Established in 1902, the UT Students' Association is the official voice of the student body. Every student, both undergraduate and graduate, is a member and has the opportunity to run for election as an officer. Historically, the Students' Association (SA) has been involved in establishing various University projects, including University Health Services, summer orientation programs, the shuttle bus system, a multicultural information center, childcare services, student cable television, and student radio. Meetings often address both political and ethical issues, including resources for multicultural students, LGBT students, and students with disabilities. SA also acts as an intermediary between students and the University administration, the city council, and the state legislature; appoints students to the Faculty Council, the Texas Union Board of Directors, and the Student Service Budget Committee; and nominates students to the standing committees of the General Faculty.
In 1995, the UT Students' Association formally renamed itself the UT Student Government.
University of Texas at Austin Student Government, History, (accessed May 26, 2011).
From the guide to the Records 74-11; 80-28; 81-99; 90-124; 94-248; 2010-315., 1926-2006, (Dolph Briscoe Center for American History, The University of Texas at Austin)