Indian Navy (active 1798-1921)

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Archival Resources
Role Title Holding Repository
referencedIn Letters of Lt (later Commodore) John Pepper (c1794-1848), Indian Navy 1811-48; also letters of his son George Augustus Pepper-Staveley (1823-90), Bengal Civil Service 1846-73, and of his wife Jessie Louise, 1821-1872 British Library
referencedIn George Barr papers., 1859 British Library
referencedIn Frederick Collection (1): journals, papers and correspondence of Lt-Col (later General) Edward Frederick (1784-1866), Bombay Army 1799; Assistant Commissary General, Bombay 1813-22; Milit-ary Secretary to Governor of Bombay 1827-28; member, Governor..., 1801-1831 British Library
referencedIn Papers of Sir Charles Wood, 1st Viscount Halifax (1800-85), as President of the Board of Control 1853-55, and Secretary of State for India 1859-66, 1853-1870 British Library
referencedIn Edwin Dawes papers., 1857-1859 British Library
referencedIn Clement William Robert Hooper papers., 1910-1917 British Library
referencedIn Welham Johnstone papers., 1857 British Library
referencedIn Papers of 1st Viscount Chelmsford as Viceroy of India 1916-21, 1916-1921 British Library
referencedIn Papers of Sir John Willoughby, Bombay Civil Service 1817-51; East India Company Director 1854-58; Member of Council of India 1858-66, 1798-1864 British Library
referencedIn Papers of Sir Richard Temple, Indian Civil Service 1847-77; Lieutenant-Governor of Bengal 1874-77; Governor of Bombay 1877-80, 1849-1902 British Library
referencedIn Henry Ellis papers., 1857 British Library
referencedIn John James Waterston papers., 1847-1857 British Library
referencedIn Sir George Russell Clerk papers., 1838-1896 British Library
referencedIn Papers of John Cam Hobhouse, Baron Broughton, as President of the Board of Control 1835-41 and 1846-52, 1827-1852 British Library
referencedIn Papers of Robert Vernon Smith, 1st Baron Lyveden (1800-73) as President of the Board of Control 1855-58, 1855-1858 British Library
Role Title Holding Repository
Relation Name
Place Name Admin Code Country
India, Asia
Tibet, Asia
Rajpipla State, India
North-Western Provinces, India
Persian Gulf, Asia
Russia, Europe, Asia
Yunnan, China
Madras, India
India, Asia
Middle East, Asia
Berar, India
Bengal, India
Surat, Bombay
Oudh, India
Sirohi State, Rajputana
Baroda State, India
Afghanistan, Asia
Iran, Asia
Iran, Asia
Sind, India
Turkey, Asia minor
Cutch State, India
Punjab, India
Punjab, India
Malacca, Malaysia
Middle East, Asia
Bombay, India
Russia, Europe, Asia
Baroda State, India
Cochin State, India
Punjab, India
Hyderabad, Sind
Ahmadnagar, Bombay
Bahawalpur State, India
Bombay, India
Idar State, India
Satara, Bombay
China, Asia
Jagannatha Temple, India
Nepal, Asia
Kurdistan, Iraq
Mahi Kantha, Bombay
Jalalabad, Afghanistan
China, Asia
Caucasus, Eurasia
Sind, India
Central Asia, Asia
Afghanistan, Asia
Central Asia, Asia
Egypt, Africa
Manchuria, China
India, Asia
Deccan, India
Travancore State, India
Northern Circars, Madras
Goa, India
Palanpur State, India
Kathiawar, Western India
China, Asia
Bombay, India
Punjab, India
India, Asia
India, Asia
Euphrates River, Asia
India, Asia
Mysore State, India
Gujarat, India
Goa, India
Bombay, India
Iran, Asia
Iran, Asia
Gwalior State, India
Bengal, India
Madras, India
Jaipur State, India
Persian Gulf, Asia
Hyderabad State, India
Punjab, India
Iran, Asia
Deccan, India
Bengal, India
Tigris River, Asia
Russia, Europe, Asia
Japan, Asia
Indus River, India
Khairpur State, India
Kalat State, Pakistan
Multan, Punjab
Singapore, Asia
Hyderabad State, India
Afghanistan, Asia
Cawnpore, India
Morvi State, India
Satara, Bombay
Russia, Europe, Asia
Bombay, India
Mandi State, India
Bombay, India
Carnatic Region, India
Baria State, India
Socotra, South Yemen
Sarawak, Malaysia
Aden, Yemen
Iraq, Asia
Macao, China
Iran, Asia
Satara, Bombay
Burma, Asia
Hyderabad State, India
Syria, Asia
Egypt, Africa
Colaba, Bombay
India, Asia
Sind, India
Kalat State, Pakistan
Bombay, India
Punjab, India
Calcutta, India
Penang, Malaysia
Aden, Yemen
Herat, Afghanistan
Madras, India
Turkey, Asia minor
Oudh, India
Godavari River, India
Nagpur, Central Provinces
Egypt, Africa
Kolhapur State, India
Burma, Asia
Central Provinces, India
Burma, Asia
Kuria Muria Islands, Arabian Sea
Akalkot State, India
Oudh, India
Aleppo, Syria

Corporate Body

Active 1798

Active 1921

Related Descriptions


Ark ID: w6wj2b1r

SNAC ID: 64720108