New York (State). State Board of Charities

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Legislation enacted in 1875 (Chapter 141) required superintendents of the poor, and other officers charged with relief and support of indigent persons, to furnish keepers and officers in charge of poorhouses and almshouses with "as full information as practicable in relation to each person" whom they had referred to such institutions. Keepers and officers in charge of poorhouses and almshouses were required to record this information on standard forms, retain the forms in their respective institutions, and submit copies thereof to the State Board of Charities on a monthly basis.

From the guide to the Registers of tramps applying for relief, 1875-1876, (New York State Archives)

Chapter 140 of the laws of 1875 required almshouses and poorhouses in New York State to keep records on individual inmates and to send copies of these records to the State Board of Charities each month. At a conference of the state's county superintendents of the poor, a committee developed the initial standard form used for census reporting. These forms were used until 1905, when the State Board of Charities introduced a revised version. A form was completed for each inmate upon admission and batches were sent to the Board of Charities monthly as directed by the 1875 statute.

From the guide to the Census of inmates in almshouses and poorhouses, 1826-1921, bulk 1875-1921, (New York State Archives)

The investigation grew out of an application to the Board on April 16, 1913 for its approval of a proposed amended certificate of incorporation extending the corporate purposes of the Society.

The Board's approval was required by law if the certificate specified care of children or certain other purposes. A public hearing held by the Board on November 7, 1913 to determine the merits of the application was inconclusive, and the Board appointed a special committee to further investigate the Society in accordance with provisions of the State Charities Law.

From the description of Investigation background files concerning the International Sunshine Society, 1909-1916. (New York State Archives). WorldCat record id: 80471122

New York's first publicly-supported institution for dependents was established in New York City in 1734. Opened in 1736, the "House of Correction, Workhouse and Poorhouse" housed the poor who refused to work, the poor who were unable to work, and the poor who were willing but unable to find work. Following the opening of this institution, more poorhouses were opened throughout the province.

New York's first general hospital, established in 1771 and opened in 1791, also was in New York City. This was the province's first publicly-funded institution providing medical aid to the poor.

Meanwhile, increased legislative activity attempted to cope with New York's growing dependent population. A poor law enacted in 1773 (Chapter 1600) was the last and most comprehensive colonial New York poor law. It still relied on removal of non-resident poor as in previous poor laws. Parents and grandparents of dependents were required to provide as much of their support as possible.

The first state poor law, passed in 1784 (Chapter 35), was similar to the 1773 law but increased local responsibility. The law divided parishes into districts, each of which was responsible for its own poor. Another law in 1788 (Chapter 62) made each town or city responsible for its poor. All towns and cities were authorized to build almshouses if desired. The poor could apply for relief to the overseers, who for the first time were required to register all applicants for and recipients of poor relief. The overseers could place children in indentureships or apprenticeships. However, this law, and similar laws and amendments passed in 1801, 1809, 1813, 1817, and 1821, continued to focus on removal of the poor.

Private organizations increased their public welfare efforts in the early 19th century, especially in New York City, where the extent and variety of need was greatest. In 1806 the city's Orphan Asylum Society founded New York's first orphan asylum. In 1818 the Society for the Prevention of Pauperism was founded, soon becoming a leading New York City public welfare agency. It became the Society for the Reformation of Juvenile Delinquents in 1823 and the following year established the New York of Refuge, the first juvenile reformatory in the United States. The House of Refuge received city and state funding in addition to private support.

The government lagged behind private relief efforts but did become increasingly involved during the 19th century. A law of 1824 (Chapter 331) directed specified counties to establish and provide tax support for a poorhouse; the remaining counties were also authorized to establish poorhouses. County supervisors were to appoint superintendents to run the county poorhouses. Town overseers could send paupers applying for relief to the poorhouse and could also send beggars under age 15 to be "instructed in...labor" until they could be self-supporting. The poorhouse superintendent could direct inmates to work to cover the cost of their support.

A growing number of publicly-funded institutions were established. The New York City Lunatic Asylum on Blackwell's Island, founded in 1834, was the first municipal mental hospital in the United States. The State Hospital for the Insane at Utica, established by a law of 1842 (Chapter 135), was the first charitable institution controlled entirely by the state and was responsible to the State Legislature. The Western House of Refuge in Rochester, established in 1846 (Chapter 143), was the first American juvenile reformatory controlled entirely by a state and was also responsible to the Legislature.

Later, the state formed government agencies to handle specific relief efforts or to coordinate public welfare activities. The Board of Commissioners of Emigration, established in 1847 (Chapter 483), was the first state body functioning in public welfare. The Board supervised care of needy immigrants and was responsible to the Legislature until its dissolution in 1891.

A law of 1867 (Chapter 951) established a Board of State Commissioners of Public Charities. The Board was comprised of eight gubernatorial appointees, one from each judicial district. It supervised charitable and correctional institutions (except prisons) receiving state funding and was directed to visit each institution annually to check expenditures, conditions, instruction of inmates, conduct of officials, accomplishment of the institution's stated objectives, and compliance with the law; these powers extended to all city and county poorhouses. A law of 1871 (Chapter 699) authorized the Board to investigate charges regarding the conduct of institution staff and officers and empowered the Board to subpoena witnesses and administer oaths.

In 1873 (Chapter 571) the Board was renamed the State Board of Charities and was enlarged to #11 members, with one additional member from Kings County and two additional members from New York County. Its powers were extended to all (public or private) institutions for the insane and to charitable, correctional (except prisons), and reformatory institutions whether or not receiving public funds. The Board was authorized to gather statistics and other information from institutions and to suggest legislation concerning public or private assistance and the care and treatment of the insane. All insane asylums were to obtain a license from the Board; the Board was to visit the institution before issuing a license.

The law also directed the Governor to appoint a State Commissioner in Lunacy who would be an ex officio member of the Board. The Commissioner was to study the condition of the insane in New York, study the management and conduct of institutions for the insane, and perform other related duties as directed by the Board. Later (Laws of 1874, Chapter 446), the Commissioner was given power to license institutions for the insane (previously a Board function).

The Board's role in public welfare activities increased in the late 1800s. A law of 1875 (Chapter 140) required each almshouse or poorhouse to keep records on individual inmates and to send copies of the records to the Board each month. The "Children's Law" (Chapter 173), passed the same year as the result of the Board's 1875 report to the Legislature, prohibited admission of children over age 3 or under 16 to poorhouses unless insane, epileptic, or otherwise "unfit for family care;" children were instead sent to orphan asylums or placed with families.

In 1894 (Chapter 171), the Board was authorized to approve or disapprove the organization and incorporation of institutions for children. The Board could also apply to the Supreme Court to cancel the certificate of incorporation of institutions of which the Board disapproved.

Also in the late 1800s the state reorganized public welfare functions and responsibilities. A law of 1889 (Chapter 283) established a State Commission in Lunancy comprised of three gubernatorial appointees who replaced and assumed the functions of the Commissioner in Lunacy. The Commission was independent of the Board of Charities and was responsible to the Legislature. It assumed the visitation, inspection and record keeping duties connected with the supervision of insane asylums. All institutions (including poorhouses) housing the insane were to report annually to the Commission.

Article VIII of the Constitution of 1894 made the Board of Charities a constitutional body responsible for the supervision, visitation, and inspection of all charitable, correctional, and reformatory institutions except those supervised by the Commission in Lunacy or the Prison Commission. A law of 1895 (Chapter 771) consolidated and clarified all laws regarding the Board of Charities. The "State Charities Law" passed in 1896 (Chapter 546) limited the Board's supervision to institutions receiving state aid but also extended its authority to dispensaries. Another member from New York County was added, bringing the total Board membership to 12.

The "Poor Law" of 1896 (Chapter 225) repealed most previous poor laws and clarified the role of state and local poor relief officers and of the Board's duties regarding the poor. The Board was to administer laws concerning the poor; investigate conditions of the poor and plan for their relief; advise and correct almshouse managers on their management, the treatment of inmates, and related issues; visit and inspect almshouses; and approve plans and designs for almshouse construction.

The law also called for County Superintendents of the Poor to report annually to the Board of Charities; superintend the care of county poor using county funds; and provide, maintain, and supervise an almshouse. If there was no county almshouse, the Superintendent could direct town Overseers of the Poor to provide relief. The Superintendent could also direct temporary or outdoor relief.

Overseers of the Poor were given power of approval of relief applications and were to send applicants to the county almshouse or arrange other relief. The Overseers reported to their town board; the town boards reported to the County Superintendents of the Poor who in turn reported to the Board of Charities.

The duties of the Superintendent of State Alien and Poor were equivalent to those of County Superintendents but related to the poor with no 60-day residence in any New York county in the last year. He was to visit and inspect state almshouses, keep records of all state poor inmates, and report annually to the Board of Charities.

Public welfare was again reorganized in the 1920s. The Constitution of 1925 transferred some Board of Charities functions to the new departments of Mental Hygiene and Correction. A 1926 law (Chapter 651) established the Department of Charities with the Board as its executive body. The Department assumed the Board's functions. The Board retained its structure and its visitation and inspection functions. The Commission of the Blind and the non-education functions of the Bureau of Indian Affairs were placed in the Department of Charities.

The Public Welfare Law of 1929 (Chapter 565) superseded the Poor Law and repealed about 140 special laws related to counties. The law clarified the financial responsibilities of counties, cities, and towns and gave public welfare officials greater latitude to provide for the needy. More emphasis was placed on home care (rather than institutionalization) and on medical care for the sick.

A law of 1929 (Chapter 654) changed the name of the Department to the Department of Social Welfare. The Board's name was changed to the Board of Social Welfare.

The Board was reorganized in 1936 (Chapter 873). The 12-member, 8-year-term Board was abolished, and the Governor appointed a new 15-member, 5-year-term Board. The Board had power to appoint and remove a Commissioner of Public Welfare, and its role toward public welfare institutions and officials became more regulatory and advisory and less administrative. The Board was to make rules regarding administration of social welfare programs; determine the principals upon which the state welfare programs; determine the principals upon which the state and local governments would provide public relief; advise local welfare institutions and officials; establish general rules for the functioning of institutions; and inspect institutions.

A constitutional amendment of 1938 clarified the Board's powers of inspection of all public and private state-funded charitable, correctional, or reformatory institutions except those for the blind, deaf, or dumb and those supervised by the Department of Mental Hygiene or the Department of Correction. If an institution received no state funding, the Board could still inspect it for health, safety, and treatment and training of inmates.

A law of 1940 (Chapter 619) combined the Public Welfare and State Charities laws. Board of Social Welfare was continued as the executive body of the Department with authority to establish public assistance policies and advise local welfare officials and agencies.

A law of 1967 (Chapter 728) changed the name of Department to the Department of Social Services (The Board's name was not changed since it was set forth in the constitution). Chapter 55 of the state's Consolidated Laws was now the Social Services Law; and the term "social services" replaced "social welfare" and "public welfare" in the laws and in the names of government institutions.

In 1971 (Chapter 110) the Board of Social Welfare was removed from the Department of Social Services and established as a separate agency within the executive department. The Bureau of Proprietary Organizations, which had the power of approval of certificates of incorporation, was also removed from the Department and placed under the Board. The power to name a commissioner of social services was removed from the Board and assigned to the Governor, and the authority of the Board to regulate the administration of local public assistance was transferred to the Department. The Board's direct supervision of child and adult care institutions was transferred to other state agencies. The Board continued to exercise its traditional, constitutional functions relating to the visitation, inspection, and setting of standards for institutions and agencies caring for dependent, neglected or delinquent children, the aged, indigent, disabled and disadvantaged.

A 1977 law (Chapter 669) further clarified and expanded the Board's responsibility to act as an independent overseer, to review, report and make recommendations concerning implementation of state policies nad programs for child and adult care, and to monitor the quality of administration of these programs by responsible state and local agencies. The Board's responsibility for regulation of charitable fund raising (begun under a 1956 law) was transferred to the Department of State.

At present the Board, consisting of fifteen members appointed by the Governor, and with a staff headed by an executive director, visits and inspects charitable institutions, conducts investigations and holds hearings, conducts special research and analyses of state policies and programs affecting child and adult care, reviews and comments on proposed legislation and regulations, and encourages new or improved social welfare programs.

From the description of State Board of Charities Agency History Record. (New York State Archives). WorldCat record id: 84471798

New York's first publicly-supported institution for dependents was established in New York City in 1734. Opened in 1736, the "House of Correction, Workhouse and Poorhouse" housed the poor who refused to work, the poor who were unable to work, and the poor who were willing but unable to find work. Following the opening of this institution, more poorhouses were opened throughout the province.

New York's first general hospital, established in 1771 and opened in 1791, also was in New York City. This was the province's first publicly-funded institution providing medical aid to the poor.

Meanwhile, increased legislative activity attempted to cope with New York's growing dependent population. A poor law enacted in 1773 (Chapter 1600) was the last and most comprehensive colonial New York poor law. It still relied on removal of non-resident poor as in previous poor laws. Parents and grandparents of dependents were required to provide as much of their support as possible.

The first state poor law, passed in 1784 (Chapter 35), was similar to the 1773 law but increased local responsibility. The law divided parishes into districts, each of which was responsible for its own poor. Another law in 1788 (Chapter 62) made each town or city responsible for its poor. All towns and cities were authorized to build almshouses if desired. The poor could apply for relief to the overseers, who for the first time were required to register all applicants for and recipients of poor relief. The overseers could place children in indentureships or apprenticeships. However, this law, and similar laws and amendments passed in 1801, 1809, 1813, 1817, and 1821, continued to focus on removal of the poor.

Private organizations increased their public welfare efforts in the early 19th century, especially in New York City, where the extent and variety of need was greatest. In 1806 the city's Orphan Asylum Society founded New York's first orphan asylum. In 1818 the Society for the Prevention of Pauperism was founded, soon becoming a leading New York City public welfare agency. It became the Society for the Reformation of Juvenile Delinquents in 1823 and the following year established the New York House of Refuge, the first juvenile reformatory in the United States. The House of Refuge received city and state funding in addition to private support.

The government lagged behind private relief efforts but did become increasingly involved during the 19th century. A law of 1824 (Chapter 331) directed specified counties to establish and provide tax support for a poorhouse; the remaining counties were also authorized to establish poorhouses. County supervisors were to appoint superintendents to run the county poorhouses. Town overseers could send paupers applying for relief to the poorhouse and could also send beggars under age 15 to be "instructed in...labor" until they could be self-supporting. The poorhouse superintendent could direct inmates to work to cover the cost of their support.

A growing number of publicly-funded institutions were established. The New York City Lunatic Asylum on Blackwell's Island, founded in 1834, was the first municipal mental hospital in the United States. The State Hospital for the Insane at Utica, established by a law of 1842 (Chapter 135), was the first charitable institution controlled entirely by the state and was responsible to the State Legislature. The Western House of Refuge in Rochester, established in 1846 (Chapter 143), was the first American juvenile reformatory controlled entirely by a state and was also responsible to the Legislature.

Later, the state formed government agencies to handle specific relief efforts or to coordinate public welfare activities. The Board of Commissioners of Emigration, established in 1847 (Chapter 483), was the first state body functioning in public welfare. The Board supervised care of needy immigrants and was responsible to the Legislature until its dissolution in 1891.

A law of 1867 (Chapter 951) established a Board of State Commissioners of Public Charities. The Board was comprised of eight gubernatorial appointees, one from each judicial district. It supervised charitable and correctional institutions (except prisons) receiving state funding and was directed to visit each institution annually to check expenditures, conditions, instruction of inmates, conduct of officials, accomplishment of the institution's stated objectives, and compliance with the law; these powers extended to all city and county poorhouses. A law of 1871 (Chapter 699) authorized the Board to investigate charges regarding the conduct of institution staff and officers and empowered the Board to subpoena witnesses and administer oaths.

In 1873 (Chapter 571) the Board was renamed the State Board of Charities and was enlarged to #11 members, with one additional member from Kings County and two additional members from New York County. Its powers were extended to all (public or private) institutions for the insane and to charitable, correctional (except prisons), and reformatory institutions whether or not receiving public funds. The Board was authorized to gather statistics and other information from institutions and to suggest legislation concerning public or private assistance and the care and treatment of the insane. All insane asylums were to obtain a license from the Board; the Board was to visit the institution before issuing a license.

The law also directed the Governor to appoint a State Commissioner in Lunacy who would be an ex officio member of the Board. The Commissioner was to study the condition of the insane in New York, study the management and conduct of institutions for the insane, and perform other related duties as directed by the Board. Later (Laws of 1874, Chapter 446), the Commissioner was given power to license institutions for the insane (previously a Board function).

The Board's role in public welfare activities increased in the late 1800s. A law of 1875 (Chapter 140) required each almshouse or poorhouse to keep records on individual inmates and to send copies of the records to the Board each month. The "Children's Law" (Chapter 173), passed the same year as the result of the Board's 1875 report to the Legislature, prohibited admission of children over age 3 or under 16 to poorhouses unless insane, epileptic, or otherwise "unfit for family care;" children were instead sent to orphan asylums or placed with families.

In 1894 (Chapter 171), the Board was authorized to approve or disapprove the organization and incorporation of institutions for children. The Board could also apply to the Supreme Court to cancel the certificate of incorporation of institutions of which the Board disapproved.

Also in the late 1800s the state reorganized public welfare functions and responsibilities. A law of 1889 (Chapter 283) established a State Commission in Lunancy comprised of three gubernatorial appointees who replaced and assumed the functions of the Commissioner in Lunacy. The Commission was independent of the Board of Charities and was responsible to the Legislature. It assumed the visitation, inspection and record keeping duties connected with the supervision of insane asylums. All institutions (including poorhouses) housing the insane were to report annually to the Commission.

Article VIII of the Constitution of 1894 made the Board of Charities a constitutional body responsible for the supervision, visitation, and inspection of all charitable, correctional, and reformatory institutions except those supervised by the Commission in Lunacy or the Prison Commission. A law of 1895 (Chapter 771) consolidated and clarified all laws regarding the Board of Charities. The "State Charities Law" passed in 1896 (Chapter 546) limited the Board's supervision to institutions receiving state aid but also extended its authority to dispensaries. Another member from New York County was added, bringing the total Board membership to 12.

The "Poor Law" of 1896 (Chapter 225) repealed most previous poor laws and clarified the role of state and local poor relief officers and of the Board's duties regarding the poor. The Board was to administer laws concerning the poor; investigate conditions of the poor and plan for their relief; advise and correct almshouse managers on their management, the treatment of inmates, and related issues; visit and inspect almshouses; and approve plans and designs for almshouse construction.

The law also called for County Superintendents of the Poor to report annually to the Board of Charities; superintend the care of county poor using county funds; and provide, maintain, and supervise an almshouse. If there was no county almshouse, the Superintendent could direct town Overseers of the Poor to provide relief. The Superintendent could also direct temporary or outdoor relief.

Overseers of the Poor were given power of approval of relief applications and were to send applicants to the county almshouse or arrange other relief. The Overseers reported to their town board; the town boards reported to the County Superintendents of the Poor who in turn reported to the Board of Charities.

The duties of the Superintendent of State Alien and Poor were equivalent to those of County Superintendents but related to the poor with no 60-day residence in any New York county in the last year. He was to visit and inspect state almshouses, keep records of all state poor inmates, and report annually to the Board of Charities.

Public welfare was again reorganized in the 1920s. The Constitution of 1925 transferred some Board of Charities functions to the new departments of Mental Hygiene and Correction. A 1926 law (Chapter 651) established the Department of Charities with the Board as its executive body. The Department assumed the Board's functions. The Board retained its structure and its visitation and inspection functions. The Commission of the Blind and the non-education functions of the Bureau of Indian Affairs were placed in the Department of Charities.

The Public Welfare Law of 1929 (Chapter 565) superseded the Poor Law and repealed about 140 special laws related to counties. The law clarified the financial responsibilities of counties, cities, and towns and gave public welfare officials greater latitude to provide for the needy. More emphasis was placed on home care (rather than institutionalization) and on medical care for the sick.

A law of 1929 (Chapter 654) changed the name of the Department to the Department of Social Welfare. The Board's name was changed to the Board of Social Welfare.

The Board was reorganized in 1936 (Chapter 873). The 12-member, 8-year-term Board was abolished, and the Governor appointed a new 15-member, 5-year-term Board. The Board had power to appoint and remove a Commissioner of Public Welfare, and its role toward public welfare institutions and officials became more regulatory and advisory and less administrative. The Board was to make rules regarding administration of social welfare programs; determine the principals upon which the state welfare programs; determine the principals upon which the state and local governments would provide public relief; advise local welfare institutions and officials; establish general rules for the functioning of institutions; and inspect institutions.

A constitutional amendment of 1938 clarified the Board's powers of inspection of all public and private state-funded charitable, correctional, or reformatory institutions except those for the blind, deaf, or dumb and those supervised by the Department of Mental Hygiene or the Department of Correction. If an institution received no state funding, the Board could still inspect it for health, safety, and treatment and training of inmates.

A law of 1940 (Chapter 619) combined the Public Welfare and State Charities laws. Board of Social Welfare was continued as the executive body of the Department with authority to establish public assistance policies and advise local welfare officials and agencies.

A law of 1967 (Chapter 728) changed the name of Department to the Department of Social Services (The Board's name was not changed since it was set forth in the constitution). Chapter 55 of the state's Consolidated Laws was now the Social Services Law; and the term "social services" replaced "social welfare" and "public welfare" in the laws and in the names of government institutions.

In 1971 (Chapter 110) the Board of Social Welfare was removed from the Department of Social Services and established as a separate agency within the executive department. The Bureau of Proprietary Organizations, which had the power of approval of certificates of incorporation, was also removed from the Department and placed under the Board. The power to name a commissioner of social services was removed from the Board and assigned to the Governor, and the authority of the Board to regulate the administration of local public assistance was transferred to the Department. The Board's direct supervision of child and adult care institutions was transferred to other state agencies. The Board continued to exercise its traditional, constitutional functions relating to the visitation, inspection, and setting of standards for institutions and agencies caring for dependent, neglected or delinquent children, the aged, indigent, disabled and disadvantaged.

A 1977 law (Chapter 669) further clarified and expanded the Board's responsibility to act as an independent overseer, to review, report and make recommendations concerning implementation of state policies nad programs for child and adult care, and to monitor the quality of administration of these programs by responsible state and local agencies. The Board's responsibility for regulation of charitable fund raising (begun under a 1956 law) was transferred to the Department of State.

At present the Board, consisting of fifteen members appointed by the Governor, and with a staff headed by an executive director, visits and inspects charitable institutions, conducts investigations and holds hearings, conducts special research and analyses of state policies and programs affecting child and adult care, reviews and comments on proposed legislation and regulations, and encourages new or improved social welfare programs.

From the New York State Archives, Cultural Education Center, Albany, NY. Agency record NYSV87-A302

Archival Resources
Role Title Holding Repository
creatorOf New York (State). State Board of Charities. Annual reports of orphan asylums and homes for the friendless, 1873-1896. New York State Archives
creatorOf New York (State). State Board of Charities. Forms book, [ca. 1900] New York State Archives
creatorOf New York (State). State Board of Charities. Photographs and floor plans of charitable institutions, [ca. 1867-1903] New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Outgoing correspondence authorizing the execution of enclosed drafts, 1902-1911. New York State Archives
creatorOf Thomas Indian School children's daily diet logs New York State Archives
creatorOf Thomas Indian School children's case files New York State Archives
creatorOf New York (State). State Board of Charities. Annual reports of dispensaries, 1869-1896, bulk 1873-1896. New York State Archives
creatorOf New York (State). State Board of Charities. State Board of Charities Agency History Record. New York State Archives
creatorOf New York (State). State Board of Charities. Reports on institutionalized epileptics, 1895. New York State Archives
creatorOf New York (State). State Board of Charities. Investigation background files concerning the International Sunshine Society, 1909-1916. New York State Archives
creatorOf Thomas Indian School Superintendent's daily diaries New York State Archives
creatorOf Thomas Indian School farm expenditure and production journals New York State Archives
creatorOf Thomas Indian School treasurer's monthly reports New York State Archives
creatorOf New York (State). State Board of Charities. Census summaries and transmittal letters of select almshouses, 1900-1914 (bulk 1900-1904) New York State Archives
creatorOf New York (State). State Board of Charities. Registers of tramps applying for relief, 1875-1876. New York State Archives
creatorOf New York (State). State Board of Charities. Reports on non-institutionalized epileptics receiving public relief, 1895. New York State Archives
creatorOf Register of trustees, Indian children, and visitors New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Commission to Investigate Provision for the Mentally Deficient. Public hearing testimony, 1914-1915. New York State Archives
creatorOf New York (State). State Board of Charities. Albany County Alms House daily reports of admissions and discharges, 1903-1904. New York State Archives
creatorOf New York (State). State Board of Charities. Records of an investigation into the administration of the Rensselaer County Almshouse, 1905-1906. New York State Archives
creatorOf Albion State Training School. Inmate ledgers, 1894-1948. New York State Archives
referencedIn William Rhinelander Stewart papers, 1882-1929 New York Public Library. Manuscripts and Archives Division
referencedIn New York (State). Commissioner to Examine and Investigate the Management and Affairs of the Office of the Fiscal Supervisor of State Charities, the State Board of Charities, the Sites, Buildings and Grounds Commission, the Building Improvement Commission, and the Salary Classification Commission. Investigation correspondence, transcripts, and printed materials, 1915-1928 (bulk 1915-1918). New York State Archives
creatorOf New York State Reformatory (Elmira, N.Y.). Inmate nationality register, [ca. 1908-1915] New York State Archives
creatorOf New York (State). State Board of Charities. Register of insane in county poorhouses, 1871. New York State Archives
creatorOf Hall, Prescott F. (Prescott Farnsworth), 1868-1921. [Immigration magazine articles : pamphlet collection]. HCL Technical Services, Harvard College Library
creatorOf Photographs of activities and facilities New York State Archives
creatorOf Thomas Indian School Register of Visitors New York State Archives
referencedIn New York House of Refuge. Testimony and reports regarding special investigations, 1902-1911. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York House of Refuge. Annual inventories of property, 1911-1934. New York State Archives
creatorOf New York (State). State Board of Charities. Printed reports, 1884-1915. New York State Archives
creatorOf New York (State). State Board of Charities. Photographs of custodial facilities in New York and other states, [ca. 1890-1915] New York State Archives
creatorOf New York (State). State Board of Charities. Lists of physicians, 1871. New York State Archives
creatorOf New York (State). State Board of Charities. Questionnaires on hospital accommodations of county poorhouses, 1881. New York State Archives
creatorOf New York (State). State Board of Charities. Annual reports of incorporated charities, 1870-1871. New York State Archives
creatorOf New York (State). State Board of Charities. Examinations of dependents in county and city institutions, 1874-1875, bulk 1874. New York State Archives
creatorOf New York (State). State Board of Charities. Annual reports on poorhouses and almshouses, 1869-1896. New York State Archives
creatorOf NYSA A1978.xml New York State Archives
creatorOf Thomas Indian School ledger accounts New York State Archives
creatorOf Registers of tramps applying for relief, 1875-1876 New York State Archives
creatorOf Thomas Indian School Correspondence and Subject Files New York State Archives
creatorOf Child commitment contracts New York State Archives
creatorOf New York (State). State Board of Charities. Charities regulation reference file, 1927-1932. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Commission to Investigate Provision for the Mentally Deficient. Photographs of custodial institutions for the mentally deficient, [ca. 1910-1914] New York State Archives
referencedIn Monthly reports and minutes of meetings of boards of managers of state institutions New York State Archives
referencedIn Mental Health Association in New York State. Mental Health Association in New York State (MHANYS) Archives, 1872-2001. New York State Historical Documents Inventory
referencedIn John Notman papers, 1849-1914 Center for Brooklyn History (2020-)
creatorOf New York (State). State Board of Charities. Annual reports of hospitals, 1873-1896. New York State Archives
creatorOf Stewart, William Rhinelander, 1852-1929. William Rhinelander Stewart papers, 1882-1929. New York Public Library System, NYPL
creatorOf NYSA A1990.xml New York State Archives
creatorOf Western House of Refuge for Women. Board of Managers. Annual reports, 1902-1922. New York State Archives
creatorOf New York (State). State Board of Charities. Reports of visits to institutions, 1878-1879. New York State Archives
creatorOf New York (State). State Board of Charities. List of bench marks on property of New York State Training School for Boys, 1909. New York State Archives
creatorOf Thomas Indian School journal accounts New York State Archives
creatorOf New York (State). State Board of Charities. Hearing transcripts of the Strong Investigation of charges against the State Board of Charities, 1916. New York State Archives
creatorOf New York (State). State Board of Charities. Correspondence, 1867-1902. New York State Archives
creatorOf New York (State). State Board of Charities. Register of children removed from poorhouses, 1873-1874. New York State Archives
creatorOf New York (State). State Board of Charities. Photographs of proposed site for the State Training School for Boys, [ca. 1908-1909] New York State Archives
creatorOf Thomas Asylum for Orphan and Destitute Indian Children statistical and financial reports New York State Archives
creatorOf Census of inmates in almshouses and poorhouses, 1826-1921, bulk 1875-1921 New York State Archives
creatorOf Monthly farm production reports New York State Archives
creatorOf New York (State). State Board of Charities. List of incorporated charities' officers' addresses, 1870. New York State Archives
Role Title Holding Repository
Relation Name
associatedWith Albion State Training School. corporateBody
associatedWith Alden, Cynthia Westover. person
associatedWith Barrows, Isabel C. 1845-1913. person
associatedWith Barrows, Samuel J. 1845-1909. person
associatedWith Binghamton State Asylum for the Chronic Insane. corporateBody
associatedWith Brace, Charles Loring, 1826-1890. person
associatedWith Brockway, Zebulon R. 1827-1920. person
associatedWith Craig Colony for Epileptics. corporateBody
associatedWith Doherty, William J. person
associatedWith Dwight, Theodore W. 1822-1892. person
associatedWith Gray, John. person
associatedWith Howard, Samuel person
associatedWith Howard, Sanger & Co. (New York, N.Y.). corporateBody
associatedWith International Sunshine Society. corporateBody
associatedWith Kingsbury, John A. person
associatedWith Lowell, Josephine Shaw, 1843-1905. person
associatedWith Mental Health Association in New York State. corporateBody
associatedWith New York House of Refuge. corporateBody
associatedWith New York House of Refuge. corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). Commissioner to Examine and Investigate the Management and Affairs of the Office of the Fiscal Supervisor of State Charities, the State Board of Charities, the Sites, Buildings and Grounds Commission, the Building Improvement Commission, and the Salary Classification Commission. corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). Commission to Investigate Provision for the Mentally Deficient. corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). Commission to Investigate Provision for the Mentally Deficient. corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). Comptroller's Office. corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). Dept. of Charities. corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). Governor. corporateBody
associatedWith New York State Reformatory (Elmira, N.Y.) corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). Rensselaer County Almshouse. corporateBody
associatedWith New York State Training School for Boys. corporateBody
associatedWith Notman, George person
associatedWith Notman, John, 1851-1907 person
associatedWith Notman, Peter person
associatedWith Ordronaux, John, 1830-1908. person
associatedWith Sanborn, F. B. 1831-1917. person
associatedWith Sanger, Henry person
associatedWith Schuyler, Louisa Lee. person
associatedWith Stewart, William Rhinelander, 1852-1929. person
associatedWith Strong, Charles H., 1865-1949. person
associatedWith Thomas Asylum for Orphan and Destitute Indian Children. corporateBody
associatedWith Thomas Asylum for Orphan and Destitute Indian Children. corporateBody
associatedWith Thomas Asylum for Orphan and Destitute Indian Children. corporateBody
associatedWith Thomas Indian School. corporateBody
associatedWith Thomas Indian School. corporateBody
associatedWith Thomas Indian School. corporateBody
associatedWith Thomas Indian School. corporateBody
associatedWith Thomas Indian School. corporateBody
associatedWith Thomas Indian School. corporateBody
associatedWith Thomas Indian School. corporateBody
associatedWith Thomas Indian School. corporateBody
associatedWith Thomas Indian School. corporateBody
associatedWith Thomas Indian School. corporateBody
associatedWith Thomas Indian School. corporateBody
associatedWith Western House of Refuge for Women. Board of Managers. corporateBody
associatedWith Wilmot, William. person
associatedWith Wines, Frederick Howard, 1838-1912. person
associatedWith World's Columbian Exposition (1893 : Chicago, Ill.) corporateBody
Place Name Admin Code Country
New York (State)
New York (State)
New York (State)
New York (State)
New York (State)
New York (State)
New York (N.Y.)
New York (State)
New York (State)
New York (State)
New York (State)
New York (State)
New York (N.Y.)
Richmond County (N.Y.)
New York (State)
New York (State)
New York (State)
New York (State)
New York (State)
Brooklyn County (N.Y.)
New York (State)
New York (State)
New York (State)
New York (State)
New York (State)
New York (State)
New York (State)
New York (State)
New York (State)
New York (State)
New York (State)
New York (State)
New York (State)
New York (State)
Rockland County (N.Y.)
New York (State)
New York (State)
Alms houses
Charitable institutions
Charitable organizations
Charities, Medical
Charity laws and legislation
Child welfare
Psychiatric hospitals
Mental health
Inmates of institutions
Institutional care
Juvenile detention facilities
Mentally ill
Mentally ill
Mentally ill
Mentally ill Care
People with mental disabilities
People with mental disabilities
People with mental disabilities
Poor relief
Private charities
Psychiatric hospital care
Psychiatric hospital patients
Public welfare
Social service
Transient, Relief of
Administering almshouses
Administering welfare services
Assisting patients
Monitoring welfare services
Public welfare
Records management
Supervising patients

Corporate Body

Active 1873

Active 1874



Ark ID: w6129qv4

SNAC ID: 52189527