Domestic Science was first introduced as a required course in the University's Normal School (later renamed the College of Education) during the academic year 1901-1902, and an independent Department of Domestic Science was established three years later in 1903-1904. This department's name was changed to the Department of Home Economics in 1919-1920. In 1972, a controversial decision was made to abolish the department on the wake of sweeping changes being made to teacher education programs among the state's institutions, but a new Department of Family and Consumer Studies was created within the College of Social and Behavioral Science. The curriculum of this new department de-emphasizes practical homemaking skills and focuses more on the sociological, psychological, and anthropological aspects of family life. The State Board of Education Approved of the new department on May 13, 1974.
From the guide to the University of Utah Department of Family and Consumer Studies records, 1925-1980, (J. Willard Marriott Library, University of Utah)