The Committee on Undergraduate Women's Education was established to "determine the feasibility of and a strategy for implementing the recommendations" in the report, "The Education of Women Students at the University of Maryland College Park: Issues and Opportunities." This report was submtted by the Subcommittee on Women's Education of the Chancellor's Commission on Women's Affairs in March 1987. These recommendations included improving the classroom climate for women, changing the curriculum to reflect women's accomplishments, and encouraging women to enter male-dominated fields. Chancellor John Slaughter appointed the committee composed of 10 senior faculty members and administrators chaired by Dr. Sandra Greer.
The result was the report, "Making a Difference for Women," on April 25, 1988. This implementation document recommended summer workshops for curriculum enrichment, salary parity for women professors, and increased staffing for Women's Studies along with other specific actions aimed at promoting equality in education.
From the guide to the Committee on Undergraduate Women's Education records, 1982-1989, null, (University of Maryland)