Raible, Robert.

Hide Profile

Robert Jules Raible (1899-1968) graduated from the University of Kentucky in 1921, Harvard Divinity School in 1925, and Harvard Graduate School of Education in 1929. In 1953, he received an honorary DD from Starr King School for the Ministry, Berkeley, California. Ordained to the Unitarian ministry in 1925, Raible served First Parish in Cambridge and All Souls in Greenfield, Massachusetts. He was also minister at the First Parish in Peterborough, New Hampshire. Most of his ministry was spent at the First Unitarian Church in Dallas, Texas. He was a prominent leader in the Dallas community, serving as president of the Dallas Mental Health Association and the Dallas Council of Human Relations. Rev. Raible wrote a leaflet titled The Elements of the Unitarian Religion, which was distributed nationally by the American Unitarian Association . In 1957, he preached a sermon on integration, titled Advice to the Dallas School Board, which received national media coverage.

From the guide to the Raible, Robert. Papers, 1913-1979., (Andover-Harvard Theological Library, Harvard Divinity School)

Archival Resources
Role Title Holding Repository
creatorOf Raible, Robert. Papers, 1913-1979. Andover-Harvard Theological Library
Role Title Holding Repository
Relation Name
associatedWith All Souls Church corporateBody
correspondedWith A. Powell Davies person
correspondedWith Arthur Foote person
associatedWith AUA corporateBody
correspondedWith Bert and Melissa Rice person
correspondedWith Bob and Mildred Raible person
associatedWith Bob Green person
correspondedWith Bob Raible person
correspondedWith Bob Weston person
correspondedWith Brandoch Lovely person
associatedWith Byron Kelham person
correspondedWith Carl Brannin person
correspondedWith Charles and Gertrude Raible person
correspondedWith Charles Gates person
correspondedWith Charles Joy person
associatedWith Charles Raible person
correspondedWith Chris person
correspondedWith Christopher Raible. person
correspondedWith Claire and Ken White person
correspondedWith Clifton Hoffman person
associatedWith Dallas TX, First Unitarian Church corporateBody
correspondedWith Dana Greeley person
correspondedWith Dan Huntington Fenn person
associatedWith Daniel Walker Howe person
associatedWith Dave Brown person
correspondedWith Delores Raible person
correspondedWith Don Jacobson person
correspondedWith Dorothy Spoerl person
associatedWith Dottie MacArthur. person
correspondedWith Duncan Howlett person
correspondedWith Dwight Brown person
correspondedWith Ed Darling person
correspondedWith Ernest Kuebler person
correspondedWith Fern Harper person
associatedWith First Parish corporateBody
associatedWith First Unitarian Church corporateBody
correspondedWith Frank Holmes person
correspondedWith Frank Ricker person
correspondedWith Frank Schramm person
correspondedWith Frank Schulman person
correspondedWith Frederick May Eliot person
correspondedWith Fred Miller person
correspondedWith Garland and Marie Raible person
correspondedWith George Spencer person
correspondedWith Gertrude Raible person
correspondedWith Hanslowe, Kurt person
associatedWith Harvard corporateBody
correspondedWith Henry Cheetham person
associatedWith Herman Kyle Nagel person
correspondedWith James Luther Adams person
associatedWith Jane Boyajian person
correspondedWith Jim Barr person
correspondedWith Jim Wilkes person
correspondedWith Joe Barth person
associatedWith John Kennedy's person
correspondedWith John Kielty person
correspondedWith Josiah Bartlett person
associatedWith Joyce Kilmer person
correspondedWith Khoren Arision person
correspondedWith Kurt Hanslowe person
correspondedWith Leonard Mason person
correspondedWith Leon Fay person
correspondedWith Leslie Pennington person
correspondedWith Lon Ray Call person
correspondedWith Mabel Mildred Galt Raible person
associatedWith Meadville Summer School corporateBody
associatedWith Meadville Theological School corporateBody
correspondedWith Mildred Raible person
associatedWith Mrs.) Owen Eames person
correspondedWith Munroe Husbands person
correspondedWith Pat Raible person
correspondedWith Paul Carnes person
correspondedWith Peter Raible person
correspondedWith Philip Schug person
associatedWith Prof. Johnson person
associatedWith Prof. Liveright person
associatedWith Raible, Mildred person
associatedWith Raible, Peter person
associatedWith Rex Aman person
correspondedWith Richard Gibbs person
correspondedWith Richard Kelley person
correspondedWith Robert Green person
correspondedWith Robert Sonen person
associatedWith R. Raible person
correspondedWith Ruth Clark person
correspondedWith Samuel Atkins Eliot person
correspondedWith Sidney Mead person
associatedWith Southwestern Unitarian Conference. corporateBody
correspondedWith Stephen Fritchman person
correspondedWith Todd Taylor person
associatedWith UUA corporateBody
correspondedWith Wallace Robbins person
correspondedWith Willard Sperry person
correspondedWith William Perry Bentley person
correspondedWith Willis Meyer person
Place Name Admin Code Country


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