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MAR JACOB, Bishop of Batnæ, fourteen Sermons on various subjects imperfect;-a Sermon by Alar Ephraem. On vellum, of the ixth or xth century. Quarto. [14,588.]Saint Ephraem,; the Syrian: Sermons: Syriac.Mar Jacob, Bishop of Batnæ: Sermons and epistles..., 9th century-10th century
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FRAGMENTS of several manuscripts, containing parts of the Conversations of the Egyptian Fathers; of Questions to John, Bishop of Tela, and to Mar Jacob of Edessa; of an ascetic work, containing a chapter on Prayer, and the Dieta of Mar Esaias ; of a ..., 8th century-11th century
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SERMONS AND EPISTLES selected from St. Chrysostom, St. Xystus, Marcus the Monk, Evagrius the Monk, Philoxenus, St. Basil, John the Monk, Abu Esaias the Monk, St. Gregory Theologus, Abraham the Monk, and St. Ephraem. On vellum, written in the year of ..., 0876
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ST. EPHRAEM SYRUS, metrical Sermons on the Ninevites ; very imperfect. On vellum, of the vith century. Small Quarto. [14,573.]Saint Ephraem,; the Syrian: Metrical sermons.: Syriac., 6th century
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S. GREGORII Papæ Dialogorum libri iv., f. 1 ;-S. Ephraemi Syri Homiliæ sex, Lat., f. 90 b.;-Magistri Johannis David, Toletani, "et omnium ejusdem loci Magistroruin," Prophetia, " anno Domini 1229 usque ad septem annos," f. 112 ; -" Versus Heinrici [..., 12th century
British Library |
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ST. EPHRAEM SYRUS, metrical Sermons; imperfect. On vellum, of the vith or viith century. Small Quarto. [l 4,572.]Saint Ephraem,; the Syrian: Metrical sermons.: Syriac., 6th century-7th century
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SERMONS of St. Chrysostom, on the Ascension, on Virginity and Repentance, and on Psal. LI. v. I ;-St. Ephraem, Sermon on Admonition;-Mar Jacob, Bishop of Batnæ, Sermons on the Prodigal son, on the Adulterer, on the impropriety of leaving the Church d..., 0653
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ST. EPHRAEM SYRUS, metrical Sermons on Paradise, and against the Emperor Julian ; imperfect. On vellum, of the vth or vith century. Small Quarto. [14,571]Saint Ephraem,; the Syrian: Metrical sermons.: Syriac., 5th century-6th century
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FRAGMENTS of two manuscripts, one containing part of St. Ephraem Syrus' Treatise against False Doctrines ; the other, part of his Sermons on Faith. On vellum, of the vth or vith century. Quarto. [14,574.]Saint Ephraem,; the Syrian: Sermons: Syriac.Sa..., 5th century-6th century
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ACCOUNT of the Egyptian Fathers;-The Testament of St. Ephraem Syrus;-Epistles of Macarius;-Sermons by Evagrius, John the Monk, Theophilus, Mar Isaac, Philoxenus, St. Ephraem, and Severus; of the xth or xith century ;-The Book of Serapion, the Ascetic..., 10th century-11th century
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THEOLOGICAL TREATISES, RELIGIOUS VERSE, MUSIC, INCUNABULA, ETC.; circa 1480-circa 1536. Mostly Latin. Partly imperfect. Partly printed. Possibly owned by John Portar al. Porter al. Smythe, monk of Durham Cathedral Priory, circa 1485-circa 1536 (see f..., 1475-1541
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Various Sermons by John the Monk, St. Chrysostom, Philoxenus, Mar Jacob, Bishop of Batnæ, and St. Ephraem; imperfect; in two columns. On vellum of the xth or xith century. Small Folio. [ 14,611 .]Philoxenus, Bishop of Mabug: Sermons. Syriac.John, the..., 5th century-6th century
British Library |
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VARIOUS FRAGMENTS, containing part of the Commentary on the Song of Songs, by Gregory of Nyssa; of the Hymns of Ephraem Syrus; and of the Sermons of Mar Jacob, on Fasting, and against the Jews. On vellum, of the vith century. Large Quarto. [14,635.]M..., 6th century
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LIVES Of holy Women;-A Letter of Athanasius to the virgins going to pray at Jerusalem;-Various Lives, by John of Asia, and others;-Alar Jacob, Sermons;-Ephraem Syrus, various Sermons. On vellum, written in the year of the Greeks 1161. (A.D. 850.) Sm..., 0850
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SELECTIONS from the Fathers, comprising sermons and treatises of Evagrius, Xystus, John the Monk, Jacob of Batnae, and Ephraim. At the end are some palimpsest leaves in a later hand, containing two sermons of John the Monk and Marcus the Monk, and a ..., 8th century-9th century
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LIVES of various Saints and Martyrs Sermons by Chrysostom, Epliraem, and Mar Jacob; imperfect. On paper, of the xith or xiith century. Quarto. [14,735.]Saints: Lives of Saints, Martyrs, and Bishops of the Eastern Churches: Syriac.Mar Jacob, Bishop of..., 11th century-12th century
British Library |
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ST. EPHREM, four Sermons;-Various extracts from Abu Esaias;-Epistle of Mar Elias, the Patriarch ;-Heads of knowledge for the use of monks, by Evagrius. On vellum, of the xth or xith century. Small Quarto. [14,615.]Evagrius: Heads of knowledge for th..., 10th century-11th century
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ST. EPHRAEM SYRUS, two Treatises; one against False Teachers, and the other upon our Lord. On vellum, of the vth or vith century. Octavo. [14,570]Saint Ephraem,; the Syrian: Treatise against false teachers, and treatise upon our Lord.: Syriac., 5th century-6th century
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PARTS of two manuscripts, containing various Sermons of Mar Abraham, Mar Jakob, Bishop of Batnæ, St. Chrysostom, Theophilus, and St. Ephraem ;-Epistles of Macarius; -Questions and answers of the Egyptian Fathers, and select sayings of the Philosophe..., 8th century-9th century
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SERMONS by St. Ephraem, St. Xystus or Sixtus, St. Basil, Mar Isaac, Bælwus, and Mar Jacob; of the vith or viith century;-Treatise of St. Cyril of Alexandria on Adoration in spirit and truth ; written before the year of the Greeks 864 (A.D. 553). On v..., 6th century-7th century
British Library |
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VARIOUS SERMONs by John the Monk, Evagrius, St. John Chrysostom, and Ephraem Syrus ;-The three Epistles of St. John, and the two of St. Peter. On vellum, of the ixth or xth century. Quarto. [l4,623.]John, the Monk: Epistles and sermons.: Syriac.Evagr..., 9th century-10th century
British Library |
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VARIOUS FRAGMENTS, containing part of the Dialogue of St. Cyril of Alexandria, "that Christ is one;" and parts of other theological works ; and of the Hymns of Ephraem Syrus. On vellum, of the vith, viith, viiith and ixth centuries. Quarto. [14,627.]..., 6th century-9th century
British Library |
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SELECTIONS from various Fathers, John Climacus, Gregory the Monk, St. Basil, St. Ephraem, St. Cyril, Philoxenus, Mar Isaac, Mar Jacob, Macarius, Severus, Nilus, etc. ; imperfect. On vellum, of the xith or xiith century. Small Quarto. [14,613.]Severus..., 6th century-7th century
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Various Sermons by Severus, St. Cyril, and others; -Office on the sufferings of our Lord, containing prayers and hymns by St. Ephraem and others;-Scholia on the works of St. Gregory of Nazianzum; imperfect. On paper, of the xiith or xiiith century...., 12th century-13th century
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THE TESTAMENT of Ephraem Syrus; imperfect;-The Testament of Adam;-Metrical Sermons by Mar Jacob, Bishop of Batnæ;-Life of Marcus the Monk. On vellum, of the ixth century. Quarto. [14,624]Marcus, the Monk: Life of.: Syriac.Mar Jacob, Bishop of Batnæ: ..., 9th century
British Library |
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METRICAL SERMONS of Ephraem Syrus. On vellum, of the vith or viith century; imperfect at the beginning and end. Folio. [12,176.]Saint Ephraem,; the Syrian: Metrical sermons.: Syriac., 6th century-7th century
British Library |
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MAR ISAAC, various Sermons;-Mar Jacob, metrical Sermons; imperfect;-Mar Ephraem, metrical Sermons; imperfect. On vellum, of the vith century. Quarto. [14,592.]Mar Jacob, Bishop of Batnæ: Metrical sermons.: Syriac.Mar Isaac: Sermons and hymns.: Syriac..., 6th century
British Library |