Van Alstein, P-Leopold, Baron of Ghent

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Title: Baron of Ghent

British Library Archives and Manuscripts Catalogue : Person : Description : ark:/81055/vdc_100000000923.0x000181

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Role Title Holding Repository
creatorOf 1. "BOCABULARIO [Chino-Españiol] de lengua Sangleya [a Chinese dialect spoken in the Philippine Islands] por las letraz de el A. B. C.," f. 2. 2. "Lo que deve saver el ministro para administrar los Sacramentos;" in the same dialect, f. 225. 3. "Arte ..., 18th century British Library
creatorOf "ARTE de la lengua general de la Ynga, llamada Iquechhua," or Quichua, the language of Peru. Following the grammar are "Confesionarios," or forms to be used in confession, in Quichua and in the dialects of the Peruvian tribes of the Amages and Chinch..., 18th century British Library
creatorOf "VOCABULARIO en la lengua Castellana, la del Ynga y Xebera." Paper; xviiith cent. Belonged to Baron P. L. van Alstein. Small Octavo., 18th century British Library
creatorOf CHINESE-LATIN dictionary by Basile de Glemona, a missionary in China. On f. 2 is the note, "Dictionnaire envoyé par Monsieur Raux, Superieur de la Mission Française à Peking pour M. [Chr. Louis Jos.] de Guignes, Resident à Quanton, 1788;" with the ar..., 18th century British Library
creatorOf VOCABULARY of the native languages of the district of Koonawur, or Kunawar, in the Bengal Presidency of India, by Lieutenant A. Gerard; 1824. Paper; belonged to Baron P. Leopold van Alstein, of Ghent. Folio., 1824 British Library
creatorOf HISTORY of Georgia from 1647 to 1757, compiled from the works of native writers, in Russian. Paper; xviiith cent. On f. 2 is a chronological list of principal events, in German, by H. J. Klaproth, to whom the MS. formerly belonged. It afterwards pass..., 18th century British Library
creatorOf HISTORIA de los varones insignes de la Compañia de Jesus del Peru, por el Padre Anello Oliva. Apparently autograph . An abstract, in French, of the first book was published in 1857 by H. Ternaux Compaus, with the title "Histoire du Pérou, par le P. A..., 17th century British Library
creatorOf "OSSETISCH, Dugorisch, Kurdische Wörtersammlung verglichen mit Zend, Pehlvi, und Persisch nebst anderen Sprachon;" by H[einrich] J[ulius] Klaproth; Tiflis, 6 May, 1808. Autograph. Paper. Belonged to Baron P. L. van Alstein. Folio. British Library
creatorOf "ARTE de la Lengua Cholona." At the end are notes by Fr. Pedro de la Mata; Truxillo, 21 Oct. 1748; -and by Fr. Geronimo Clota; S. Buenaventura del Valle, 19 Feb. 1772. Paper; xviiith cent. Belonged to Baron P. L. van Alstein. Octavo. British Library
creatorOf "VOCABULARIO de la lengua Cuniba [N. Peru] escrito por el Padre Fr. Buenaventura Marques, Predicador en Ucayali alias Manoa, del Castellano al Cunibo. . . .a favor del Colegio de Ocopa, 25 Dec. 1800." Paper. Belonged to Baron P. L. van Alstein. Small... British Library
creatorOf "GRAMATICA de la Lengua Xibera;" containing, in addition to the rules of grammar, prayers, catechisms, etc., in the Xibera dialect. Paper; xviiith cent. Belonged to Baron P. L. van Alstein. Small Octavo., 18th century British Library
creatorOf 1. "AANTEEKENINGEN omtrent de Daijris, of Opper-Vorsten, en de Sjogoens of Kroons Bevelbebberen, benevens het Jaarlijks Ceremonieel in het Paleis te Jedo, de Vijf groote Feest of Complimentdagen, en het Feest der Lantaarns," f. 2. 2. "Inleiding tot d..., 18th century British Library
creatorOf "EXHORTATIONUM Moralium pro Indis, praesertim harum Misisionum, duce partes: prima de Verbo Dei et tribus virtutibus theologicis; secunda de tribus Indorum vitijs, et festis eorum præcipuis." Sermons in the Quichua language of Peru. The second part o..., 18th century British Library
creatorOf "VERDADERA Fortuna de las Canarias y Breve Noticia de la Milagrosa Imagen de nuestra Señora del Pino de Gran Canaria. . . . [por] el R. P. Fr. Diego Henriquez, Minorita, Hijo de la Provincia de Sant Diego de Canaria," etc.; completed and licensed in ..., 1714 British Library
Role Title Holding Repository
Relation Name
Place Name Admin Code Country
Xeberos, Peru
Peru, South America
Canary Islands, Spain
Xeberos, Peru
Cholona, Peru
Chin Chin, China
Peru, South America
Georgia, Russia
Japan, Asia
Peru, South America
Koonawur, Bengal
Peru, South America


Active 1601

Active 1824

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Ark ID: w6998rpt

SNAC ID: 49821225