Kings of Denmark (active 1401-1701)

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referencedIn SAG HISTORICÆ, scil. Rolfi Krakii, Daniæ Regis, Thordi Manduci et Buii, Andridi filii ; Latine versæ. Chartaceus, see. xviii. Quarto. [11,115.], 18th century British Library
referencedIn KNYTLINGA-SAGA, sive Historia Cnutidarum, Daniæ et partim quoque Angliæ Regum; apographum; ab apographo Arna-Magnæano transcriptum, additis variis lectionibus, cum notis glossisque Danicis manu librarii H. E. Wium scriptis ; Islandice. Chartaceus, se..., 18th century British Library
referencedIn MIDDLETON PAPERS. Vols. XXII-XXV. Letters from Bevil Skelton, Resident at Hamburg, 15 Dec. 1682-21 Feb./3 Mar.168.4/5, and from his successor [Sir] Peter Wyche, 22 May 1685-19 Oct. 1688, to successive Secretaries of State. The documents relate large..., 1682-1688 British Library
referencedIn MIDDLETON PAPERS. Vol. IV (ff. 276). Miscellaneous diplomatic and other papers, viz.:-(1) (a) Instructions from Charles II to Lord Middleton as Envoy Extraordinary to the Emperor, 23 June 1680. Signed, with seal en placard. ff. 1-9b;-(b) Letter of r..., 1627-1688 British Library
referencedIn Vol. XXIII (ff. 284). 4 Aug. 1685-12 Oct. 1686.Sir Peter Wyche, Resident at Hamburg: Correspondence with Lord Middleton: 1685-1688.: Mostly signed or copies.includes:f. 13 Isabella Wyche, wife of Sir Peter Wyche: Letters to Lord Middleton: 1685, 16... British Library
referencedIn KNYTLINGA-SAGA, sive Historia Cnutidarum, Daniæ et partim quoque Angliæ Regum; Islandice. Chartaceus, sec. xviii. Quarto. [11,119.], 18th century British Library
referencedIn SAGÆ MYTHICO-H1ST0RICÆ, scil. Volsúnga-Saga, sive Historia Volsungorum, Niflungorum, etc.;-Historia Ragnaris Lothbroci, Daniæ principis ;-Carmen intitulatum Biarkamál, sive Krákumál, Ragnari in Anglia morienti adscriptum; accedit variarum lectionum A..., 18th century British Library
referencedIn Vol. XXII (ff. 283). 15 Dec. 1682-28 July 1685.includes:ff. 1-14 Edward Conway, Earl of Conway; Secretary of State 1681: Letters to, from B. Skelton: 1682-1683.ff. 1-227 Lieutenant-Colonel Sir Bevil Skelton, diplomatist: Correspondence with Lord ... British Library
referencedIn COLLECTIO VETUSTA constitutionum et edictorum, apriscis Norvegiæ Regibus editorum ;-Recessus et Ordinantia Christiani III., Daniæ et Norvegiæ Regis -Articuli regis Frederici II., de jure matrimoniali; -De scholis litterariis Islandiæ Constitutio Chri..., 17th century-15th century British Library
referencedIn HISTORICA ISLANDICA, scil. Regum Norvegiæ recensus chronologicus, auctore Sæundo Polyhistore;-Elenchus Regum Norvegiæ, cum Disquisitione de Nomophylacibus Islandis, ab anno 727 ad annum 1791 ;-Annales Oddenses, ab Adamo ad destructionem Hierosolymæ;-..., 17th century-18th century British Library
referencedIn MIDDLETON PAPERS. Vols. XXVI-XXVIII. Correspondence and papers rel. to Denmark and Norway, 1682-1688. Three volumes, viz.:-, 1682-1688 British Library
referencedIn SAGÆ HISTORICÆ; scil. Historiæ veteris Danicæ fragmentum ;-Knytlinga-Saga, sive Historia Cnutidarum, Daniæ et Angliæ regum Saga S. Edvardi, Anglorum regis ;-Rhythmi de Remundo, Richardi, Saxonum regis, filio;-Landnámabók, sive Liber Originum Islandiæ..., 18th century British Library
referencedIn COLLECTIONS, genealogical, legal, and historical. Sir Thomas Phillipps (see his Catal. Manuscriptorum under no. 3765, and Collectanea Topogr. et Geneal. vol. i, p. 20) regarded the collection as made by Robert Aske, whose name occurs several times. I..., 16th century British Library
referencedIn Vol. XXVII (ff. 265). (1) Letters from Dan[iel] Butts, Consul at Christiania, to Lord Middleton and Dr Owen Wynne, 20 Sept. 1686-25 Aug. 1688. ff. 1-47. (2) Correspondence and papers rel. to a projected treaty of commerce between England and Denmark..., 1685-1689 British Library
referencedIn KNYTLINGA-SAGA, sive Historia Cnutidarum, Daniæ et partim quoque Angliæ Regum ; versio Latina, auctore Sculone Theodori Thorlacio;-Ejusdem translatoris Commentarius in carmina, quæ in eadem historia continentur ;-Johannis Olavii Glossarium vocum et ..., 18th century British Library
referencedIn COLLECTANEA ad Historiam Cnutidarum, Danice;-Historiæ Egilli malevoli versio Danica, auctore H. E. Wium ;-Narratio de Hreithari, Thorgrimi filio; -Narratio de Rafne, Sigvati filio ;-Narratio de Brandkrossio tauro, et de origine Droplaugidarurn ;-Drop..., 18th century British Library
referencedIn Vol. IX (ff. 292). Enclosures: 10 Apr. 1682-Feb. 1685, n.d.Thomas Chudleigh, Envoy Extraordinary at the Hague: Letters to the Sec. of State: 1683-1685.includes:f. 1 Louis XIV of France: Surrender by, to Denmark, of the Seigneurie of Jever: 1682.: F... British Library
referencedIn Vol. XXVIII (ff. 364). Papers mainly comprising enclosures from despatches and letters contained in previous volumes, especially vols. XXVI and XXVII, viz.:-(1) Consular papers concerning trade matters in dispute between England and Denmark and Norw..., 1656-1688 British Library
referencedIn SAGA Hálfdáni grandævi, et ejus filiorum ; Islandice. Chartaceus, sec. xviii. Quarto. [11,116.], 18th century British Library
referencedIn Vol. XXV (ff. 250). 13 Mar.-19 Oct. 1688, followed (ff. 102-250) by detached enclosures, 26 Nov. 1681-30 Oct. 1688, n.d.includes:ff. 1-100 Sir Peter Wyche, Resident at Hamburg: Correspondence with Lord Middleton: 1685-1688.: Mostly signed or copie... British Library
referencedIn Vol. V. Denmark, ff. 1-31; The Empire: Princes (A-Le), ff. 32-287.includes:ff. 1, 4 Godske Buchwald, Danish Envoy Extraordinary: Credentials, etc.: 1683.: Lat.ff. 1-28 Denmark, Kings of: Letters to Charles II and James II: 1683-1688.: Lat. and Fr... British Library
referencedIn MIDDLETON PAPERS. Vol. II (ff. 318). Papers rel. mainly to the suppression of Monmouth's rebellion, the apprehension of, and informations against rebels, and reports on English conspirators in Holland, including intercepted letters, July 1685-Dec. 16... British Library
referencedIn KNYTLINGA-SAGA, sive Historia Cnutidarum, Daniæ et partim quoque Angliæ Regum; apographum; [imperf.] Islandice. Chartaceus, sec. xviii. Quarto. [11,120.], 18th century British Library
referencedIn Paper, folio, ff. 75, xvi. Cent., formerly belonging to Sir Will. Detheck, Garter. 1. Letter from [Maximilian I.] King of the Romans to the inhabitants of the Duchy and County of Burgundy, in which he promises to come in a months time, to deliver the... British Library
referencedIn SAGÆ MYTHICO-HISTORICÆ, scil. Historiæ Ynglingorum, Sveciæ, Daniæ et Norvegiæ Regum;-Hrolfi, Sturlaugi filii; -Hrolfi, Gautreci filii;-Hrolfi Krakii, Regis Daniæ;-Halfdanis, Bronæ alumni ;-Egilli, Skallagrimi filii. Islandice. Chartaceus, sec. xviii..., 18th century British Library
Role Title Holding Repository
Relation Name
Place Name Admin Code Country
Iceland, Europe
Sillé-Le-Guillaume, le Maine
Heleigh, Staffordshire
Kelfield, Yorkshire
Exeter, Devon
Rycott Magna, Oxfordshire
Market Harling, Norfolk
Netherlands, Europe
Worcester, Worcestershire
Scarborough, North Riding of Yorkshire
Kendal, Westmorland
Jever, Friesland
Crendewelle, Buckinghamshire
Christiania, Norway
Paris, France
Hamburg, Germany
Betley, Staffordshire
Harting, Sussex
Shrewsbury, Shropshire
East Friesland, Germany
Fehmarn, Germany
Sweden, Europe
Great Yarmouth, Norfolk
Lübeck, Germany
Greenland, Denmark
Burgundy, France
Huntspill, Somerset
Rycott Parva, Oxfordshire
Mawdesley, Lancashire
Orange, Principality of, France
Tunstall, Staffordshire
Hartford, Cheshire
Cologne, Germany
Düsseldorf, Westphalia
Bremen, Germany
Sweden, Europe
Everthorpe, Yorkshire
Bubwith, Yorkshire
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Horton, Staffordshire
London, England
Hamburg, Germany
London, England
Anjou, France
Halton, Buckinghamshire
Tewkesbury, Gloucestershire
Chichester, Sussex
Coventry, Warwickshire
Norway, Europe
Somerset, England
Poitiers, France
Iceland, Europe
Hamburg, Germany
Térouane, Artois
Slapton, Devon
Glocester, Gloucesterhire
Netherlands Southern Provinces, the Netherlands
Weston, Shropshire
Ellerton, Yorkshire
Gold Coast, Africa
North Cave, Yorkshire
Longsdon, Staffordshire
Iceland, Europe
Tawstock, Devon
Taunton, Somerset
Bentheim, county of, Lower Saxony
Clare, Suffolk
Middlesex, England
Netherlands, Europe
Norway, Europe
Greenland, Denmark
Hamburg, Germany
Netherlands, Europe
Rishton, Lancashire
Aughton, East Riding of Yorkshire

Corporate Body

Active 1401

Active 1701

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Ark ID: w6x44kc2

SNAC ID: 59151829