Burgundy (Family : of Add MS 36616)

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TitleOccupation: Dukes of

British Library Archives and Manuscripts Catalogue : Family : Description : ark:/81055/vdc_100000000033.0x000020

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Role Title Holding Repository
referencedIn Paper, folio, ff. 75, xvi. Cent., formerly belonging to Sir Will. Detheck, Garter. 1. Letter from [Maximilian I.] King of the Romans to the inhabitants of the Duchy and County of Burgundy, in which he promises to come in a months time, to deliver the... British Library
referencedIn LETTERS of obligation by Ottes, Sire de Grantson, Jaques de Vienne, Sire de Lony, and other nobles of Burgundy, relative to the payment of the said 200,000 moutons d'or, due from Philip of Burgundy to Edward III. Dated London, 19 Nov. 1361, and Dijon... British Library
referencedIn CHARTER of Edward III. postponing the marriage (which never took place) of his son Edmund, Earl of Cambridge, with Margaret, Duchess of Burgundy and the payment of 100,000 francs due to the Duchess's father., Louis, Count of Flanders, on the wedding-... British Library
referencedIn Codex partim membranaceus, partim chartaceus, ff. 120, sec. XV. 1. "Tractatus libri honeste vite, editus a Martino [Dumiensi sive Braccarensi] Episcopo, qui a multis intitulatur, De quatuor virtutibus, et attribuitur Senece." fol. Ad calcem: "Explici... British Library
referencedIn Codex chartaceus, in 4to., ff. 39, sec. xv. 1. "Ordonnances faictes par Monsr. le Comte de Charoloix [Charles le Téméraire] et les gens de son grant conseil estant les luy, touchant le bailli et bailliage d'Amiens"; d. Peronne, le 6. de Juin 1466. fo... British Library
referencedIn LITTERÆ Philippi, Archiducis Austriæ, Ducis Burgundiæ, etc., recitantes et confirmantes Tractatum amicitiæ et intercursus inter Henricum VII., Regem Angliæ, et seipsum factum, dat. Londoniis, 24 Feb. 1495; manu propria Archiducis subscriptæ, et datæ ... British Library
referencedIn ORIGINAL instructions given by Charles the Bold, Duke of Burgundy, (when Count of Charolois,) to Phelipe Pot, Seigneur de la Roiche, and Pierre, Seigneur de Goux, Chevaliers, to treat with the ambassadors of the King of Scotland. Dat. 21 May, 1465. A... British Library
referencedIn LETTERS of obligation of Philip, Duke of Burgundy, for the payment of the residue of a debt of 200,000 moutons d'or to Edward III. of England, in consideration of a truce of three years, and the restoration of the town of Flavigny. Dated Dijon, 10 De... British Library
referencedIn "MEMOIRS of the Delapoles, Dukes of Suffolk," to 1513, with pedigrees, coats of arms in gold and colours, drawings of tombs, etc., by Sarah Steuart Fripp. Autograph. Included are pedigrees of the families of Wingfield (f. 27), Stafford (f. 32), Chauc... British Library
referencedIn Dukes of Burgundy: Charles the Bold. Seal: [1467-1477]. British Library
referencedIn MISSAL of Franciscan use. The contents are as follows (artt. 1 and 2 being additions in a late 14th-early 15th cont. hand) :-1. Calendar (Jan. and Feb. wanting). f. 1. Many saints associated with the Low Countries (Gertrude, Servacius, Boniface, Hub... British Library
referencedIn INSTRUCTIONS to the Commissioners of the King of France, to treat with the Englisli Ambassadors, respecting the restitution of Isabel, Queen of England, with her dower and jewels, the redress of infringements of the truce between the two countries, a... British Library
Role Title Holding Repository
Relation Name
Place Name Admin Code Country
Térouane, Artois
Paris, France
Anjou, France
Halton, Buckinghamshire
Ewelme, Oxfordshire
London, England
Scotland, United Kingdom
Burgundy, France
Rycott Parva, Oxfordshire
Cologne, Germany
Crendewelle, Buckinghamshire
Amiens, France
Sillé-Le-Guillaume, le Maine
Rycott Magna, Oxfordshire


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Ark ID: w6jr0nf2

SNAC ID: 61420737