American Institute of Physics. Center for History of Physics. Study of Multi-Institutional Collaborations. Phase I: High-Energy Physics.

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A documentation research project to study the complex issues facing the historical documentation of multi-institutional collaborations in physics and allied sciences. "Probes" are in-depth studies of three highly significant collaborations: the discoveries of the psi at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC), the upsilon experiments at Fermilab, and the CLEO experiment and the origins of the Cornell Electron Storage Ring at Cornell University. The psi discovery (SLAC-SP-017) was a collaboration between physicists from the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center and the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory. The discovery of a new family of particles starting with the psi began the era of spectroscopy of quark systems. The particle was discovered simultaneously by a Brookhaven National Laboratory/Massachusetts Institute of Technology collaboration at Brookhaven. The detector used for SLAC-SP-017, the Mark I, was a prototype for many future colliding beam detectors. The experiment was approved in 1973 and completed running in 1976.

From the description of Oral History Interviews. Series 2. Probes: Psi Discovery - SLAC-SP-017: An Experimental Survey of Positron-Electron Annihilation into Multi-Particle Final States in the S Range 27-74 GeV-Squared, 1991. (Unknown). WorldCat record id: 79980631

A documentation research project to study the complex issues facing the historical documentation of multi-institutional collaborations in physics and allied sciences.

From the description of Oral History Interviews. Series 4. Perspective Interviews. (Unknown). WorldCat record id: 77749949

A documentation research project to study the complex issues facing the historical documentation of multi-institutional collaborations in physics and allied sciences. The main goal of this project (BNL-E-791) was to test the idea of separate lepton-number conservation to a new level of sensitivity. The experiment was approved in 1984 and started running in 1985. A follow-up experiment, BNL-E-871, was approved in 1990.

From the description of Oral history interviews. Series 1. Selected Experiments: BNL-E-791: Study of Very Rare K-Long Decays, 1990-1991. (Unknown). WorldCat record id: 80620621

A documentation research project to study the complex issues facing the historical documentation of multi-institutional collaborations in physics and allied sciences. SLAC-SP-024 developed a spherical detector composed of sodium iodide crystals. Although proposed before discovery of the J/psi, the detector was well suited to and primarily used for studying the spectra of charm-quark systems. The experiment was continued when the Crystal Ball was taken to DESY (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchroton). The experiment was approved in 1975 and completed running in 1979.

From the description of Oral history interviews. Series 1. Selected Experiments: SLAC-SP-024: A Proposal for a Large Solid Angle Neutral Detector for SPEAR 2 (The Crystal Ball), 1990-1991. (American Institute of Physics). WorldCat record id: 85211044

A documentation research project to study the complex issues facing the historical documentation of multi-institutional collaborations in physics and allied sciences. CERN-WA-009 measured the recoil proton using an ionization chamber spectrometer and the forward particle using a MWPC. Tests the validity of dispersion relations for pi p scattering. CERN-NA-008 is a continuation at higher energies.

From the description of Oral history interviews. Series 1. Selected Experiments: CERN-WA-009: High Precision Study of Elastic Scattering in the Coulomb Interference Region. 1990-1991. (Unknown). WorldCat record id: 80093594

A documentation research project to study the complex issues facing the historical documentation of multi-institutional collaborations in physics and allied sciences. SLAC-E-132 used the LASS detector to do a high statistics study of meson states of higher mass, spin, and multiplicity than had been possible with the previous generation of forward spectrometers. LASS was built as a facility to do strange quark physics and had multiple users who contributed materially to its development. This experiment was part of a string including: SLAC-E-127, E-128, E-129, and E-135. 132 was approved in 1977 and completed running in 1978.

From the description of Oral history interviews. Series 1. Selected Experiments: SLAC-E-132: A Study of K- P Interactions Using LASS, 1990-1991. (Unknown). WorldCat record id: 80775341

A documentation research project to study the complex issues facing the historical documentation of multi-institutional collaborations in physics and allied sciences. SLAC-SP-032 built the MARK-III detector designed to collect data on particles known to be produced at SPEAR: D meson, psi, and psi-prime physics. The experiment was approved in 1981.

From the description of Oral history interviews. Series 1. Selected Experiments: SLAC-SP-032: MARK-III at SPEAR. 1990-1991. (Unknown). WorldCat record id: 84043346

A documentation research project to study the complex issues facing the historical documentation of multi-institutional collaborations in physics and allied sciences. BNL-E-654 was a test of the Multi-Particle Spectrometer (MPS). The collaboration was formed from four collaborations approved to do experiments using the MPS. The experiment was approved 1974, and completed running and analysis in 1975.

From the description of Oral history interviews. Series 1. Selected Experiments: BNL-E-654: Search for Charmed Particles During Test Phase, 1990-1991. (Unknown). WorldCat record id: 79752625

A documentation research project to study the complex issues facing the historical documentation of multi-institutional collaborations in physics and allied sciences.

From the description of Women in High-Energy Physics. Oral history interviews, 1991. (Unknown). WorldCat record id: 80340042

A documentation research project to study the complex issues facing the historical documentation of multi-institutional collaborations in physics and allied sciences. CLEO, a general-purpose solenoid detector, was built to survey the energy range of the CESR (Cornell Electron Storage Ring), which was designed to achieve peak luminosity between the energy ranges of SPEAR (Stanford Positron-Electron Accelerator Ring) and PEP (Positron-Electron Project) at SLAC (Stanford Linear Accelerator Center). Both accelerator and detector designs were frozen before the discovery at Fermilab of the bottom quark and the family of upsilon particles, which CESR efficiently produces. Beginning in the early 1980s, the CLEO detector went through a series of "upgrades" to tailor it to the study of the bottom quark.

From the description of Oral History Interviews. Series 2. Probes: CESR-CLEO: The CLEO Experiment at CESR, 1991. (Unknown). WorldCat record id: 78951299

A documentation research project to study the complex issues facing the historical documentation of multi-institutional collaborations in physics and allied sciences. FNAL-E-428 was an international collaboration that performed a string of experiments, studying proton-emulsion interactions at various energies. Series includes: FNAL-E-116, -233, -576 at 200, 300 and 500 GeV respectively. The first of these experiments is the most well known of the string and was approved in 1971. This experiment searched for the production of charm particles, and was approved in 1975 and completed running 1975.

From the description of Oral history interviews. Series 1. Selected Experiments: FNAL-E-428: 400 GeV Proton Interactions in Nuclear Emulsion, 1990-1991. (Unknown). WorldCat record id: 77679060

A documentation research project to study the complex issues facing the historical documentation of multi-institutional collaborations in physics and allied sciences. The FNAL collaboration for this string discovered the upsilon particle, the first manifestation of the bottom quark, and investigated dilepton and dihadron production in proton-nucleon collisions over a wide range of energies. The experiments were approved 1970-1979.

From the description of Oral History Interviews. Series 2. Probes: Upsilon Experiments FNAL-E-70, -187, -288, -494, -596, -605, -608, 1990. (Unknown). WorldCat record id: 83622739

A documentation research project to study the complex issues facing the historical documentation of multi-institutional collaborations in physics and allied sciences. FNAL-E-289 was the end of a string of experiments of a U.S./Soviet collaboration, placing gas-jet targets, which the Soviets had developed, in Fermilab's primary beam. Other experiments in string include FNAL-E-36; 186; 317, 381. E-289 was approved in 1974 and completed running in 1977.

From the description of Oral history interviews. Series 1. Selected Experiments: FNAL-E-289: Small Angle Proton-Helium Elastic and Inelastic Scattering from 8 to 500 GeV, 1990-1991. (Unknown). WorldCat record id: 81276773

A documentation research project to study the complex issues facing the historical documentation of multi-institutional collaborations in physics and allied sciences. PEP-004 and PEP-009 were approved in 1977 and merged around 1985 and completed running in 1990. PEP-004 developed the Time Projection Chamber detector, which made significant advances in particle identification, and was later imitated at other laboratories.

From the description of Oral history interviews. Series 1. Selected Experiments: SLAC-PEP-004-009: The Time Projection Chamber and 2-Gamma Detector at PEP, 1990-1991. (Unknown). WorldCat record id: 79015859

A documentation research project to study the complex issues facing the historical documentation of multi-institutional collaborations in physics and allied sciences. The Magnetic Calorimeter detector was used to test the Quantumchromodynamic theory of the strong nuclear force, and to measure the lifetime of the B meson. The experiment was approved in 1977 and completed running in 1986.

From the description of Oral history interviews. Series 1. Selected Experiments: SLAC-PEP-006: The MAC Detector at PEP.Oral history interviews, 1990-1991. (Unknown). WorldCat record id: 83095442

A documentation research project to study the complex issues facing the historical documentation of multi-institutional collaborations in physics and allied sciences.

From the description of Oral history interviews. Series 1. Selected Experiments: SLAC-E-103: Search for Exotic Mesons Using the SLAC Two Meter Streamer Chamber, 1989. (Unknown). WorldCat record id: 84487448

A documentation research project to study the complex issues facing the historical documentation of multi-institutional collaborations in physics and allied sciences. CERN-UA-001 studied W+, W-, Higgs particle. Nobel prize-winning experiment, discovered W and Z bosons and also found a few events compatible with the existence of the top quark. Approved June 1978.

From the description of Oral history interviews. Series 1. Selected Experiments: CERN-UA-001: A 4-Pi Solid Angle Detector For the SPS Used as a Proton-Antiproton Collider at a C.M. Energy of 630 GeV. 1990-1991. (Unknown). WorldCat record id: 79021380

A documentation research project to study the complex issues facing the historical documentation of multi-institutional collaborations in physics and allied sciences. FNAL-E-632 was an international collaboration, pioneering holographic technique with the 15-Foot Bubble Chamber. The experiment was approved in 1982 and completed running 1988.

From the description of Oral history interviews. Series 1. Selected Experiments: FNAL-E-632: An Exposure of the 15-Foot Bubble Chamber with a Neon-Hydrogen Mixture To a Wideband Neutrino Beam from the Tevatron, 1990-1991. (Unknown). WorldCat record id: 84075334

A documentation research project to study the complex issues facing the historical documentation of multi-institutional collaborations in physics and allied sciences. CERN-UA-002's main aims were a study of the W and Z bosons and a search for the top quark. The experiment was approved in 1978 and started running in 1981.

From the description of Oral history interviews. Series 1. Selected Experiments: CERN-UA-002: Study of Antiproton-Proton Interactions at 630 GeV C.M. Energy, 1990-1991. (Unknown). WorldCat record id: 84317725

A documentation research project to study the complex issues facing the historical documentation of multi-institutional collaborations in physics and allied sciences. IMB searched for proton decay at an underwater salt-mine using an 8,000 metric ton water Cherenkov detector. The collaboration serendipitously detected a supernova which was also detected by the Kamioka underwater detector in Japan. The experiment was approved in 1979.

From the description of Oral history interviews. Series 1. Selected Experiments: IMB: The Irvine-Michigan-Brookhaven Experiment. 1990-1991. (Unknown). WorldCat record id: 78201730

A documentation research project to study the complex issues facing the historical documentation of multi-institutional collaborations in physics and allied sciences. Twenty-seven experiments were chosen to represent a broad range of both scientific and sociological factors. Sociological factors include the size of the collaboration (both number of institutions and number of individuals), the starting year, the duration, the site, and the possible use of subcontracting. From the scientific standpoint each of the following is represented: the various detector types (including bubble chamber, hybrid emulsions, and calorimeter), a beam dump, a rare process, a "crucial test" of theory, a result contrary to current theory, a non-accelerator experiment, high transverse momentum, start-up of an instrument, start-up of an electronic facility, and a precision experiment.

From the description of Oral History Interviews: Series 1. Selected Experiments. (Unknown). WorldCat record id: 79284557

A documentation research project to study the complex issues facing the historical documentation of multi-institutional collaborations in physics and allied sciences.

From the description of Oral history interviews. Series 1. Selected Experiments: SLAC-E-122. 1989. (Unknown). WorldCat record id: 81803386

A documentation research project to study the complex issues facing the historical documentation of multi-institutional collaborations in physics and allied sciences.

From the description of High-Energy Physics Administrators. Oral history interviews, 1990-1991. (Unknown). WorldCat record id: 82251307

A documentation research project to study the complex issues facing the historical documentation of multi-institutional collaborations in physics and allied sciences. BNL-E-643 was part of a string of experiments that studied the magnetic moment of the antiproton, the sigma-hyperon, and kaon- and sigma-nucleus interactions. 643 proposed to use Si(Li) and Ge(Li) detectors with gaseous hydrogen and helium targets to measure energies of x-ray lines emitted by exotic forms of these atoms. This experiment, the middle of a series of experiments, was approved in 1974, started running in 1976, and completed running in 1977.

From the description of Oral history interviews. Series 1. Selected Experiments: BNL-E-643: Experimental Studies of Antiprotonic Atoms in Gaseous H2 and He, and in liquid H2, 1990-1991. (Unknown). WorldCat record id: 79356916

A documentation research project to study the complex issues facing the historical documentation of multi-institutional collaborations in physics and allied sciences. Experiment is part of series: FNAL-E-26; 320; 356; 379; 482; 595; 701; and 744. The FNAL-E-616 collaboration developed a narrow band neutrino beam. The collaboration measured the Weinberg Angle, and was approved 1979 and completed running in 1980.

From the description of Oral history interviews. Series 1. Selected Experiments: FNAL-E-616: Measurement of Neutrino Structure Functions, 1990-1991. (Unknown). WorldCat record id: 79089782

A documentation research project to study the complex issues facing the historical documentation of multi-institutional collaborations in physics and allied sciences.

From the description of Oral History Interviews: Series 3. Subcontracting. LeCroy Corporation. 1991. (Unknown). WorldCat record id: 83017513

A documentation research project to study the complex issues facing the historical documentation of multi-institutional collaborations in physics and allied sciences. SLAC-E-137 was a crucial test of theories that advocated the existence of axions, although none had been found. 137 did not find any axions either. A classic beam dump into hot water under a hill. The experiment was approved in 1980 and completed running in 1982.

From the description of Oral history interviews. Series 1. Selected Experiments: SLAC-E-137: Search for Low Mass, Metastable Neutral Particles at SLAC. 1990-1991. (Unknown). WorldCat record id: 77733018

A documentation research project to study the complex issues facing the historical documentation of multi-institutional collaborations in physics and allied sciences. FNAL-E-398 was a time extension for FNAL-098: Muon-Proton Inelastic Scattering Experiment at the National Accelerator Laboratory. An extension of work on electron scattering done at Stanford Linear Accelerator Center during the late 1960s that won the Nobel Prize in 1990. Oxford/Harvard/Chicago collaboration. E-098: approved 1971, completed running 1975, E-398: approved 1975, completed running 1976. Series of experiments: FNAL-E-369; 448; 610; 665; 673.

From the description of Oral history interviews. Series 1. Selected Experiments: FNAL-E-398: A Further Study of Muon Nucleon Inelastic Scattering at Fermilab, 1990-1991. (Unknown). WorldCat record id: 81567133

A documentation research project to study the complex issues facing the historical documentation of multi-institutional collaborations in physics and allied sciences. SLAC-SP-007B tested the quantumchromodynamic theory's predictions for violations in scaling and the production rate of mu- mu- pairs. This experiment was approved in 1974 and completed running in 1976. FNAL-E-310 studied trajectories of products from collisions producing mu+ mu- pairs and was approved in 1974 and completed running in 1978. While waiting for beamtime for FNAL-E-310, the collaboration proposed and was approved to do an experiment at SLAC, SLAC-SP-007B.

From the description of Oral history interviews. Series 1. Selected Experiments: SLAC-SP-007B: Search for Asymmetry in E+ E- -- MU+ MU- due to a Weak Neutral Current and FNAL-E-310: Further Study of High Energy Neutrino Interactions at NAL, 1990-1991. (Unknown). WorldCat record id: 79359187

A documentation research project to study the complex issues facing the historical documentation of multi-institutional collaborations in physics and allied sciences. BNL-E-776 used a narrow band neutrino beam at the AGS (Alternating Gradient Synchrotron) to set limits on the rate of oscillations of neutrino flavors. The experiment was approved in 1982 and completed running in 1986.

From the description of Oral history interviews. Series 1. Selected Experiments: BNL-E-776: Neutrino Oscillation Experiment, 1989. (Unknown). WorldCat record id: 79917433

A documentation research project to study the complex issues facing the historical documentation of multi-institutional collaborations in physics and allied sciences. CERN-WA-001 studied inclusive neutrino reactions in iron, including rare processes such as multilepton production, and compares neutrino interactions in hydrogen and iron. The experiment was approved in 1974 and completed running in 1983.

From the description of Oral history interviews. Series 1. Selected Experiments: CERN-WA-001: High-Energy Neutrino Interactions. 1990-1991. (Unknown). WorldCat record id: 84586805

A documentation research project to study the complex issues facing the historical documentation of multi-institutional collaborations in physics and allied sciences. FNAL-E-715 was a response to experimental studies implying that the beta decay of Sigma- violated the Cabibbo theory of weak interactions. The collaboration proposed to use its previously used beam apparatus and wire chambers (FNAL-E-497), augmented by electron detectors, to collect more than one hundred times the world sample of sigma- beta decay events. The results upheld the Cabibbo theory. This Soviet/US collaboration did a string of experiments, including FNAL-E-761. 715 was approved in 1982 and completed running 1984.

From the description of Oral history interviews. Series 1. Selected Experiments: FNAL-E-715: Precision Measure of the Decay Sigma- -- N E- NU, 1990-1991 (Unknown). WorldCat record id: 83226025

A documentation research project to study the complex issues facing the historical documentation of multi-institutional collaborations in physics and allied sciences. BNL-E-734 was sponsored in part by the U.S.-Japan Agreement. It was an important experimental check, and confirmation, of the Glashow-Weinberg-Salam model of electroweak interactions, it agreed with the model's coupling constants and the value of the Weinberg Angle, which describes the relative importance of the Z particle and photons in electroweak interactions. As of late 1989, this experiment constituted 84% of all the data in the world on electron-neutrino elastic scattering. University of Pennsylvania was previously involved in neutrino-proton scattering experiments with Harvard and Wisconsin. The experiment was approved in 1979 and completed running in 1986.

From the description of Oral history interviews. Series 1. Selected Experiments: BNL-E-734: A Measurement of the Elastic Scattering of Neutrinos from Electrons and Protons, 1990-1991. (Unknown). WorldCat record id: 83060958

A documentation research project to study the complex issues facing the historical documentation of multi-institutional collaborations in physics and allied sciences."Probes" are in-depth studies of three highly significant collaborations: the discoveries of the psi at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC) and the upsilon at Fermilab, and the CLEO experiment and the origins of the Cornell Electron Storage Ring at Cornell University.

From the description of Oral History Interviews. Series 2. Probes. (Unknown). WorldCat record id: 79753046

A documentation research project to study the complex issues facing the historical documentation of multi-institutional collaborations in physics and allied sciences. BNL-E-650, a Penn/Stony Brook collaboration, was a single experiment, interrupting a series of experiments Penn was already doing using the Single Particle Spectrometer (BNL-E-555 and 635). The purpose of 650 was to use the Single Particle Spectrometer to search, at Brookhaven's energies, for the surprisingly copious production of leptons found at Serphukov, FNAL and the ISR. The copious production initially implied a larger magnitude for R than the Parton Model would permit, but this experiment gave rise to a more mundane explanation. The experiment was approved, and also completed running, in 1974.

From the description of Oral history interviews. Series 1. Selected Experiments: BNL-E-650: Single Electron Production in Proton-Proton Collisions, 1990-1991. (Unknown). WorldCat record id: 80709849

A documentation research project to study the complex issues facing the historical documentation of multi-institutional collaborations in physics and allied sciences.

From the description of Oral history interviews. Series 1. Selected Experiments: CERN-T-185 and CERN-T-228: The Neutral Currents Experiments. 1990-1991. (Unknown). WorldCat record id: 83892602

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Active 1990

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Ark ID: w6z42qh2

SNAC ID: 86733971