Chrysostomus, S. Johannes, Archiepiscopus Constantinopolitanus; obiit anno 407

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Epithet: Archiepiscopus Constantinopolitanus; obiit anno 407

British Library Archives and Manuscripts Catalogue : Person : Description : ark:/81055/vdc_100000001393.0x00022e

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referencedIn ---------------, or ' The Lily of Medicine,' a translation in Hebrew from the Latin work composed by Bernard de Gordon, a physician of Montpellier, at the beginning of the xivth century. No name of translator appears, but in other copies it is ascrib... British Library
referencedIn Codex membranaceus, in folio, ff. 128, sec. xiv., quoad articulos duos priores sec. xv. 1. Tabula contentorum. fol. 2. b. 2. Sententiæ quædam notabiles ex Johannis Chrysostomi homiliis excerptæ et in ordinem alphabeticum digestæ-fol. 3. Incip. "Adve... British Library
referencedIn "LIBELLUS Seu tractatus qui intitulatur Vitas Fratrum": anecdotes of St. Dominic and of members of the order of Dominicans, compiled by "Gerardus Lemovicensis" [Gérard de Frachet], Prior Provincial of Provence, at the command of Humbert [de Romans], ..., 14th century-17th century British Library
referencedIn ST. JOHN CHRYSOSTOM, Fragments of Homilies on the Gospel of St. Matthew, containing parts of the fourth, fifth, twelfth, and thirteenth homilies. On vellum, of the vith century. Quarto. [14,560.]S. Johannes Chrysostomus, Archiepiscopus Constantinopol..., 6th century British Library
referencedIn VARIOUS Sermons, by Chrysostom, Athanasitus, Philoxenus, Cyriacus, Gregory Thaumaturgus, Antipater of Bosra, etc.; imperfect. On paper, of the xiith or xiiith century. Quarto. [14,727.]Gregorius, Episcopus Neocæsareensis, cognomento Thaumaturgus: Wor..., 12th century-13th century British Library
referencedIn ST. CHRYSOSTOM, two Sermons, one on Psal. Ll. V. l., the other on Zaccheus;-Mar Isaae, Prayers; six Sermons on the woman of Samaria, and one on Psal. xvi. v. 8.;-St. Basil, Epistle to a fallen virgin;-Mar Jacob, Epistle to repentant adulteresses;-St...., 6th century-7th century British Library
referencedIn Various Sermons by John the Monk, St. Chrysostom, Philoxenus, Mar Jacob, Bishop of Batnæ, and St. Ephraem; imperfect; in two columns. On vellum of the xth or xith century. Small Folio. [ 14,611 .]Philoxenus, Bishop of Mabug: Sermons. Syriac.John, the..., 5th century-6th century British Library
referencedIn Codex membranaceus, in folio, ff. 119, haud una manu exaratus, sec. xiii. vel xiv. 1. "Vita Sti. Thome de plurium narratione colleta, scilicet quatuor, Magistri Johannis Sarresbiriensis, Magistri Hereberti de Boseham, Magistri Willi. Cantuariensis, B... British Library
referencedIn SERMONS for Lent, by St. Chrysostom, St. Cyril of Alexandria, St. Gregory of Nazianzen, St. Gregory of Nyssa, Mar Jacob of Serug, Mar Jacob of Edessa, and Pantaleon. On vellum, written in the year of the Greeks 1325 (A.D. 1015). Imperfect at the end...., 1015 British Library
referencedIn ST. JOHN CHRYSOSTOM, five Homilies on the incomprehensibility of the Deity, three to Stagirius, and four others. On vellum, of the vth or vith century. Quarto. [14,567.]S. Johannes Chrysostomus, Archiepiscopus Constantinopolitanus; obiit anno 407: Ho..., 5th century-6th century British Library
referencedIn ST. JOHN CHRYSOSTOM, Homilies on the Gospel of St. John, iii-xliii.; the first and last imperfect. On vellum, of the vith century. Quarto. [14,561.]S. Johannes Chrysostomus, Archiepiscopus Constantinopolitanus; obiit anno 407: Homilies on the Gospels..., 6th century British Library
referencedIn ST. JOHN CHRYSOSTOM, Homilies on the First Epistle of St. Paul to the Corinthians, xxi-xxxiii.; the first and last imperfect. On vellum, of the viiith or ixth century. Quarto. [14,563.]S. Johannes Chrysostomus, Archiepiscopus Constantinopolitanus; ob..., 8th century-9th century British Library
referencedIn ST. JOHN CHRYSOSTOM, Homilies on the Gospel of St. Matthew, xviixxiii. ; imperfect at the end. On vellum, of the vith century. Quarto. [14,559]S. Johannes Chrysostomus, Archiepiscopus Constantinopolitanus; obiit anno 407: Homilies on the Gospels and ..., 6th century British Library
referencedIn SMARAGDI, Abbatis S. Michaelis ad Mosam, liber dictus " Diadema monachorum," cum prologo, f. 1 ;-Vita et miracula B. Servatii, episcopi Tungrensis, cum prologo, f. 67;-Vita S. Mauri, abbatis Glaunafoliensis, in Gallia, confessoris; auctore S. Fausto;..., 12th century British Library
referencedIn SERMONS of St. Chrysostom, on the Ascension, on Virginity and Repentance, and on Psal. LI. v. I ;-St. Ephraem, Sermon on Admonition;-Mar Jacob, Bishop of Batnæ, Sermons on the Prodigal son, on the Adulterer, on the impropriety of leaving the Church d..., 0653 British Library
referencedIn Vol. DCXLII (ff. 315). 1837.includes:ff. 1-270 passim Poetry ENGLISH: Verses by W. E. Gladstone: [1818]-1897.ff. 10, 220, 225, 271, 272, 304 England, Ecclesiastical History: Notes by W. E. Gladstone rel. to: 1837-1843.ff. 12-47, 308 Education: ..., 1837 British Library
referencedIn Membranaceus, in 4to., ff. 70., sec. fortasse xiii. exeuntis. 1. Tabula contentorum. fol. 1. b. 2. Two fragments of the French poem entitled "Manuel de Peche," usually ascribed to Robert Grosteste. fol. 2. The first begins, "Bien sont ou iust son que... British Library
referencedIn ST. JOHN CHRYSOSTOM, Homilies on the Gospel of St. Matthew, i-xvi.; imperfect at the commencement. On vellum, written by a person named John, in the year of the Greeks 868. (A.D. 557.) Quarto. [14,558]S. Johannes Chrysostomus, Archiepiscopus Constant..., 0557 British Library
referencedIn FRAGMENTS of several manuscripts, in which are contained part of a Sermon of St. Chrysostom; Hymns by Mar Jacob; and parts of the account of the Egyptian Fathers. On vellum, from the ixth to the xith century. Small Quarto. [14,630.]Mar Jacob, Bishop ..., 9th century-11th century British Library
referencedIn THEOLOGICAL, treatises, etc., in Latin. 1. Dialogues of Pope Gregory I.; in four books, f. 1. 2. The apocryphal gospel of Nicodemus, f. 93. 3. Sermons of SS. Augustine, John Chrysostom and Leo the Great, f. 103. 4. Legend of the Exaltation of the Cro..., 12th century-14th century British Library
referencedIn PARTS of two manuscripts, containing various Sermons of Mar Abraham, Mar Jakob, Bishop of Batnæ, St. Chrysostom, Theophilus, and St. Ephraem ;-Epistles of Macarius; -Questions and answers of the Egyptian Fathers, and select sayings of the Philosophe..., 8th century-9th century British Library
referencedIn "THE ORDER of Divine Service in the most holy and most ancient Greek Church, composed by St. Chrysostome:" an English translation. Paper; xviith cent. Small Quarto. Presented by William Maskell, Esq., 17th century British Library
referencedIn Membranaceus, in 4to, ff. 151, sec. xii. 1. Plurimorum patrum et doctorum, scilicet, Hieronymi, Augustini, Ambrosii, Remigii, Gregorii, Bedæ, Isidori, Fulberti, Nicolai Papæ, et Theodosii, sententiæ theologicæ de diversis argumentis. fol. 1. 2. Pluri... British Library
referencedIn ST. JOHN CHRYSOSTOM, Homilies on the Gospel of St. John, LX-LXXXVIII Portions of LX., LXI., and LXIII., and the whole Of LXII., are lost. On vellum, of the viith or viiith century. Quarto. [14,562]S. Johannes Chrysostomus, Archiepiscopus Constantino..., 7th century-8th century British Library
referencedIn SERMO Sancti Chrysostomi ad populum consolatorius, ut moderate ferant imminentem comminationem, etc. [scil. ad Populum Antiochenum Homilia quinta. Vid. S. Chrysost. Opp. ed. Montfaucon, tom. ii. p. 59]; translated by William Sellyng, Prior of Canterb... British Library
referencedIn ST. CHRYSOST0m's Homilies on St. John's Gospel, LX.-LXXXVI. On vellum, of the vith or viith century. Quarto. [12,161.]Philoxenus, Bishop of Mabug: Reply to an anonymous treatise agianst his Epistle on the Faith, together with the Epistle and the trea..., 6th century-7th century British Library
referencedIn FRAGMENTS of two manuscripts, containing parts of the Homilies of St. John Chrysostom, on St. Paul's Epistles to the Colossians, Philippians, Thessalonians, and Philemon; very imperfect. On vellum, of the vith century. Quarto. [14,566.]S. Johannes Ch..., 6th century British Library
referencedIn THE Book of the Wisdom of Jesus, son of Sirach, of the viith or viiith century. This book was brought into the Monastery of St. Mary Deipara, by Moses of Nisibis, in the year of the Greeks 1218, of the Hejirah 294 (A.D. 906);-Part of a Martyrology, o..., 6th century-8th century British Library
referencedIn SERMONS AND EPISTLES selected from St. Chrysostom, St. Xystus, Marcus the Monk, Evagrius the Monk, Philoxenus, St. Basil, John the Monk, Abu Esaias the Monk, St. Gregory Theologus, Abraham the Monk, and St. Ephraem. On vellum, written in the year of ..., 0876 British Library
referencedIn CANONS of the Apostles ; imperfect;-Letter of Severus ;-Letter of Mar Jacob, on the conversion of the soul ;-Dialogue of St. Cyril of Alexandria, on the unity of Christ;-Three Sermons of St. Chrysostom, on the Prodigal son ;-St. Basil on Virginity;-S..., 7th century-8th century British Library
referencedIn PROCLUS, Patriarch of Constantinople, on the Faith;-St. Basil, Sermon on Deut. xv. v. g.;-Canons of Timotheus and Theodosius, Patriarchs of Alexandria;-St. Chrysostom, Letter to Theodorus, and Sermons on the Prodigal son;-Severus, Patriarch of Antioc..., 6th century British Library
referencedIn A COLLECTION Of Anaphoras, containing those of St. James, St. Chrysostom, Cyril of Alexandria, and others; imperfect. On paper, written in the year of the Greeks 1541. (A.D. 1230.) Quarto. [14,691.]Saint James,; the Greater: Anaphora of.Saint Cyril,;..., 1230 British Library
referencedIn LIVES of various Saints and Martyrs Sermons by Chrysostom, Epliraem, and Mar Jacob; imperfect. On paper, of the xith or xiith century. Quarto. [14,735.]Saints: Lives of Saints, Martyrs, and Bishops of the Eastern Churches: Syriac.Mar Jacob, Bishop of..., 11th century-12th century British Library
referencedIn HOMILIES of St. Chrysostom on the Second Epistle of St. Paul to the Corinthians. On vellum, of the vith or viith century. Small Folio. [12,180.]S. Johannes Chrysostomus, Archiepiscopus Constantinopolitanus; obiit anno 407: Homilies on the second cp. ..., 6th century-7th century British Library
referencedIn S. JOHANNIS CHRYSOSTOMI, Archiepiscopi Constantinopolitani, Homiliarum in S. Matthæei Evangelium libri LXXXVII., a Gregorio [Georgio] Trapezuntio Latine conversi. On vellum, xvth cent., written in Italy, by a scribe named Frederic Ray. It formerly be..., 15th century British Library
referencedIn MAR JACOB, Bishop of Batnæ, eight various Sermons; -Mar Isaac, four Sermons;-St. Chrysostom, Sermon on Psal. Ll. v. l.;-Commentary on part of the Book of Ecclesiastes. On vellum, of the viith or viiith century. Small Quarto. [14,608.]S. Johannes Chry..., 7th century-8th century British Library
referencedIn S. JOHANNIS CHRYSOSTOMI in titulum Psalmi Quinquagesimi Homilia prima, f. 2; Ejusdem adhortationis ad Theodorum Lapsum liber primus, f. 12 b; S. Anselmi, Archiepiscopi Cantuariensis, libri duo Cur Deus Homo, f. 41; Ejusdem Excerpta ex Elucidario, f. ..., 13th century British Library
referencedIn JOHANNIS CHRYSOSTOMI ad Stagirum [Stagirium], monachum Areptitium, de Providentia Dei," libri iii.; e Græco in Latinum versi ab Ambrosio [Traversario]; præmisso prologo ejusdem " ad Petrum, Lusitaniæ Regis [Johannis I] filium," f. 1 ;-Epistola de mod..., 15th century British Library
referencedIn A TREATISE against the Nestorians; imperfect;-A Sermon on Christian duties;-An account of a woman of Jerusalem ;-Account of Andronicus of Antioch, whose wife was tempted;-Sermon on the holy Cross;-Five Sermons of St. Chrysostom. On vellum, of the vii..., 8th century-9th century British Library
referencedIn Codex membranaceeus, in 4to., ff. 123, sec. xiv., olim Carthusiensium prope Moguntiam. 1. Hugonis de Sancto Victore Solilloquium de Arrli animæ in compendium redactum. fol. 1. Incip. "Loquar seereto anime mee." Desin. "unum sequere, unum apprehende, ... British Library
referencedIn ST. CHRYSOST0M'S Homilies on the first Epistle of St. Paul to the Corinthians, xxxiv-xlviii. ; written by Thomas, a deacon of Edessa, in the Monastery of Guba, in the year of the Greeks 895 (A.D. 584) ;-Part of a Martyrology, of the vith century ;-S..., 0584-8th century British Library
referencedIn VARIOUS SERMONs by John the Monk, Evagrius, St. John Chrysostom, and Ephraem Syrus ;-The three Epistles of St. John, and the two of St. Peter. On vellum, of the ixth or xth century. Quarto. [l4,623.]John, the Monk: Epistles and sermons.: Syriac.Evagr..., 9th century-10th century British Library
referencedIn FIRMIANI LACTANTII de ira Dei liber;-Lotarii Diaconi, [afterwards Pope Innocent III.] liber de miseria condicionis humanæ, secundum Bernardum;-Excerptum ex Augustino, de sacerdotii dignitate;-Sermo fratris Jacobi de Regno, Ord. Pred., Florentiæ cora..., 15th century British Library
referencedIn SERMONS of Philoxenus, Bishop of Mabug, of the vith or viith century;-St. Chrysostorn, sermon on virginity;-Sermons of Marcus the Monk, and of John the Monk, of the xth or xith century;-Sermon of St. Gregory of Nyssa on the death of Meletius, Bishop ..., 6th century-11th century British Library
referencedIn VARIOUS SERMONS Of St. Chrysostom;-Extracts from various Fathers -The doctrine of Macarius;-St. Gregory of Nyssa, Epistle against Apollinarius; imperfect. On vellum, of the vith or viith century. Quarto. [14,612.]Macarius: Doctrine of.: Syriac.Gregor..., 6th century-7th century British Library
referencedIn SELECT SERMONS, comprising one of St. Basil, five of St. Chrysostom, and five of St. Gregory of Nazianzum; the last imperfect. On vellum, of the vith or viith century. Quarto. [14,546]Saint Gregorius,; Nazianzenus: Sermons, with scholia: Syriac.S. Jo..., 6th century-7th century British Library
referencedIn PHILOXENUS, Bishop of Mabug, Epistle to the Monks of Senun, and three other theological treatises ;-Julius, Bishop of Rome, Epistle on the unity of Christ;-Gregory Thaumaturgus, on the Faith;-The history of Ammon, Aphlon, Apollonius, and Philemon;-Co..., 0569 British Library
referencedIn MAR JACOB, Bishop of Batnæ, Sermons, two on the Faithful departed this life; on the love of God ; on the rich man and Lazarus ; and on the fast of Lent ;-St. Chrysostom's Sermon on the ten Virgins. On vellum, of the xith or xiith century. Small Quart..., 11th century-12th century British Library
referencedIn ST. JOHN CHRYSOSTOM, Homilies on the Epistle of St. Paul to the Ephesians. On vellum, of the vith century. Quarto. [14,565.]S. Johannes Chrysostomus, Archiepiscopus Constantinopolitanus; obiit anno 407: Homilies on the Gospels and Epistles.: Syriac., 6th century British Library
referencedIn 1. "BREVIS relatio eorum quæ spectant ad declarationem Sinarum imperatoris Kam-Hi circa coeli, Cumfucii et avorum cultum, datam anno 1700. Accedunt primatum doctissimorumque viroriim, et antiquissimæ traditionis testimonia. Opera PP. Societ. Jesu Pek..., 1600-1701 British Library
referencedIn CHRYSOSTOM, Commentary on St. Paul's Epistles to the Thessalonians. On vellum; written in the year of the Greeks 905 (A.D. 594). Quarto. [17,152.]S. Johannes Chrysostomus, Archiepiscopus Constantinopolitanus; obiit anno 407: Commentary on the Epistle..., 0594 British Library
referencedIn EDMONDES PAPERS. Vol. V. (ff. 385.) 28 Mar. 1608-23 Mar. 1608[9]. This volume is principally taken up with the Peace Negotiations at the Hague. Ney was sent to Spain at the end of March to procure ampler instructions on the disputed points, viz., the... British Library
referencedIn "BEATI Johannis Chrisostomi de incomprehensibili Dei natura contra Anomeos, absente Episcopo urbis," Homiliæ quinque; e Greeco in Latinum conversæ a Theodoro [Gaza] Thessalonicensi; cum præfatione ejusdem ad Alfonsum [V] Regem [Aragoniae]. On vellum,..., 15th century British Library
referencedIn ORIGINAL letters from James II. of England and his Queen, Mary Beatrice d'Este, to John Caryll [titular lord Caryll], Secretary to the Queen, consisting of four letters from the King and nineteen from the Queen; Chaillot, Fontainebleau, Boulogne, La ..., 1692-1710 British Library
referencedIn PART of a Syriac manuscript, consisting of thirteen leaves, containing Sermons of Chrysostom on the forty days' fast, on the human nature of Christ, and on the contention of our Lord with Satan ; written, probably, in the xith century, over the text ..., 11th century British Library
referencedIn TRESHAM PAPERS. Vol. IV (ff. 74). Papers relating to Sir Thomas Tresham's buildings, etc., at Rothwell, Rushton, Lyveden, all in co. Northt., and Ely. For an account of his activities as a builder see J. A. Gotch, The Buildings of Sir Thomas Tresham,..., 1578-1597 British Library
referencedIn ST. JOHN CHRYSOSTOM, Homilies on the Second Epistle to the Corinth. ians, xi-xxx.; imperfect. On vellum, of the vith century. Quarto. [14,564.]S. Johannes Chrysostomus, Archiepiscopus Constantinopolitanus; obiit anno 407: Homilies on the Gospels and ..., 6th century British Library
Role Title Holding Repository
Relation Name
Place Name Admin Code Country
Antwerp, Belgium
Burgos, Old Castile
Egypt, Africa
Jerusalem, Israel
Gorgeau, France
Rushton, Northamptonshire
Lyveden, Northamptonshire
Rothwell, Northamptonshire
Spanish Netherlands, Europe
Newark, Nottinghamshire
Ireland, Europe
Stade, Germany
Ely, Cambridgeshire
Venice, Italy
China, Asia
Italy, Europe


Active 0401

Active 1837

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Ark ID: w6sv88nf

SNAC ID: 5608425