Duchy of Savoy (active 1501-1820)

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referencedIn A COLLECTION of Italian Relations, chiefly by Venetian Ambassadors, transcribed in the xviiith century; in the following order:-Relation of France, by Giovanni Corer [Cornaro], in 1569, p. 1 ;-Relation of France, by Michele Soriano, in 1562, p. 56;-..., 18th century British Library
referencedIn (ff. 293). 1. " INSTRUCTIONS et mémoires touchant les affaires de France avec les Suisses " ; 1597-1629, f. 1. 2. Priviléges des Suisses en France " ; 1511-1620. f. 111. 3. Traitté's faicts par les Suisses avec les Papes, Venise, le Due de Savoye, le... British Library
referencedIn TWO FRAGMENTS of [the same?] history of affairs in Europe and the Levant in the latter part of the 16th century, in Italian. The first portion (ff. 1-77) deals, after some preliminary explanations, with the history of the year 1585 ; the second (ff. ..., approximately 1600 British Library
referencedIn Vol. I. (ff. 244).Duchy of Savoy: Affairs with France: 1280-1625.History of France: Affairs with Savoy: 1280-1625. British Library
referencedIn includes:ff. 1-28 Thomas Belasyse, 2nd Viscount and (1689) 1st Earl Fauconberg: Report by, as Ambassador to Italy, on various States of Italy: 1669/70.ff. 1-28 b Republic of Genoa: Report on, by Lord Fauconberg: 1669/70.ff. 1-28 b Grand Duchy o... British Library
referencedIn COPIES of Relations of different countries by Venetian and other ambassadors, with other papers, in Italian, viz.:-France, by Giovanni Michiel, Cavaliere; [1575], f. 1. France; n.d. Imperf. f. 12. Rome, by Cardinal [Giovanni Francesco] Commendone; [a..., 16th century-17th century British Library
referencedIn "RELAZIONE di Savoia del Sigr Francesco da Molina," Venetian Ambassador, 1576, f 1; "Relazione del Clarmo Signor Girolamo Lippomano ritornato dal Sermo Arciduca Carlo," circa 1571, f. 19. Paper; XVIIth cent. Folio. [Add. 18,176.], approximately 1571 British Library
referencedIn April -Dec. 1665.Archibald Campbell, 9th Earl of Argyll: Letters to the Duke of Lauderdale: 1660-1685.John Leslie, 6th Earl of Rothes; afterwards Duke of Rothes, Royal Commissioner and Lord Chancellor of Sotland: Letters to the Duke of Lauderdale: 1... British Library
referencedIn RELAZIONI, historical documents and tracts, relating to Italy; 1527-1620, n.d. Italian. Copies, 17th cent. 1. ff. 2-119b. Relazione of Venice by the former Spanish ambassador Alfonso della Cueva, Marqués de Bedmar; 1619? Beg. 'Laboriosa impresa per c..., 16th century-17th century British Library
referencedIn BARRINGTON PAPERS. Vol. VIII. (ff. 240). Political and other papers; 1580-1820. Included are:-1. "Sute" of the churchwardens and overseers of Maldon, co. Essex, to Sir John Popham, on a question of rating with opinion; [circ. 1580]. 2. Commission fr..., 1580-1820 British Library
referencedIn " RELATIONE del Viaggio di Gerusalemme ": account by Vincenzo Favi of a pilgrimage from Venice to Jerusalem in 1615, going by way of the Mediterranean and Egypt and returning through Damascus, Aleppo, and Alexandretta; with a dedicatory letter to Cha..., 17th century-18th century British Library
creatorOf GRADUAL, in Latin. Imperfect at the beginning and wanting leaves after f. 92. With a calendar, on paper, in a hand of the 18th century prefixed. Vellum ; ff. 161. xiiith cent. Belonged as early as the 14th cent. to the Carthusian house " du Reposoir,..., 18th century British Library
creatorOf HOURS of the Virgin, etc., in Latin. The contents are: — (1) Calendar, in French. f. 2; — (2) Lessons from the four Evangelists, with prayers to the Virgin. f. 5; — (3) Office of the Virgin. f. 10; — (4) Office of the Virgin during Advent. f. 34b; — ... British Library
referencedIn RELAZIONE OF ITALY; 17th cent. Italian. Copy. Historical description of the Italian principalities and republics. Inc. (f. 1) 'L'Italia dominatrice una volta del mondo e poi preda del mondo istesso', expl. (f. 147) 'Isola del Gozzo con la piccola Com... British Library
referencedIn (ff. 445). " RECUEIL de ce qui s'est passé aux affaires généralles de Suisse, Genève, et Savoye, et autres lieux ob Monseigneur [Nicolas Brulart] de Sillery, conseiller du Roy en son oonseil d'Estat et son ambassadeur en Suisse, a esté employé pour l... British Library
referencedIn Vol. II. (ff. 375).Duchy of Savoy: Affairs with France: 1280-1625.History of France: Affairs with Savoy: 1280-1625. British Library
referencedIn (ff. 269). 1. " ACTES et mémoires pour l'histoire de la conqueste du Duché de Savoye faite par le Roy, 1630." f. 1. 2. " Mémoires, titres, lettres, et procès verbaux touchant les limittes du Comté de Bresse et de Savoye"; to 1 588. f. 82. 3. " Escrit... British Library
referencedIn RELATIONS BY VENETIAN AMBASSADORS and other papers relating to Savoy; 1573-1743. Italian and French. Copies. The MS. contains the relazioni of Savoy by the Venetian Ambassadors Francesco da Molin (art. 1, ff. 1-16), Francesco Barbaro (art. 2, ff. 17-... British Library
referencedIn (ff. 156). 1. " ESTAT politique des Suisses avec l'abrégé de leurs anciennes alliances entre eux "; 1351-1512. f. 1. 2. " Traités et autres mémoires touchant les Suisses, les Grisons, la Savoye, et Genève " ; 1572-1607. f. 92.includes:f. 1 Switzerlan... British Library
referencedIn Sloane 1826Paper, in folio, ff. 91, XVIII Century.1. Relatione del clarissimo Vincentio d'Alessandri, ambasciadore al Re di Persia per la serenissima Republica di Venetia, [l'anno 1575]. ff. 1-9. (an abridgement.)2. Relatione del clarissimo signor Ja... British Library
referencedIn "MÉMOIRE concernant les frontières de Pièmont et de Savoye pour servir d'lnstruction tant pour les Campernens des armées que pour les faire manoeouvrer," with an account of the campaigns of the French army in the war with the Duke of Savoy in 1707-17..., 18th century British Library
referencedIn Vol. iii., June, 1713-Mar. 1714.Empire of Turkey: Treaty with Russia: 1713.Trade and Commerce: Papers on the detention of English merchant ships by the Dutch, 1710-1714.includes:f. 1 Peter the Great; Emperor of Russia: Treaty with the Sultan: 1713. ... British Library
referencedIn TRANSCRIPTS of the despatches of the Piedmontese envoys to England addressed to their own Government, with their instructions, etc., 1611-1614, 19th century British Library
referencedIn A COLLECTION of copies of State Papers, with some Originals, in Spanish, Italian, and Latin, of the xvith and xviith centuries, relating to the affairs of different states of Italy, in the following order : Various memoranda, 1529-1583, f. 2 ;-" Pape..., 16th century-17th century British Library
referencedIn (ff. 276). INSTRUCTIONS to French ambassadors in Italy, 1571-1589; Venice, 1607; Florence, 1591-1609; Savoy, 1575-1612; Spain, 1589-1609; Flanders, 1598-1610; and Lorraine, 1589-1610. With table of contents.Venice: Instructions to French Ambassadors... British Library
referencedIn VENETIAN RELAZIONI OF SAVOY; 1561-1621. Copies, 17th cent. 1. ff. 2-46b. Relazione of Savoy by the Venetian ambassador Girolamo Lippomano; 1573. Beg. 'Dovendo far l'ultima'. Ends 'di Iddio, Nostro Signore'. Printed in Albèri, ser. 2, ii, pp. 195-223...., 1561-1699 British Library
referencedIn Vol. II, ff. 456, 27 July/6 Aug , 1626 -8/18 Dec. Dec. 1630.Sir Isaac Wake, Ambassador to Savoy and France: Letter-books: 1624-1630.: Autogr.Venice: Letters of Sir I. Wake, English ambassador: 1624-1630.Duchy of Savoy: Charles Emmanuel I. Letters of... British Library
referencedIn PAPERS relating to the House of Savoy and the kingdom of Sardinia, in Italian, viz.: — 1. Record of the Princes of the House of Savoy who have acquired territories for it, with a list of the territories thus acquired, and of the manner of acquisition... British Library
referencedIn Vol. IV. (ff. 318). ITALICA: treaties and negotiations illustrating the history of the Italian Republics, and especially of the Duchy of Savoy, many of them referring to the quarrels of Savoy with Spain, arising from the latter's occupation of Milan,... British Library
referencedIn (ff. 244). PAPERS relating to the right of the Crown of France to Genoa and Savona; 1392-1502.Duchy of Savoy: Claim of France to: 1392-1502.Republic of Genoa: Right of France to: 1392-1502.History of France: Right of the Crown to Genoa and Savoy: 139... British Library
referencedIn Account of a journey through Europe in 1516-1518, with descriptions of towns, etc., in Piedmont, Savoy, France, England, Flanders, Holland, Italy, and Spain; followed by a list of dignities and offices in Spain, with the salaries attached to each, an..., 1516-1518 British Library
referencedIn Vol. I,ff. 119, 4/14 June, 1624-21/31 July, 1625.Sir Isaac Wake, Ambassador to Savoy and France: Letter-books: 1624-1630.: Autogr.Venice: Letters of Sir I. Wake, English ambassador: 1624-1630.Duchy of Savoy: Charles Emmanuel I. Letters of Sir I. Wake... British Library
referencedIn Vol. VIII.includes:ff. 303-356 Duchy of Savoy: Papers relating to: 1568-1622.: Fr. and Ital.: Copies.f. 357 Military Tactics: Treatise "touchant l'ordre qui doibt estre tenu pour s'apprrrester a donner une bataille,": 16th cent.f. 442 Montpelli... British Library
referencedIn COLLECTIONS OF PAPERS RELATING TO THE HOUSE OF SAVOY; 1668-1743. Italian and Latin. Copies, partly printed. The texts relate to political alliances, fiscal problems and diplomacy in the Duchy of Savoy during the Nine Years War and the Spanish War of ... British Library
referencedIn A VOLUAIE of maps and plans of various parts of France, viz. Aimargues, en Languedoc;-Bayonne (four plans) ;-Brouage, au pays d'Annis;-Elne, en Roussillon (two plans) ;-Château de Fronsac, en Gascogne;-Mas d'Asil, diocèse de Rieux;-Mazères, dans le C..., 1723-1789 British Library
referencedIn (ff. 255). 1. " MÉMOIRES, actes, et traictéz de la République de Genève avec les Rois de France "; 1538-1608. f. 1. 2. " Traités de la République de Genève avec les Suisses "; 1526 -1605. f. 83. 3. " Traités de la République de Genève avec les Ducz d... British Library
referencedIn Vol. CLVI. (ff. 422). Diplomatic Correspondence 18 Oct.-Dec. 1752.George II of England: Correspondence of the Duke of Newcastle, Sec. of State, etc.: 1727 -1760.: Home.includes:ff. 1, 44, 127, 173, 182, 206, 211, 310, 415 William Anne Keppel, 2nd Ea... British Library
Role Title Holding Repository
Relation Name
Place Name Admin Code Country
Hungary, Europe
Siena, Italy
London, England
Tunbridge, Kent
Venice, Republic of, Europe
Prats de Mollon, France
London, England
Cambridge, Cambridgeshire
Spain, Kingdom of, Europe
Mantua, Italy
Tuscany, Italy
Sardinia, Kingdom of, Italy
Verrua, Italy
Clavering, Essex
Constantinople, Byzantine empire
Italy, Europe
Poland, Kingdom of, Europe
Italy, Europe
Palestine, Asia Minor
Venice, Italy
Paris, France
Ferrara, State of, Italy
Geneva, Switzerland
Venice, Republic of, Europe
Elmden, Essex
Genoa, Italy
Kent, England
Monferrato, Italy
Venice, Italy
Cephalonia, Greece
Switzerland, Europe
Flamstead, Hertfordshire
Naples, Italy
Rausa, Dalmatia
Dalmatia, Croatia
Cyprus, Asia Minor
Venice, Italy
Porto Bello, Panama
Venice, Republic of, Europe
Essex, England
Genoa, Italy
Mazères, France
Cartagena, S. America
Cranley, Surrey
Sardinia, Kingdom of, Italy
Clavering Hundred, Essex
Naples and Sicily, Kingdom of, Italy
Piacenza, Italy
Italy, Europe
Venice, Italy
Holland, the Netherlands
Venice, Italy
Persia, Asia Minor
Grisons, the Netherlands
Jamaica, Central America
Mirandola, Italy
Candia Island, Crete
Kinsale, Cork
Candia Island, Crete
Portugal, Europe
Dauphiné, France
Transylvania, Central Europe
America, North America
Colchester, Essex
Netherlands, Europe
Switzerland, Europe
Russia, Empire of, Asia
Avignon, Vaucluse
Parma, Italy
Parma, Italy
Florence, Italy
Persia, Asia Minor
Tuscany, Italy
Italy, Europe
Italy, Europe
Netherlands, Europe
Dunfermline, Fifeshire
Scotland, Kingdom of, United Kingdom
Genoa, Italy
Damascus, Syria
Genoa, Italy
Ragusa, Dalmatia
Russia, Empire of, Asia
Spain, Kingdom of, Europe
Siena, Italy
Zante, the Ionian Islands
Geneva, Switzerland
Malta, Europe
Mande, Languedoc (?)
Switzerland, Europe
Spain, Kingdom of, Europe
Baden, Germany
Oléron, France
Valtelline, Italy
Porto, Mantua
Corsica, France
Cyprus, Asia Minor
Asti, Italy
Europe, Europe
Grisons, the Netherlands
Genoa, Italy
Turkey, Asia Minor
Persia, Asia Minor
Ratisbon, Bavaria
Maldon, Sussex
Venice, Italy
Venice, Italy
Milan, Italy
Ireland, Europe
Levant, Asia Minor
Pignerol, France
Spain, Kingdom of, Europe
Venice, Republic of, Europe
Bologna, Italy
Tuscany, Italy
Uttlesford Hundred, Essex
Switzerland, Europe
Venice, Republic of, Europe
Flanders, Belgium
Egypt, Africa
Bury St. Edmunds, Suffolk
Cairo, Egypt
Lambourne, Essex
Milan, Italy
Italy, Europe
Walden, Essex
Great Totham, Essex
Lucca, Republic of, Italy
Netherlands, Europe
Montpellier, France
Jerusalem, Israel
Spain, Europe

Corporate Body

Active 1501

Active 1820

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