Belletti, Giovanni Battista, singer

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Epithet: singer

British Library Archives and Manuscripts Catalogue : Person : Description : ark:/81055/vdc_100000000499.0x000399

Archival Resources
Role Title Holding Repository
creatorOf MS Mus. 1526. Correspondence A–G.ff. 214.includes:f. 1 Gilbert Abbott A Beckett, barrister and comic writer: J. G. Lewis, autograph collector: Letter to J. G. Lewis from Gilbert Abbott A Beckett: 1857: Autogr. f. 2 E. F. V. About, writer of plays: Si... British Library
creatorOf ‘Original letters’: Bedford – Bergson (ff. 252); 1823-1938, n.d.includes:ff. 1-2 Alberto Igenio Randegger, composer: Sir Frederic Hymen Cowen, composer: Herbert Bedford, composer and painter: Francesco Berger, pianist and composer; Secretary, Philhar..., 1823-1938 British Library
creatorOf Receipts (signed) mainly from performers, some entered on printed forms; 1815, 1830-80, n.d. Arranged in alphabetical order. Receipts for 1912-13 have been incorporated into the alphabetical series of ‘Original Letters’ in RPS MSS 333-368.ff. 405. Va..., 1815-1880 British Library
creatorOf Letter book; 1850-58.ff. 179. 225 x 184mm.includes:ff. 2, 10, 34, 54, 56, 60v, 75r, 75v, 77, 95, 96, 97 Sir Michael Costa, composer: George Hogarth, music critic and composer; Secretary, Philharmonic Society: Letters to Sir Michael Costa from Georg..., 1850-1858 British Library
creatorOf Letter book; 1859-66.ff. 91. 226 x 187mm.includes:f. 1 Robert Addison, music publisher: George Hogarth, music critic and composer; Secretary, Philharmonic Society: Letters to Robert Addison from George Hogarth: 1851, 1854, 1858: Copies. ff. 1, 12v, ..., 1859-1866 British Library
referencedIn ‘Original letters’: Ritter – Saint-Säens (ff. 279); 1822-1913, n.d.includes:f. 1 Theodore Ritter, pianist: George Hogarth, music critic and composer; Secretary, Philharmonic Society: Letter to George Hogarth from Theodore Ritter: 1860: Fr.ff. 2-4 ..., 1822-1913 British Library
referencedIn ‘Original letters’: Loewe – Macintyre (ff. 226); 1828-1910, n.d.includes:ff. 1-2 Sophie Johanna Christina Loewe, soprano: Letter from Sophie Johanna Christina Loewe: 1841.ff. 3-4 Sophie Löwe, singer: Letter to the Directors of the Philharmonic So..., 1828-1910 British Library
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Active 1815

Active 1938

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Ark ID: w6hb9cct

SNAC ID: 646650