Alciatus, Andreas

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referencedIn "ANDREÆ Alciati Emblematum libri duo. Lugduni, apud Joannem Tornæsium et Gulielmum Gazeium, 1549." A printed book, with woodcuts; interleaved, to serve for an Album for Jodocus Henricus Roggenbach, and containing autograph signatures of professors an..., 1549-1609 British Library
referencedIn "OMNIA D. Andreæ Alciati Emblemata;" Lugduni, 1556. A printed book, converted to the purpose of an Album by Johannes Jacobus Vehlinus, and containing inscriptions of his friends at Bourges, in the years 1557, 1558. Paper; in the original binding. Duo..., 1556-1558 British Library
referencedIn A COPY of the printed work "Emblemata Andreæ Alciati," Antwerp, 1565; interleaved to serve for an Album Amicorum for Henricus Strybinus, of Bubbendorf, in Switzerland. The inscriptions are dated principally from Basle, in the years 1579-1625. Paper; ..., 1565-1625 British Library
referencedIn "LIBER Emblematum D. Andreæ Alciati," etc., "Gedruckt zu Franckfurt am Mayn, durch Nicolaum Bassee, 1580;" a printed book, with woodcuts, interleaved, and containing autograph inscriptions of students and others at Altorf, friends of Jacob Schopper, ..., 1580-1616 British Library
referencedIn A COPY of the "Emblemata Alciati;" printed at Lyons, 1551. On additional leaves bound with it, at the end, are autograph inscriptions, principally of Professors of Wittenberg, collected by Simon Händel, in the years 1593-1597. Paper; in a binding of ..., 1551 British Library
referencedIn "D. ANDREÆ Alciati Emblemata; Lugduni, apud Gulielmum Rovill. 1564;" a printed book, interleaved for the reception of autograph inscriptions of professors and others, friends of Andreas Cnospius, of Amberg, dated principally at Jena, and also at Sulz..., 1564-1635 British Library
referencedIn A PRINTED book, with woodcuts, entitled "Francisci Sanctii Brocensis Commentarii in Andreæ Alciati Emblemata. Lugduni, apud Gulielmum Rovillium, 1573;" interleaved for autograph inscriptions of professors and others, friends of Nicolaus Olaus, of Ska..., 1573-1628 British Library
referencedIn "DIVERSE imprese accommodate a diverse moralità, con versi che i loro significati dichiarano . . . . . tratte da gli Emblemi dell' Alciato. In Lione, appresso Gulielmo Rovillio, M.D.LXIIII." A printed book, interleaved to serve as an Album for Thobia..., 1591-1604 British Library
referencedIn ALBUM Amicorum of Johann Osterieghen, Licentiate of Laws in Cologne; containing autograph inscriptions of professors and fellow students, with arms in colours, collected in the years 1584-1592, in an interleaved copy of the "Emblemata Andrecæ Alciati..., 1584-1592 British Library
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Active 1549

Active 1635

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Ark ID: w6tf9v9j

SNAC ID: 54390749