Canemaker, John

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John Canemaker (b. 1943) is an internationally recognized independent animator, animation historian, author, teacher and lecturer . In 1980, he began teaching and developing the animation program at New York University, Tisch School of the Arts' Kanbar Institute of Film and Television Department . Since 1988 he has directed the program and is currently a tenured full professor. From 2001-2002 he was Acting Chair of the NYU Undergraduate Film and Television Department.

Raised in Elmira, New York, Canemaker began an acting career which included off-Broadway and advertising work in New York City from 1961 to 1965. In 1967, after a two-year stint in the Army, Canemaker, with funds from acting assignments in TV commercials (he appeared in over 35 advertisements for major products), obtained his Bachelor of Arts degree from Marymount Manhattan College in 1974 and Master of Fine Arts in Film from New York University in 1976.

While studying for his Bachelor of Arts degree, Canemaker's childhood interest in animation revived. He began making sponsored animated shorts and wrote the first of more than 100 articles on animation history. His first book, the story of the making of Richard Williams' RAGGEDY ANN and ANDY, was published in 1977 as "The Animated Raggedy Ann and Andy." In 1982, he wrote the introduction to "Treasures of Disney Animation Art," and, in 1987, he published, "Winsor McCay - His Life and Art," and, in 1991, "Felix, the Twisted Tale of the World's Most Famous Cat." There followed "Tex Avery: The MGM Years" and "Before the Animation Begins: The Art and Lives of Disney Inspirational Sketch Artists (both in 1997), "Paper Dreams: The Art and Artists of Disney Storyboards" (1999), "Walt Disney's Nine Old Men and the Art of Animation" (2001), and "The Art and Flair of Mary Blair" (2003). Research material from all of these books now resides in the Fales Library. "Lucy Goes to the Country," a 1998 children's book collaboration with Joseph Kennedy, contains illustrations by Canemaker.

His research in the history of animation inspired two of his own films, REMEMBERING WINSOR McCAY (1976) and OTTO MESSMER and FELIX THE CAT (1977).

Canemaker's filmography includes independently-made animated shorts that are part of the permanent collection of New York's Museum of Modern Art . Among them: THE 40's (1974), STREET FREAKS (1975), CONFESSIONS OF ASTARDREAMER (1978), THE WIZARD'S SON (1981), BOTTOM'S DREAM (1983),CONFESSIONS OF A STAND-UP (1993), BRIDGEHAMPTON (1998), THE MOON AND THE SON: AN IMAGINED CONVERSATION (2004) a 28-minute film about Canemaker's father.

In the early 1980's, Canemaker animated several Children's Television Workshop films, TV commercials, and, in 1981, created the animation sequences for the Warner Bros. feature THE WORLD ACCORDING TO GARP. He designed and directed animation sequences in the Academy Award-winning HBO documentary YOU DON'T HAVE TO DIE (1988) and the Peabody Award -winning CBS documentary BREAK THE SILENCE: KIDS AGAINST CHILD ABUSE (1994).

JOHN CANEMAKER: MARCHING TO A DIFFERENT TOON, a DVD/home video collection of his films, is distributed by Milestone Film & Video/Image Entertainment. In addition, Canemaker writes regularly on animation for the New York Times and is on-camera and audio commentator for DVD versions of THE FANTASIA ANTHOLOGY, DUMBO, BEAUTY AND THE BEAST, PETER PAN, SNOW WHITE AND THE SEVEN DWARFS, CUT-UP: THE FILMS OF GRANT MUNRO, and WINSOR McCAY: THE MASTER EDITION. He has appeared on NBC 's TODAY, PBS 's NEWS HOUR WITH JIM LEHRER,and ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT, and has lectured throughout the United States and in Brazil, Canada, England, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Slovakia, Spain, Switzerland, and Wales.

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FILMOGRAPHY: Selected Personal Films:


FILMOGRAPHY: Selected Sponsored Films:

RAID (1996) - R/Greenberg Assoc. JET DRY (1996) - R/Greenberg Assoc. LIVING FOSSILS (1995) - National Geographic Society. BREAK THE SILENCE: KIDS AGAINST CHILD ABUSE (1994) - CBS special ANGELS ON ICE (1994) - GMHC psa SHELL OIL (1994)- R/Greenberg Assoc. HOW TO GET BLESSED WITHOUT SNEEZING (1993) - Trinity Television FREE RADICALS (1993) - Este Lauder/Pharmaceuticals THE CREATIVE SPIRIT (1992) - PBS series THE GALAXY CLASSROOM PROJECT (1992) - Hughes/Umbrella Ltd. CIRCUS FOR LIFE (1992) - GMHC psa SCIENCE EXPERIENCES (1992) - MacMillan McGraw-Hill/Terra BEHIND THE SCENES (1992) - Learning Designs/PBS. AIDS DANCE-A-THON (1991) - G.M.H.C. psa DANCE IN AMERICA - EVERYBODY DANCE NOW! (1991) WNET/13 YOUNG PEOPLE AND RELATIONSHIPS (1991) Channing L. Bete Co. BISON BINGE (1991) - CTW - 3-2-1 Contact FLINTSTONES/JETSONS Interactive CD-ROM (1991) - R/Greenberg HATE ON TRIAL (1991) - WNET/13 KIMBERLY CLARK/ NEW FREEDOM (1990) - Ogilvy & Mather REQUEST PAY PER VIEW TV (1990) - E.W. Power Agency WHAT'S UP, DR. RUTH? (1989) - Lifetime Television series WARNING: DIETS MAY BE HAZARDOUS TO YOUR HEALTH (1989) - HBO special FOOD `a la FLOYD (1989) - Lifetime Television series K.C. JONES AND THE QUEST FOR NEVER-ENDING DIAPER DOMINATION (1989) - Huggies Diapers - Ogilvy & Mather YOU DON'T HAVE TO DIE (1988) - HBO special LATE FOR DINNER (1988) - Prod.: Cinemax/New Star THE HUNGER PROJECT (1988) - THP/The Leland Company WALT DISNEY/SILVER SCREEN PARTNERS IV(1987) - Duncan & Katz KOTEX (1987) - Kimberly Clark/Ogilvy & Mather LYLE LYLE CROCODILE (1987) - Prod.: Michael Sporn Prod./HBO special WHO'S THAT GIRL? (1987) - Broadcast Arts/Warner Bro. - title JOHN LENNON SKETCHBOOK (1986) - producer: Yoko Ono HOLIDAY INN (1986) TV commercial. - Bozell, Jacobs, Kenyon & Eckart PEE WEE'S PLAYHOUSE (1986) - CBS/Broadcast Arts THE ADVENTURE (1986) - Michael Sporn/CTW LITTLE NEMO (1985) - Animated feature. Prod.: Tokyo Movie Shinsha BRAINGAMES (1984) - HBO series EFFECTIVE ORAL PRESENTATIONS (1984) - Tower, Perrins, Foster & Crosby KAZ VS THE GYPSY MOTH (1983) - Chemical Abstracts Inc. BENATAR (1983) - HBO/Rising Star Inc. - title CAMPUS COMEDY (1983) - HBO/Rising Star Inc. - title DNA CONCERTO (1983) - 3-2-1 Contact/CTW WHAT DO CHILDREN THINK OF WHEN THEY THINK OF THE BOMB? (1983) - PBS special THE WORLD ACCORDING TO GARP (1982) -Warner Bros. LAUGHTER IS GOOD MEDICINE (1981) - Prod.: Billy Budd Films CATCH A RISING STAR'S 10TH ANNIVERSARY (1981) - HBO title 80 MILLION YEARS AGO (1981) - 3-2-1-Contact/CTW MUSIC MUSIC MUSIC (1981) - CBS Cable WOMAN OF THE YEAR (1981) - Kander and Ebb stage musical/Michael Sporn Productions CAPTAIN KANGAROO'S WAKE-UP (1981) - Bruce Cayard Productions ROCKY HORROR SHOW (1980) - Robert Fishko Productions Sesame Street (1980): LETTER "M"; WASH YOUR HANDS; NEEDLE AND THREAD SNEEZE; HUMMINGBIRD, ME AND MY "M" - Prod.: Bruce Cayard NETHERLANDS (1979) - Hot Hero Sandwich/NBC. Prod.:Jerry Lieberman HAPPY BIRTHDAY (1979) - CTW/3-2-1 Contact Prod.: Jerry Lieberman THE ART OF OSKAR FISHINGER (1977) - CBS Camera Three documentary. Writer and on-camera host: John Canemaker OSTRICH; KITTY; FLEA (1976) - CTW: The Electric Company - Prod.: Bruce Cayard THE BOYS FROM TERMITE TERRACE (1975) - CBS Camera Three documentary. Writer and on-camera host: John Canemaker DANCING BEAR (7 spots) - CBS/Captain Kangaroo (1975) - Prod.: Bruce Cayard ANGRY GOAT - Sesame Street (1975) Prod.: Derek Lamb SCARY THING; JUNGLE ROOM - Sesame Street (1974)- Prod.: Bruce Cayard


JOHN CANEMAKER: MARCHING TO A DIFFERENT TOON ANIMATED FILMS 1978-1998 - Museum of Modern Art, New York, Friday, 6 November 1998. THE ANIMATED FILMS OF JOHN CANEMAKER - The American Film Institute, Los Angeles, 24 January, 1987. FILMS OF JOHN CANEMAKER - Lucca 20, Twentieth Annual Animation/Comic Book Festival - Lucca, Italy, 26 October - 2 November 1986. AN EVENING WITH JOHN CANEMAKER - "Cineprobe" - Museum of Modern Art, New York, November 5, 1984.


The Art and Flair of Mary Blair. New York: Disney Editions, 2003. Walt Disney's Nine Old Men and the Art of Animation. New York: Disney Editions, 2001. Paper Dreams: The Art and Artists of Disney Storyboards. New York: Hyperion, 1999. Lucy Goes to the Country: Alyson Wonderland, 1998. (Text by Joseph Kennedy, illustrations by John Canemaker). Before the Animation Begins: The Art and Lives of Disney Inspirational Sketch Artists. New York: Hyperion, 1996. Tex Avery: The MGM Years. Atlanta: Turner Publishing 1996. Felix - The Twisted Tale of the World's Most Famous Cat. New York: Pantheon 1991; Da Capo, 1996; Dreamland (French ed.), 1996. Winsor McCay - His Life and Art New York: Abbeville Press, 1987. Treasures of Disney Animation Art. New York: Abbeville Press, 1982. The Animated Raggedy Ann & Andy. Indianapolis/New York: Bobbs-Merrill Co. Inc. 1977.

From the guide to the John Canemaker Animation Collection, Bulk, 1970-2000, 1903-2012, (© 2012 Fales Library and Special Collections)

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