Gottschalk, Carl W.

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Carl W. Gottschalk, born in Salem, Va. His first scientific interest was the study of butterflies, and the young lepidopterist discovered a new species ( Strymon cecrops Gottschalki ) when he was only 15 years old.

Gottschalk entered Roanoke College in 1938 with a pre-med major and attended the University of Virginia Medical School directly after graduation from Roanoke. Through the accelerated wartime program, he obtained his M.D. degree from Virginia in 1945. While interning at Massachusetts General Hospital, he was initially drawn to cardiology. The military intervened, however, and Gottschalk spent 1946 to 1948 in the U.S. Army Medical Corps, studying the effects of arctic weather and extreme cold on military personnel. From 1948 to 1950, he again conducted research in Boston at the Harvard Medical School, where his focus changed from cardiology to kidney function.

Gottschalk continued his investigations of renal function at Harvard, eventually revolutionizing the study of renal physiology. He was the first to prove the counter-current theory, explaining how the kidney excretes fluid that is more concentrated than any other body fluid. Gottschalk elucidated the link between heart problems and kidney function and was very influential in national planning for dialysis and kidney transplantation treatment for patients with chronic kidney disease.

Gottschalk was professor of medicine and physiology at the University of North Carolina's School of Medicine, 1952-1969, and Kenan Professor of Medicine and Physiology, 1969-1992. He served as chair of the Committee on Chronic Kidney Disease, sponsored by the United States Bureau of the Budget, which issued its influential Report of the Committee on Chronic Kidney Disease in 1967. He was also known for his Diseases of The Kidney, first published by Little Brown in 1988.

Gottschalk was named an American Heart Association Career Investigator and won the North Carolina Medal and the O. Max Gardner Award. In 1970, he received the Homer W. Smith Award from the New York Heart Association; in 1990, the A. N. Richards Award of the International Society of Nephrology; and, in April 1993, the first Robert W. Berliner Award for Excellence from the American Physiological Society. Gottschalk was president of the American Society of Nephrology and a member of the National Academy of Sciences, the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and the Institute of Medicine.

An avid bibliophile, Gottschalk donated his Robert Louis Stevenson collection to the Rare Book Collection of the Library of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill during his lifetime. His significant collection of rare books on the history of medicine, now known as the Carl W. Gottschalk Collection, came to the Rare Book Collection after his death in 1997.

From the guide to the Carl W. Gottschalk Papers (#4935), 1930s-1999, (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Library. Southern Historical Collection.)

Archival Resources
Role Title Holding Repository
creatorOf Carl W. Gottschalk Papers (#4935), 1930s-1999 University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Library. Southern Historical Collection
Role Title Holding Repository
Relation Name
correspondedWith Adams, John person
correspondedWith Allison, M. E. M. person
correspondedWith American Association of University Professors corporateBody
correspondedWith American College of Physicians corporateBody
correspondedWith American Federation for Clinical Research corporateBody
correspondedWith American Heart Association corporateBody
correspondedWith American Physiological Society corporateBody
correspondedWith American Society of Nephrology corporateBody
associatedWith Arenoshorst, William person
correspondedWith Bello person
correspondedWith Berliner, Robert person
correspondedWith Berry, Dean F. person
correspondedWith Beuret, Henry person
correspondedWith Bowditch Lecture corporateBody
correspondedWith Boyd, John person
correspondedWith Boy Scouts of America corporateBody
associatedWith Bright Society corporateBody
correspondedWith Brooks, G. Shirley person
correspondedWith Brown, F. M. person
correspondedWith Brown, T. D. person
correspondedWith Browser, A. E. person
associatedWith Bureau of Budget corporateBody
correspondedWith Burroughs Wellcome corporateBody
associatedWith C. D. Spangler person
correspondedWith Choque, Charles person
correspondedWith Choque, Joseph person
associatedWith CIBA corporateBody
associatedWith C. K. Lasher person
correspondedWith Clark, Austin H. person
correspondedWith Colindres, R. E. person
correspondedWith Colorado Biological Survey corporateBody
correspondedWith Committee on Chronic Kidney Disease corporateBody
associatedWith Control of Kidney Function by the Nervous System Symposium corporateBody
correspondedWith Cook, Margaret person
correspondedWith Cornelies, Nancy person
correspondedWith Corrardi, Aribito person
correspondedWith Council for High Blood Pressure Research corporateBody
correspondedWith Davis, Hubert J. person
correspondedWith Dethier, V. G. person
associatedWith Dorothy Twitchell person
correspondedWith Dos Passos, C. F. person
correspondedWith Eff, Donald person
correspondedWith Engel, Harry person
correspondedWith FBI corporateBody
correspondedWith Fernandez-Repollet, Emma person
correspondedWith Field, W. D. person
correspondedWith Fitch, R. J. person
correspondedWith Fountain Valley School corporateBody
correspondedWith Franclemont, J. G. person
correspondedWith Frederick, A. C. person
correspondedWith Freeman, T. N. person
correspondedWith Giebisch person
correspondedWith Gray, J. T. person
correspondedWith Grey, Paul person
correspondedWith Gutman, Yehuda person
correspondedWith Harper, A. T. person
associatedWith Harvard corporateBody
correspondedWith Hopfinger, J. C. person
correspondedWith Hovanitz, William person
correspondedWith Howe, William H. person
correspondedWith Hungarian Physiological Society corporateBody
correspondedWith Inoue, Sadanobu person
correspondedWith Institute of Medicine corporateBody
correspondedWith International Congress of Nephrology corporateBody
correspondedWith International Society of Nephrology corporateBody
correspondedWith Kadner, N. person
correspondedWith Kenan Convocation corporateBody
correspondedWith Kenan Professorship Fund corporateBody
correspondedWith Kenan Trust Fund corporateBody
associatedWith Kidney Disease Planning Board of North Carolina corporateBody
correspondedWith Kidney International corporateBody
correspondedWith Kramp, Ronald person
correspondedWith Landis, E. M. person
correspondedWith Lassiter, William E. person
correspondedWith Lawrence, Fred person
correspondedWith Lawson, Kenneth person
correspondedWith Lindsey, A. W. person
correspondedWith Ludwig, Carl person
correspondedWith Marsh, Don person
correspondedWith Massachusetts General Hospital corporateBody
correspondedWith Max Planck Institute corporateBody
correspondedWith McDunnough, J. person
correspondedWith McKenzie, R. M. person
correspondedWith Mountain Lake Biological Station corporateBody
correspondedWith Murphy, Granville P. person
correspondedWith National Arthritis, Diabetes, and Digestive and Kidney Diseases Advisory Council corporateBody
correspondedWith National Kidney Foundation corporateBody
correspondedWith National Science Foundation corporateBody
correspondedWith Nature Company corporateBody
correspondedWith North Carolina Board of Medical Examiners corporateBody
correspondedWith North Carolina Board of Science and Technology corporateBody
correspondedWith Pacific Coast Biological Service corporateBody
correspondedWith Paprzycki, Pedro person
correspondedWith Paswalk, G. W. person
correspondedWith Paull, Michael person
correspondedWith Potts, R. W. L. person
correspondedWith Princis, K. person
correspondedWith Quelch, C. S. person
correspondedWith Rathburn, J. D. person
correspondedWith Red Rock Camp corporateBody
correspondedWith Remington, C. L. person
associatedWith Rettig, Richard person
correspondedWith Reuss person
correspondedWith Rice, Harold E. person
correspondedWith Richard Bright Society corporateBody
correspondedWith Roanoke College corporateBody
correspondedWith Rogers, W. Prescott person
correspondedWith Schryver, C. D. person
correspondedWith Selden person
correspondedWith Sigma XI corporateBody
correspondedWith Smyth, Ellison A. person
correspondedWith Sodium Symposium corporateBody
correspondedWith Stallings, Don B. person
correspondedWith Stier, Charles person
correspondedWith Sugitani, Iwahiko person
correspondedWith Szalay, Laszlo person
correspondedWith Tarjan, Endre M. person
correspondedWith Tokyo Congress corporateBody
correspondedWith Trainer, Frank person
correspondedWith Ullrich, Karl person
correspondedWith University of Kentucky corporateBody
correspondedWith University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill corporateBody
correspondedWith University of Virginia corporateBody
correspondedWith Virginia Historical Society corporateBody
correspondedWith Wagner, Herbert person
correspondedWith Wagner, Kenneth person
correspondedWith Wagner, Ronald person
correspondedWith Ward, K. A. person
correspondedWith Whittaker, Robert person
correspondedWith Wilcke, H. person
correspondedWith Wolfe, Dennis person
correspondedWith Wood, Carroll E. person
correspondedWith Woodruff, L. L. person
correspondedWith Zappalorti, M. A. person
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Ark ID: w6vn9r5w

SNAC ID: 55830399