referencedIn |
Letters of Lt (later Commodore) John Pepper (c1794-1848), Indian Navy 1811-48; also letters of his son George Augustus Pepper-Staveley (1823-90), Bengal Civil Service 1846-73, and of his wife Jessie Louise, 1821-1872
British Library |
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George Barr papers., 1859
British Library |
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Frederick Collection (1): journals, papers and correspondence of Lt-Col (later General) Edward Frederick (1784-1866), Bombay Army 1799; Assistant Commissary General, Bombay 1813-22; Milit-ary Secretary to Governor of Bombay 1827-28; member, Governor..., 1801-1831
British Library |
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Papers of Sir Charles Wood, 1st Viscount Halifax (1800-85), as President of the Board of Control 1853-55, and Secretary of State for India 1859-66, 1853-1870
British Library |
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Edwin Dawes papers., 1857-1859
British Library |
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Clement William Robert Hooper papers., 1910-1917
British Library |
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Welham Johnstone papers., 1857
British Library |
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Papers of 1st Viscount Chelmsford as Viceroy of India 1916-21, 1916-1921
British Library |
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Papers of Sir John Willoughby, Bombay Civil Service 1817-51; East India Company Director 1854-58; Member of Council of India 1858-66, 1798-1864
British Library |
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Papers of Sir Richard Temple, Indian Civil Service 1847-77; Lieutenant-Governor of Bengal 1874-77; Governor of Bombay 1877-80, 1849-1902
British Library |
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Henry Ellis papers., 1857
British Library |
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John James Waterston papers., 1847-1857
British Library |
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Sir George Russell Clerk papers., 1838-1896
British Library |
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Papers of John Cam Hobhouse, Baron Broughton, as President of the Board of Control 1835-41 and 1846-52, 1827-1852
British Library |
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Papers of Robert Vernon Smith, 1st Baron Lyveden (1800-73) as President of the Board of Control 1855-58, 1855-1858
British Library |