California. Recreation Commission

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Agency History

The state Recreation Commission, established by the 1947 legislature (Stats. 1947, Ch. 1239, Sec. 8600 - 8608) was authorized to

Regulate the State's resources in order to meet the expanding leisure time of people, Improve co-ordination in existing services of federal, state, and local agencies and To aid in the development of recreational facilities and programs for adults and children. Consisting of seven gubernatorial appointees, serving without compensation, the Commission worked with the Director of Recreation in controlling State facilities.

However, in 1959, the Division of Recreation was added to the Department of Natural Resources (Stats. 1959, Ch. 1808). At the same time, the Recreation Commission was continued as an Advisory body on recreation policy for the Director, Division of Recreation. This Gubernatorial Reorganization Act of 1961 (Stats. 1961, Ch. 2037) created within the Resources Agency the Department of Parks and Recreation, which inherited the responsibilities formerly vested in the following divisions of the Department of Natural Resources: Beaches and Parks, Small Craft Harbors, and Recreation.

From the guide to the Recreation Commission/Dept. of Natural Resources, Division of Recreation Records, (California State Archives)

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Ark ID: w6zw6wk4

SNAC ID: 63890216