Guzman, Gaspar de, Conde de Olivares

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Epithet: Conde de Olivares

British Library Archives and Manuscripts Catalogue : Person : Description : ark:/81055/vdc_100000001085.0x00017b

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creatorOf RELAZIONI AND DIPLOMATIC INSTRUCTIONS relating to the ambassadorial relationships between the papal court and Spain, Florence, France, and Venice, during the Thirty Years War and the papacies of Gregory XV, Urban VIII; circa 1621-1644. Italian and La... British Library
referencedIn MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTION of papers, tracts, copies of letters, etc., 15th-18th centt., written in many different hands, as follows:-1. List of State Papers and Letters relating to England and her dealings with the Netherlands, France, etc., tempp. H... British Library
referencedIn THURLOE PAPERS. Vol. I (ff. 274). (1) Thomas Wharton, Baron Wharton, 1696, and (1715) Marquess, to William III, on the state of the country; 25 Dec. 1689. Copy. For another copy see Add. MS. 4107, f. 78. ff. 2-10. (2) Anthony Ashley Cooper, Earl of S... British Library
referencedIn Vol. iv. (ff. 210). 1622, 1623. The writers are:-Les deputez des Eglises Reformées de France et souveraineté de Béarn assemblez à la Rochelle"; 1-24 Jan.29 May, 1622. Fr. Signed by [Jean Paul de] Lescun, and [Jonas (le] Bessay, presidents, and other..., 1622-1623 British Library
referencedIn Tom. II. -Letter of the Duque de Villa Hermosa, Conde de Ficalho [President of the Council of Portugal], to the King, respecting the Pope's Collector, 31 Aug. 1621, f. 3;-Report of the same, concerning the services of Luis de Conde de Araujo, 8 Jan..., 1620-1626 British Library
referencedIn ORIGINAL letters addressed to Diego Quiroga, confessor to Maria Anna, daughter of Philip III. of Spain, and wife of Ferdinand, King of Hungary, afterwards the Emperor Ferdinand III.; 1629-1646. Span. and Lat. The principal writers are-Philip IV. of ..., 1629-1646 British Library
referencedIn IPPOLITO CAMILLO GUIDI: Relazione of Spain and Account of the Fall of the Count-Duke of Olivares; circa 1643. Italian, and Spanish. Copy. Two relazioni of Spain by the Dominican Friar Ippolito Camillo Guidi concerning Gaspar de Guzmán, Count-Duke of ... British Library
referencedIn MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTION of relazioni and memorials relating to Genoa, Spain, France, Venice, the war of Castro, Savoy, and Portugal; circa 1628-1643. Italian and Latin. Copies. Table of contents (ff. 1-1v), added later. Old signatures 'Tom. LXXXV' i... British Library
creatorOf COLLECTION OF INSTRUCTIONS TO THE SPANISH AMBASSADOR IN ROME; mid 17th cent. Italian and Spanish. Copies. The MS. is described in Gayangos, I, p. 840. Owned by Frederick North, 5th Earl of Guilford, but lacking his armorial bookplate. '392' in pencil... British Library
creatorOf Guzmán, Gaspar de, Duque de Sanlucar. Informe de D. Gaspar de Guzmán, Duque de Sanlucar, sobre la necesidad de aumentar las fuerzas navales de España. Biblioteca Nacional de España, Biblioteca Nacional - Madrid
referencedIn " A BOOKE of the coppies of letters, speeches, and papers"; Nov. 1622-Aug. 1625. In a nearly contemporary hand. 1. Letter from James I. to the Elector Palatine, 10 Nov. 1622, respecting the negotiations for his restoration to the Palatinate; with the... British Library
referencedIn Vol. IV. Continuation of the General Correspondence of the Council of the Inquisition, 1607-1747, viz.: Reports of the Inquisitors of Aragon of cases disposed of at autos da fé at Saragossa; with papers relating to the same, including letters of Fern..., 1607-1747 British Library
referencedIn PAPELES varios tocantes al Conde-Duque de Olivares, 1622-1645; consisting of papers, mostly copies, on the administration of Gaspar de Guzman, favourite minister of Philip IV. of Spain. With table of contents at the beginning. For full description, ..., 1622-1645 British Library
referencedIn TRANSCRIPTS Of State papers and political tracts; circ. 1565-1629. The contents are :-1. A conference between William Axton, minister of Morton-Corbet, co. Salop, and [Thomas Bentham] Bishop of Lichfield, Thomas Bickley, Chancellor of Lichfield, and... British Library
creatorOf SACCHETTI CORRESPONDENCE AND PAPERS, VOL. VI: papers relating to the office of nunziatura to Spain; 1623-1626. Italian, Spanish and Latin. Title (f. 1) 'Brevi, Viglietti [sic], et altre Scritture, appartenenti alla Nuntiatura di Spagna, di Monsignor ... British Library
creatorOf SACCHETTI CORRESPONDENCE AND PAPERS, VOL. V: register of dispatches and letters to Sacchetti from Cardinals Francesco and Antonio Barberini, and others, including correspondence between by Pope Urban VIII and the Curia with King Philip IV, Count-Duke... British Library
referencedIn ASTON PAPERS. Vol. V. (ff. 258). Correspondence of Sir Walter Aston (continued); 1635-1638. The writers are:-Pieter Rychaut; London, 2 Sept. 1635. f. 33. Sir William Courten; London, 3 Sept. 1635. f. 35. [Johann Karl] Graf von Schönberg, Imperial Am..., 1635-1638 British Library
referencedIn HARDWICKE PAPERS. Vol. CCCCLXXXIV. Miscellaneous State letters, etc. Vol. III. 1615-1625. The main part of this volume covers the years 1620-1625, the principal events referred to being: (a) the special embassy of Sir Edward Conway and Sir Richard We..., 1615-1625 British Library
referencedIn Sloane 1775Chartaceus, in Quarto, ff. 254, sec. XVII.1. Catalogus morborum, cum remediis eorumdem. f. 1-22.2. 'The manner of the Duke of Buckingham's Election for the Chancellour of the University of Cambridge, with certaine observations on the same.... British Library
referencedIn ASTON PAPERS. Vol. III. (ff. 304). Correspondence of Sir Walter Aston (continued); 1622, 1623. The writers are:-Simon Digby; Vienna, 7 Jan. 1621-8 Oct. 1622. ff. 3, 19, 23, 66. William Trumbull; Brussels, Al Jan. 1621[2]. f 5. Conde de Gondomar; 31 ..., 1622-1623 British Library
referencedIn HISTORICAL and miscellaneous papers in prose and verse. Port. The more important are as follows: 1. "Rellação Hydrografica da viagem que fez a India a Não N. Senora da Conceição o anno de 1688 e da Missão da Companhia," f. 11. 2. "Coronica d'el Rey D..., 18th century British Library
referencedIn Vol. III., 1625-May 1660:-1. "Desadueu des armes de M. de Soubize par le Synode Prouincial de L'Isle de France, Picardie, Champa-ne et Beausse, 17 Auril 1625." 2. "Responses du Conseil du Roy [Louis XIII.] sur les plaintes et demandes de ceux de la ... British Library
creatorOf Guzmán, Gaspar de, Duque de Sanlucar. Voto sobre el perjuicio de la Pragmática de 1652 a la ciudad de Nápoles. Biblioteca Nacional de España, Biblioteca Nacional - Madrid
creatorOf SACCHETTI CORRESPONDENCE AND PAPERS, VOL. IV: register of secret dispatches to Sacchetti from Cardinal Francesco Barberini, Cardinal Antonio Barberini, and others; 27 Feb. 1624-22 Apr. 1626. Italian. Title (f. 1) 'Registro di Cifre della Segreteria d... British Library
referencedIn HISTORICAL LETTERS AND PAPERS (ENGLISH AND FOREIGN) OF THE 16TH AND 17TH CENTURIES: a collection of copies closely resembling those in Bodleian Library, Oxford, MS. Tanner 82 (see Cat. Cod. MSS. Bibl. Bodl., Pt. iv, Codices T. Tanneri, ed. A. Hackman..., 17th century British Library
referencedIn Copies of Parliamentary papers and political tracts:-1. "Articles propounded by the clement," respecting the defence of the realm; 15 Mar. 1623[4], f. 2. 2. "A coppie of the Arche Bishopes letter of Canterberye [George Abbott] to the Bishope of Norw..., 17th century British Library
referencedIn COPY of correspondence between James I. of England, Ferdinand II., Emperor, and Frederick, Elector Palatine, relative to affairs of the Palatinate, 1621-1623, f. 1 [printed in the "Cabala"]; Copies of letters of Philip IV. of Spain, the Duke of Oliva..., 17th century British Library
referencedIn TRUMBULL PAPERS. Vol. CXLVI (ff. 163). Papers concerning English relations with France (ff. 1-30), Spain (ff. 31-107) and the Spanish Netherlands (ff. 108-163); 1557-1631, n.d. Included are papers relating to the Spanish match, circa 1623-1625, for w..., 1557-1631 British Library
referencedIn "TRATADOS varios:" miscellaneous papers relating to the history of Spain; 1487-1-697. Span. Paper; xviith cent. Folio.Kingdom of Spain: Collections and transcripts of historical, political, and domestic papers,: 13th-17th centt.includes:f. 1 Alfons..., 17th century British Library
referencedIn "EPITOME de la discrecion, primera y secunda parte, en forma de dialogo diuidido en cecenta y seis capitulos de diuersas y singulares materias, ansi politicas como Philosophicas e ynportantes. Al excelentissimo señor don Gaspar de Guzman, Conde Duque..., 17th century British Library
referencedIn IPPOLITO CAMILLO GUIDI: Relazione of Spain and of the Count-Duke of Olivares; circa 1643. Italian. Copy. A relazione of Spain in the 1620s focused on the life and role played in Spanish politics by Gaspar de Guzmán, Count-Duke of Olivares, prime mini... British Library
referencedIn MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTION of relazioni and political tracts relating to the Papacy, Genoa, Venice, Ferrara, Spain, Portugal, Savoy, Naples, and Lombardy; circa 1640-1643. Italian. Copies. Arts. 5 (ff. 79-104v), and 7-10 (ff. 122-191v) relate to Portug... British Library
referencedIn COPIES of various tracts and papers connected with Don Gaspar Guzman, Conde de Olivarez, Duque de San Lucar; 1622-1644. Paper; xviith cent. Folio.Gaspar de Guzman, Conde de Olivares: Papers relating to: 1622-1645.: Span., 1622-1644 British Library
creatorOf SACCHETTI CORRESPONDENCE AND PAPERS, VOL. II: register of secret dispatches, diplomatic and other letters, and papers; 1624-1626. Italian and Spanish. Title (f. 1) 'Registro di Lettere del Nuntio di Spagna, Vescovo di Gravina, poi Cardinale Sacchetti... British Library
referencedIn ASTON PAPERS. Vol. IV. (ff. 253). Correspondence of Sir Walter Aston (continued); 1624-1625. The writers are:-William Trumbull; Brussels, 13 Jan. 1623[4]-6 Jan. 1624[5]. ff. 14, 39, 41, 62, 67, 69, 82, 91, 104, 122, 133, 139, 147, 157, 164, 174, 183...., 1624-1625 British Library
referencedIn A COLLECTION of copies of State Papers, with some Originals, in Spanish, Italian, and Latin, of the xvith and xviith centuries, relating to the affairs of different states of Italy, in the following order : Various memoranda, 1529-1583, f. 2 ;-" Pape..., 16th century-17th century British Library
referencedIn GIBRALTAR fortificada, por mandado de El Rey Philippe IIIIo.; consejo y cuidado de D. Gaspar de Guzman, Conde de Olivares, Duque de Sant Lucar, año 1627 ; " by Luis Bravo; illustrated with many colored maps and plans. The present is the original copy..., 1627 British Library
referencedIn VOL. IX. " Carta a El Rey Felipe IV., sobre la pribanza del Conde de Olivarez," f. 1;-" Carta que El Rey Felipe II. mandou a os vareadores da Camara de Lisboa, pertendendo á successaõ do reyno, 14 Mar. 1579," f. 5 ;-" Declaraçaõ feita por parte do E..., 17th century-18th century British Library
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Place Name Admin Code Country
Nîmes, France
Messina, Sicily
Vienna, Austria
Lisbon, Portugal
Summer Islands, Lake Michigan
Cambrai, France
Monaco, Principality of, Europe
Lucca, Republic of, Italy
Tuscany, Italy
Ragusa, Dalmatia
Madrid, Spain
Somerset, England
Rome, Italy
Newport, Isle of Wight
Boulogne, France
County Durham, England
Sta. Cruz, the Island of Teneriffe
Nuremberg, Bavaria
Portugal, Europe
Netherlands Southern Provinces, the Netherlands
Sark, Channel Islands
Belgrade, Serbia
Ormus, Persian Gulf
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Gibraltar, Spain
Spain, Europe
Cirencester, Gloucestershire
Heidelberg, Germany
Valtelline, Italy
Netherlands, Europe
London, England
Greenland, Denmark
Candia Island, Crete
Mardike, France
Ireland, Europe
Portugal, Europe
Oxfordshire, England
Devonshire, England
Ré, Brittany
Canary Islands, Spain
Venice, Italy
Lechlade, Gloucestershire
Saragossa, Spain
Netherlands, Europe
Majorca, Spain
Wayland Hundred, Norfolk
Yarmouth, Norfolk
Aragón, Spain
London, England
Malaga, Spain
Netherlands, Europe
Elvas, Portugal
Castro, Italy
Siena, Italy
Ipswich, Suffolk
Glastonbury, Somerset
Colchester, Essex
Africa, Africa
Dumbarton Castle, Dumbarton
Calais, France
Venice, Italy
Ferrara, Italy
Cambridge, Cambridgeshire
Harwick, Essex
Netherlands, Europe
Spain, Kingdom of, Europe
Béarn, France
Granada, City of, Spain
Oxford, Oxfordshire
Venice, Republic of, Europe
Verrua, Italy
Dunkirk, France
Valtelline, Italy
Portugal, Kingdom of, Europe
Tempsford, Berkshire
Italy, Europe
Hainault, Province of, France
Venice, Italy
Lille, Nord
Edinburgh, Scotland
Dunkirk, France
Spain, Kingdom of, Europe
Mayo, Ireland
Marina de guerra


Active 1501

Active 1747



Ark ID: w6x9424f

SNAC ID: 52712848