1885 lieutenant Leinster regiment; 1887 Indian Staff Corps; 1891-1892 served in Burma; 1896 Captain, Indian army and gold medal, United Service Institution of India; 1897-1898 plague duty, Bombay; 1901-1906 deputy assistant adjutant general, headquarters Staff, India; 1903 major; 1906 lieutenant-colonel; 1906-1909 deputy secretary, army department, government of India; 1909 CIE; 1909-1911 commandant 7th DCO Rajputs; 1910 brevet-colonel; 1911 colonel; 1911-1914 general staff officer, 1st grade, headquarters staff, India; 1914 brigadier-general for administration; 1915 brigade commander; 1915 major-general and CB; 1916-1921 secretary, army department, government of India; 1918 KCIE; 1920 lieutenant-general; 1921 retired.
Epithet: army officer in India
Title: Knight
British Library Archives and Manuscripts Catalogue : Person : Description : ark:/81055/vdc_100000001394.0x0001d4
Bingley, Alfred Horsford, Sir, 1865-1944, Knight, army officer in India
Shared Related Resources
Bingley, A. H., 1865-1944
Bingley, A. H., 1865-1944
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