Marrot, H.V. (Harold Vincent)

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Marrot was the bibliographer and biographer of John Galsworthy.

From the description of H. V. (Harold Vincent) Marrot correspondence concerning The life and letters of John Galsworthy, 1933-1936. (Harvard University). WorldCat record id: 612373057

From the guide to the H. V. (Harold Vincent Marrot) correspondence concerning, The life and letters of John Galsworthy, 1933-1936., (Houghton Library, Harvard College Library, Harvard University)

Relation Name
correspondedWith Alexander, Florence Theleur, Lady, d. 1946 person
associatedWith Alfred Sutro person
correspondedWith Baring, Maurice, 1874-1945 person
correspondedWith Beaumont, Sybil. person
correspondedWith B , F . person
correspondedWith Chesterton, Frances, 1875-1938 person
correspondedWith Coutts & Co. corporateBody
correspondedWith Crewe, Robert Offley Ashburton Crewe-Milnes, Marquis of, 1858-1945 person
correspondedWith Cunninghame Graham, R. B. (Robert Bontine), 1852-1936 person
correspondedWith D , C . person
correspondedWith Douglas-Pennant, Claud, 1867-1955 person
correspondedWith Edenborough, Eric John Horatio, 1893-1965 person
associatedWith Edmund Gosse. person
correspondedWith Ervine, St. John G. (St. John Greer), b. 1883 person
correspondedWith Ford, Ford Madox, 1873-1939 person
correspondedWith Ford, May. person
correspondedWith Galsworthy, E. H. person
correspondedWith Galsworthy, Frank. person
correspondedWith Galsworthy, Hubert. person
associatedWith Galsworthy, John, 1867-1933. person
correspondedWith Garnett, Edward, 1868-1937 person
associatedWith G. K. (Gilbert Keith) Chesterton. person
associatedWith Gosse, Philip, 1879-1959 person
correspondedWith Granville-Barker, Harley, 1877-1946 person
correspondedWith Hackett, Francis, 1883-1962 person
correspondedWith Hardy, Florence Emily, 1881-1937 person
correspondedWith Hart, Charles D. person
correspondedWith Hart-Davis, S. N. person
correspondedWith Horniman, Annie Elizabeth Fredericka, 1860-1937 person
correspondedWith Hudson, Mary. person
correspondedWith Ilchester, Helen, Lady. person
associatedWith James Ramsay MacDonald. person
correspondedWith Jennings, Gertrude E. person
associatedWith John Morley. person
correspondedWith Kane, Whitford, 1882-1956 person
correspondedWith Kenyon, Frederic G. (Frederic George), Sir, 1863-1952 person
associatedWith Lionel Ford person
correspondedWith Locke, Arimée M. person
correspondedWith Lucas, E. V. (Edward Verrall), 1868-1938 person
correspondedWith Mackail, Denis George, b. 1892 person
correspondedWith Masefield, John, 1878-1967 person
associatedWith McKenna, Stephen, 1888- person
correspondedWith Morley, Guy. person
correspondedWith Nevinson, Henry Woodd, 1856-1941 person
correspondedWith O'Riordan, Conal, 1874-1948 person
associatedWith Partridge, Robert. person
correspondedWith Pearman, Violet. person
correspondedWith Peppercorn, Gertrude, 1878-1974 person
correspondedWith Phillpotts, Eden, 1862-1960 person
correspondedWith Reynolds, M. E. (Mabel Edith), b. 1871 person
correspondedWith Roberts, Morley, 1857-1942 person
correspondedWith Rothenstein, William, Sir, 1872-1945 person
correspondedWith Sadler, Michael, Sir, 1861-1943 person
correspondedWith Samuel, Herbert Louis Samuel, Viscount, 1870-1963 person
correspondedWith Sassoon, Siegfried, 1886-1967 person
associatedWith Shaw, Bernard, 1856-1950 person
associatedWith Sir George Alexander. person
associatedWith Sir Gerald Du Maurier. person
associatedWith Sir Winston Churchill. person
associatedWith Stanley Baldwin, Earl Baldwin. person
associatedWith Thomas Hardy. person
correspondedWith Villard, H. G. person
associatedWith Walter Lionel George. person
correspondedWith Webb, N. D. person
associatedWith W. H. (William Henry) Hudson. person
associatedWith Williams, W. W. A. person
Place Name Admin Code Country
English literature






Ark ID: w6516vzw

SNAC ID: 63434751