Of Pope Clement VIII to the Vicar-General of the Bishop of Perugia for a dispensation to Crucius Joannes Maria Pascucci to vary the provisions of the will of Eusebius Mei Puccii; Rome, vi. id. [10] Oct. 1593. Presented by Robert Steele, Esq.
British Library |
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Clementia Angeli, of diocese Perugia: Dispensation for her marriage to S. Gentiline: 1601.Salvatore Gentiline, of diocese: Perugia. Papal dispensation for his marriage to C. Angeli: 1601.Clement VIII; Pope: Marriage-dispensations: 1601, 1602.
British Library |
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Philip III of Spain: Collections relating to Spain during his reign: 17th cent.: Span.Owners of Manuscripts: Bacon (Thomas Sclater): 1737.Owners of Manuscripts: Cotterel (Sir Charles): 1710/1.includes:f. 4 Philip II of Spain: Statistical account of...
British Library |
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RELAZIONI and other diplomatic material, chiefly relating to Italy; 1494-1621. Italian. Copies. 1. ff. 2-35b. 'Instruttione data della . . . ', instructions from Pope Gregory XV to Charles Caraffa, Bishop of Aversa, upon his departure as nuncio to th..., 1494-1699
British Library |
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EDMONDES PAPERS. Vol. I. (ff. 305). 18 June, 1592-16 May, 1596. In addition to the letters described below, the volume contains numerous drafts of Edmondes's despatches to Lord Burghley, the first dated 18 June, 1592, and the last 31 Dec. 1595, durin...
British Library |
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MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTION of papal instructions, relazioni, and letters relating to Rome, France, Venice, the Netherlands, Switzerland, the German Empire, Persia and Turkey; circa 1507-1619. Italian. Copies, 17th cent. Table of contents (f. 1), added ...
British Library |
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TRUMBULL PAPERS. Vol. CLXIII (ff. 88). Papers and tracts relating to Italian states; 1596-1624, n.d. Mostly copies. Partly imperfect. Latin, French and Italian. These chiefly concern the Northern states, the Valtelline and the Papacy. From Misc. XXXI..., 1596-1624
British Library |
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COPIES of miscellaneous documents, 1602-1625, bearing on the proposed Spanish match and on the French match of Charles, Prince of Wales, viz.:-1. Considerations on the Spanish match and the proper policy for the Pope. Ital. f. 2. 2. Report to the Po...
British Library |
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INSTRUCTIONS of Pope Clement VIII. to his envoys; in Italian:-1. The envoy to Ferrara, with other papers relating to the duchies of Ferrara and Modena; [1594], f. 1. 2. Mons. Doria [? Joanettino Doria, afterwards Cardinal], Commissary to the Camp of ..., 16th century
British Library |
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COLLECTION OF MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS relating largely to military and political events in the first half of the 17th century in Italy and elsewhere; 1594-1643. Italian, Latin and Spanish. Partly printed. Contemporary index of contents (ff. 1-2). Owned ...
British Library |
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OATH OF OBEDIENCE to Pope Clement VIII by Octavianus Abiatus de Foreriis [Ottaviano Abbiate Forerio (cf. Annali della fabbrica del Duomo di Milano, vol. iv, Milan, 1877)], Archpriest of Milan, [1592-1605]. Presented by Alfred Crocker, Esq.
British Library |