John II Casimir, King of Poland

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Accession date: 1648

Places: Poland

Title: King of Poland

British Library Archives and Manuscripts Catalogue : Person : Description : ark:/81055/vdc_100000000387.0x0002c0

Archival Resources
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referencedIn Vol. ii. (ff. 535). 1649-1660.1. " List of persons excluded out of France by the agreement with Cromwell "; 1649. f. 6. 2. Instructions for Sir Henry Hyde, "Consul for Greece and the islands there of "; St. 19 Sept. 11349, f. 9;-for a Royalist agent ..., 1649-1660 British Library
creatorOf MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTION of historical papers relating to Rome, France, Poland, Savoy, Spain, Bohemia, and Venice, mostly during the papacy of Innocent X; circa 1598-1655. Italian. Copies. Title-pages with pendecoration throughout. Table of contents ... British Library
referencedIn VOL. I. 1. Letters to Sir G. Downing from John Lisle, President [of the Council of State]; Londdn, 13 Apr. 1652, f. 5; with answer; Dalkeith, 24 Apr., f. 7. John Thurloe; London, 23 Aug. 27 Slay, 1659; with seals, ff. 8, 11, 25, 41, 51-55, 57, 59, 61..., 1644-1682 British Library
creatorOf MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTION of historical papers relating to Portugal, Rome, France, Tuscany, Candia, Venice, Perugia, and Poland; circa 1619-1649. Italian and Latin. Copies. The MS. includes: -(a) manifesto (art. 1) of King John IV of Portugal, 1647; ... British Library
referencedIn Vol. V, ff. 310, XVIII cent.Tanneguy Le Veneur, Comte de Tillières; French Ambassador to England: Negotiations respecting the marriage between Charles I and Henrietta Maria: 1624-1625.: Fr.: Copies.Antoine Coeffier Ruzé, Marquis d'Effiat; French Amba..., 18th century British Library
referencedIn THURLOE PAPERS. Vol. IV (ff. 207). Viz:-(1) Frederick III, of Denmark, to the States General; 30 Aug. 1659. English translation. Cf. art. 32. Followed by translations of correspondence of W. Boreel and other Dutch and French ministers on the affairs ... British Library
referencedIn ORIGINAL letters to Monsignore Camillo de'Maasimi, Patriarch of Jerusalem and Nuncio in Spain [afterwards Cardinal]; 1650-1668. Among the writers are:-1. Philip IV. of Spain; Madrid, 5 July, 1650-6 Sept. 1665. Span; with sea1s. ff. 1, 6, 190, 285, ..., 1650-1668 British Library
referencedIn PELL PAPERS. Vol. III (ff. 325). Miscellaneous; circ. 1631-1681. The latter part of this volume contains Pell's letters to his wife Ithumaria, his son John, and his daughters Elizabeth and Bathshua, as well as papers connected with the rectory of Fob..., approximately 1631-1681 British Library
referencedIn THURLOE PAPERS. Vol. V (ff. 280. Vil:-(1) The Dutch Commissioners for the treaty with Sweden, to the States General; Copenhagen, 16/26 Apr. 1660. Dutch and English translation. Copies. Op. cit . vii, p. 898. ff. 1-4. (2) Charles Longland, Agent at Le... British Library
referencedIn ORIGINAL. LETTERS signed or written by Kings of Poland and Prussia, from 1552 to 1806; viz.:-Sigismund Augustus,King of Poland,toJulius III.,Pope; dat.Pyotrconiæ, 22 Feb. 1552, Lat.; with seal (on vellum), f. 1 ;-John Casimir, Prince of Poland and Sw..., 1552-1806 British Library
referencedIn THURLOE PAPERS. Vol. II (ff. 215). Viz:-(1) Ratification by the Parliament of pension of £400 to Sir Archibald Johnston; 16 March 1649/50. Copy. f. 1. (2) Oliver Cromwell to John Cotton, Pastor of Boston, New England; 2 Oct. 1651. Copy. Printed in t... British Library
referencedIn Vol. I (ff. 276). Viz:-(1) Appointment by Edward IV of John Russell, Bishop of Rochester, and Anthony Wydville, Earl Rivers, to be Governors of Edward, Prince of Wales; 28 Sept. 1473. Copy. ff. 1-5b. (2) Sir Richard Morison to the Council; Spires, 7... British Library
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Dublin, Ireland
Candia, Crete
Zurich, Switzerland
Orsett, Essex
Turkey, Asia Minor
Cannanore, E. India
Gloucestershire, England
West Indies, America
Ireland, Europe
Netherlands, Europe
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Fobbing, Essex
Netherlands, Europe
Barbados, the Carribean
Netherlands, Europe
London, England
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Rhé, Brittany
Gibraltar, Spain
Bremen, Germany
Dardanelles, Greece
Bestwood Park, Nottinghamshire
Dean, Forest of, Gloucestershire
Frankfurt-am-Main, Germany
Canterbury, Roman Catholic Province of, England
County Durham, England
County Durham, England
Prague, Bohemia
Switzerland, Europe
Alderney, Channel Islands
Munster, Province of, Germany
Perugia, Italy
Scilly Islands, England
Dunkirk, France
Ireland, Europe
Ireland, Europe
Venice, Italy
Maryland, Province of, N. America
Netherlands, Europe
Cumberland, England
Cathay, China
Mersey Island, Essex
Virginia, U.S.A.
Leix, Leinster
Nérac, France
Cochin, India
Scotland, Kingdom of, United Kingdom
Whichwood Forest, Oxfordshire
Ireland, Europe
Switzerland, Europe
Netherlands, Europe
Netherlands, Europe


Active 1552

Active 1806

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Ark ID: w6678rc5

SNAC ID: 63065079