McFadyean, Sir, Andrew, 1887-1974

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Born 1887; educated at University College School, London, and University College, Oxford University; entered Treasury, 1910, by open competition; Private Secretary to six successive Financial Secretaries, 1913-1917; accompanied Sir H. Lever to USA on special financial mission, 1917; served under John Maynard Keynes at the Treasury, 1917-1919; Treasury representative, Paris Peace Conference, 1919-1920; Secretary to British Delegation, Reparation Commission, 1920-1922; General Secretary to Reparation Commission, 1922-1924, and Secretary to the Dawes Committee, 1924; Commissioner of Controlled Revenues, Berlin, 1924-1930; Knighted, 1925; started new career in the City of London, as Chairman, 1934-1952 and Director, 1952-1967, of S.G. Warburg and Co; Member, Executive National Liberal Federation, 1933-1936; Joint Treasurer, 1936-1948, President, 1949-1950, and Vice-President, 1950-1960, Liberal Party Organisation; President, Free Trade Union, 1948-1959; Vice-President, Liberal International, 1954-1967; Vice-President, Anglo-Israel Association (Chairman of Council, 1950-1960); Member of Council, 1933-1967, and President, 1970, Royal Institute of International Affairs; Liberal candidate for the City of London, 1945 and Finchley, 1950; died 1974. Publications: translator of Born 1887; educated at University College School, London, and University College, Oxford University; entered Treasury, 1910, by open competition; Private Secretary to six successive Financial Secretaries, 1913-1917; accompanied Sir H. Lever to USA on special financial mission, 1917; served under John Maynard Keynes at the Treasury, 1917-1919; Treasury representative, Paris Peace Conference, 1919-1920; Secretary to British Delegation, Reparation Commission, 1920-1922; General Secretary to Reparation Commission, 1922-1924, and Secretary to the Dawes Committee, 1924; Commissioner of Controlled Revenues, Berlin, 1924-1930; Knighted, 1925; started new career in the City of London, as Chairman, 1934-1952 and Director, 1952-1967, of S.G. Warburg and Co; Member, Executive National Liberal Federation, 1933-1936; Joint Treasurer, 1936-1948, President, 1949-1950, and Vice-President, 1950-1960, Liberal Party Organisation; President, Free Trade Union, 1948-1959; Vice-President, Liberal International, 1954-1967; Vice-President, Anglo-Israel Association (Chairman of Council, 1950-1960); Member of Council, 1933-1967, and President, 1970, Royal Institute of International Affairs; Liberal candidate for the City of London, 1945 and Finchley, 1950; died 1974. Publications: translator of Europe must unite (Paneuropa Editions, Glarus; Plymouth printed, 1940) and The Totalitarian State against Man (Frederick Muller, London, 1938), both by Count Richard Nikolaus Coudenhove-Kalergi; Government and industry (Lund, Humphries and Co, London, 1944); Government intervention in industry (Lovat Dickson, London, 1935); Liberal principle and policies (Liberal Publication Department, London, 1947); Moral and political problems of economic prosperity (Liberal Publication Department, London, 1962); Recollected in Tranquillity (Pall Mall Press, London & Dunmow, 1964); Reparation Reviewed (Ernest Benn, London, 1930); The Liberal Case (Allan Wingate, London & New York, 1950).

From the guide to the MCFADYEAN, Sir Andrew, 1887-1974, Knight, civil servant, c1891-1974, (British Library of Political and Economic Science)

Archival Resources
Role Title Holding Repository
creatorOf MCFADYEAN, Sir Andrew, 1887-1974, Knight, civil servant, c1891-1974 British library of political and economic science
Role Title Holding Repository
Relation Name
associatedWith Dawes Plan corporateBody
associatedWith Derso Alloysius fl 1931 person
associatedWith Kelen fl 1931 person
associatedWith Liberal Party corporateBody
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Birth 1887

Death 1974

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Ark ID: w6s620kd

SNAC ID: 52581726