creatorOf |
Central State University (Okla.). Woodwind Quintet. [The Department of Music, Central State University, presents the Woodwind Quintet] [sound recording] : [Wednesday, December 8, 1971, 8:15 p.m.].
University of Central Oklahoma, Chambers Library |
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MS Mus. 1171. Eugene Goossens Collection. Vol. i. Accademia–Cockshott; 1929-1962, n.d.ff. 194. 295 x 260mm.includes:f. 1 Sir Aynsley Eugene Goossens, conductor and composer: Sammartino, of the Accademia di Santa Cecilia: Letter to Sir Aynsley Eu..., 1929-1962
British Library |
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Pudney, John, 1909-1977. Papers, 1850-1977 (bulk 1926-1976).
Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center |
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Kaufman, Laura. Performance hour [sound recording]
University of North Carolina School of the Arts, Semans Library |
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Central State University (Okla.). Concert Band. [University Concert Band] [sound recording] : [Mitchell Hall Auditorium, Tuesday, April 15, 1975, 8:00 p.m.].
University of Central Oklahoma, Chambers Library |
referencedIn |
Papers of Robert Graves: Correspondence (arranged by subject), 1915 to 1996
St John's College, Oxford |
referencedIn |
General Music Corporation Collection, 1950-1970
University of California, Los Angeles. Library. Performing Arts Special Collections. |
referencedIn |
Arnold, Malcolm, 1947-. [Malcolm Arnold : Australian and New Zealand Art Files].
Libraries Australia |
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General Music Corporation. Collection of television music, 1950-1970.
University of California, Los Angeles |
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MSS Mus. 1532. Michael Hurd Papers: Letters acquired by Michael Hurd.1. ff. 1-59. Letters of composers, including a letter from Mendelssohn and related correspondence; 1842-1969, n.d.2. ff. 60-108. Letters to the conductor Kathleen Merritt; 1951-1..., 1842-1969
British Library |
referencedIn |
Thomas J. Dodd Papers, undated, 1919-1971.
Archives & Special Collections at the Thomas J. Dodd Center. |
creatorOf |
BERNARD STEVENS COLLECTION. Vol. LXXXI. Music manuscripts; n.d. All apparently autograph, though the composers are not always identified. All except no. 8 for piano, or in short score. ff. 49. Various sizes. As follows: 1. ff. 2-4. Christian Darnton:...
British Library |
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MACNAGHTEN CONCERTS COLLECTION. Vol. I. Malcolm Arnold: Symphony no. 2, op. 40; 1953. Published London 1953. ff. i+73. 366 x 269mm.Malcolm Henry Arnold, composer: Sir Charles Barnard Groves, conductor: Symphony no. 2, op. 40 by Malcolm Henry Arnold, ..., 1953
British Library |
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Alan Fluck collection. Scores, copies. Addison-Burgon. , 1961-1998
British Library |
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Aitken–Boys, 1941-1999
British Library |
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Vol. IV (ff. 215). A-F.includes:ff. 2-15 John Mervin Addison, composer: Correspondence with E. Chapman of John Mervin Addison: 1950-1959: Partly typewritten copies and signed.ff. 16, 17 Richard Anthony Sayer Arnell, composer: Letters to E. Chapma...
British Library |
creatorOf |
MS Mus. 1599. Malcolm Arnold: Symphony no. 6, op. 95; 1967. Autograph fair copy full score in ink with minor annotations in pencil. Signed and dated on f. 72v. Includes the composer’s typescript programme note. First performed at City Hall, Shef..., 1967
British Library |
creatorOf |
NCSA Wind Ensemble. NCSA Wind Ensemble [sound recording].
University of North Carolina School of the Arts, Semans Library |
creatorOf |
Arnold, Malcolm. Divertimento / Malcolm Arnold.
Northwestern University |
creatorOf |
Arnold, Malcolm. Concerto for oboe and strings, opus 39 / Malcolm Arnold.
Free Library of Philadelphia, Parkway Central Library |
creatorOf |
MS Mus. 77. CHAGRIN COLLECTION. Vol. lxxvi. Composers’ Guild correspondence and European Broadcasting Union material; 1947-71.ff. 254.1. ff. 1-236. Correspondence relating to the Composers’ Guild; 1947, 1949-68, 1970-72.2. ff. 237-54. Lists of member..., 1947-1972
British Library |
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Correspondence concerning RPS composition prizes; 1950-59 (ff. 95). With press cuttings (ff. 83-95).includes:f.11 Malcolm MacDonald, composer and writer on music: Julius Allen Greenway Harrison, composer: Stephen Dodgson, composer: Sir Thomas Henry..., 1950-1959
British Library |
referencedIn |
HUMPHREY SEARLE COLLECTION. Vol. cvii. Scripts for talks on composers. Many apparently for the BBC Home Service series, ‘Music Magazine’. The subjects of the programmes are given below.ff. 99. Overall size 330 x 210mm.1. ff. 1-6. Malcolm Arnold; [197..., 1955-1972
British Library |
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Alan Fluck collection. Scores, autograph, 1948-1967
British Library |
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Crowe, Brad. Junior recital [sound recording] : University of Central Oklahoma/School of Music, Recital Hall, Monday, April 30, 2007, 8:30 PM / Brad Crowe, clarinet.
University of Central Oklahoma, Chambers Library |
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JOHN AMIS CORRESPONDENCE: letters, principally from musicians but with some literary and other figures, to John Amis; 1942-1991, n.d. Correspondents include Sir Michael Tippett (25 letters), Luigi Nono (4), Dmitrii Shostakovich (2) and Dame Edith Sit..., 1942-1991
British Library |
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MSS Mus. 411-413. Alan Bush Collection. Vols lxxxvi-lxxxviii. ‘Communist Manifesto Centenary Pageant’, to a script by Montagu Slater, with music for military band and chorus; [1948]. The music for the pageant was organised by Bush, and included contr..., 1948
British Library |
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MS Mus. 75. CHAGRIN COLLECTION. Vol. lxxiv. 1957, 1960-66.ff. 167.includes:ff. 30, 34 Composers' Guild of Great Britain: Stephen Dodgson, composer: Letters to members of the Composers' Guild of Great Britain from Stephen Dodgson: 1961: Typewritten;..., 1957-1966
British Library |
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Alan Fluck collection. Correspondence. Addison-Gardner, 1952-1989
British Library |
referencedIn |
A. (ff. i + 98.) Part 1 (ff. 71v-96). Preceded by notes relating to appointments (ff. 1-17) and programme notes for the following works, in ink:—i. ff. 17v-21. Brahms: Violin concerto in D major, op.77.ii. ff. 22-4. Balakirev: Symphony no.1 in C majo...
British Library |
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LÉON GOOSSENS COLLECTION. Vol. ii. Malcolm Arnold: *'Concerto for oboe and strings op. 39'; 1952. Score, with conductor's annotations in pencil and crayon. Published Paterson's Publications, [1952].ff. i+15. 370 x 275mm. Bound.Malcolm Henry Arnold, c..., 1952
British Library |
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MS Mus. 69. CHAGRIN COLLECTION. Vol. lxviii. General correspondence; 1962-7.ff. 164.includes:f. 1 Francis Chagrin, composer: Graystone, piano dealer: Letters to — Graystone from Francis Chagrin: 1961-2: Typewritten; carbon copy.ff. 2, 11-13, 20 T..., 1962-1967
British Library |
creatorOf |
Arnold, Malcolm. Arnold dances / [Malcolm Arnold].
New York Public Library System, NYPL |
creatorOf |
William Hutt fonds (University of Guelph). Parasol / BBC television musical written by Malcolm Arnold - reviews and articles.
University of Guelph. McLaughlin Library |