The Center for Archaeological Research (CAR) was established in 1974 to: conduct archaeological research throughout Texas and the surrounding regions; carry out archaeological surveys and excavations for federal, state, and local agencies as required by legislation and executive order; provide public and private sector assistance and guidance regarding cultural resource management; provide students training opportunities in archaeological field and laboratory methods and technical writing; and disseminate to the general public information about the prehistory and history of Texas and San Antonio.
Research activities cover prehistoric sites, historic archaeology at Spanish colonial missions, churches and forts, early Texas settlements, and urban archaeology, and bring together archival data and oral histories to guide the scope and level of subsequent field investigations. Staff conduct archaeological investigations in Texas, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Kansas, and Alabama as well as Mexico and South America. Results of these investigations are published in more than 400 volumes. CAR’s staff consists of project archaeologists, a laboratory coordinator and curation specialist, field and laboratory technicians, a GIS specialist, and a draftsman to enable CAR to provide all aspects of cultural resource management. CAR projects commonly involve archaeological and archival research for federal and state agencies, county and city governments, engineering and architecture firms, and other private entities. Such investigations are often required by the Texas Historical Commission and/or the Corps of Engineers to obtain funding, licensing, and permitting public projects.
CAR’s archaeological laboratory has facilities for preparing, processing, analyzing, and curating archeological collections. Staff prepare artifacts for curation obtained by other cultural resource management firms and is a Texas Historical Commission designated curatorial repository that houses artifacts and records from prehistoric and historic sites in San Antonio, South Texas, and surrounding regions. CAR houses the Greater South Texas Prehistoric Collection, the Spanish Heritage Collection, the San Antonio History Collection, and the Greer and Lebo Comparative Stoneware Collection. Selected artifacts from these collections are on display for viewing by students, teachers, and visiting scholars. Hands on the Past is CAR’s educational outreach program, providing information about archaeology and historic preservation to San Antonio students, teachers and the general public. Legacy staff provide tours and training seminars at the CAR facility and present talks at local schools and community events.
From the guide to the Center for Archaeological Research Publications Collection UA 14. 01., 1974-2010, (University of Texas at San Antonio Libraries Special Collections)