Rolland, Romain, French author

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Epithet: French author

British Library Archives and Manuscripts Catalogue : Person : Description : ark:/81055/vdc_100000000208.0x0003b3

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creatorOf STEFAN ZWEIG COLLECTION. Vol. CLXXXVI. Essays; early 20th cent. French.ff. 18. 273 x 207mm. 1. ff. 1-17. 'La Jeunesse Suisse'; 1917 (see f. 17). Draft. Printed in R. Rolland, Les Précurseurs, (Paris, 1919), pp. 71-89. 2. f. 18. Declaration of indepen..., 1917-1919 British Library
creatorOf Vol. XI (ff. 343). 1917-1922.includes:ff. 1, 7 Colonel Arthur Harry Hutton-Wilson, DSO; general staff: Correspondence with G. B. Shaw of Col. Arthur Harry Hutton-Wilson: 1917: Partly signed and copy.f. 2 Alice Cooke, secretary of 'The Three Arts..., 1917-1922 British Library
creatorOf G. B. SHAW PAPERS: SERIES I. Vol. XLI (ff. 200). Correspondence with:1. ff. 1-44v. Ada Rehan and Lady Christine Barrington; 1904, 1905.2. ff. 45-114. Charles Ricketts; 1907-1926, n.d.3. ff. 115-133. J. M. Robertson; 1885-1927.4. ff. 134-176. Corr..., 1885-1949 British Library
creatorOf Vol. CLXXXIV (ff.111)Romain Rolland, French author: Final part of the novel Jean-Christophe by Romain Rolland: 1911-1912: Fr: Autogr. draft. British Library
creatorOf MSS Mus. 1574-1576. Romain Rolland: ‘Beethoven. The Great Creative Epochs. The Song of the Resurrection. (Missa Solemnis and the Last Sonatas)’; [circa 1990]. Typescript prepared for publication, with illustrations. In English. A translation by H..., approximately 1990 British Library
creatorOf Letter from Puvis de Chavannes, French painter, to an unidentified correspondent; 27 Feb. 1888; together with one from Romain Rolland to a 'Monsieur Landsberg'; 25 Feb. 1927, and two postcards and a letter from unidentified persons; 1876, 1883, n.d. ... British Library
creatorOf Vol. CLXXXV (ff.108)Romain Rolland, French author: Final part of the novel Jean-Christophe by Romain Rolland: 1911-1912: Fr: Autogr. draft. British Library
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Active 1885

Active 1990

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Ark ID: w6p94rn8

SNAC ID: 63315638