Duchy of Ferrara (active 1501-1709)

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referencedIn MISCELLANEOUS papers relating to England, France, Italy, and the Netherlands, consisting chiefly of copies of letters, relations, despatches, etc.; in Italian, Spanish, and Latin. Among them are:-1. "Se sia espediente alla Reina d'Inghilterra marita..., 16th century-17th century British Library
referencedIn VOL. II. 1. Letter of the Magistrates of Ravenna, desiring the suppression of a lottery; 15 Jan. 1708, f. 1. 2. The Magistrates of Cesena, respecting creditors for expenses in the passage of the Imperial troops; 6 Feb. 1708, f. 3. 3. Letters of Gaeta..., 1708-1709 British Library
referencedIn (ff. 392). TREATIES between the Kings of France and the following powers: The Popes, 1514-1555, f. 1; the Dukes of Ferrara, 1527-1556, ff.110, 356; the Republic of Florence, 1396 1508, f. 128b; the Republic of Siena, 1552, 1557, f. 177; the Republic ... British Library
referencedIn "DELLA Nobilta della citta di Ferrara et delle Famiglie Nobili di qvella, di Filippo Rodai, dottor di legge Ferrarese;" circa 1620. Autograph (?) Paper. Octavo.Filippo Roddi, LLD, of Ferrara: Treatise on the nobility of Ferrara: circ. 1620.: Ital.Duc..., approximately 1620 British Library
referencedIn ANNALS of Ferrara, with genealogies of the Dukes, etc. Ital. Among the contents are 1. "Genealogia delli Signori Estensi, Prencipi in Ferrara, con breve trattato de loro preclari gesti composto da Mario Equicolo de Alueto dell' anno mdxvi," f. 3. 2. ..., approximately 1700 British Library
referencedIn EDMONDES PAPERS. Vol. VII. (ff. 321). 26 March, 1611-30 June, 1612. During this period affairs connected with the succession of Cleves were quiet. The two Electors were content, after Juliers had been recaptured, to renew their engagement to continue... British Library
referencedIn VOL. I. 1. "Instruzioni ai Prelati che sono eletti alla Vice-Legatione di Ferrara;" in 29 chapters. In a later hand is added the note, "Deve essere di Mr. poi Card. [Fabrizio] Serbelloni, che fu Vice-Legato nella Sede vacante di Clemente XI., 1721,"..., 1705-1707 British Library
referencedIn ANNALS of Ferrara; 1471-1483, by Ugo Calefino: copied in 1581 by Giulio Mosto, and continued by Girolamo Merenda, in his own hand, down to 1534. At f. 2 are some notes on Merenda, and at ff. 62 b, 63 are, in the hand of Giulio Mosto, a copy of a docu... British Library
referencedIn INSTRUCTIONS of Pope Clement VIII. to his envoys; in Italian:-1. The envoy to Ferrara, with other papers relating to the duchies of Ferrara and Modena; [1594], f. 1. 2. Mons. Doria [? Joanettino Doria, afterwards Cardinal], Commissary to the Camp of ..., 16th century British Library
referencedIn (ff. 96). " Discours en faveur du Due de Ferrare sur le différend de préséance qui estoit entre luy et le Due de Florence; 1562."State of Florence: Question of precedence with Ferrara: 1562.: Fr.Duchy of Ferrara: Question of precedence with Florence:... British Library
Role Title Holding Repository
Relation Name
Place Name Admin Code Country
Düsseldorf, Westphalia
Macerata, Italy
Dozza, Italy
Longastrino, Italy
Caravaca, Spain
Genoa, Italy
Ravenna, Italy
Forlì, Italy
Goro, Italy
Meldola, Italy
Cesena, Italy
Lugo, Italy
Cesena, Italy
Italy, Europe
Christianople, Denmark
Borghi, Italy
Utrecht, the Netherlands
Siena, Tuscany
Venice, Italy
Florence, Italy
Netherlands, Europe
Lucca, Republic of, Italy
Scotland, Kingdom of, United Kingdom
Virginia, U.S.A.
Rimini, Italy
Rimini, Italy
Imola, Italy
Faenza, Italy
Ravenna, Italy

Corporate Body

Active 1501

Active 1709

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Ark ID: w658110x

SNAC ID: 61745458