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‘The Hebrew son, or, The child of Babylon’ (‘Joseph and his brethren’), drama in three acts. Licence sought 11 March 1852 for performance at the Olympic, but refused on 13 March. According to LCO Day Book Add. 53703, the refusal of a licence was bec...
British Library |
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‘A fascinating individual, or, Too agreeable by half’, farce in one act by Henry Danvers. Licence sent 16 April 1856 for performance at the Olympic 9 June 1856. Letter signed by ‘Mr. J. Linden for Mr. A. Wigan’ bound into MS. Published in Lacy’s,...
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'Daddy Hardacre', drama in two acts by J. P. Simpson. Licence sent 11 April 1857 for performance at the Olympic 26 March 1857. Revisions throughout the text. LCO Day Book Add. 53073 records the stipulation that 'O God' be altered to 'O Heaven'. ...
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'Still waters', drama in three acts by 'John Roakes' [i.e., Tom Taylor]. Licence sent 25 April 1855 for performance at the Olympic 14 May 1855. Published in Lacy's, vol. 22, no. 319, under the title ‘Still waters run deep’. Keywords: musicians, l...
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GILBERT PAPERS. Vol. XLVI (ff. 285). 1. ff. 1-153. Letters, accounts, etc., of Horace Wall to Gilbert relating to the production of 'Engaged' in the United States of America and Canada; 1879. 2. ff. 154-164. Box-office returns for 'Gretchen' at The R..., 1879-1892
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‘The field of terror, or, The gnome lamp’ (‘The gnome’s lantern’ al. ‘Black spider’ al. The devil’s diggings’), romantic drama in two acts. Licence sent 7 August 1852 for performance at the Olympic 9 August 1852. Signed by W. Farren, manager. Ext...
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'The commencement of a bad farce; but which, however, it is hoped will prove to be Wright at last', farce in one act. Licence sent 29 October 1853 for performance at the Lyceum 31 October 1853. Portion of letter requiring phrases to be omitted has...
British Library |
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5 Reward!', farce in one act by John Oxenford. Licence sent 28 November 1855 for performance at the Olympic 3 December 1855. Published in Lacy's, vol. 24, no. 358. Keywords: fashion, duelling, travel, transport, Crimea, doctors and medicine.ff. 4...
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'A sheep in wolf's clothing', domestic drama in two acts by Tom Taylor. Licence sent 1 March 1857 for performance at the Olympic 19 February 1857. Revisions throughout the text. Published in Lacy's, vol. 37, no. 549. Keywords: the press, executi...
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‘Jones, the avenger’, farce in one act by F. Talfourd. Licence sent 18 November 1856 for performance at the Olympic 24 November 1856. Keywords: servants, science and technology, illness, orphans, letters, family relationships.ff. 20.London; Secula...
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'The discreet princess, or, The three glass distaffs', extravaganza in one act by J. R. Planché. Licence sent 22 December 1855 for performance at the Olympic 26 December 1855. Songs included in MS. Published in Lacy’s, vol. 24, no. 357. Keywords...
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'Masaniello', an extravaganza in one act by R. B. Brough. Licence sent 27 June 1857 for performance at the Olympic 2 July 1857. Many revisions in different hands and on different types of paper. Illustration of revolutionaries’ banners included o...
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'A splendid investment', an original farce in one act by W. B. Bernard. Licence sent 8 April 1857 for performance at the Olympic 11 February 1857. Published in Lacy's, vol.30, no. 439. Keywords: seaside settings, food and dining, businessmen, pov...
British Library |
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'Tit for tat', comedietta in two acts by F. Talfourd and A. S. Wigan. Licence sent 10 January 1855 for performance at the Olympic 22 January 1855. Revisions throughout. Published in Lacy's, vol. 17, no. 252. Keywords: food and dining, fashion, l...
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'Deadly reports', comedietta in one act by J. P. Simpson. Licence sent 19 October 1857 for performance at the Olympic 26 October 1857. Cover signed ‘Lessees Messrs. Robson and W.S. Emden.’ Keywords: the supernatural, widows, ghosts, law and the l...
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'Catching a mermaid', an ‘amphibious piece of extravagance’ by J. S. Coyne. Licence sent 15 October 1855 for performance at the Royal Olympic 20 October 1855. Revisions throughout. Published in Lacy's, vol. 24, no. 353. Keywords: theatre, festiv...
British Library |
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‘A conjugal lesson’, farce in one act by Henry Danvers. Licence sent 11 June 1856 for performance at the Olympic 3 July 1856. Letter requesting licence signed by W. J. Emden bound in with MS. Published in Lacy’s, vol. 27, no. 392. For another ve...
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'The doge of Duralto, or, The enchanted eyes', Christmas extravaganza by R. B. Brough. Licence sent 21 December 1857 for performance at the Olympic 26 December 1857. Many revisions and stage cues added in different hands, sometimes in pencil. Son...
British Library |
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A subterfuge (Book 3, chapter1), comedy in one act translated and adapted from the French of Eugène Pierron and Adolphe Laferrière. Printed. Licence sent 1 August 1857 for performance at the Olympic. Lacy's edition of Livre 3, chapitre 1er has be...
British Library |
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‘Retribution’, domestic drama in four acts by Tom Taylor, based on Le loi de talion by Charles de Bernard. Licence sent 26 March 1856 for performance at the Olympic 12 May 1856. Not listed in LCO Day Book Add. 53073. Published in Lacy’s, vol. 27,...
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'The lighthouse', drama in two acts with a prologue. Acts one and two by Wilkie Collins. Licence sent 1 August 1857 for performance at the Olympic 10 August 1857. Keywords: nautical interest, death, ghosts, dreams, Cornwall, murder, illness.ff. 2...
British Library |
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‘Young and handsome’, a fairy extravaganza by J. R. Planché, from the fairy tale ‘Jeune et belle’, by Madame Murat. Licence sent 22 December 1856 for performance at the Olympic 26 December 1856. Songs included in MS. Published in Lacy’s, vol. 29,...
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'Leading strings', comedy in three acts by A. C. Troughton. Licence sent 8 October 1857 for performance at the Olympic 19 October 1857. LCO Day Book Add. 53073 records the stipulation that all oaths be omitted. Published in Lacy’s, vol. 33, no. 4...
British Library |
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'Love and avarice', drama in two acts. Licence sent 1 June 1853 for performance at the Olympic 6 June 1853. Signed by W. Farren, manager. Keywords: food and dining, family relationships, crime.ff. 107.London; Secular Institutions. Theatres. Olymp...
British Library |
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‘The married flirt, or, A conjugal lesson’ (‘Stay at home’), comedy in two acts by Henry Danvers. Licence sent 31 January 1856 for performance at the Olympic 3 July 1856. LCO Day Book Add. 53073 records the stipulation that all oaths be omitted. ...
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‘Medea, or, The best of mothers with a brute of a husband’, burlesque in one act by R. B. Brough. Licence sent 12 July 1856 for performance at the Olympic 14 July 1856. Revisions in different coloured inks throughout the text. Signed Rob. B. Brou...
British Library |
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'The merchant of Venice preserved' ('Shylock, a Jerusalem hearty-joke'), burlesque in one act. Licence sent 1 July 1853 for performance at the Olympic 4 July 1853. Signed by W. Farren, manager. Revisions throughout. Songs included in MS. Publis...
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‘Crinoline’, farce in one act by R. B. Brough. Licence sent 24 December 1856 for performance at the Olympic 18 December 1856. Cover signed Robert B. Brough. Revisions throughout text. Speaking cues and stage directions underlined in contrasting ...
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'Thieves! Thieves!!' ('Wanted immediately:--a respectable housebreaker'; 'Wanted immediately:--a respectable burglar'), farce in one act. Licence sent 8 April 1857 for performance at the Olympic 12 March 1857. Cover signed G. H. Lewes, 7 Clarence...
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'What will they say at Brompton?', farce in one act by J. S. Coyne. Licence sent 31 August 1857 for performance at the Olympic 23 November 1857. Cover signed Stirling Coyne but crossed out. Actors' names listed alongside dramatis personae. Revis...
British Library |