Graham Marks and his wife, Megan Staffel, were active in the successful struggle to keep New York State from locating its low-level radioactive waste (LLRW) dump in Allegany County. They were active members of Allegany County Nonviolent Action Group (ACNAG) as well as Concerned Citizens of Allegany County (CCAC). Megan Staffel, a professional writer, authored a paper on the effects of radiation on dairies that was distributed to dairy farmers within Allegany County. Graham Marks wrote many letters to the editor that were published in regional newspapers and he was arrested for civil disobedience during a protest. Their collection was assembled as reference material for their writings and as a way to stay informed on the issue. Graham interviewed and videotaped John Gofman at his home in San Francisco. A leader in the field of health effects of low-level radioactivity, Gofman spoke about his background and addressed the people of Allegany County in their protest fight.
From the description of Graham Marks collection, 1988-1990. (New York State Historical Documents). WorldCat record id: 155415922