Sovereigns of England (active 1282-1804)

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referencedIn MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS of Lewis Morris, intitled by him 'Rhapsodia.' The principal contents are :-Englyns and short poems in Welsh, by various writers, among whom are Syr Ifan [o Garno]; Syr H. R. Len; William Cynwal; John Gruffydd; William Phili..., 1282-1759 British Library
referencedIn A COLLECTION of Welsh Poems, intitled Caer Rhun, No. 2 ; badly written in various bands of the xvith and xviith centuries; containing works of the following Bards, with other anonymous pieces:-Bedo Eurdrem;-Dafydd ap Edmund;-Dafydd ap Gwilim;-Dafydd..., 16th century-17th century British Library
referencedIn MISCELLANEOUS Collections, by Richard Morris, relating to British History; transeripts of poems of Welsh Bards, etc., as follows:-', A Catalogue of the British names of Plants, sent me by Robert Davyes, of Guissaney, in Flintshire," f. 6 b.;-Names o..., 1580-1774 British Library
referencedIn A Volume in quarto, on paper; consisting Of Miscellaneous Law Tracts: and containing,1. The ordinary Course of Proceedings in Causes depending in his Mats. most honorable Court of Star-Chamber. fol. 1. 2. Report of the Case of Perrin v. Blake B. R. H... British Library
referencedIn WELSH POEMS Of various Bards, written in the xvith century, viz..-Dafydd ap Edmwnt;-Dafydd ap Gwilim;-Dafydd Jones, Vickar Llanfair; -Davydd Piers;-Edmwnd Price or Prees;-Edward Maelor;-Foulk Lloyd;-Gruffydd ap Jevan ap Llywelyn Vaughan or Vychan;-G..., 16th century British Library
referencedIn Vol. 1. containing:-Cwynion, or Ancient Welsh law pleadings, p. I ;-Various pieces in prose and verse, among which are poems by Simwnt Fychan and Dr. Elis, and the twenty-four Goreuon, or most excellent things, p. 6 -Catalogue of the Kings of Britai..., 1768-1769 British Library
referencedIn Collections relating to the King's Prerogative and Power, Nobility, Parliament, &c. Folio; on paper.England; Sovereigns of, and transactions in particular reigns: Collections relating to the King's Prerogative, &c. British Library
referencedIn ANOTHER VOLUME Of Miscellaneous Collections, by Lewis Morris. The principal contents are as follows :-List of Welsh words omitted by Dr. Davies and Mr. Llywd, f. 2;-Index of the contents of the volume called Prif feirdd Cymreig [Add. 14,867], f. 8; ..., 1663-1761 British Library
referencedIn PEDIGREES Of Welsh families, written in the xviith century, intermixed with which are the following articles:-Catalogue of the Peers of the realm of England, temp. Car. II., f. 9 ;-Inventory of the goods and chattels of Thomas Bankes, Dean of St. Asa..., 17th century British Library
referencedIn PEDIGREES of the Sovereigns and Nobility of England, the latter consisting of Dukes, Marquesses, and Earls, in many cases corrected by the Peers themselves; with an alphabetical index of the family names. Collected by William Berry, for an intended P... British Library
referencedIn MISCELLANEOUS Poems, Prophecies, etc., in Welsh, written by various bands, in the xvith, xviith, and xviiith centuries, viz. :-Poems by Dafydd Llwyd ap Llewelyn ap Gruffydd-Merddyn Wyllt;-Jevan Feidwi;-Dafydd Gorlech;-Robin Du;-William Phylip;-Huw P..., 16th century-18th century British Library
referencedIn A Volume, in folio, on paper: consisting of Parliamentary and other Records and Papers. Viz. 1. Concerning the King's Right to Impose without the Assent of Parliament : with Copies of Records pro et con from 16 Hen. III. to I Eliz. fol. 2. 2. Ecclesi... British Library
referencedIn A VOLUME transcribed by Owen Jones, in 1769-1804, and containing the following Treatises, Poems, etc., in Welsh:-Treatise of Rhetoric, by Henry Perry, copied from the edition printed at London, 1595, p. 1 ;-Letter from William Salsburi to Gruffudd Hi..., 1528-1804 British Library
referencedIn A folio Volume, of Collections on Chancery Jurisdiction; on paper: containing, 1. Breviates out of the Records in the Tower concerning the Authority of the Chancery, with directions to find the Originals. fol. 1. 2. De Cancellario et Cancellaria ex A... British Library
referencedIn A COLLECTION Of coats of Arms and Quarterings of the nobility of England, in the time of James I., drawn by Sir Richard St. George, Clarenceux; with a pedigree of English sovereigns, from Egbert to Henry VI.; and an index. Folio. [14,305] British Library
Role Title Holding Repository
Relation Name
Place Name Admin Code Country
Hindustan, South Asia
Southampton, Hampshire
Oxford, Oxfordshire
Guernsey, Channel Islands
Rhoscolyn, Anglesey
Vale Crucis, Denbighshire
Anglesey, Wales
Milford, Pembrokeshire
Gibraltar, Spain
Montgomeryshire, Wales
Geneu 'r Glynn, Cardiganshire
North America, America
Dulas, Anglesey
Llanbabo, Anglesey

Corporate Body

Active 1282

Active 1804

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Ark ID: w6x44khv

SNAC ID: 61356327